No Peak No Limiter is a music video that trespasses into the realm of audiovisual artwork. Released on 31 October 2024 exactly two years after the entry into force of a controversial decree issued in Italy. The new government led by Giorgia Melonis far right party presented its first lawdecree to regulate socalled illegal gatherings. According to the Constitution a Law Decree should only be issued in cases of extraordinary necessity and emergency but is often used to bypass Parliamentary debate. The law originally laid down harsh punishments for those who promoted the invasion of property involving 50 or more people but the vagueness of the article allowed for its application to other types of events like peaceful protests and occupations political or trade unions rally dangerously restricting freedom of dissent. The work is intended as a critique of the exploitation of complex issues in the political debate and the authoritarian drift that is developing worldwide. The experimental drum and bass track was produced by Linewave production.
Court métrageTranscription
02:01Avec le soutien de
02:07Merci à
02:12Merci à
02:19Merci à
02:25Merci à
02:30Merci à
02:36Merci à
02:42Merci à
02:49Merci à
02:55Merci à
03:00Merci à