(Adnkronos) - Amsa, società del gruppo A2A che gestisce la raccolta e lo smaltimento dei rifiuti urbani di Milano, ha lanciato la campagna "Mettici la Testa", attraverso l’inaugurazione di un’installazione interattiva per portare cittadini, city users e turisti “dentro” al fenomeno dell’utilizzo improprio dei cestini stradali. In piazza XXV Aprile, infatti, alla presenza dell’Assessore al Verde e Ambiente Elena Grandi, della Presidente di Amsa Carlotta Ventura e dell’Amministratore Delegato di Amsa Marcello Milani, è stato svelato il maxi cestone che nelle prossime settimane farà tappa anche in piazza Leonardo da Vinci e piazza Cordusio per sensibilizzare sull’importanza di un corretto conferimento dei rifiuti. Un enorme contenitore alto circa 7 metri diventa uno spazio di riflessione in cui le persone possono letteralmente "mettere la testa" e osservare il problema dei conferimenti errati da una nuova prospettiva: all’interno, infatti, un video proiettato dal punto di vista del fondo di un cestino Amsa mostrerà con un linguaggio ironico cosa può essere gettato al suo interno e cosa no.
00:00Sensibilize citizens on the correct use of road baskets, this is the objective of the campaign Mettici la Testa di AMSA,
00:12a company of the A2A group that manages the collection and disposal of urban waste in Milan.
00:17Presented in Piazza 25 Aprile with the inauguration of an interactive installation to bring citizens, city users and tourists
00:25into the phenomenon of improper use of road baskets.
00:29A huge container, another about 7 meters, therefore becomes a space of reflection
00:34in which people can literally put their heads and observe the problem of wrong deliveries from a new perspective.
00:41Inside, in fact, a video projected from the point of view of the bottom of an AMSA basket
00:47will show with an ironic language what can be thrown inside and what not.
00:52The objective of the campaign is to sensitize people to use road baskets correctly,
00:58which are a useful tool for the decoration of all the streets and squares where we live.
01:04So it's a playful way to entertain, not to be prescriptive or punitive
01:15and we hope that it has the result of involving people, explaining how they are used correctly,
01:23they are not used for household waste, they are used for small waste that we have on hand or on the street.
01:31In Milan, AMSA has placed about 13,000 road baskets and 10,000 in parks.
01:37The density of these baskets is 1.7 per inhabitant, the highest in Europe
01:42and the company has also increased the emptying frequency compared to the previous contract
01:47up to an average of 2.2 empties per day.
01:52These 2.2 empties per day are clearly not the same in all areas of the city
01:56because we increase the frequencies in the areas and in the timing of the most frequent passage of people
02:04and we decrease them when there are fewer people around.
02:08In this way, we have covered the operational issue.
02:13Then there is the issue of the use of the baskets, which is the objective of the campaign.
02:17The campaign reminds the Milanese that the baskets must be used for waste produced in mobility.
02:25While when we opened them in recent months, we did a marketing campaign,
02:30we found that about 65% of the volumes are used for waste produced in homes or in commercial exercises.
02:39At the inauguration, the Green Assessor also presented to the environment Elena Grandi,
02:43who has defined the campaign, Mettici la Testa, as really smart.
02:47Because it is a campaign that goes to intrigue people, passers-by who see an object that attracts them
02:55and then inside it, without any desire to be, to teach or to say,
03:01it is told how little is enough to use the street baskets in the right way.
03:07Unfortunately, we are very much in difficulty on this and I must say that I thank AMSA for the great work it does
03:13and that we have a new contact that will do even more because there are many improvements,
03:18the intensification of interventions, the spaces, the street spaces,
03:22the attention to abusive abandons, which unfortunately are more and more,
03:26but to see here how a basket is used in the right way and how it should not be done
03:32to have more respect for the common good, the decor and the beauty of our city, I think it will work.