• 6 hours ago
PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) mencatatkan kinerja bervariasi di 2024. Laba bersih perseroan meningkat 22,5% secara tahunan, namun pendapatan turun tipis di 2,14% secara tahunan.


00:00We continue with information from Meten Pemirsa, where PT Matahari Department Store Tbk.to LPPF reported a variation in performance throughout 2024.
00:15The cleanliness rate increased by 22.5% annually, but the income fell by 2.14% annually.
00:26Quoted from the information from Bursa Efek Indonesia, PT Matahari Department Store Tbk.to LPPF managed to record an increase in the cleanliness rate of 827.6 billion rupiah in 2024, increasing 22.5% from the same period last year at 675.3 billion rupiah.
00:47However, the annual cleanliness rate fell by 2.14% to 6.39 trillion rupiah in 2024, from the previous year at 6.53 trillion rupiah.
00:58The largest cleanliness income of LPPF is contributed by the sales of 3.65 trillion rupiah, which fell by 2.1% annually.
01:07The sales of 2.73 trillion rupiah clean consignation fell by 2.1% annually, and the sales of 10.3 billion rupiah contribution fell by 8.1%.
01:19There is also an income burden of 4.2% to 2.13 trillion rupiah, and the cleanliness rate fell by 1% annually to 4.26 trillion rupiah.
01:29Vice President Director PT Matahari Department Store Tbk.to LPPF Monis Mansukani said, although the consumer spending of the middle class is slowing down, but Perseron continues to record achievements in 2024.
01:42Meanwhile, from Neraca's side, the total assets of LPPF decreased by 15.5% from 5.8 trillion rupiah in 2023 to 5.14 trillion rupiah in 2024.
01:53The liability fell 17.6% from 5.8 trillion rupiah in 2023 to 4.8 trillion rupiah in 2024.
02:03However, the equity of LPPF decreased 983% from 30.7 trillion rupiah in 2023 to 325.7 trillion rupiah in 2024.
02:14Various sources of IDX Channel
02:20And the shareholders in the middle of a surge in the share price movement throughout today's trading session.
02:24The technical movement for LPPF is quite resilient and still moving in the green zone, although the strength is more towards the limit of the closing of trading in the second session today, shareholders.
02:36Let's go straight to the first graph, we will try to see the intraday movement for LPPF.
02:42Closed at the end of last week in 1720, the opening of the first session experienced a strength of 1,800.
02:50Significant strength occurred a few minutes after the opening in 1875.
02:56In 1955, the limited strength still moving in the green zone in 1785.
03:02Thin strength in the closing of the first session in 1795.
03:05Back to 1785 at the opening of the second session.
03:09While the current position is back in the limited strength in 1775.
03:17The position is lower but still holding in the green zone, strong at 3.20%.
03:22Let's go to the next graph, the LPPF movement in the last few months.
03:28In October 18, the LPPF was traded at 1,700 shares.
03:35In 1735, November and December experienced quite a deep pressure.
03:40Even at the end of December, it was pressured to 1,345.
03:45January and February rose to 1,600.
03:49Even in today's March trading, it rose to 1,875.
03:58Although at the opening of the second session, the strength was more in the limited direction in 1785.
04:05The record is, as of today, 1875 is the highest level of intraday from the LPPF stock.
04:13However, in the last year, it rose to 2,120.
04:16From the valuation side, let's go to the next graph.
04:19We will try to see the movement or position of the indicators from the LPPF stock.
04:27Starting from the PSR, the PBV, and then also from the position of the PCFR.
04:35The price-to-earning ratio is around 4.90x, the PSR is 0.63x, and the PBV is 12.45x.
04:45Meanwhile, the PCFR is 2.24x.
04:48A combination of fundamental, technical, and also from the valuation side.
04:52Hopefully, it can be one of your references.
05:00We will be back in your place after this.
05:03We will review the trading path throughout the day at the beginning of the week.
05:07Where the Samkabungan family is experiencing weakness again.
05:10We will be back in a moment.
