(Adnkronos) - “La campagna “Mettici la testa” è mirata principalmente ai cestini, che noi chiamiamo cestoni stradali. A Milano ce ne sono circa 13mila per le strade e 10mila nei parchi. La densità di questi cestini è di 1,7 per abitante, la più alta d’Europa, solo Amsterdam si avvicina. Come dimensionamento e posizionamento ci siamo, abbiamo aumentato la frequenza di svuotamento rispetto al contratto precedente fino ad arrivare a una media di 2,2 svuotamenti al giorno”. Lo ha detto Marcello Milani, amministratore delegato di Amsa, nel corso della presentazione della campagna "Mettici la Testa" di Amsa, che ha preso il via a Milano con l’inaugurazione di un’installazione interattiva per portare cittadini, city users e turisti “dentro” al fenomeno dell’utilizzo improprio dei cestini stradali. In piazza XXV aprile un enorme contenitore alto circa 7 metri diventa, quindi, uno spazio di riflessione in cui le persone possono letteralmente "mettere la testa" e osservare il problema dei conferimenti errati.
00:00Today's campaign is mainly aimed at the road baskets.
00:10In Milan there are about 13,000 road baskets and 10,000 in parks.
00:15The density of these baskets is 1.7 per inhabitant, I would say that it is the highest in Europe.
00:21Next to us there is Amsterdam with 1 basket per inhabitant, then there are Paris-Dublin and Berlin with about 0.7 baskets per inhabitant.
00:30So we are there in terms of dimensioning and positioning.
00:34We have increased the frequency of emptying compared to the previous contract up to an average of 2.2 empties per day.
00:42These 2.2 empties per day are clearly not the same in all areas of the city
00:46because we increase the frequency in the areas and in the timing of the most frequent passage of people
00:54and we decrease it when there are fewer people around.
00:59In this way we have covered the operational theme.
01:04Then there is a theme of the use of the baskets, which is the objective of the campaign.
01:09The campaign reminds the Milanese that the baskets must be used for waste produced in mobility.
01:16While when we opened them in recent months, we did a marketing campaign,
01:22we found that about 65% of the volumes are occupied by waste produced in housing or in commercial exercises.
01:31This naturally involves a very rapid saturation, a very rapid filling of the baskets
01:37and a lack of decoration when the baskets overflow,
01:41or even when the waste produced in housing or in commercial exercises is placed next to the baskets.
01:47This is what we try to avoid.
01:50We ask the Milanese, who already give us a lot of help because they do a great job for different collection,
01:57for example in housing, we ask them for help in the correct use of these baskets
02:02so that the city is more beautiful, so that the city scenery is better,
02:07and on our part we do our best to empty them as quickly and as frequently as possible.