The Baldwins S01 E02
00:00You and your lawyer didn't set out to have sex with kids.
00:07No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:11Wait, why are your pants down?
00:12Wait, who's got the baby?
00:13What are you doing with that ball?
00:18The past few years have been the hardest and most complicated that we have yet to experience.
00:26According to police, Baldwin discharged a prop firearm when something went horribly
00:32A grand jury has just indicted the actor.
00:34We're going through some very stressful things, and we're trying to parent through it.
00:39All we can do is do our best and try to make our kids happy.
00:43I'm 66 years old, and I have seven kids.
00:47You have no time to waste.
00:50I'm worried.
00:51I got a spoon, and I get a little bit of coffee, then we go to the pantry, and we get...
01:10What you doing?
01:11I'm making face masks.
01:12And what's the concept about it?
01:14This honey's also really good for the face.
01:16Give me that.
01:17Okay, I'm learning, I'm learning.
01:18I want to know about it.
01:20Okay, so we put honey.
01:21So what does the honey do?
01:22I don't know.
01:23It just said stuff that's good for your face when I Googled it, so...
01:29The kids are off school.
01:30It's summer break, and Carmen, age-wise, she's not in the day camp.
01:35She very much is like little mommy in some ways.
01:39Is this for your face or daddy's face?
01:40Both of ours.
01:41Oh, you're gonna do...
01:42Oh, that's so cute.
01:43You guys are gonna do it at the same time?
01:44But she's a kid, and we need to remind her that she's a kid.
01:47I mean, she worries and worries and worries.
01:50This should be lip and eye mask, and that we'll put on our face.
01:54Actually, this is just for lips, because dad has really small lips, but they're wide.
01:57So, like this.
02:00What is it like being the oldest of seven kids?
02:02I love it, but I hate it, because oldest means, like, you're sort of kind of, like, parenting
02:08them with your parents.
02:09But at the same time, I, like, get to go out to dinner with my parents.
02:12I get to stay up later, which is fun, until, like, well, like, my siblings, they get more
02:18Oh, dad!
02:19Yes, I'm right here.
02:21But I'm definitely my dad's favorite.
02:22It changes every day.
02:23Get off your phone!
02:25He's very, like, he's funny sometimes, like, 40% of the time.
02:2660% of the time, he's like, well, back in my day.
02:27Back in my day.
02:28This is for your lips, your really tiny ones.
02:29Okay, no.
02:30Carmen, do me a favor.
02:31Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up,
02:33Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up.
02:34Carmen, would you refrain from making unpleasant comments about me, while we do this, okay?
02:35Alright, I am going from...
02:42Stay here in case she puts, like, some bird poop on my face.
02:53I'll be back, I'm going to go, okay.
02:58First, we're going to do facial spray on you.
03:02We've got to go to New Mexico because Alec has to go in trial
03:06and we don't know what's going to happen.
03:09He could go to prison for a long time.
03:13So he wants to be there for as many moments as possible.
03:17No, ew, no, no, that's your, you could have lice.
03:22So now let's put this coffee scrub on your face.
03:24Go like this.
03:25No, what am I doing?
03:26You're putting coffee scrub on your face.
03:28I don't want coffee on my face.
03:30Yes, you do.
03:30Because then you're going to be younger.
03:34I must say that because my relationship
03:36with my daughter, Ireland, was so negatively impacted
03:39by my divorce from her mother
03:41and having a very protracted custody battle
03:44that the media really were having a party about everything.
03:49Went on for seven years,
03:52of which the financials were probably a year and a half
03:54and then everything else was custody.
03:56Just insanity.
03:57And really, really tough.
03:59One of my most regrettable things about the whole thing
04:01was how it affected Ireland.
04:03But Ireland is grown.
04:04She's 28 years old.
04:06I have a good relationship with her.
04:08She loves the kids.
04:09I mean, she's very sweet to them
04:10and she's their older sister, but she's not in that pack.
04:13You know, Carmen, what am I going to do?
04:15Am I going to go blind?
04:16Oh, Carmen is coming all over me.
04:18Oh, Carmen, hi.
04:20This is why I think I'm so focused on Carmen
04:23and I want to have a good relationship with Carmen
04:25because I have a girl all over again.
04:27Now we're going to leave that for a little bit,
04:29just keep your mouth shut.
04:30This is how you get him to shut up.
04:32Just put stuff on his mouth that he doesn't want to eat.
04:36Exfoliate all those like 66 years of not washing your face.
04:42And this is going to also go under your eye bags.
04:45You sound like an orca when you do that.
04:49Carmen was an only child for two years
04:51and boy, she really wishes she can go on a time machine
04:54and go back to the good old days when it was just Carmen.
04:57Dad, your anniversary is coming up with mom, isn't it?
05:02What are you going to do?
05:04I assume you're going to hang out with me and mom
05:07this entire anniversary.
05:09Since it's...
05:10I'd love that.
05:14This is our 12th anniversary.
05:16No, it's not.
05:17I've been alive for 11 years this year.
05:20We got married in 2012.
05:22Every minute I spent around her,
05:23I thought she was a very special person
05:25and she still is the most special person
05:27I've ever met in my life.
05:30What was I going to do?
05:31Can you give me a face lift?
05:33You know how to do that?
05:33Face lift?
05:35I need to eat all the thread.
05:36You get behind me, pull my skin,
05:37you put your foot at the back of my skull
05:38and you go...
05:40I'm going to tie it in a big balloon knot in the back.
05:42Can you do that?
05:47Okay, that's...
05:49Okay, ow, ow, ow.
05:50You still look 66.
05:51Okay, that was step one.
05:54We'll do a couple more steps later on.
05:56Doesn't he look like a pretty pony?
05:58Can I tell you something?
05:59I was going to come in...
06:00I love you, Carmen.
06:01Hold on, let me take a good look.
06:02I was going to come in and I was going to...
06:05You know the coffee thing she did?
06:06Just say you look great no matter what,
06:07but it actually does look really good.
06:09You're like...
06:10She scrubbed my face with coffee beans.
06:10You're glowing.
06:12You look good.
06:14Okay, now make a nice face.
06:15Okay, scary, scared face.
06:19Happy face.
06:20Oh, Carmen has the same thing for every single one.
06:22He's such a good dad.
06:24I mean, he's had to go through a lot of things
06:25and being a good dad and like coming out and like,
06:28you know what, I'm going to have my moments,
06:29but I'm going to steer her back to being a good dad.
06:31It's beautiful to watch my children have that warm
06:35and fuzzy feeling, especially now.
06:37Yeah, you look good.
06:39I love it.
06:44Hey guys, wait, wait, wait.
06:45I need to carry them in.
06:47Hey, that's so lovely.
06:47Yeah, you want to carry something
06:48because you're so helpful?
06:49Come on.
06:50What are we waiting for?
06:53Oh no!
06:58It's five o'clock.
06:59Where's the pizza?
07:00The pizza's ruined!
07:02The pizza's what?
07:07Shut up, shut up!
07:09Go carry that to the table.
07:10What's happening to you, Leo?
07:12That'll be the special pizza.
07:15Somebody dropped it?
07:18Did they drop it?
07:19Oh yeah, don't touch that.
07:20Did they drop it?
07:24My wife knows that the pizza I like best
07:28is a pizza that's thrown down a flight of stairs
07:30before you eat it.
07:31And there it is.
07:34Can't wait.
07:35Okay, one second.
07:36You want one too?
07:36Okay, one second.
07:37I don't want one in there.
07:40Like a bear that took a salmon out of the water.
07:52Hey, you got your lollipop.
07:53Come on, bud.
07:54We're gonna go inside and get cleaned up.
07:56Alec's trial in New Mexico is coming up.
07:59And that's a scary thing to go through,
08:01especially when you have seven kids right behind you
08:04that you're supposed to maneuver through everything.
08:07It's a very difficult thing.
08:08So we're deciding, do I go with Alec
08:12or do I stay with the kids?
08:17I'm gonna go with Alec.
08:18I'm gonna stay with the kids.
08:22I love that you and I are both
08:23completely covered in tomato sauce.
08:25I love this shirt.
08:26I know, but you know what's so great?
08:27It's washable.
08:28It's so washable.
08:30I just love this shirt.
08:31I know, but it's great.
08:32You can still love it as soon as you're supposed to.
08:33It's from a clothing company that doesn't exist anymore.
08:35Well, you know what?
08:36It's good that we have soap and water.
08:37Carolyn Company, one of the great, great,
08:40great old clothing stores there in Los Angeles.
08:43Some of the greatest shirts I've ever worn in my life.
08:48You never laugh at my stuff, do you?
08:49I'm laughing.
08:50I'm laughing, but if I laughed out loud,
08:54I just would be so tired.
08:56I'm in my power save mode.
08:57I don't know if it's called that.
08:58It's like something like that.
08:59Power save mode. Low power mode.
09:00Low power mode.
09:01I'm in my low power mode.
09:03Your anniversary is happening right before the trial.
09:08Does it make your marriage
09:11and your anniversary more meaningful
09:13that you're going through these things together?
09:15I think in some ways, yes,
09:17because I don't know what my life is gonna look like
09:20a week from now.
09:21And it's hard.
09:22It's hard sometimes.
09:24But, you know, I think like any relationship
09:28or most relationships, you go through some dark periods.
09:31And the question is, do you work together
09:34and you grow together or do you go separate ways?
09:37We've had bad moments, but we have found our foundation.
09:42We're solid and we're here together.
09:44So I'm leaving Monday to LA.
09:48I have to work for like three days.
09:50Years ago, when I would go to work acting,
09:52it was new, so it was thrilling.
09:54I was thrilled.
09:55I was gratified just to be chosen.
09:58I was getting jobs and I was like, wow.
10:01And then once I met you and we had the kids,
10:02I'm like, oh God, you know, I just wanna stay home.
10:05Right, but that's also been something,
10:06not just because of the kids,
10:07but that's also been something
10:08because of the past few years.
10:11There was a period all this last year
10:13when I'd lay in bed and I'd think,
10:16I don't wanna get out of bed.
10:17I didn't think to myself,
10:18my children are downstairs having breakfast.
10:21The last year was a year which I think that they noticed
10:25I was really, really down.
10:27But the person that saved me was my wife
10:29because she got up.
10:30And this time she didn't want to either, but she did.
10:32See, that's the difference.
10:34I feel so lucky that I have you.
10:36I have you as my partner.
10:37You know, the past few years have been very hard
10:40and it's important that we keep on going
10:43and keep on working.
10:44Opportunities for jobs have been so few and far between
10:47because of the situation.
10:48A lot of people were, a lot of people cut my throat.
10:50A lot of people cut my throat in my business.
10:52I mean, they were like, hey, gone.
10:56Whatever that word is, ghosting.
10:57They just took off, they disappeared.
10:59When you go and you do this, gratitude, gratitude.
11:04I'm grateful for work.
11:06I'm grateful for every single job.
11:07That is a kind thing.
11:08Somebody wants to have you there.
11:10I'm accepting the work already.
11:11Right, and I'm grateful that you go.
11:13I'm grateful that you go
11:14because you're taking care of our family.
11:16I experienced a reversal of fortune
11:19in terms of my business and the media.
11:21I've accepted the fact that I can't be as finicky
11:23and as picky as I've always been.
11:26And I know that this next month is gonna be really hard.
11:30It will be.
11:31I want you to know that we prefer it when you're here.
11:33Only because-
11:34Let's end on that note.
11:36You're not alone.
11:37I know I'm not alone.
11:38I know I'm not.
11:41I know I'm not.
11:54Ew, that's been like in the pool.
11:57Leo, lay down, because I'm gonna put your eardrums.
12:01Alec has gone to LA for two days for work.
12:05And it's pure chaos.
12:07You're gonna go to camp and you're gonna see your friends.
12:09Ruff, I'm going to take this.
12:10I'm taking this away.
12:11Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
12:14Mira, la mamá va a estar por favor.
12:16Yeah, gracias.
12:18OK, bye.
12:20This is just the madness that I've signed.
12:22I have signed up for that because I had a lot of kids.
12:25Romeo, should I eat my toast with Nutella or syrup?
12:28I think the syrup's old.
12:30I'm trying to raise my kids the best
12:32that I can through very difficult experiences,
12:35especially over the past few years.
12:37Ay, Carmen, no.
12:38Romeo wants it.
12:39Why are we eating chocolate?
12:40No, no, no.
12:41Cappuccino soda with your mouth.
12:43Give me your hands, both hands.
12:45Cappuccino soda with your mouth.
12:48Kids are very smart.
12:50And I think parenting is walking this very difficult balance
12:54between giving them information, because if you don't give them
12:57information, they're going to make up their,
12:59they're going to fill in the blanks by themselves.
13:01This is a good middle finger.
13:06They're both not good.
13:08And protecting them.
13:10Hey, this, this one is the bad one.
13:13The other one doesn't mean anything.
13:15And this is the good one.
13:16And so I've had to have very difficult conversations
13:20with our children of explaining things.
13:22Guys, get out on the porch.
13:24I'm going to go do your sunscreen.
13:26I lost my coffee.
13:28I have to fill my children's days with positive energy.
13:34Doesn't mean we ignore bad things.
13:42Stop stealing cookies.
13:44But they have to see a smile on my face.
13:46They have to see me being cookie and silly.
13:48Who's next, you?
13:49Brumps, I'm Lulu.
13:51Stop beating people.
13:51Come on, arms up, arms up.
13:53We got to do your sunscreen.
13:54Come on.
13:55Please, come.
13:56I'll go and I will close myself in the furthest bathroom
14:00when nobody's around.
14:01And I'll scream for about 45 seconds and cry.
14:04No, you don't go to camp yet.
14:08Rafa, put the seatbelt right so you can show them.
14:11No, that's not right.
14:13Okay, now Romeo has it.
14:14Lulu has it.
14:16Leo has it.
14:17Rafa has it.
14:18Schmitty doesn't have it.
14:20Come on, put it in your arm.
14:22You want to be safe, okay?
14:23All right, there's a dead squirrel that somebody had.
14:30I wish I could have a pet squirrel.
14:32Yeah, you want a pet squirrel.
14:33I want a pet squirrel.
14:35You want a pet squirrel?
14:37Let's add that to our menagerie.
14:43This morning, I'm just watching the baby from my mom
14:46because my dad's in LA working on this AI thing.
14:51I don't really get it.
14:52Do you want to help me make pasta?
14:57It's flour.
14:58I didn't even do it a little bit just because.
15:01When Alec was charged the first time.
15:03Actor Alec Baldwin is now charged
15:05with involuntary manslaughter.
15:07The actor fired the prop gun
15:09that killed cinematographer Helena Hutchins.
15:11Carmen would not be alone in a room for months.
15:14We had to move a bed into, sleeping with the boys.
15:16She has a fear of, is our family gonna be torn apart?
15:21So with that, there is an awareness of what's going on.
15:24He's so like stressful about everything,
15:26so we can just do this.
15:27You want Dada?
15:29Yeah, Dada's in California
15:31getting a body scan or something.
15:33Do you guys want to FaceTime Daddy?
15:35FaceTime Daddy.
15:37Are you talking to Siri?
15:39Hey Dad.
15:41Wait, it's night?
15:43Wait, where are you?
15:45It's like super early in the morning,
15:46so it's still dark.
15:49Hi Dad.
15:52Hi Dad.
15:53Dad, Dad, are you in the hotel?
15:55Dad, are you in the hotel?
15:57Ah, no fighting.
15:59Lulu, give it to Eddie.
16:01No, don't hit me.
16:03No, don't hit me.
16:04Hey, no bad words.
16:05Stop saying that word.
16:07You guys taught it to her.
16:15Hey, you're in the big girl chair.
16:17Let's start with tofu.
16:18Let's do it in a circle.
16:20Carmen asked me last night,
16:21she said, when Daddy goes to New Mexico,
16:23do I have to say goodbye to him?
16:25Like I have to say goodbye to him for a long time.
16:28Should I say goodbye to him in a special way?
16:30Like I won't see him for a long time
16:31because they're trying to take my Daddy from me.
16:35And I said, yeah, you should.
16:42And she just lost it.
16:47So, you know,
16:53we've never even been away from each other for three weeks.
16:55So if he goes there, that's never even happened.
17:03Are you happy?
17:11Look, we're here.
17:12We're here.
17:13We're here.
17:17All right, guys, why are you crying?
17:18Okay, guys, you say bye to Daddy.
17:22Mom, can I press play?
17:23Good morning, everybody.
17:24Good morning, guys.
17:26Happy summer.
17:26How are you?
17:28Oh, I like the hat.
17:34Let's make a digital version of you.
17:36Have you done motion capture before or something?
17:39Only in my dreams, I think.
17:41We've stopped gluing this stuff to you.
17:43Thank God.
17:44You make it to your skin.
17:46You're kidding.
17:46No, we used to glue the hats to their heads.
17:48So Tom Hanks had like the whole thing gaff-corded
17:50to his head.
17:51It couldn't come off.
17:52Even Tom Hanks has to put up with this bull****.
18:02Luke, I am your father.
18:05My love of films I got from my dad.
18:07This makes me very emotional.
18:11He loved movies.
18:12All right, and we're good to go.
18:14I call my parents and say,
18:15I'm gonna leave GW and not go to law school
18:17and go into acting.
18:18My mother starts screaming on the phone.
18:19The phone is melting in my head
18:22when my mother's screaming.
18:22My father goes, all right, let's hear him out.
18:24Let's hear him out.
18:25So I go to New York and I study acting for a year.
18:28I get out and I just keep working.
18:30So I did The Soap.
18:31The Doctors was a famous half hour on NBC.
18:35After that, I made good movies,
18:37so-so movies, **** movies, you know.
18:39I was cast in Married to the Mob, Working Girl with Mike.
18:43The earliest things I did,
18:44Great Balls of Fire was not a good movie,
18:46but I was so tickled to work with Dennis
18:48because I really admired Dennis.
18:50I got cast in Beetlejuice,
18:52which I remember the whole time I was there,
18:54I was like, I don't get it.
18:55What is this about?
18:58Okay, guys, let's get set to capture here.
19:00Let's roll sound.
19:02My perfect mother eats chocolate fudge from a tube.
19:06From a tube?
19:07From a tube!
19:09I go to Hunt for Red October, 1989,
19:11and the most powerful actor in the movie
19:13and the most powerful actor in the world, he just talks.
19:17Like your fathers and your grandfathers before you.
19:20We sail into history.
19:23And I remember just watching him,
19:24and I was like, oh my God.
19:28I was like, oh my God.
19:29You know, this guy, he's like, he's the king.
19:35Monkey paw, lunge, big arms around.
19:43I had a lot of good years, you know.
19:44We did some TV shows, Authority Rock,
19:46and good, good job, and I love what I'm doing.
19:49But with some of the unpleasantries
19:52we've had to deal with, with seven children,
19:54the biggest challenge for me, honestly,
19:56is to have time with them individually.
19:59Dad, you look like an astronaut.
20:00Hold it back, I look like an astronaut.
20:02Everything's better if I'm with them.
20:04And it's hard, it's hard when I can't be there.
20:21Okay, can I show you what I have in this bag?
20:23So you know it's our anniversary coming up?
20:26Do you know what I always do for anniversaries?
20:28So I look up on a website what's like the traditional,
20:31and what's the modern gift.
20:33Oh yeah, and you gave Dad like a piece of leather one year.
20:36So this year, pearls is one.
20:39And no, I didn't get like real pearls,
20:40I got like something creepy.
20:42And then.
20:43No, I'm scared.
20:44I know, you should be a little scared actually.
20:46And then the other one is silk.
20:49So this is St. Michael protection in silk.
20:54In my very bad moments,
20:56I will let my mind start to wander and spiral.
21:03I think about what's the worst case scenario.
21:07You know that we're, you know,
21:08we're going through some hard things this summer, yeah?
21:10And so I got him this necklace of St. Michael.
21:16I believe that the worst case scenario is
21:19if they can convince people to find him guilty,
21:24they will take him away right there.
21:27And I'm hoping that he'll wear it and it says,
21:29we're here to protect you, stand with you, love you,
21:32you are not alone.
21:33Somos el mejor equipo, que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre.
21:39Whether or not I go to New Mexico,
21:42I want him to know that I am always by his side.
21:47I am always with him.
21:48And I hope that this gift will be something
21:52that he can hold with him every single day
21:54and know that I am by his side.
21:57What's that?
21:58I'm like, I asked for freshwater pearls
22:01and this is what came.
22:02No, stop.
22:04This is like really gross.
22:06Didn't think I was buying real pearls.
22:07I thought I was buying something plastic.
22:09I think we should look at like our shopping cart
22:11and see what we ordered.
22:12Hold on.
22:1310 piece freshwater live pearl oyster
22:17with round pearl inside for pearl gift.
22:19Fun for children.
22:20No, stop it.
22:21That's scary.
22:22So now we are ordering seafood from Amazon?
22:26It does have a weird smell.
22:29Do you have any like tools?
22:31Like tweezers?
22:32I feel like get your tweezers.
22:33Go get your tweezers.
22:34No, it stinks.
22:34I can smell it from here.
22:35No, come on.
22:36Don't make me look.
22:37You're gonna abandon me.
22:38Go, go, go.
22:41I got this.
22:44Protection first.
22:46I know.
22:54And there's the pearl.
22:59Oh, it's won't come off and now it's on my rug.
23:04Okay, last one.
23:05Last one.
23:06Thank God.
23:06It stinks.
23:07Ay, ay, ay.
23:09I don't even think these are real pearls.
23:12I will learn to always read the description from now on.
23:15Lesson learned.
23:30Hello, friend.
23:35How are you?
23:37Good, how are you?
23:37It looks nice in here.
23:40Well, you know, I just threw it together.
23:42Danny is one of my very best friends.
23:45I have known him for 12 years.
23:49This always makes me nervous.
23:52Okay, that's a really big board.
23:54That's what we call an appropriate board.
23:55This is an appropriate board.
23:56My family doesn't live close
23:59and Alex's family doesn't live close.
24:01And so my friends have stepped in as family.
24:06We are so close.
24:08We show up for each other.
24:09And during hard experiences,
24:12you learn who your friends are.
24:14With everything that's been going on,
24:15I mean, like, we always talk about the kids,
24:18everybody else, like, how are you doing
24:21in coping with all the pressure that you're under
24:24and everything that's going on?
24:33I don't wanna make you sad.
24:34You're not gonna make me sad.
24:37I mean, maybe I'm sad.
24:39I don't know how to answer that
24:41because I'm in war mode.
24:45My guess is I'm not doing well.
24:48But you don't know it yet.
24:49And I won't acknowledge that
24:50because I don't have the ability to,
24:55because if I do, then I'll break.
24:57And hopefully they'll be swift.
25:00And I'll get it out of the way
25:01so it doesn't affect anyone else.
25:03And I think that that's what it's like to be mom.
25:06I imagine that however this is gonna end one time,
25:09if it could be the worst ending in the world,
25:12it could be,
25:15and I can't even call it a good ending
25:16because none of this is good.
25:21A son lost his mom.
25:23A family lost their person.
25:25Helena lost her life
25:27in the most unforeseeable tragedy.
25:32This is never something to forget.
25:34This is never something to not think of.
25:37This is about honoring a really incredible person
25:41for the rest of our lives
25:44and to pass on her memory
25:47to our children and our children's children.
25:51It was a very traumatic thing
25:54for everybody that was in that room
25:57and everybody that was somehow connected to it.
26:02I don't know what we're gonna do.
26:04It was a very traumatic thing
26:09for everybody that was in that room.
26:13I found these text messages the other day between us,
26:17you know, the day after,
26:19and he said he wanted to kill himself.
26:24He has survivor's guilt.
26:27You're involved in this thing that nobody
26:29could even possibly imagine.
26:32even possibly imagine, and so he goes back to on that day,
26:40he wishes it were him.
26:43He would change places in a second.
26:46I remember being on the phone with him
26:48in the days after the situation happened,
26:50and he was speaking to a completely traumatized person.
26:54I mean, I remember him just walking through
26:57the sequence of events, like, of just starting
27:01from when he showed up in New Mexico to film.
27:03It was heart-wrenching, because he was so traumatized,
27:08he was so heartbroken, and he was just trying
27:10to figure out what the hell even just happened.
27:14And he'll never be the same.
27:16This has affected his health
27:17and his mental health tremendously.
27:20The past few years, all of a sudden,
27:21he started having heart problems.
27:24He's been hospitalized multiple times,
27:26and he's fainted, and he just,
27:32and everybody starts screaming,
27:34and I'm going on top, and I'm shaking him.
27:39It's hard sometimes, but hopefully we're in the hardest,
27:46but the tail end of it.
27:48I need to ask your advice about something.
27:51You know that Alec has to go to New Mexico soon?
27:57Do we all go?
27:57Do we stay together?
27:58Because that's what we're used to.
27:59I mean, we're a very tight-knit family.
28:00We're always together.
28:02Do I stay with the kids, and he goes
28:07and has to do that by himself?
28:09I don't know what to do, and I know
28:13that any decision I make will have
28:17some very wrong things about it.
28:19Or will feel wrong.
28:20Or will feel wrong.
28:21I mean, there's no way to make any of this feel better.
28:25And I know that I'm gonna get criticized no matter what.
28:27I'm gonna get criticized if I go,
28:29and I'm a bad mom, and I have left my kids.
28:32I'm gonna get criticized if I stay,
28:34and I'm a bad wife.
28:36I'm gonna, you know, if I bring them,
28:37I'm using them as a pun, you know?
28:38But that's why I think you have to try
28:40to remove that from the equation.
28:42You can't be worried about what other people
28:45are gonna think about it.
28:46You have to just worry about how
28:48to get through it with your kids.
28:50The kids are already anxious about this.
28:51I mean, Carmen is anxious to begin with.
28:53She's always concerned about her brothers, her sisters.
28:55Like, that's her personality.
28:57So this is already has her on edge.
28:59And she's older.
29:00She knows more what's going on.
29:01No, you're right.
29:02She came to me, and she started to cry.
29:05And she said, I'm afraid that when you and Daddy
29:08go into court, that somebody's gonna shoot you.
29:13I can't lose both of my parents.
29:15They're gonna hurt you.
29:17And you're not gonna come back.
29:18I don't think that her feelings are justified.
29:20But she's too young to, like,
29:22she just has to be made to feel safe.
29:24I always try to be as honest as possible with them.
29:28And you get to a point where you're like,
29:29oh, I don't know, but I think so.
29:32And that, for a kid, is not good enough.
29:35So it's hard to, especially when there's, you know,
29:40real consequences that are looming.
29:48And I don't know how I'm gonna parent.
29:51I don't think, I don't know how you could know.
29:54Like, I don't think that that's something
29:55that anybody would be prepared for.
29:58I mean, I don't know.
30:14Okay, here we go.
30:18I'm gonna go very slowly.
30:19There's a horse.
30:20Daddy, there's two.
30:22Which horse is that?
30:23Do you guys remember which one that is?
30:25It's Sonador, Sonador.
30:27And then there's also...
30:28Sonador is mine!
30:30And Pumpkin, I saw Pumpkin the other day.
30:33When something bad happens,
30:35and you have to look at the kids,
30:37and you have to say, you know,
30:40I'm gonna put a smile on my face,
30:42and we're gonna fake it.
30:45Coming in for the big landing here.
30:47All right.
30:48Column 11, we've landed on the moon.
30:51Extraordinarily difficult
30:53when you feel so horrible inside and so scared.
30:57Want me to carry the baby?
30:59Want Daddy to carry you?
31:00Come here with Daddy.
31:01Oh, who's a big girl.
31:04There's a lot of horses.
31:05Want your baby?
31:06They're into the pool.
31:07High five!
31:08With the trial inching closer, inching closer,
31:12I'm just trying really hard
31:14to have time with them individually.
31:16It's time that they can't get back.
31:18I don't wanna have that regret.
31:20Let's go get the stuff and go clean the poop.
31:22Are we going to shovel the poop?
31:23We are gonna go shovel the poop.
31:24I'm the best poop shoveler around here.
31:27Louie, don't ever say I didn't pass anything on to you.
31:30I think all children are so connected to their parents.
31:33They take a lot of things off their parents.
31:36You want that one?
31:36Okay, here, come here.
31:40Here, boogie.
31:41When I was a kid and we were home,
31:44and home wasn't at all what we might have hoped it would be,
31:48my dad was always a little on edge.
31:50He was financially struggling every day of his life.
31:54He had six kids and no money.
31:55My mother had no help.
31:56There was a period in my mother's life
31:58where she popped a bunch of pills
31:59and went to sleep every day,
32:00and she was really, really, she was just lost.
32:04It's okay.
32:05It's okay.
32:06Okay, let me just call Emily really quick.
32:07This is urgent.
32:08I'm trying to get your mother a present for her anniversary.
32:11Oh, oh.
32:13Her anniversary is literally on Sunday.
32:16Then I left home and I didn't have a home.
32:19I walked around for 35 years, I didn't have a home.
32:22And when I met Hillary, I had a home.
32:25It's the white gold pearl earrings, morning dew earrings.
32:30Can you overnight them tomorrow for Saturday delivery?
32:33I wanted this.
32:34I wanted kids to walk into a door
32:37and really just feel like there was home.
32:46I'm sorry.
32:58You want, I can wipe off your face paint, okay?
33:00We have been parenting from a near empty tank.
33:04Hey, Lulu, will you help me?
33:06Will you help me give a present to daddy?
33:10And while I always try to be fun,
33:13My kids, like many, many kids, are intuitive,
33:17and they're smart.
33:18Where's dad?
33:20I think, hopefully, he's coming.
33:22And they know when I am coming from a place
33:28of a pit in my stomach.
33:32I love you.
33:37Romeo, is she OK?
33:40Yeah, she's just mad.
33:43I love you.
33:47All right, guys, can you give this to daddy?
33:49Where's the card that I have?
33:53All right, guys.
33:54Here you go.
33:55Here, guys.
33:56OK, watch.
34:01Don't get wet on anything, please.
34:03Will you give it to daddy?
34:04Hey, here, come.
34:05Is this a Harry Potter key ring?
34:09Who is that?
34:10Say Michael.
34:11Rock Angel, say Michael.
34:14Wait, no, she can't have popcorn.
34:15She's a baby.
34:20There's multiple things in it, OK?
34:26Pearls, and there may be beads.
34:27Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, don't touch it.
34:30There's those in mine.
34:31Hold on.
34:32No, no, no, don't do that.
34:33And you made me drop one.
34:34Now, this is a necklace to wear around my neck.
34:37Is it going to fit me?
34:38I don't know.
34:41You know somebody you love?
34:42You want to know what it says?
34:43This is Saint Michael.
34:44This is Saint Michael.
34:45He is the saint of protection.
34:48Let's get his cell phone number.
34:52I think one of the most important things when we are
34:55facing challenges is to know that there's
34:59something bigger than us, regardless of what you believe,
35:05because faith will guide us out of this dark period.
35:10Listen to me.
35:11Do you see what I gave Daddy?
35:12What is the last part read in Spanish?
35:14Because I can't read.
35:15My eyes are so bad.
35:16Que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre.
35:18What does that mean?
35:19That may God bless you today and forever.
35:22Maybe it'll fit you.
35:23It'll be like a choker.
35:24Hey, Naya.
35:30Don't put this down.
35:32How high up is it?
35:33Look at this.
35:33Look at this.
35:36No, no, not even close.
35:38I want my phone.
35:39Go inside, Eduardo.
35:42I would like to try to figure out not now how we're
35:45going to get that off of his head.
35:46It will come off, Alec.
35:47Let him be, OK?
35:48It's just face paint.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50What else could go wrong?
35:51Go ahead.
35:52It's the most romantic animation I've ever played.
35:54You know what?
35:55It's so great.
35:56Mom, I want to go in the pool.
35:57Let's go.
35:58Wait, just for, like, literally give me five minutes.
36:03Mom, I want to go in the pool.
36:04Let's go.
36:05Wait, just for, like, literally give
36:07me five minutes.
36:08Ten minutes.
36:09I want to take a shower with Carmen.
36:11OK, Carmen's going to go give you a spa.
36:13No, I'm not.
36:14Yes, you are.
36:15Come on.
36:16Yes, come.
36:17What did I get my wife?
36:18Well, I kind of hit the ball right down the middle.
36:22So here we go.
36:32That was a traumatic present.
36:34It was supposed to be meaningful.
36:35OK, wait, let me try again.
36:37So you have a box that's protection.
36:40And then inside the box is the silk.
36:43Real silk.
36:44Pocket square.
36:45It's real silk.
36:46That one's real silk.
36:47They're not real pearls, but it's real silk.
36:49Anyway, I want you to think that you're never alone
36:52and you're protected.
36:54I know that.
36:55Did you open up my cart?
36:57You gave me a cart, you wrapped it,
36:59and you opened it up for me.
37:00Well, yeah, because I wanted to hasten this along.
37:02Oh my gosh, this is the 12 years is the Express,
37:06the Express anniversary.
37:10H, very soon, this will be behind us
37:12and then we can rebuild our lives.
37:14We have so many reasons to move on in peace.
37:17Love, A.
37:19We're going to.
37:25Now, you know, when you think of pearls
37:28and you want to get something that's kind of nice.
37:30OK, so you went for the real pearls.
37:32We don't blow it.
37:32No, you don't know that.
37:33You don't know that orange smelling rotten orange.
37:36Now, I know you, I know you, and you probably
37:39won't like these.
37:41I like them.
37:42This is where our age difference sometimes, like, where is it?
37:46Your generation has no taste and my generation
37:48has sublime taste.
37:53Shall we?
37:54Oh, they're so pretty.
37:56It's very sweet.
37:57Thank you so much.
37:58Thank you, thank you.
37:59I love them.
38:01I think it's pretty.
38:06How are you feeling about me coming with you?
38:09I want to be there.
38:10Let's not ruin our anniversary.
38:12It's on my mind.
38:16My mind is not made up.
38:18We've got to go to New Mexico because Alec has to go on trial
38:21and we're deciding, do I go with Alec
38:26or do I stay with the kids?
38:29He wants me to stay here with the kids.
38:32But he's also the kind of guy that will never ask for help.
38:35If he is sick, he's like the animal
38:37that will go off into the woods and just die alone.
38:39He's really bad at asking for help,
38:41which means that I have to be there to take care of him.
38:45Don't you think it's going to be easier for you
38:47if I'm there with you?
38:50It depends on how it's going.
38:51If we walk out of there after day three and four and five
38:55and these guys are coming back with us saying
38:59that they're very encouraged by the way things went down,
39:02Then we're in pretty good shape.
39:06I want to protect her.
39:09I don't want her to suffer if she gets pulled into this
39:11and it's been tough on her.
39:13You know, I'm just, uh.
39:14You don't want me to be there if you
39:15feel like it's not going well?
39:17I think if for any reason it didn't go well,
39:22if it doesn't go well, we have to sell
39:24those earrings right away.
39:26I'll keep them in good shape.
39:29I'm going to bring the baby and then Carmen, I think,
39:31is going to come and help me with her.
39:34And hopefully she'll.
39:35Because I'm afraid to, you know, I just,
39:37I'm very afraid to leave all the kids here.
39:41You OK?
39:46We've been through a lot, you know?
39:50I don't know where I'd be without you.
39:52I say this all the time, but I'm very grateful to you.
39:54You've been very patient.
39:55I know a lot of people who would say,
39:57I can't handle this, you know?
40:06I wonder what our life is going to be like next year.
40:11Don't go anywhere.
40:12No, I'm here.
40:13I'm crazy, but I'm scrappy.
40:16I'm very stubborn.
40:18I don't ever want to be without you.
40:21It's going to be OK.
40:26It's going to be OK.
40:29Happy anniversary.
40:30Happy anniversary.
40:38I have never been away from all of my kids
40:40for longer than going into the hospital and having a baby.
40:43Mr. Baldwin, would you like to say anything?
40:46What do we do if I don't bring him back from New Mexico?
40:51This was an unspeakable tragedy.
40:53Alec Baldwin acted recklessly.
40:55Where do you go from a tragedy?
40:59Right here, guys.
41:00Hopefully, we can do the necessary healing.
41:04I really want to make sure that we're being smart about where
41:07do we go from here.
41:08Two years, nine months of this, it changes you.
41:12And for me, the stress and the pressure of public life.
41:16At my age, that's not good.
41:18Alec is a man born in the 1950s.
41:22Asking for help is a difficult thing.
41:24I do not want to go back to the life I had.
41:26I don't.
41:27I don't care.
41:28I don't want to go back.
41:30I don't.