• 2 months ago
We take to Market Drayton to see if anybody was making New years resolutions and probe them with some topical questions about events in the town and surroundings.
00:00So, what are your New Year's resolutions for 2025, if you have got any?
00:05Just to keep active really and, you know, sort of try and get out more in the garden and everything.
00:12Okay. You're out here market-drating today. Councillors have recently said that the town is on the up. Would you agree with that?
00:18I think so, yeah. It's all very busy. I've been in the library today, which is always really, really busy, so that's good.
00:26And a few councillors as well, recently speaking about empty shops in the town, big units and stores. Would you like to see them filled, personally?
00:33Definitely, yeah. It's a shame that there aren't more active shops. So, yeah, it would be nice to get some, not necessarily big companies in, but definitely fill up the empty ones.
00:45Do you think that would bring further increased footfall to the town?
00:48I think it would, yeah. I think it would, and especially if maybe the parking charges would help a lot as well.
00:55Yeah, parking's a topical issue. Do you think it should be made free, do you think, in areas like this?
01:00I think so, yeah, because I think that's the only way to bring more people in.
01:04And we've seen discussions recently, maybe potentially a bus service between Woodchurch and Market Drate and connecting it down with Wellington. Would you welcome that as a resident? Do you use the buses at all?
01:15I don't use the buses a lot, but I don't drive, so yeah, getting to Woodchurch would be good to be able to go on the bus.
01:22And do you think other residents would welcome such improvements to the town?
01:25Definitely, definitely. I think there's a lot of people that don't drive or can't drive, and it's important that they have the access to be able to do that.
01:35And finally, recently councillors have voted to continue funding floral displays in Market Drate. I don't know if you've seen them previously. What have you made of them?
01:44What, you mean the flowers around the town?
01:45Yes, yeah.
01:46I think they look nice and they cheer the place up, so yeah, definitely a good thing.
01:50Good, thank you Sue, much appreciated.
01:52You're welcome.
01:53So then Carol, my first question is, have you got any New Year's resolutions?
01:57No, I don't do New Year's resolutions because they always fail. I've got aims and ideas.
02:04So then, 2025 is here, have you got any New Year's resolutions?
02:09Right, well, I think, can I make a mistake? I'm taken by surprise here.
02:18I think the thing is, to see the countryside more tidier really. I feel as though with them restricting the, what was it we take the rubbish to?
02:35Household recycling centres.
02:36The household recycling centres, which is that it's going to restrict people going if they've got to make an appointment to go there.
02:43They want to go when they think, when they've had a clear out straight away, otherwise it's going to be left.
02:50And they end up by just throwing it on the roadside and in places.
02:55And I find that there's a lot of our road, we live in Stoke-on-Trent, and we're forever picking up rubbish from the side of the road.
03:04But that's probably been thrown out of class.
03:06Have you experienced the household recycling centres since?
03:10No, we haven't, not personally, no. But I can see more rubbish being left about.
03:15Are you going to be booking and using that system? We've seen people set up a petition recently.
03:20Right, okay. I haven't got any thoughts just at the moment, but there always is stuff to go.
03:27Now, Margaret Drayton has a town, councillors recently said they think it's on the up. Would you agree with that?
03:34I haven't seen many shops opening yet. The market seems to be improving more.
03:44You mentioned shops. There's a couple of big ones empty at the moment.
03:47So our councillors recently spoke to me and said they want to see them filled. Would you too?
03:51Well, yes, because Margaret Drayton has always been a thriving town in the past.
03:58Ten years ago, it was different to how it is now.
04:02As well, floral displays is a topical discussion in town. They're going to be coming back next year, which you must be pleased about.
04:08Yes, well, it brightens the place up, doesn't it? People come out, see a bit of colour.
04:13Finally, structure as a whole then in this year, 2025, have you got any hopes and aspirations for the county and any improvements you'd like to see?
04:22Oh, gosh. Roads. Roads and potholes in the roads are absolutely in the countryside here.
04:28Do you experience them quite bad yourself?
04:30Oh, very much so. Very much so, yes.
04:32Shropshire Council, they're obviously under big financial constraints at the moment. Is that concerning for a resident like yourself?
04:39Well, it is, really. It is, yes. But the trouble is they're spending on other things.
04:44You can see roads that are really good being improved and then the by-roads, which are absolutely got so many potholes.
04:52Do you think they get forgotten?
04:54Yes, they've been left. And the by-roads are getting very busy. A lot of lorries, tractors, machinery.
05:04Are there any particular things in Shropshire that you'd like to see in 2025 or any improvements, maybe?
05:11My feeling is that our way forward would be best done through community.
05:17So I'd like support for there to be community going forward in the smaller places rather than just the large ones.
05:25Is there any particular reason why that is?
05:28Yes, because we feel that we're sometimes left out and there's preference put into other places.
05:33And the difference between Whitchurch and Market Drayton in the last 20 years is a good example.
05:38Okay. Do you think there's any particular things that stand out for you with that?
05:42Do you think Market Drayton is in need of any particular things?
05:45I think Market Drayton needs to be listened to.
05:49I think that they're not asking the people in Market Drayton enough what would improve their life.
05:56So I think that's what they should do.
05:57We recently spoke to councils and they said actually about a new bus service potentially linking Whitchurch, Market Drayton and Wellington.
06:03Would you welcome that?
06:05Oh yes, I think bus services are a marvellous thing and a valuable thing to be doing.
06:12Lots of people are isolated because of their lack of transport.
06:15And another thing in the town, the floral displays are going to continue next year.
06:19I'm sure that's another welcome thing for you.
06:21Yeah, it is, yeah.
06:23And councils have also said that the town is on the up.
06:27What would you say to that? Do you agree? Do you think it's on the up or not?
06:30Yeah, I think a good bit of evidence about that is what they've done to the indoor market which has really improved.
06:37Yeah, I think that's okay and I think they're glad that they're positive about that.
06:43My next question to you, Carol, is do you have any experiences with household recycling centres?
06:48Yes, I do.
06:49Have you had to visit one recently?
06:52I used to visit it regularly and when they've made it a telephone option to, sorry if I'm saying it very well,
07:01but when they've made it so that you have to phone in to book your time in, I'm not going to do it.
07:07I'll just put everything in the black bin because I can't be that, I have to be impulsive and have a bit of time to be able to go.
07:13Yeah, we've seen a petition launched in the last couple of days.
07:16It's now got more than a thousand signatures. Is that something that you back that up?
07:20I will definitely, yes. Where do I get on that petition? Is it online?
07:24So would you urge Shropshire Council maybe to scrap that?
07:27Yeah, go back to what it was before. I know, I can understand that they're trying to employ less people but it's not working.
07:33I think they'll be dumping.
