• 5 hours ago


00:00I'm making history today.
00:08No one like me has ever tried this before.
00:10I'm excited to see how it goes.
00:14It is very beautiful.
00:16I'm already getting slapped around.
00:20Here we go.
00:23I'm a little scared because survival to me means something differently than it would
00:27for most people.
00:31Looks like we're here.
00:34I get to be the first person on Naked and Afraid with no legs and I think that's pretty
00:39damn cool.
00:45Ten years ago my life was changed forever.
00:51I was struck by a locomotive severing my limbs from my body.
00:56I have died three times and came back from that.
00:59I have seen my limbs heal from some gnarly wounds.
01:04Since being amputated it's been my main goal in life to show other people that there is
01:10life after the unimaginable.
01:12I am the first female bilateral amputee to summit the Manitou Incline in Colorado Springs.
01:21Basically 3,000 steps leading up a mountain.
01:25A month later I set my sights on Mount Kilimanjaro and became the first female bilateral amputee
01:32to reach the summit.
01:35My motto is tell me that I can't and I will show you that I can.
01:46And now this 21 day challenge is my Everest.
01:55And because of my physical disposition I am allowed to have my gloves.
02:01I see so many people give up when they're faced with some kind of adversity and I just
02:06want to show people that it can be done.
02:19I'm just not sure anybody can survive here for 21 days.
02:27Two strangers, no food, no water, 21 days, naked and afraid.
03:02The jungle is so dense and the most venomous snake in this hemisphere is in this jungle.
03:09What did I sign up for?
03:28This is it.
03:30I would describe myself as outgoing, a bit of a goober.
03:34I like doing outdoor stuff.
03:36I'm from a military family.
03:38I joined the army when I was 17 years old and I spent some time in active duty.
03:43I was able to learn an incredible amount of skills.
03:49Delicious worm.
03:50I'm doing this challenge to improve my main strengths as a survivor.
03:55The most important skill that I've got from the military is the ability to adapt to situations.
04:00Even if it's wildly uncomfortable.
04:0521 days starts now.
04:14I am going into this with a lot of trepidation.
04:18I'm most nervous about how my partner is going to be accepting of the fact that I ambulate
04:23differently than he does.
04:26And for me, a decent partner can make or break you.
04:32I'm about to meet my partner.
04:35It's the big wild card in this challenge.
04:38If there's somebody I can't work with very well, I feel like that's going to be tough.
04:56I must be the weirdest thing you've seen in the woods yet.
04:59My name's Mandy.
05:02Pleasure to meet you.
05:03Nice to meet you, Johnny.
05:04All right.
05:05You excited for this?
05:06I am.
05:07I am.
05:08Is this kind of crazy?
05:09A little bit.
05:10All right.
05:11A little bit.
05:12Well, we're going to be best friends for the next three weeks.
05:20I'm pretty chill.
05:21Just, you know.
05:22It seems like you're pretty chill, too.
05:23You're not being an asshole about the no legs thing, so.
05:29Well, I'm sure you've got it figured out.
05:31I've been doing this a while, yeah.
05:33All right.
05:34Sounds good.
05:35I'm super relieved that my partner seems pretty chill.
05:38He didn't ask why he was with the halfling, and I'm pretty happy about that.
05:44How about yourself?
05:45I'm pretty confident here.
05:46What's your skill set?
05:48Positive mental attitude.
05:50So there we go.
05:51All right.
05:53All right.
05:54I think we got our bags right here.
05:56So I just met my partner.
05:59There's a difference between me and her.
06:01You know, other people might look at her and immediately have misgivings, you know, but
06:06I don't think anybody would sign up for this challenge if they weren't capable and badass.
06:10So I'm really excited to see how she's going to be out here in the jungle.
06:13All right.
06:14I got a fishing kit.
06:17And I've got my machete.
06:21So we'll put a lot of use into this thing while we're here.
06:25In addition to their personal items, Mandy and Johnny have also been given a fire starter
06:29and a pot to boil water.
06:31I have the handy dandy map.
06:34So we're going to have to go through some pretty dense jungle.
06:39We're going to want to go north a ways and around that to get to this water source.
06:47I'm down.
06:48Got everything we need.
06:50You ready to start this trek?
06:51I'm so ready.
06:53Let's do it.
06:55Let's go.
06:58Mandy and Johnny will test their survival skills for the next 21 days in the remote
07:03and forbidding jungle of Belize, a dense rainforest teeming with life.
07:10Here, the lethal fer-de-lance, Central America's most dangerous snake, delivers a bite that
07:15can be fatal within 20 minutes of striking.
07:19And deadly jaguars stalk their prey with night vision six times sharper than that of humans.
07:27With the onslaught of the rainy season, swarms of mosquitoes fill the thick, humid air, carrying
07:33dengue fever for which there is no vaccine.
07:37Posing an especially high risk to Mandy are the many spiders and bullet ants that cover
07:43the jungle floor, and ticks that latch on to exposed skin, spreading disease.
07:56I'm going to let you get in front.
07:58All right.
07:59If you see anything and you get bit.
08:01I'll shout it out.
08:03Based on Johnny's military training, he begins with a primitive survival rating of 6.5 out of 10.
08:14How's it looking?
08:16Leaf soup, man.
08:20It's hard to maneuver around here in the jungle with feet, so I'm already impressed by her.
08:26Mandy's tenacity and mountaineering experience have earned her an initial primitive survival
08:31rating of 6.7.
08:36Keep your eyes peeled.
08:37A bunch of those thorns are right over there.
08:41I have to worry about things on the ground, what my skin might come into contact to, to
08:47reduce risk of, you know, gynecological infections.
08:51And if I were to get bit by a vertilance or a pit viper, I would have very little time
08:56to get and seek treatment.
09:00Because Mandy has lost her lower extremities, the toxic venom of a snake bite would reach
09:05her heart and nervous system much more quickly, greatly increasing the risk of paralysis,
09:10blood clotting, and death.
09:13I got to be super, super careful.
09:15Let me know how I can support you if it's getting slippery, like if you just need a
09:18backstop or something in case you start going.
09:22I'm all right.
09:33It's a big group of ants.
09:35Oh, ****.
09:37They're all right here.
09:39Jeez, look at how many are right there.
09:42There's just a ton of them.
09:45It's a whole trail.
09:46Yeah, it's going to cut across.
09:49I'll just have to jump over it.
09:50I mean, if you're comfortable, I could hoist.
09:53All right.
09:54You want to give me a piggyback?
09:56Think you can?
09:57Let's do this.
09:58All right.
10:03Are you sure you're good?
10:04Yeah, I'm good.
10:05I go to the gym every day for stuff like this.
10:07**** ants.
10:08Mad dash.
10:12All right.
10:13You just let me know when you want to get put down.
10:15Just right up here, whenever you see it's clear.
10:21Right next to these cajun nuts.
10:28You're good.
10:31Thank you very much.
10:32No problem.
10:33I have no problem helping her get through this challenge.
10:36It's part of my job as her teammate.
10:39If I'm struggling, I know she'll do her part to lift me up and help me out.
10:44You lifting me off the ground saves my ass, quite literally.
10:57Oh, boy.
11:02It gets a little precarious.
11:06I mean, it's not fun for me to traverse, but it is what it is.
11:16My legs and my ass are pretty scraped up.
11:20I need to get to some water to clean up.
11:24I hope that's a river.
11:26I think it is.
11:28I see water, Mandy.
11:29You can see it?
11:30I see it.
11:31It looks like it's calling your name.
11:34It says Mandy.
11:35Oh, my God.
11:36Doesn't it look beautiful?
11:38Oh, my God.
11:43God, it's like running water.
11:45Dude, this is pretty.
11:50We have an awesome sight.
11:51We've got an awesome water source.
11:53We know that there's fish in here.
11:55That's good.
11:56I'm getting right to it, bud.
12:00It's very shallow.
12:01It's not running right now.
12:03I can swim in it.
12:05And that's good news right now.
12:10It feels so nice.
12:18Mad respect for Mandy.
12:20She's hardcore.
12:22Has some sort of crazy fortitude.
12:24That chick is tough.
12:26So, yeah, I'm going to learn a lot from her,
12:30both in survival skills and probably in some sort of mental fortitude.
12:36We're good.
12:37We made it past insertion.
12:38Now the fun begins.
12:47Where are you thinking for shelter?
12:49Up somewhere a little bit higher than this riverbed.
12:52How far in do you want to be?
12:55You know, that's what I'm thinking about.
12:57I think that we need to be as close to the river as we possibly can.
13:00The least amount of energy I can expend going to get water and bathing in the morning is going to be ideal.
13:06Okay, let's just do it right here.
13:09So, priorities?
13:11I think we've got to get water.
13:14Okay, so fire started pretty quick.
13:16Since you're a little bit taller than me, do you mind cutting down things for our shelter that I cannot reach?
13:22And I'll get this fire going.
13:24No problem.
13:28I'm going to do my best to try to get us some fire.
13:46I just choked it up.
13:53You got it?
13:55I think so.
14:02Way to go.
14:03See? You don't need legs to start a fire.
14:16You know, we'll be able to boil water for tonight.
14:19What I'm thinking is we can start using this as one of our support railings for some kind of bed to get up off the ground.
14:27Have the planks across this piece that I'm like hovering over and onto the root there.
14:33There we go.
14:37Because I'm on the ground so much, getting up off the ground is key for me.
14:43It's not going to be comfortable.
14:45But it will get us up off the ground.
14:49Water is all ready to go.
14:51It's the first sip.
14:56Now blow some bubbles like it's chocolate milk.
15:02Okay, there we go.
15:04Here, get you some.
15:15Doesn't that feel glorious?
15:17First water all day. That's crazy.
15:19Water is super important.
15:21High five.
15:23We're going to kill it.
15:25I think so. I think so.
15:27We're going to do great.
15:29All right, so we're just sharing campfire stories.
15:43And Mandy's about to tell me how she ended up in the situation she's in.
15:54If you want to...
15:56It's fine.
15:59I went out with a guy that I was dating when I was 21 years old.
16:02And I got roofied.
16:04Jesus Christ.
16:06Train tracks.
16:07Are you shitting me?
16:09Oh my God.
16:10I died three times, came back to life.
16:12Had to be re-amputated a year after healing.
16:20Much more harrowing of a tale than I was expecting.
16:23Jesus Christ.
16:25I can't believe that happened to somebody.
16:30It's such an honor that they put you with me.
16:33Like, I have trust issues out the ass.
16:38I kept myself up at night for months worrying about who my partner was going to be
16:44and if they were going to be an asshole to me.
16:46Hope that they chose me to be your partner because I'm not an ass.
16:50Because I'm chill.
17:00Night one in the Louisiana jungle.
17:05I mean, we're getting rained on.
17:08You ever slept in the rain like this?
17:11Jackie in the Army, girl.
17:14If I'm sleeping and it isn't raining, I'm wondering what's wrong.
17:18Going to have to stay up all night saving the fire.
17:22I knew it was going to be tough, but damn, 21 days and this is not going to be the face-off.
17:29I know.
17:40That's just not dry enough.
17:42My first night was rough because we got rain all night.
17:45I am concerned about keeping fire going so that we can have water.
17:52Everything's wet. I don't think I'm going to be able to get this to start.
17:56Dude, everything is just saturated.
17:59It's so damp that it doesn't look like fire is going to be an option for us anytime soon.
18:04The palm fronds are soaked. Everything is f***ing soaked.
18:08So the only other option we have is to try a gypsy well.
18:12Okay, let's go.
18:17I'm highly concerned about getting potable water today because I'm highly dehydrated.
18:27So I decided to get a gypsy well made.
18:34The gypsy well, it takes the water table and this water source here underneath and through the sand and silt and it acts as a natural filter.
18:47Damn, that's why it's just a giant rock.
18:52Riverbed is kind of rocky, so it's not easy to dig.
18:57What about the island?
19:00Dig at the island? You need water? Like bad.
19:04Yeah, I'm going to try it.
19:06All right, Godspeed.
19:07Can you keep digging here?
19:08I'll keep digging here.
19:1224 hours with no sleep.
19:15I'm expending a ton of energy and you'd face some serious issues with dehydration.
19:21I don't want to tap out because we don't have water.
19:35It's going to happen over here.
19:39Yep, I got it.
19:43Good for you.
19:45I got water and providing I don't get sick, it means I got water for 21 days here.
19:55It's a big relief. Big relief.
19:58Mandy's awesome and extraordinarily skilled at primitive survival.
20:06And now because of her, we have water forever.
20:11I have zero ego out here, so major props to her.
20:24There we go. Now that we have water, we're getting shelter figured out.
20:30We'll just put the support beams on either side.
20:33Let's get the support beams in first then.
20:37So we are going to build a lean-to A-frame with cajon palm.
20:44And then we'll have two support structures with a support beam going from the two support structures.
20:50We're going to widen the bed a little bit so that both of us can sleep comfortably.
20:56And then we will chop down a lot of this cajon palm and lean it over our support structure.
21:04When it rains, hopefully it will be rainproof.
21:07Yeah. Hopefully.
21:21It's day three and we haven't eaten anything yet.
21:24My body is starting to really, really, really feel it.
21:27My body is starting to really, really, really feel it.
21:30I'm dog-ass tired and actually getting a little dizzy today.
21:40So right now my chief concerns are getting some food in our bellies.
21:45Maybe some edible plants.
21:48Damn. What the f*** is this?
21:52I just found something. I don't know what it is.
21:55Maybe the roots of a palm?
22:01I just got a heart of palm.
22:04That's some success right there.
22:16F*** yeah.
22:18It does taste a little spicy.
22:22I'll hold on for a second, but I'm bringing this back to camp.
22:26This is really, really spicy in my mouth.
22:30It hurts.
22:39I need to drink that water.
22:44I found some heart of palm, but after I chewed on it for a little bit,
22:51it tastes like there's ants are biting the inside of my mouth.
22:55It's getting worse.
23:00Are you getting sick?
23:03Hold on. God damn.
23:05I hope my mouth and throat are on fire.
23:08It's doing something to me.
23:13Swallowing hurts.
23:16When I swallow, it stings going down my throat.
23:23It hurts to swallow. It's like a response to a toxic substance.
23:29Are you positive that's heart of palm?
23:33Palms do not have a root system with tubers.
23:36That's more along the lines of like elephant ear.
23:41The elephant ear plant contains calcium oxalate crystals,
23:45which, if consumed, can embed in the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat,
23:49and digestive tract, leading to burning, painful blisters, vomiting,
23:53and difficulty swallowing.
23:56If you start asphyxiating, I can't do anything if you're over there.
24:00My head feels really hot. I feel like frantic.
24:04I can feel my heartbeat is like just going f***ing crazy right now.
24:09I am very worried about Johnny.
24:12That's serious f***. That's tap out time.
24:23You all right?
24:25My mouth and throat are on fire.
24:27If you start asphyxiating, I can't do anything if you're over there.
24:31I feel like frantic.
24:33Hold on. God damn.
24:36Johnny is suffering the effects of having eaten some toxic elephant ear root,
24:40mistaking it for heart of palm.
24:43I am very worried about Johnny.
24:46It's one thing to be out here with a partner with no legs.
24:50It's a completely other ballgame to be out here by yourself with no legs.
24:55You need to drink plenty of water.
25:00Always do a taste test, a rub test, if you don't know what something is.
25:04That would have saved him a world of hurt if he had just cut it open and rubbed it on his lips.
25:10I mean, he might have had burning lips, but not the whole shebang.
25:15I think I've spit up a lot of what was causing the issues.
25:19When it comes to skills and knowledge, I'll defer to her.
25:23She's the subject matter expert out here in a lot of different things that I'm not.
25:27So I'll be more careful around plants in the future.
25:31Yeah, absolutely.
25:35I think we need to batten down the hatches. We've got some bad weather coming.
25:42If there's a bunch of rain coming, I feel it in my legs.
25:45It's like sciatic shock, so it'll go all the way up my spine.
25:49Rain is often preceded by a drop in barometric pressure,
25:53which can cause inflammation of ligaments and joints,
25:57a painful sensation made more acute in amputees.
26:01Oh, goodness.
26:03That shelter is shored up.
26:06I think we're good.
26:08We got a more rain-proof shelter than last night.
26:22This is brutal.
26:25Mandy was right. There's been rain most of the day.
26:29And the rain is cold.
26:32We can't get a fire started because everything's damp.
26:35My hands are blistered from trying to start the fire.
26:38It's just too wet and rainy.
26:45It's going to be wet and cold all night.
26:49The rain is going to be miserable.
26:59All right, we've got to shore up this bed in here.
27:02I need another side to this
27:04because I'm not sleeping wet tonight
27:06on top of having no fire and everything else.
27:09Yes, ma'am.
27:11I'll go cut some more palms.
27:13I knew that it was going to be hard,
27:16but I didn't anticipate that it would be just demoralizing.
27:20I'm expending a ton of energy physically, emotionally,
27:25and mentally.
27:27I know I have the skill to do it,
27:30it's just I have to figure out this environment specifically
27:34and adapt to it rather than run away and cry,
27:38which this jungle definitely makes me want to do.
27:42I just got to stick it out, man,
27:44until there's some kind of rhythm,
27:46and I don't think that this jungle
27:48is going to give me any rhythm,
27:50so I'm preparing myself for that mentally as much as I can.
27:54Is that pretty even, or did I go too far?
27:57No, it's super even.
28:09Good morning.
28:11It's our first sunny morning in Belize.
28:14And things are drying out.
28:17I'm just out here collecting some more firewood
28:20to make sure we've got enough reserves to go on.
28:23Five trips to get wood.
28:25I'm exhausted.
28:29We're going to get fired today.
28:46Oh, my God!
28:48We've been suffering out here.
28:50I'm more drained than I've ever been.
28:52Mandy's exhausted.
28:54Priority one for her was fire,
28:56and it was causing a lot of frustration for Mandy,
28:59because she needed it.
29:09I really want to catch some catfish today.
29:12We're of the same mind here.
29:14Let me have the fishing kit.
29:16We've got the fire going, now we can start fishing.
29:19Now we can cook, so maybe that's a game-changer.
29:26It feels like razors in my ass cheeks.
29:31We're both starving out here.
29:33We haven't eaten in six days.
29:35So we're going down to the river to do some fishing.
29:39I found a bunch of snails for bait.
29:42I'll start with that.
29:44Primitive fishing is a little more difficult
29:47because I don't have the heist
29:49to get the weight and the hook out,
29:52so I've learned how to toss a cast from the ground.
30:00It's a waiting game at this point.
30:09These guys nibble, and they nibble fast.
30:13I think he got the bait.
30:17I've been fishing for catfish my entire life,
30:19and I know that they're bottom feeders,
30:21and the challenge is that the smaller fish out here
30:26just nibble away at the bait before it ever sinks to the bottom.
30:30I'm telling you, these guys are like piranha.
30:32They're rabbing us, little ass-biters.
30:34It's disappointing every time.
30:36You want to call it?
30:39At least we've still got snails we can eat.
30:42We have some escargot for dinner,
30:44so I'm super stoked about that.
30:46Food in the belly.
30:59I'm really excited to try escargot.
31:03There we go.
31:12How does it taste?
31:16Like coming to life again?
31:18It's really good. It's very good.
31:23Freaking delicious.
31:37I'm going to go get some palm fronds.
31:40Thank you, Johnny.
31:42I would absolutely say the first week of this challenge was the hardest.
31:45Now I feel like we've got a rhythm.
31:52Holy s***.
31:54Hey, there's a snake in here.
31:56What? Where?
31:57Back here.
31:58In the back of the shelter.
32:00Did you see what kind it was?
32:02Nasty pit viper.
32:04Couldn't see much of it.
32:05I just saw it slither over some wood.
32:08Manny's got to worry more than the average person
32:11because her blood circulates faster,
32:13so if she gets bitten by a snake,
32:15she needs to be airlifted to the nearest hospital.
32:18What do I do?
32:20Get out.
32:21Get out?
32:22Get out.
32:23Oh, s***.
32:28It slithered towards the side of the wall.
32:32It was under these tendrils that are hanging down.
32:35Right here?
32:39And I saw a snake slither through some of our dry wood
32:43in the back of the shelter.
32:45It looks clear.
32:48Just got to hope it doesn't decide to make introductions
32:51while we're sleeping or something.
33:02S*** mosquitoes.
33:05The snake hasn't come back, but the bugs aren't out tonight.
33:10I am getting swarmed by mosquitoes right now.
33:13I am getting absolutely ravaged.
33:15It's just relentless.
33:17Mosquitoes and no-see-ums and anything that bites.
33:22There are hundreds on me.
33:25Quit going through my s*** labia.
33:30Oh, s***.
33:40Okay, we're just going to take a gander at my partner's bug bites here.
33:45My back is ravaged, and it's causing a reaction in my skin.
33:50Everything burns right now.
33:52It's just relentless.
33:55It's really unpleasant.
33:57Oh, yeah, just eating up.
34:01We had a pretty rough night last night.
34:04Spent all night slapping the bugs off of me.
34:06It's like my third night in a row of just zero sleep.
34:11I've had a lot of hard nights in my life,
34:13but it's definitely up there in the top ten.
34:20We need a ton of smoke.
34:21Mosquitoes don't like it.
34:23We just have to keep the fire going.
34:37I'm a little nauseous this morning.
34:40Not only am I limbless,
34:44but I have post-traumatic stress disorder and phantom limb syndrome.
34:49And so being out here for me means a lot of pain.
34:56This looks like Splinter City for me.
34:59You've got this.
35:00Easy for you to say, buddy.
35:02My limbs hurt. I'm emotional.
35:04It's exacerbated by sleeplessness and calorie deficit.
35:12You want to fill him up?
35:13I can.
35:15Mandy's struggling out here,
35:16and I'm going to do everything I can to keep her in the game.
35:21You know, I'm here to pick her up when she's feeling down,
35:25and she's here to tell me what to do.
35:30My partner said she was starting to get nauseous,
35:33and we haven't eaten anything in a few days.
35:35So we're heading to the location.
35:38We found a bunch of snails.
35:40Oh, s***.
35:41Is that bad?
35:42No, no. Don't set me down on that.
35:44No. On the ground.
35:46Johnny's been picking up the slack this entire challenge,
35:50and I f***ing hate that feeling,
35:53because it makes me feel like a burden.
36:00Collecting snails is great.
36:02We need the calories, but everything's an effort right now.
36:07Energy levels are just not there.
36:10Well, I knew that coming into this it would be hard,
36:13but some days are harder than others.
36:16You start to feel sick again?
36:18I'm sorry.
36:28Okay. What's going on, Mandy?
36:31What does it feel like?
36:33What are your symptoms?
36:34Well, the bad thing is I can't throw up out of just my f***ing mouth,
36:38so I throw up out of my nose.
36:41And it's all bile.
36:46I'm sorry, buddy.
36:58Can we take a layer of palm away from the outside,
37:02just to give it more ventilation?
37:05The smoke helps with the mosquitoes that I'm being attacked by.
37:11But I'm pretty sure it made me nauseous.
37:17I know my body, I know my mind, and I have no morale now.
37:23It's just getting harder and harder.
37:25The frustration is mounting.
37:28I don't know what to do, man.
37:29See, now it's just blowing from here.
37:31I'm just choking myself out.
37:34I'm just trying not to throw up right now.
37:38I worry about my partner tapping out.
37:40She's not getting any sleep.
37:42She's in pain.
37:43So I think that those factors together put her in kind of like an emotional spiral.
37:49You're getting smoked out in there, not in like a fun way.
37:55Let me put down some of these moist palms so you can lay down more comfortably.
38:00Or you go for that one.
38:03As the first amputee athlete to face this challenge,
38:07she carries the weight of a lot on her shoulders.
38:10And I think that's what's helping her get through on a day-to-day basis.
38:15But it also looks closer and closer like she's at her breaking point.
38:21I feel so weak.
38:22I feel so weak.
38:31The thing that made it hardest to sleep last night was the monkey that **** right next to our shelter.
38:37We were both like,
38:413 o'clock in the morning.
38:43I'll probably slide into it knowing my luck.
38:46The world's nastiest slip and slide.
38:48I'll clean the ****.
38:50Monkeys are well known for throwing **** at things that they don't like.
38:55That might be camping in their territory.
38:58Must have been like a bear monkey or something.
39:01Because it's a big, big old piece of ****.
39:06Just another day in paradise.
39:20I do think that breathing in this air is going to help.
39:23Because you have been breathing in smoke for a couple of consecutive hours,
39:28and that can't be good.
39:31I'm not going to lie.
39:32The jungle's a beast in this challenge.
39:34I paddled my **** handed to me.
39:36But didn't go through all that to quit now.
39:39On Kilimanjaro, there were several moments I got tired and wanted to just go home.
39:44But I'm glad that I stuck it out.
39:47So, I'm not going anywhere until I cross the finish line.
40:03You doing okay, partner?
40:04I'm okay right now. Thank you.
40:05All right.
40:07The last two days here, it's been a little torturous for me at times.
40:12But I slept last night.
40:14And so, I'm feeling so much better than I have been in the last few days.
40:20Today's the day.
40:21They get some calories in us before our extraction.
40:24Some protein would be fantastic for both of us.
40:28We're going upstream.
40:30Hopefully, see different kinds of fish.
40:32One, two, three.
40:39Beautiful cast.
40:41I learned from the best.
40:43The snails have been great.
40:44But we really need a nice protein win before extraction.
40:50I do have a bite.
40:51Yeah, you got it.
40:52You got it.
40:53You got it. Reel it in.
40:59Nicely done, buddy.
41:01Nicely done.
41:02We just caught a cichlid.
41:03Mandy's been waiting on that protein score since like day one.
41:07The smile she had on her face when she's reeling that sucker in was pretty cool.
41:11I know it doesn't look like much, but we are stoked about this.
41:20Extraction protein.
41:24Oh my goodness.
41:25How are you feeling?
41:26I'm feeling like I'm about to have a feast.
41:28With the fat on it.
41:31It is time.
41:32It is time.
41:33Oh my gosh.
41:34Fish head.
41:38It's so good.
41:41It's pretty good.
41:43Feeling the nutrients like absorb back into your body.
41:46It's incredible.
41:48Now that looked like it was a good bite.
41:50Look at that.
41:52Holy crap.
41:55I'm feeling super grateful for this meal.
41:57At the same time, I'm so grateful for Johnny.
42:01My compliments to the chef.
42:03We did it together as a team.
42:06It's been a great day.
42:07It's been a great day.
42:09Extraction's right around the corner.
42:10We got this.
42:16It's kind of a metaphorical moment.
42:19Because I've been so worried about this thing for 21 days.
42:24It is day 21.
42:26I'm pretty excited for extraction.
42:29For me, today is summit day.
42:31It's the last stretch of Everest.
42:35We go from here to here.
42:38It's completely a water extraction.
42:40We don't know what's downstream.
42:42We don't know how rapid it gets.
42:44Judging from the map, the river gets wider, the river gets deeper.
42:48Mandy only has two limbs to swim with.
42:51Because the lack of muscle and bone density on the lower part of her body,
42:56she's very buoyant.
42:58Basically, her lower half flips up and tips her head underwater.
43:04Let's sit close to each other, okay?
43:06As much as we can.
43:07I'm just going to bring a whole new meaning to crawling across the finish line.
43:12To reach their extraction point, Mandy and Johnny will need to head two miles downstream,
43:17navigating rocky, turbulent waters that conceal venomous pit vipers and deadly coral snakes,
43:24and also attract jaguars looking for prey.
43:28When the river bends sharply to the left,
43:31they'll need to summon any remaining energy to climb the riverbank
43:34and find the road where they'll be picked up.
43:39Keep an eye on snakes in the water.
43:41Got it. I can do that.
43:43Right now, I'm concerned about my energy levels and my physical state.
43:48I don't want to do anything stupid.
43:50Made it this far, and I feel like if I injured myself, it would all be for nothing.
43:56Careful up ahead. The rapids.
43:58This river might seem like it isn't difficult, but it's got rapids.
44:02It's got rapids. It's got current.
44:04It can easily sweep away our footing, and that's dangerous for both of us.
44:12That felt amazing on my feet.
44:14You all right?
44:22How you doing?
44:24I mean, I'm shot, but I'm still moving.
44:27It does look like it's a lot deeper up ahead.
44:31Okay, let's do it.
44:39The buoyancy of my legs makes swimming very dangerous for me, especially in current.
44:44I've almost drowned before.
44:46Whenever my legs float up, my head goes under, and it's hard to correct that.
44:57Mandy, this has to be it.
44:58The river bends sharp to the left. Matt said it's a straight shot to the road.
45:01I think we get out here, climb the ridge, and see what's going on.
45:05All right.
45:06If you need help, just let me know.
45:09I really don't think I'm tougher than anybody else on the planet.
45:13I think that I just have a different will, and I think everybody has that will.
45:19They just need to learn how to tap into it.
45:23Almost there.
45:24Almost there.
45:25Well, I never would have expected farmland on the other side of that.
45:34I see the road, Mandy.
45:36It better be there.
45:40This has got to be it.
45:46Do you hear that?
45:49Buddy, I think we're right out of the jungles here.
45:55All right.
46:00Your chariot arrived.
46:01I'll take it.
46:03Mandy's just a remarkable woman. She's an inspiration to a lot of people.
46:07I got it, actually.
46:08You made it. All right.
46:10And witnessing Mandy achieve for Everest has been remarkable.
46:16Bye-bye, jungle.
46:20Crossing the finish line with her, that's very rewarding.
46:23Yeah, man.
46:25After months and months of worrying about who my partner was going to be,
46:30and then ending up with Johnny, there needs to be more men and gentlemen on the planet like Johnny.
46:36I'm really proud of you.
46:37I'm proud of you, too, buddy.
46:38I know this was not easy.
46:40I mean, I was 21 years old when somebody left me on the f***ing train tracks to die.
46:46I don't know how I came back from it.
46:49And little experiences like this with good men really do my heart a world of good.
47:00You're such a badass.
47:01I'm just glad I didn't quit.
47:04Mandy lost a total of 21 pounds.
47:07Successfully completing the challenge raises her primitive survival standards.
47:12Successfully completing the challenge raises her primitive survival rating from 6.7 to 7.1.
47:18This is one of the most arduous challenges I've ever had in my life.
47:24Just a crazy sense of accomplishment and gratitude for having been able to do this.
47:30Johnny lost 30 pounds.
47:32His PSR rises from 6.5 to 6.9.
47:3621 f***ing days!
47:37We did it!
47:40Just did 21 days in the Belizean f***ing jungle.
47:44And I'm the first CFUT to do so in Naked and Afraid history!
47:51Out of here!
47:53So done!