• 6 hours ago
Sepuluh emiten baru telah melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sejak awal tahun hingga 10 Maret 2025. Dari sepuluh emiten terbaru tersebut nilai IPO paling jumbo diraih emiten properti PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses Tbk (CBDK) dengan raihan dana mencapai Rp2,3 triliun, sedangkan nilai paling terkecil dicatatkan PT Asuransi Digital Bersama Tbk (YOII) dengan dana IPO sebesar Rp45,32 miliar.


00:00We are still in IDX Season Closing and we are going to inform you about the topic of choice for the auditors,
00:11where 10 new emittents have been laid in Indonesia's FIFAC stock market since the beginning of the year until March 10, 2025.
00:17Of the 10 newest emittents, the highest IPO value was won by PT Bangun Kusambi Sukses Tbk,
00:25with a total of 2.3 trillion rupiah.
00:28Meanwhile, the lowest IPO value was recorded by PT Asuransi Digital with Tbk with an IPO fund of 45.32 billion rupiah.
00:41Indonesia's FIFAC stock market has received 10 new emittents since the beginning of the year until March 10, 2025.
00:47The latest is PT Sinar Terang Mandiri Tbk and PT Chandra Grupo Indonesia Tbk.
00:52It was officially recorded in Indonesia's FIFAC stock market on March 10, 2025,
00:57where PT Sinar Terang Mandiri Tbk will be recorded in the main board and PT Chandra Grupo Indonesia Tbk in the development board.
01:06Of the 10 newest emittents in the BI, the highest IPO value is held by Emittent Property,
01:12affiliated with Aguan Enterprises, which is PT Bangun Kusambi Sukses Tbk, with a total of 2.3 trillion rupiah.
01:20The second largest position is located in PT Reharja Energi Cepu Tbk with an IPO fund of 626.46 billion rupiah.
01:27Meanwhile, PT Asuransi Digital with Tbk has the smallest IPO fund, which is 45.32 billion rupiah.
01:35Regarding the activities of the IPO fund until the end of February 2025,
01:39the Financial Services Authority noted that there were 97 companies that entered the IPO fund supply pipeline,
01:45with the accumulated funds estimated to reach 14.87 trillion rupiah.
01:49The Executive Head of the Capital Market Management, Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange, OJK Inarno Jayadi,
01:54said that this year until February 28, 2025, there were 12 capital accumulation actions in the capital market.
02:01There were funds that were accumulated to reach 20.74 trillion rupiah.
02:05Furthermore, OJK stated that there are still 123 capital accumulation actions in the capital market that entered the pipeline.
02:10There were funds that were accumulated in the capital accumulation action pipeline and reached 42.56 trillion rupiah.
