• il y a 14 heures
In a dystopian 2028 on the eve of global annihilation a time traveler named Lucy arrives in a dilapidated laboratory seeking help from a renowned yet cynical scientist named John. She claims to be from a future ravaged by war and an alienengineered virus and her mission is to prevent the impending catastrophe. John however dismisses her as a delusional lunatic mocking her Bmovie story of time travel and impending doom. As the clock ticks towards midnight on February 28ththe day before Lucys supposed birthday and humanitys last daya series of events including a cryptic phone call and the terrifying appearance of alien ships begin to chip away at Johns skepticism. In a desperate final attempt Lucy reveals a shocking truth and forces John to confront his past his choices and a heartbreaking connection to her that transcends time. As the world outside erupts in chaos John must choose whether to believe the unbelievable and potentially save humanity or succumb to his cynicism and face oblivion.
01:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada