• 21 hours ago
#chilledvibes #solorust #rustbase
Ladies and gents, i present one of my greatest adventures...
Go send some love to @Gorliac , the most goated solo in the business


[EU] Willjum's Casual Solo/Duo Monthly
[EU] Willjum's solo only server
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[NA] Willjum's solo only server
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Fantastic Music From

Backyard : https://www.youtube.com/@beatsinthebackyard
Eeryskies : https://www.youtube.com/@eeryskies
In Bloom: https://www.youtube.com/@InBloom-CountryFolkBeats
Daniel Paris : https://www.youtube.com/@DanielParisMusic
Velvet: https://www.youtube.com/@prodvelvet
SouthHarborMusic: https://www.youtube.com/@SouthHarborMusic
Miercoles: https://www.youtube.com/@prodmiercoles
Heydium : https://www.youtube.com/@heydium
DanDarmawan: https://www.youtube.com/@DanDarmawan
Chkody: https://www.youtube.com/@chkodybeats
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
00:01:06The new morning
00:01:09What who destroyed our turrets
00:01:12Hello. Hello. Hello. Good morning. Yes, who was it?
00:01:16Look, I don't tell me it was that way, but I guess solo rat again
00:01:21the body's fish
00:01:22It was the morning of day three
00:01:25Goliak and I's base had survived the night, but not without some damage
00:01:31I'm dead
00:01:32A solo rat had taken advantage of our absence and broken some of our turrets throughout the night
00:01:38Welcome to rust but as we would come to find out a solo would not be the biggest of our threats
00:01:45Oh, I did not offer you
00:01:50It works my bad
00:01:52Our day began by repairing fortifying and placing more turrets
00:01:56We weren't gonna let that happen again
00:01:58See if we were to get caught out with no turrets on our roof the consequences could be done. Yep
00:02:06So a tedious first night of fortifications but soon enough the sun rose and with it it revealed something
00:02:15What the hell is this
00:02:17Our friendly neighbors expanded quite a lot. I don't know what this thing is
00:02:22And while farming to begin the day I also went to go check in on edwani's base
00:02:30Yep still grinding this guy is crazy. He's very annoying but you gotta give him some respect
00:02:36He's putting in similar hours to goliak and I and that is not easy
00:02:41But he did also break our turrets and that can't be forgiven. That was a pain in my ass to fix this morning
00:02:47Our base is looking mighty, but it's still quite hollow at the moment. We need to fill it all out today
00:02:52We got to get all these doors down. We got to get locker kits sorted. It's gonna be a big day. There's a lot to do
00:03:00Oh someone's trying to jump into our compound
00:03:05Tell me it's the same guy again. Oh, you're being watched right now on the hill behind you naked
00:03:11He has a gun of some sort
00:03:14What does he live there
00:03:16He's at the stone two by one. Oh, yeah
00:03:18Oh, that's the guy. Yeah. Well the guy that was just trying to jump in. Oh
00:03:22Looks like we have a new neighbor
00:03:24Seemed as though edwani wasn't the only little rat trying to jump into our base. But this one however was more vulnerable
00:03:41Ah, what what is wrong with me
00:03:51Diving tanks
00:03:53loads of diving tanks
00:03:58Chose the wrong compound to jump into when he lives right next to it. Nope
00:04:03There's so much diving gear below here. Look more. Oh my god. Yeah, that's perfect
00:04:08Oh my what in the world this guy's crazy
00:04:13So one less grub for us to deal with but that's not what was so significant see from that raid
00:04:20We had got diving gear and a lot of it. See while our base was big. It was still vulnerable
00:04:27So what we needed were components both gears for garage doors and laptops and cameras for turrets our only hope of potentially
00:04:36surviving any raid
00:04:38And where were we going to get them?
00:04:40Well now that we had this diving gear gauliac and I were on a mission
00:04:46to the underwater labs
00:04:50Myself as a humble solo farmer my experience in the underwater labs is well
00:04:58Gauliac, however
00:04:59Is the master
00:05:01Of the sea and with him on my side today the labs would be our kingdom
00:05:08Wait, I just realized like you just said you don't always need a diving tank to get into the entrance, right?
00:05:13So you could theoretically go with a backpack
00:05:16Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, i've done it in multiple videos. No way like i've killed people inside with backpacks
00:05:22I took like everything and I just go up you take a little bit of damage like it depends on the lab
00:05:27I've never tried that before. I didn't know it was possible
00:05:30After crossing the sea we eventually made it to the entrance, okay, it's fine. I'm fine
00:05:37Fuck it trade me
00:05:42He's dead I don't know what he's doing nice I got him
00:05:46I don't know if there are more. Oh my god. He's loaded actually loaded
00:05:52Oh my god, he's yeah, that's very loaded. What's
00:05:56Got a hundred eye call on him
00:05:58I think we should go with this. Yeah, I think you're right man. That is actually crazy
00:06:02Okay. Okay. Tell you what tell you one of us stay one of us go i'll i'll grab it
00:06:05You'll go on here. I'll grab it all i'll take you home
00:06:08You hold this down man with so much loot instantly acquired
00:06:12We wanted to take it home, but we also didn't want to give up control. We parted ways and I set sail for home
00:06:23Wait what there's a heli oh
00:06:27This boat is bugged I can't get it to work
00:06:29Bro, the boat spawned. Yeah, I can't use it. It's you it's you. Okay. No, I can't kill him. I can't kill him
00:06:35What what no, no
00:06:38It's you with pump or what? No, no, no, it's not me. I'm up here. I can't get this boat to work
00:06:42The engine's not working
00:06:44I killed him. I killed him nice. There's more coming
00:06:47I was away heading home, but with no boats very slowly leaving goliac holding it down alone
00:07:00I couldn't shoot I think another one
00:07:32Oh my god, oh my god
00:07:35Oh my god
00:07:37I'm, just trying to move and I can't i'm lagging and i'm swimming and i'm not going anywhere. Oh my
00:08:15I'm going insane i've been swimming for like 20 minutes
00:08:34Are you good what is going on over there man will jay i'm good. I get another guy. Oh my god
00:08:40So goliac was fighting for his life and I was fighting for my sanity
00:08:44But my struggle wasn't in vain because if I hadn't swum to shore I never would have spotted this
00:08:51Oh shit goliac. I found them. I know where they live
00:08:54I just saw one jump out of base. Yeah. Yeah. They live right on the shore stone two by two
00:08:58Oh my god, and I cannot move if they saw me i'm actually just dead
00:09:03This lag is killing me
00:09:05Eventually making it to shore I could now run home, but that information I had just got was invaluable
00:09:12Because now we knew that the endless swarms of players goliac had been taking down were coming from one
00:09:18little two by two
00:09:21Oh my gosh, it's a rocky break going off near our base
00:09:25As a group with at least four players who had clearly been running labs
00:09:29They would no doubt be loaded with exactly the components we were after and so focused on getting their loot back from goliac
00:09:36Gave me the perfect window. Yeah, one one more game. They're on the push
00:09:41I just need you to hold out a little longer man. I am coming. I am coming with the boom
00:09:47Need tech trash and i'm ready. Okay, two c4 crafting. Hold on tight man. I'm on my way. That's
00:09:54Even if they've done just a couple labs runs before you killed them all. Yeah
00:10:00The loot that I have in 10 minutes is insane. Like yeah, yeah and with everything prepped it was goats
00:10:09Look who it is
00:10:11Reunited at last
00:10:14Put it here i'll fill it stashing goliacs loot we move to the raid. Hey, let's go
00:10:23Okay, I reckon we do the back wall
00:10:29I'm gonna check the building plan real quick. I don't see any triangles
00:10:32No, okay. All right, let's go. Yeah, let's just do it. Whatever you like
00:10:40Hey, I will need to get inside or I mean I don't hear them inside but I will make this in case
00:10:45I saw topo move on our left
00:10:49You need to get for that
00:11:05With so many pre-crafted meds and spare kits it was clear
00:11:08This was a secondary base for the clan goliac was fighting. But now this was our base
00:11:15All right now we have a lab space yeah
00:11:18Literally the loot within had been solid but now with a strong base that we could deposit in controlling labs would be so much easier
00:11:27We headed back to collect our stash loot
00:11:29We then deposited diving equipment and some extra kits into our labs base that would no doubt come in handy down the line
00:11:36Taking everything else back to our main
00:11:40Damn we got quite a lot from uh from from that labs run. That's kind of crazy
00:11:45I think there's another 100 high qual upstairs as well
00:11:48So the ocean run had been more than profitable and with a lab space we could go back in future
00:11:53But for now night time had once again fallen and with all of the extra resources we just gained
00:11:59It was vital that we continued working on fortifying the base
00:12:03Okay, I think i'm gonna put the final battery
00:12:05Behind this door, but it does mean the purifier is gonna have to go it has done me well so far
00:12:11But this is fine because I have to upgrade the water system anyway, because we're gonna need a lot more cloth
00:12:15For the rest of the wipe to come but that is a plan for later me
00:12:20I mean, okay
00:12:23Fuck me. Oh
00:12:27You may or may not know but every rust base has a max capacity of 12 auto turrets and so far we had
00:12:34Seven with the extra components from the labs run. I could now craft three more totaling 10
00:12:39But it still wasn't enough as just two players
00:12:42When everything's on the line a single turret can make all the difference
00:12:48So after setting the new turrets up it was back to the lab space
00:12:51We wouldn't stop until we had everything we needed so armed with nothing but a wetsuit and a double barrel. It was time to farm
00:13:16Wait a diving tank there is someone here
00:13:29Quicksile that was like a little solo from day one this guy's still playing
00:13:34There are some grinders on this server man a name which up to now we had totally forgotten
00:13:40It wouldn't be the last time
00:13:42We'll be seeing it
00:13:43Goliak eventually arrived at labs and we continued to farm it together rotating between depositing back in base
00:13:50With labs under our control at least for now, we could build up all the components we needed
00:13:58He did bye bye
00:14:03Oh another camera
00:14:04Oh nice another laptop. Oh my gosh. Those were some insane crates. Nice
00:14:09All right. I am coming home
00:14:12Let's go
00:14:14Soon enough. We had accumulated rows of components and everything we needed at least for now as the sun set
00:14:21Once again, I swum home with everything we gathered
00:14:26Beautiful stuff. Well, that is all of the laptops and cameras we needed we can now make another four turrets
00:14:33Uh, which should hit the cap
00:14:35Looking good
00:14:37Throughout the night and into the next morning we worked we crafted and wired the final auto turrets reaching our maximum capacity
00:14:44Constructed some shops on our roof
00:14:46Allowing us to sell loot. We had an abundance for things
00:14:49We desperately needed and worked on fortifying the compound adding three extra bedrooms and lockers for defense
00:15:12North compound
00:15:14Working on the base for an entire rust day. It had been productive. But as the sun was setting again
00:15:21We heard this
00:15:24Hold up
00:15:25Oh, we gotta go to that. We gotta go to that brother as you lift this. Holy shit. Yeah. Yeah
00:15:30No, we have to we have to i'm dropping everything what sounded like a huge raid had broken out towards the airfield
00:15:37Dropping everything we were doing. We sprinted over as the sun set
00:15:42I'm so cool for now. They are running
00:15:44That's three
00:15:46Oh, I see them down there. Oh, that's a big base. I think they left. Yeah, they are running to the big place
00:15:52Yeah, I see them
00:15:55Hit one twice
00:15:57Unfortunately, we were too late the raid was over. We found out there was a new group in the area
00:16:04All right, no one judged these double barrel kids you never know I feel like when raids happen
00:16:10Any gun just being able to grab something could make all the difference
00:16:14Don't worry. I'll be replacing those with proper guns later. It'll do for now
00:16:18With night fallen once again, and it was back to base duties managing a base of this size
00:16:24Takes immense work from both gorliak and I but as bases around us fell
00:16:30We knew it was only a matter of time before someone would come for us
00:16:35And we vowed that we would be ready
00:16:38when it did
00:16:44So gorliak and I were well established but there was much we still needed most specifically
00:16:51Cloth we've all been there in rust. No cloth in base means no meds no meds
00:16:57Well your hopes of survival
00:17:00A minimum so gorliak and I were heading on a mission mission to outpost but not to buy cloth
00:17:17We're going by our mini as well, it would be
00:17:19Very good
00:17:26We'll be careful this one's been cleared recently, too
00:17:31Oh, this one has a lot. Yeah, it looks like it
00:17:36How many gears have you found so far
00:17:38uh four
00:17:40Four. Okay. Not bad. I've got eight. So that's not bad
00:17:44For tennis we take we are going to buy 20 more in the shop. So, yep. Yep
00:17:54Eventually making it to the surface we traveled all the way to outpost god. It's like a whole new world out here in the desert
00:18:04Different place weird thing that's on the same island
00:18:12Did we just squash that guy
00:18:18You did
00:18:20Hey, I mean he walks onto the track that was all him
00:18:23Recycling down everything we farmed and gorliak went on a shopping spree
00:18:28Bro, I have everything we need. I have three priorities. I have
00:18:3447 gears
00:18:36One pure wood tea
00:18:38And I have all the clones. Oh my god, you're a hero and it's capped by the mini. Oh my hallelujah
00:18:45Let's go back to base. Yes, sir
00:18:47And with that we were ready to go or at least after an important detour
00:18:59Oh you are fucking kidding me
00:19:02Let's go. Let's go. Let's go
00:19:05Your boy is driving see despite needing cloth more than anything we actually didn't buy it instead buying
00:19:13Because I had a plan
00:19:16This is a big old map
00:19:20You almost don't realize until you're actually like flying over it. It's crazy. It just doesn't end
00:19:35As well as the seeds gorliak had been able to buy stacks of gears which we desperately needed for garage doors in the base
00:19:42It was time to craft
00:19:54While at outpost gorliak had also purchased a wood team and gorliak put it to good use
00:20:05While gorliak did that it was time for me to sort the cloth situation once and for all my farm needed a serious upgrade
00:20:17All right, i'm gonna try something i've actually never done before in rust
00:20:21Um, but because we live so close to the shore
00:20:25I think it can work. I don't see why it couldn't
00:20:44I think that's enough room. I actually don't know. Uh, let's see that work. Why does that not work?
00:20:53Oh, i'm stupid that's because it's not meant to be on a foundation
00:21:01See up till now our cloth income had purely been on my small farm which so far had been running on manual water
00:21:10Purification not exactly the best strategy. So here was my plan
00:21:15What if I took the water from the sea and pumped it up all the way to our base on the shore?
00:21:22Adding a purifier to clean the water in the process and sending it straight to the farms
00:21:28And hopefully meaning I would never have to manually water them to keep them running again
00:21:50Okay water pump is working so i'm going to send that into the purifier
00:21:54And then send that
00:21:56All the way up to base get this as close to the base as possible
00:22:00I think i'm going to need to add an extra connector because I believe this is going to be further than uh, 25 meters
00:22:08Or three i'm gonna have to have a connector right here. That's fine. It'll work as an external tool cupboard, too
00:22:21All right
00:22:24Oh beautiful 0.26 meters, that was perfect
00:22:30Moment of truth does it reach the water barrel? Oh, it does just okay. Okay, okay
00:22:38And if I turn this switch on it should be working
00:22:42So it sends the salt water from the sea it purifies it and it sends it from the shore up to our base
00:22:49That is so cool
00:22:51Is it landing in the barrel?
00:22:54Oh my god, it is
00:22:57Let's go now infinite water it is time to get our farm on goliac we're gonna have cloth for days
00:23:06With water no longer a problem and god seeds to our name
00:23:10We could now grow all the cloth and berries we could ever need
00:23:15And just as I laid that very first harvest
00:23:20We heard this
00:23:22Oh shit
00:23:30Go like that we we need to go to that. What the fuck?
00:23:35Goliac where are you man? We gotta go
00:23:38Goliac goliac goliac goliac goliac goliac goliac goliac goliac get your ass back here right fucking now, man. I need you
00:23:46Hello, hello, he's back, um rocket c4a broke out right next to our base literally just next door
00:23:52It's the one on the shore. Come come come
00:23:54We have night vision crafted
00:23:56Do you need one? Yeah. Yeah bring some if you have it. Yeah
00:23:59Just try and get here asap
00:24:01I left for one minute literally as you left the rocket went. Hey, it's high between us
00:24:17Again yeah, he's dead. It's the susu guys
00:24:21Looks like that was one of the raiders. He was running straight for the base
00:24:26Well, you know i'm here now
00:24:28Take your mbgs. Come. Oh, yeah, it sounded like the raid had been won and the raiders were inside
00:24:35But with no more information than that we did all that we could
00:24:39We wait
00:24:44Another saw same skin these guys are all together
00:24:49The raiders clearly knew we were outside and weren't exactly gonna do anything stupid
00:24:54So we backed up and laid low keeping watch of the base the whole time
00:25:10Waiting all throughout the night and through to the next morning
00:25:20And eventually they emerged
00:25:24They're on the roof they're on the roof. Yeah
00:25:27No, no this tree this tree I don't think they know about you. Okay. Okay. There is no about me fuck
00:25:32Ah, they know about you. Oh, yeah
00:25:34I don't think i'm going
00:25:37Yeah, I see him on the roof now
00:25:40They're going to your side you see them no, yeah, yeah, yeah leaving to your side. Okay. Okay
00:25:45That's like five. Oh my god. Okay. Okay
00:25:50You have to use silencer if you I don't have one
00:25:53Oh, i'm in a really good spot
00:25:59Ah, I think I full kill I at least fork of one I might have killed second one i'm coming back i'm coming back
00:26:04The raiders have been caught in a crossfire. And although I died goliak was still alive. I sprinted back as fast as I could
00:26:10I get one more. I get one more. Nice. I'm almost there one grid out
00:26:14I see only two I think
00:26:23Is that it
00:26:26Backpack. Oh my god loaded. I know I know I know so loaded I I can guess
00:26:34Oh my god, oh my god, what?
00:26:37Can you loot I I'm full I can't take any more
00:26:42Guns and then we gotta just go we gotta get out of here
00:26:44We don't know where they live. They could be back any second. Oh, yeah. Go go. Let's fucking go
00:26:49I have a double rocket launcher on a bunch of sulfur and everything. Nice. I got a full backpack of metal ore and sulfur
00:26:56Oh, holy what?
00:26:57Bro, we have to go for all the raids. You're right
00:27:00Bro, i'm telling you counter raids is where it's at man. It's insane
00:27:04I can't believe that we had made it back to base with all of their raid loot including launches
00:27:10securing rows of sulfur and metal
00:27:14Holy shit
00:27:16Hearing shots back towards the raid. It was clear. They had come back. Oh, well, they are mad
00:27:23I hit on the arctic guy. I think it's thompson. I killed the arctic
00:27:37Oh my god guys a beamer almost just died realizing they had lost their loot they cleared off
00:27:44However taking down a group right outside of your base filled with resources
00:27:49Is a pretty guaranteed way to make yourself an enemy
00:27:56Loading up our smelter with all of our ore we would be cooking down metal and sulfur for the foreseeable
00:28:02And as you may remember I had just laid the first harvest before the raid and they were now ready to come
00:28:06Do you think they know where we live?
00:28:08Oh, yeah, those guys will know for sure
00:28:10We've run into them more than once when you can maybe make a couple more hbs since we got the two more rocket launches
00:28:16Yeah, we'll place them somewhere, you know
00:28:22With some extra high qual and components that we'd been building up today
00:28:25We had enough to craft some extra aks. I can't believe how many ak skins I have considering I never used this gun
00:28:31Anyway, like I now I can't even choose. I have literally a hundred skins
00:28:35How do I decide which one I want to use, you know?
00:28:39I also have a lot but I always use the same one. It is the tacular one
00:28:43I don't know why I like it so much. Okay, I think I often end up going with the alien red
00:28:47I feel like that's my go-to
00:29:00I don't know about you guys, but i'm always a fan of like the more grounded skins
00:29:03Like to me a skin like this is so cool
00:29:06Like one that looks like it could actually be in the game. Like i'm not a big fan of like the massive neon crazy ones
00:29:14And this is kind of cool as well
00:29:16But yeah, I like the ones that feel like they could exist
00:29:19Maybe that's just me
00:29:23Wait, this one kind of goes hard this is like fuel injector
00:29:27Cs I fuck with it. That's quite nice
00:29:30I like you like this one a lot as well actually
00:29:34I have so many skins i've never used man. Like i've never used this one before
00:29:38It's kind of cool. There are so many gems like underrated gems out there
00:29:43After adding another group to our long list of enemies throughout the wipe
00:29:47We continue to work towards filling our lockers this time crafting extra hvs with our new rocket launchers
00:29:54You never know just how much they may come in handy
00:29:57All right. We now have six ak locker kits. That is
00:30:05Once again, we worked through the day and into the night filling more lockers and tending to my new farm
00:30:13And eventually almost 70 hours into this adventure at least 15 hours straight of base management
00:30:22and for the first time
00:30:24We felt ready. I think we are fucking ready man. I think you're right
00:30:29I get some stuff to hike or but like
00:30:32If someone comes I don't think there's much more we could have done
00:30:38It's taken a lot to get here, but I think we've done well
00:30:47So with our base now almost entirely complete
00:30:50Missing a few garage doors here and there we could now focus on our final objective
00:30:58Even as just a duo we had aspirations of pulling off a raid as large as the groups around
00:31:04We'd farmed and gathered a lot so far, but we were gonna need a lot more
00:31:13Damn those guys running the water catcher strat for their water
00:31:18Oh, look at the notes on the base
00:31:21So we had headed out to begin our sulfur grind when we spotted this
00:31:26It's landing wait, is it it's cutting us
00:31:32They're definitely landing
00:31:33Wait, they're about to raid it. They're about to raid. This is huge, bro
00:31:40What i'm just wking they're not gonna expect us. Yeah, i'm gonna hit them. Okay. Yeah, okay
00:31:49Nice nice nice. Can we finish him? I cut the car but I will not stick I think one more
00:31:56I'm flanking wide left. Hopefully I can catch him
00:32:00Oh my
00:32:01I just got triples. I had him twice
00:32:03Oh my god, I should have waltz. I'll be right back
00:32:06Both golyak and I had died but with just a duo raiding with a minicopter
00:32:10We had to go back and we were prepared to risk it all
00:32:17Let's fucking go go go go go. Yeah somewhere like that. Yeah
00:32:22Oh, I see it. There it is
00:32:26We have nades as well, yep, I have a couple I have a couple okay, we go I pinged the
00:32:37Oh, this is good
00:32:41They're literally here yeah, yeah prepared. Uh, you go one side I go the other ready
00:32:46You see them? Yep. Yep
00:32:50Don't wait I whiffed
00:32:52Wait, I think I downed one on left
00:32:55I'm opening left. I'm open
00:32:57Oh my god, this guy is clean
00:33:01Dead nice nice
00:33:05I think I saw a movement underneath. I think he's inside. I have to jump. Yep. You ready?
00:33:13Dead nice
00:33:18Holy shit
00:33:22I have three rockets and launcher might even be four
00:33:25No, they they have a bunker. Just grab what you can grab what you can. Yeah, don't bird gp charcoal
00:33:30Yeah, anything on the tip? Yeah. Yep. Nice cloth
00:33:35There's nothing bending right when he's go we gotta dip there are people coming
00:33:40Take the mini in the roof. No, no, no
00:33:42Go for us go for us. It's further away. Trust me
00:33:46Yeah, come on man, we can't take that many we just gotta go just run to us run to us
00:33:50They don't know where ours is no, I can't go I can't go with this double okay. All right
00:33:52All right, just be quick the guy the owner of the base is uh, oh wait, no, no, no, no
00:33:58We should just gone to ours man
00:34:01They've been watching
00:34:04All right, i'm just gonna go to my mini I don't know how many there are
00:34:12We had lost scoliac but I had escaped with the rockets and the sulfur and made my way home
00:34:27We had made it back with the rockets but now we had questions
00:34:31Who were the duo raiding and where did they come from?
00:34:35We had seen that they had flown their minicopter from somewhere in the snow
00:34:39And so as the sun set on the next night, we headed off on a mission
00:34:44to the east
00:34:50Who is that
00:34:52That is a big base, could that be the susu guys
00:34:59I feel like
00:35:00Susu lives in the gold rock and this uh some the aks that I saw right in them
00:35:05Like the yeah, I think this is a bigger group than susu's
00:35:09Intrigued about who this giant group were we wanted to poke the beast
00:35:14Oh, I I see one actually, uh 60 degrees living no, no already out already out
00:35:22I see me
00:35:27He was a headshot oh i'm already getting shot for the roof oh back up back up
00:35:32They were fast here to the left. He's he's coming here to the left as well
00:35:37Oh fuck the carbon
00:35:40What I just got headshot, oh my god
00:35:45Oh my god, relax guys, am I dead they were chasing hard harder than they should have
00:35:53Oh, they're around me. I'm dead, but you're dead
00:35:57Kill him nice
00:36:01Get one on me nice there's more on me
00:36:05Okay, maybe you killed the guy. I was yeah. I think I did kill that guy. Oh my gosh i'm getting
00:36:09lit up
00:36:18Loosing up as fast as we could we kept running. Wait, they're still fucking chasing what?
00:36:27To the train get on go go go go there were two of them chasing him
00:36:32Go go
00:36:38After escaping the group it was clearly a fair few on our way home. We passed airfield where a locked crate was lurking
00:36:52I'll hold i'll hold away for you
00:36:58Killed someone who was making a dash for the crate. Oh, I see
00:37:03I killed one over there. He was shooting someone here though
00:37:07Might be someone close to me
00:37:10Someone on me
00:37:13Dead killed that one he had a backpack
00:37:19Another one on me
00:37:21My gosh, where they coming from holding until guliak returned. We secured the crate and made our way home
00:37:28Got a bolt mp5 and sks. Oh, that's very worth
00:37:33By the time we'd made at home all of the metal fragments that we've been smelting were finished
00:37:38I put them straight to use upgrading more of the base
00:37:57Oh our cloth is actually almost done already I love having a god seat it makes so much difference that is beautiful
00:38:07Now our main focus was on explosives
00:38:10Our base was like a factory every mixing table churning down resources into more boom. Okay. All right, that's 13
00:38:19Another hour had passed cooking down and crafting and the cloth was now ready
00:38:24All right, this is what i've been waiting for picking the cloth. Oh, let's go how much it's ready i'll tell you
00:38:30Oh, this feels good
00:38:32reaping the rewards
00:38:35Can't wait to waste
00:38:40Not too bad 1700 cloth we take
00:38:56All right, I will take I think 200 hqm
00:39:00For upgrades and what i'm gonna do is upgrade the fake core on our lower floor
00:39:07So that raiders see that
00:39:09High qual and go. Yep
00:39:11That's that's where we blow
00:39:13If we can make raiders blow into the ground floor, they're gonna waste all their boom. That's
00:39:19I'm gonna not make it to the top floor
00:39:23And after spending more than 200 gears over the last three days, I crafted the final garage doors to complete the base
00:39:42And with all of the extra kits we'd gathered through fighting throughout the day I was slowly replacing those lockers from earlier
00:39:55Let's say
00:39:57Oh, I just cloned instead of harvested a full planter. I just said goodbye to like 1k cloth
00:40:04Oh, that is tragic
00:40:07Okay. Okay. Here we go. Boom full box of a metal on in the thingy. I'm
00:40:12Nice, that's here. I just got another 1k cloth should have been a little more but oh well we'll take
00:40:19And now almost 5 00 a.m
00:40:22It was time for us to sleep unknowing that our countdown had already begun
00:40:31Yeah, maybe maybe if we have to wake up, all right, good night man
00:40:41We survived
00:40:45Hello. Hello. Welcome back. Thank you, man
00:40:50We have like
00:40:52four rows of gp maybe five rows
00:40:56Full box of metal if you want to upgrade the entire base
00:40:59Sounds good
00:41:01Almost 80 hours into our adventure together and I realized it was the perfect opportunity to call in an old friend
00:41:13Wait, I can't see it. Is there something in it? There's no no, there's nothing in it. Okay
00:41:19That will be soon though
00:41:26Sorry, sorry
00:41:29Good reflexes monster. That was that was smart. My bad my bad
00:41:39This is monstera, this is our artist today
00:41:43Best with you. I'm glad I'm not the artist myself
00:41:48How are you doing monster? Uh doing wonderful. I see you guys are freezing here. It's a little chilly. It's a little chilly
00:41:54Would you like some clothes?
00:41:57Damn the outfit
00:41:59Hell yeah looking good
00:42:02That is the fit. Welcome to the humble abode
00:42:05All right. All right, you know, it would be cool. What would be cute would be uh
00:42:10That would be me with my boonie hat fucking poncho combo
00:42:16on goliac's back
00:42:18As he leads us to battle
00:42:21Yes, please. Yes. I feel like that's very representative
00:42:26Of how of how this adventure has been
00:42:31As he leads us I like that. Oh my gosh, that would be perfect
00:42:37Yeah, I need to see that
00:42:39While monstera got to work goliac and I headed on a mission
00:42:43Oh has
00:42:58Yogi hearing a raid far off in the distance we headed off to investigate it
00:43:06The guy's aiming at you right now careful low
00:43:11Just stay alive here i'm about to kill one no way he just
00:43:18Dead dead dead
00:43:20Should be able to get high ground here. I'm coming behind you. Okay. I have this rock. I have this rock
00:43:27Please be quick before these guys get tc. I have a pump. I would like to push inside. Yeah, okay. I'm coming
00:43:34I can take it. No. Yeah, I don't have walls or anything, bro
00:43:44Bounce oh
00:43:50One more dead
00:43:53Oh, no
00:43:54Oh, there's another one
00:43:56Fuck it. They're almost all dead. We gotta go back
00:43:58With so many dead at the raid. We decided to take our minicopter and fly back
00:44:07Here on top of the road, okay, really I don't think we'll get down
00:44:11Wait, bro, the tree the tree careful
00:44:13It's okay. It's okay. It's okay
00:44:18Oh my god
00:44:28This motherfucker
00:44:31I think you should uh put goliak on my back. Actually, I think after that performance
00:44:37I think we gotta
00:44:40We gotta swap that around a bit after that
00:44:43I'm a good pilot. I always told you. Oh, look at that. Oh
00:44:52Well, that is so perfect it's so accurate as well. Hey, really the nerve to speak like that after that
00:45:09Love it goliak. You're gonna want to come have a look at this one, man
00:45:13Okay. Yeah, that's not to make me happy at least
00:45:16Maybe just just come have a look
00:45:19No, brother looks you're right. Look, you're right
00:45:30Monstera, thank you for this. You're an absolute hero. We appreciate it very much. Thank you so much. Yeah, that's also mine
00:45:36Yeah, you're welcome. I thought this was fun. Call me anytime you need me. We'll do hell. Yeah
00:45:42All right. Best of luck you guys. All right. Bye. Bye now
00:45:46Over the next few hours we pulled together all of our salt churning it down
00:45:51Into gunpowder the aim was to craft as many rockets as we possibly could
00:45:57The only thing left to do in the base now was to upgrade as much as we could to high crawl but already at a
00:46:03300 hqm per day upkeep cost we didn't exactly have much spare
00:46:07So I headed over to the quarry to see if we could use it
00:46:11When I noticed something it's like a whole new base has taken over the quarry. There's a tugboat outside as well. It's active
00:46:20Yeah, large furnace running these guys are online
00:46:24Oh, oh, oh, I see a full kit that's got to be the guy that's him probably yeah, yeah for sure
00:46:32Where the fuck is this guy going?
00:46:37No way killed him
00:46:39Got a backpack
00:46:41Wait exile. No, wait, what?
00:46:44the solo
00:46:46He's taken over the quarry this guy is still playing what the that is crazy
00:46:53So he lives here
00:46:56He did exile again poor guy, hey, I respect it
00:47:00Solo has been grinding as it turned out. The quarry was very much still in use by what seemed like a humble solo
00:47:08We didn't think much of it and moved on back to work crafting explosives
00:47:14Oh, yeah, it's gonna be a lot of rockets cooking
00:47:18And eventually this is what we were left with
00:47:24Holy three rows of rockets that is damn sexy. I have never
00:47:31I have never crafted this many on vanilla before that is insane
00:47:35See, we didn't just put our rockets in a box
00:47:38We placed them in a vending machine one that anyone checking the map would be able to see on the entire server
00:47:47a challenge
00:47:48Calling out every large group around to come get us
00:48:05It is seven o'clock in the morning
00:48:10I am on three hours of sleep
00:48:14But I keep getting raid notifications because some mother
00:48:20Are destroying our turrets and breaking our doors. Oh my
00:48:27Bro, they've destroyed
00:48:33Wait, they've they've raided into all of the vending they didn't even get the lockers. Oh my god, these guys are so bricked
00:48:41They've blown into every vending machine
00:48:45Thought they had the rockets in it
00:48:47No, that's too funny. That is so funny
00:48:50And now i've just got to replace it all because if I don't they're like three doors from our core
00:48:55They could accidentally get all of our loot. So like i've got to replace it all. Oh my gosh
00:49:01Just I tried to go back to sleep
00:49:04And I just got another notification. They're back again. I can't I like if I leave the base they just come back
00:49:11I just want to sleep man
00:49:13I've got like three hours
00:49:17I think they've heard me and they've just run. Oh my this is actually gonna kill me
00:49:21Despite being sleep deprived. I realized I had no other choice but to spend some time replacing turrets if I didn't
00:49:29Not only could these rats get some of our loot, but if a real threat came we would be caught with no turrets to defend
00:49:44All right, I am now going back to bed and I swear if I get another notification
00:49:49That these rats have broken a door. I'm gonna crash out man
00:50:01Whoever these guys are
00:50:05I am raiding them. I
00:50:09It is now
00:50:117.40 they left half an hour and they're back again. I can't sleep. I actually can't sleep
00:50:23They broke another turret all these motherfuckers
00:50:33Oh, there's a second one fuck right, who are they what is the name
00:50:38Helio it's them
00:50:43Oh these guys have some balls. I
00:50:47They're getting fucking boomed
00:50:52Oh got a launcher from them
00:50:58Yep, it's them for sure those fucking rats. Oh, I am so unhappy
00:51:06I've got to try and sleep again. Surely. They don't come back now, right?
00:51:12And luckily enough they didn't
00:51:15That being said as it turns out
00:51:17Advertising a vending machine of rockets draws more attention than just the largest zergs
00:51:40These are same guys this is a different group, I have no idea
00:51:47Luckily for goliak he managed to sleep through all of the raid alarms that motherfucker in the meantime
00:51:53I was being tortured constantly fending off our base from the grubs all throughout the night and day
00:52:05I am going to lose my mind
00:52:09Could they leave me alone
00:52:12I gotta get some sleep man. I'm delusional right now
00:52:17Eventually, I had fended them off at least for now and I was able to get at least enough sleep
00:52:23That I wasn't quite so delirious
00:52:26however by now after so many raid alerts from grenades and hvs
00:52:32It was starting to look like that's all that would ever come
00:52:42Once again, it was just me I had been alerted of another raid notification
00:52:48And once again, it was just some grubs with hvs
00:52:52But I was up
00:52:54Despite being the fifth day on the server. There was a spike in the player population
00:52:59And I was hearing shots around making me want to do some exploring
00:53:03Traveling far from home. I roamed the lands around intrigued to see which clans were still looming
00:53:12It's a full kit by that car
00:53:29Got it should be one more roof. Oh, thank you. I'm so cooked
00:53:37Oh got him
00:53:38No, the ak didn't fall
00:53:40Fuck. Oh, well, i'll take it. We take the full kit
00:53:44By now, I was far from home and with a full ak kit
00:53:49And it was then that I got another notification to my phone
00:53:53The raid alarm another grub probably the same one from earlier, but I should head back just to check
00:54:01just in case
00:54:03Yeah, there's no way i'm gonna f1 kill just to spawn in and they're being naked with grenades outside the base. I'm running home
00:54:13Hopping in a train to speed up my journey home. I was heading back frustrated that i've been forced to cut my roam short
00:54:23Oh, what the fuck?
00:54:25Oh, it's moving
00:54:30Okay, I don't know what that was about
00:54:32but then
00:54:33something strange
00:54:35Goliak had also logged in for the raid alerts and had checked the base
00:54:41It wasn't just a naked with grenades
00:54:45It's a huge fob. I'm driving home and i'm coming i'm coming. What the fuck I can't even go to the room
00:54:51I literally oh my god, bro. I'm running back now. I just assumed it was more grubs. I would have f1 killed
00:54:57I'm coming. I'm coming
00:54:59Oh fuck attack. Kelly's coming over
00:55:01Just flying over right now
00:55:04Yeah, they'll have the boom for sure hey willie jay we win this one focus up there there's a bunch of they have m2s
00:55:13Oh my god, the raid base is taller than ours. Yep. What the fuck? Okay. Lock in man. We win this
00:55:21Oh my okay i'm not
00:55:23Oh my god
00:55:27Okay, they're firing incense right now breaking turrets probably the compound wall
00:55:32I see five alone just on the top. Oh, man. This is gonna be tough
00:55:36There are multiple in the in the compound already. Oh shit. Okay
00:55:43They're good they're good they've been hitting me like very hard
00:55:48And this was everything we had been preparing for a vending machine of rockets on the line
00:55:55And a zerg here to take it
00:56:11Really not sure how we play these honestly
00:56:17Yeah, yeah, oh fuck here we go
00:56:23Oh, well i've tripled one
00:56:32Double or dead on roof one is done. I think it's the gunboat. Oh fuck
00:56:42Where do you rocket him from from the base itself?
00:56:46I think they're in front of directors. Yeah, i've got such a nice spot here. They're not gonna find me
00:56:57Uh, maybe move our rockets up to the bunker
00:57:04The rocket pummel had begun and it was never ending
00:57:14I gotta move somewhere else I can kill them, but I can't really do much from here
00:57:19We can't need to let them push in there's not much else we can do
00:57:24And you can see as well if you want yeah, I have mats on me ready
00:57:31Needing to reposition I made my way around the base
00:57:36Oh my gosh, how does he have an angle on me from there i'm smoking the bridge now. Yeah. Yeah smoke smoke that's big
00:57:50Put that on roof maybe we can steal something
00:57:53Hey, you can try I might try yeah, i'm gonna try
00:57:57No, I fumbled I fumbled
00:57:59I fumbled
00:58:03The rocket pummel was endless and our base was becoming hollow
00:58:14Oh what I'm going to is insane
00:58:20It's it's fun, uh, like we just have to keep the
00:58:26Unable to stop the flow of rockets our only hope was to seal
00:58:29We had to take control of our compound
00:58:33We will win when they have to push
00:58:39Another close compound dead
00:58:43Oh someone looted my kit in the compound well like actually inside the compound. Yeah, actually inside. Yeah. Yeah, I said maybe I can clear them
00:58:55Dead dead killed the guy that killed you
00:59:00The rockets never stopped and the siege continued into the night
00:59:17Us being prepared for anything meant that night was on our side
00:59:25Holy shit
00:59:35One dead outside
00:59:41I'm the rocket. Oh
00:59:47Another one dead in breach
00:59:49One dead
00:59:56Another one dead in breach one outside another one naked
01:00:02Another dead outside. There are a lot of dead in the breach right now. You keep doing that. I'm gonna keep trying to see
01:00:10Another dead in breach
01:00:13Okay, I see you with a wallet it's fine. Oh, they just don't stop coming man. This is insane
01:00:20I can one more
01:00:24Oh, i'm dead to a rocket fuck
01:00:29Almost 50 rockets later and they finally began to slow down
01:00:33It was clear that someone on their team was heading back for more
01:00:38But thanks to the ingenious of the base all of the rockets had been used blowing the call
01:00:43We still had our main shooting floor and all of our bunkers
01:00:48Including our own rockets, but with so much of our base open
01:00:53They weren't far from breaching them. We had to regain control before it was too late
01:01:06Got another one in there two dead two dead right there
01:01:11Oh my god, I can kill a guy
01:01:14Yep, kill at least one in there
01:01:17Another one get one more down there. Oh that guy's low
01:01:25One more
01:01:31He's trying to rock me whoa
01:01:35Another one dead down there
01:01:37Oh, he's gonna rock me again. Okay, right. Fuck it. I'm gonna try and go downstairs
01:01:40There are so many bodies there. We have to secure if we get all that we'll be so good for defending
01:01:47Okay, i'm down
01:01:51Kill two in there
01:02:01I have so many bodies here. Okay. I got about six aks. Oh my god, that's open
01:02:05Got another one in compound. It's all open. Holy shit
01:02:08Securing some aks in a bag. I headed back out
01:02:14Our time to secure may just be over
01:02:18Oh shit, they're back with the rockets
01:02:22Oh, it's funding the same local unit. Oh, no. Yeah, you can't go anywhere from there
01:02:34Okay, i've managed to replace some kits in our compound lockers
01:02:48Oh, that is a worm I watch out when you open like any those I've still mats hold up hold up
01:02:56I can spawn uh west you said yeah. Yeah west there are lockers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, hang on
01:03:02Oh big seal, okay, okay, we have control of our uh, third floor
01:03:07They're trying to get back already. Yeah
01:03:09Farming floor is still farming floor still nice. They're like very close to the team. They're closest to three. Okay, there's a guy camping
01:03:15So, you know, like it's all right, all right eventually with their new rockets they were knocking on the doors of our real core
01:03:23Fuck yeah, they're on our tier three right now. I'm gonna rock it as soon as they open. Yeah
01:03:27Hold up. Let me steal this garage door
01:03:30Fuck it's open
01:03:33Okay, I killed one I killed one at least maybe more maybe the fuck I did it badly
01:03:43I'm at the tier three right now. I'm top floor. I'm top floor. I have a garage door ready. I'm trying to hold it
01:03:49What that's not you oh you're kidding monstera's name tag, no way we I
01:04:00Oh, I hit one three times up there, can we shut that garage door?
01:04:06I'm down. I'm down
01:04:10Where did I just die from hey, he's on the roof
01:04:13They were now at our core and shooting floor
01:04:16If they knew where to look there would be just one metal wall
01:04:20From all of our rockets the rockets are in one of the bunkers in the opposite side of where the right place is
01:04:26I'm, not sure exactly which if it's the one where we were or the other
01:04:30We have to try and retake our shooting floor if we can keep that section seal, what do you think I can spawn now?
01:04:38Oh i'm just waiting for you when you spawn here we
01:04:40Yeah, I managed to spawn on the roof. I have a kit. I'm in a good spot actually. Yeah
01:04:47Oh my god, I forgot about my turret this is huge, okay, we sort of have roof control I have a turret up here now
01:04:55I can see our tier three. Okay. This is it's a really nice spot
01:05:16Wait, I might be able to loot that
01:05:19Oh, there's another one we need to retake the ring fuck see our bunker was located in our shooting floor ring
01:05:26If we could retake the ring we would win
01:05:31I got another one
01:05:34I think I downed one up there down another one
01:05:40Wait, they broke their own ladder. Okay, they're gonna struggle getting back up to tier three
01:05:44If we can kill the ones up there, we might be able to see they were wrecking it before, right?
01:05:49Okay, I killed a couple building up yes at least one
01:05:56Okay, I might be able to throw an ace
01:06:03No way I couldn't even see him
01:06:06Oh, man, it's exile. What the fuck?
01:06:10How is it him?
01:06:11What after all this time it was the lowly solo who had come for revenge with his uh,
01:06:19We can do this. We can fucking yes, we fucking can man. We just need to reseal that shooting floor. We've got this
01:06:35Killed one
01:06:38Oh, I doubled him didn't kill him
01:06:42We had almost no control of our base, but our bunkers were still intact meaning this was still not over
01:06:49Managing to find an ak. I eventually worked my way back into the base and up towards the shooting. This was my final shot
01:06:59One dead ring two dead ring two dead ring. Nice. Nice. That's huge. That's huge. Fuck it
01:07:07One more
01:07:10Get the goat I have this floor
01:07:13Come on, I think I can seal it. Hold on. I need to find something
01:07:16Give me that
01:07:19Okay, okay we have uh, we have our farm floor again and some of the ring. All right
01:07:23I have a lot i'm gonna bag you in and we can retake it together
01:07:27All right. All right. There's bodies around here. You can loot up. We gotta walk away back
01:07:30We gotta do this one door at a time. We gotta like fucking get our way through your mind
01:07:33Holy shit now working together. It was an attempt to reclaim our entire shooting
01:07:41Okay, okay so i've sealed up to here so we've got these three doors
01:07:44We need to take more of this floor. We need to like work our way around the ring get more doors down
01:07:49All right, i'm gonna grab this door. I'm gonna try and place this further along. Yeah
01:07:54All right, you ready?
01:07:57Oh my god
01:07:59Almost died
01:08:01No, no, no one in front. No one in front
01:08:03Yeah, yeah. Okay. Nice. Nice. Nice. We have this too. Yeah. Yeah, let's close this place. Yeah
01:08:09You've got to keep going
01:08:21One by one
01:08:23We can see I can't
01:08:25Oh nice big big big
01:08:28No, he triples me
01:08:31It's fine. It's fine. It's fine
01:08:32We got so much control there
01:08:33Remember the bunkers are there like and you have all the true the bunkers are covered now with the garage doors. Oh my gosh
01:08:38That is massive
01:08:40There's no way they're getting these rockets. Yeah, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Does it make make sure like no missing people here?
01:08:51Okay, let's fuck it fuck it should we open it and try and run through and i'll try and yeah
01:08:56Let's give it a try. Yeah, let's see
01:09:01All right, this is it there it is we seal that wall you ready you want me to put some wall here, right?
01:09:06Yeah, yeah hole hole solid still that shit, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, just seal it
01:09:14Yes, I want to go for more holy shit, okay, we got it we got it we got it wait roof roof
01:09:20Oh, let's fucking go man
01:09:25We have it we have our call we have our call the picture is still here man the picture
01:09:34There's no way it survived everything broke but the pictures
01:09:43What okay, we have some stuff some wood I cannot believe the picture survived
01:09:53We had regained our core and our bunkers for now were safe
01:09:59But this was a big group and they weren't giving up that easily
01:10:04It had quietened down again, and they were going back
01:10:07for more rockets
01:10:09But we were no longer on the back foot
01:10:14Dead dead dead nice
01:10:19I see my
01:10:23Nice do we have roof?
01:10:26Oh, no way
01:10:27Bro, so did this one? Oh, they both fell down. What the fuck? Oh, I found some senior kids
01:10:31I have smokes and mats. Okay. Okay. Okay. This is huge
01:10:34Let's try and work
01:10:36Where am I going?
01:10:37Oh, he's in. Oh, he's the other side of our ring. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's what we need to seal
01:10:41We need to get to that
01:10:44Oh, this is all open. Okay, this is the side we need to seal. We're so close
01:10:48Okay, we closed one behind you
01:10:52Oh, he's right back there hold up hold up, okay, so he might be on the peak on the left so be careful
01:10:56I'm just holding you can go for city maybe
01:11:02Oh my god, there was one
01:11:17Let's go
01:11:21We now had full control of our ring, but our base was still vulnerable from the inside let's fucking go man, let's go
01:11:29We fucking win this one
01:11:32I have wooden mat frags here
01:11:37Oh, they're here they're here and fun, okay, okay
01:11:39They're here like literally here. Okay to the right
01:11:41There's a guy with a hot seat the final breach that needed to be sealed and they were back once more with more boom
01:12:02That guy's dead one he's locked in he's locked in left side
01:12:06Yeah, yeah
01:12:24Oh, they're breaking this one, yeah
01:12:27Come come come they're going to rock it. Maybe stay stay far stay far. Yeah, yeah
01:12:32Make them waste more. Yeah, make them waste
01:12:38Three two one all the vending wait, I got in to go ahead in I got him
01:12:50Okay, I think it's clear in there
01:13:05It's gonna break once one hit oh fuck the last few come on, come on
01:13:12No, I died so fast
01:13:17Unlucky unlucky
01:13:22Got one in there
01:13:24Wait. Yeah. Yeah, I think we have it. I think you can come through the garage. Come to garage
01:13:28I'm holding this top with my life. No, we're dead. Yeah. Yeah, nice
01:13:33No, we're dead we need to get the seal man get these bodies sealed get it there get it the motherfucker. Yeah
01:13:49With the last breach finally sealed
01:13:53the raid
01:13:54Was won
01:13:56Oh my found a full whites out ak logic
01:14:00Oh, man
01:14:02Nice I come with gifts
01:14:09We did it man, I think we fucking did it man, I think we did it. Oh my god, that was two hours
01:14:18That was all right, that was a raid
01:14:21Holy shit
01:14:34Oh wait, it's okay
01:14:37Hello. Hello gt. Thank you so much for 100 guys
01:14:42Thank you so much
01:14:44It was fun. Can you go to me out?
01:14:47Man, yeah. Yes. It was fun. Oh, bro. Your base is so nice
01:14:53So it's tanky. It is tanky
01:14:57How many rockets did you guys use 78 or 79 78
01:15:05Yes, yes, yes your base is so nice is it so insane guys, I don't know
01:15:17Thought you were solo
01:15:24Ah, yeah, sometimes we got raided he got raided we
01:15:29Helped each other. I see. Uh, how many are you?
01:15:321, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 people, 8 people man
01:15:39Thank you so much man
01:15:41It was very close, very close
01:15:43We were very lucky
01:15:47How many hours?
01:15:486000 hours
01:15:50How much?
01:15:51We have a lot, a lot of hours
01:15:53We were lucky man, we were lucky
01:15:54You guys did very well
01:15:56I'm being serious
01:15:58We were almost done
01:16:00But we got lucky a couple of times
01:16:02Our teammate said that we should create a person on the second floor
01:16:07I don't understand
01:16:09Nah, he was wrong
01:16:11Main loot room and stuff
01:16:15Yeah, mainly it was up top
01:16:17Man, you are so nice
01:16:19No, no, no, it was a very good try, very good try
01:16:21We were very close
01:16:23No joke, very close
01:16:24Yeah, for sure, and hey, we appreciate it online
01:16:26It's not common in these days man
01:16:29We know you will be online when we start raid, and we tried
01:16:36Oh, thank you so much
01:16:38Because we knew that you have a raid system
01:16:40Yeah, I came on, oh my god
01:16:42You got to have a raid system
01:16:46Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
01:16:48Oh my god, wait, this was the guy breaking my turret earlier
01:16:50That makes so much sense
01:16:52He realized we had the raid labs
01:16:54So they knew that it was going to be an online
01:16:56Thank you so much
01:16:58Our team will see you because we lose this raid
01:17:02Man, you were so insane
01:17:04Your home, that's amazing
01:17:08I don't know, so many pics
01:17:10You want the video?
01:17:12I can send you the video if you want
01:17:14Yes, yes, yes
01:17:16Look, look, here, here
01:17:18Search it on YouTube
01:17:20Oh, ok, ok
01:17:22You were so nice man, I don't know
01:17:24That's so cool
01:17:26No, no, no, of course not
01:17:28You can come and raid us
01:17:30You are nice
01:17:32I had fun, we all had fun
01:17:34I just appreciate it so much, really
01:17:36I wish there were more people like you guys
01:17:40Thank you so much
01:17:42Maybe you have Discord?
01:17:46We can add you, we can add you
01:17:48Ok, can you just
01:17:50We can tell them it's us, no?
01:17:52Yeah, should we just give them our Discord?
01:17:54Because they don't know who we are
01:17:56They probably don't watch English YouTube
01:17:58I will write it in a note
01:18:00I wrote BrightGorliak on YouTube
01:18:02And William on YouTube
01:18:06Man, man
01:18:12This is so fucking wholesome
01:18:16He's passing the note that says our names to his teammate
01:18:18Oh my god
01:18:22Man, man
01:18:24Give me your Discord
01:18:38We are going to do another raid
01:18:40With our rockets
01:18:42And we will leave the server
01:18:44It was so nice to meet you guys, really
01:18:46Thank you so much again
01:18:48We are going to prepare everything
01:18:50Bro, bro, just tell me
01:18:52We are on a video?
01:18:54Yeah, yeah, yeah, there will be a video
01:18:56Oh my god, no
01:18:58No, it's good, it's good
01:19:00We will see you next wipe, maybe
01:19:02Be the pleasure, boys
01:19:04GG's, GG's
01:19:06And with that, our 100 hour adventure
01:19:08Had almost come to an end
01:19:10There was just
01:19:12One last thing
01:19:14We needed to do
01:19:16The loot, yes
01:19:18Yes, yes, yes
01:19:20Yes, yes, yes
01:19:22These motherfuckers are going to regret
01:19:24Making me sleep deprived
01:19:26And they're online
01:19:38He was moving loot out
01:19:40Oh my god, this guy is such a bitch
01:19:42He was trying to move loot out, he was hiding loot
01:19:44Dora, yep, oh my god, it's full
01:19:46It's Dora and Helio, oh this is good
01:19:48This feels so good
01:19:50Little rat was moving loot
01:19:54Yeah, made these motherfuckers pay for breaking
01:19:56Our turrets this morning
01:19:583, 2, 1
01:20:17Go that shit, baby
01:20:19Go that shit
01:20:40Oh, I just killed him there, I got a hammock
01:20:50Oh my god
01:20:52These guys are loaded
01:20:54What the fuck
01:20:58They definitely ratted a lot from us
01:21:00From that raid though
01:21:02Oh my, tier 3
01:21:08And with that
01:21:10Helio and Dora's group's loot
01:21:12Now belonged to us
01:21:14I'd got my revenge
01:21:16For losing my sleep
01:21:20Standing on boxes
01:21:22Filled to the brim with loot
01:21:24With our base ourselves
01:21:26Just a hollow shell
01:21:28Kuliak and I's adventure
01:21:30Had finally come
01:21:32To an end
01:21:34Seven days straight
01:21:36Of rust, more than a hundred
01:21:38Hours of recording
01:21:40We had spent so much time
01:21:42This adventure, building, farming
01:21:44Fighting, we had achieved
01:21:46Everything we could have possibly wanted
01:21:48It was almost sad
01:21:50To say goodbye to Kuliak
01:21:52But all good things
01:21:54Must eventually
01:21:56Come to an end
01:21:58It had been a hell of a ride
01:22:00And I hope you guys have enjoyed
01:22:02Following me over these last three weeks
01:22:04On this epic
01:22:06Rust adventure
01:22:08Because I sure did
01:22:10Make sure to subscribe if you did enjoy
01:22:12I upload every week
01:22:14And I look forward to seeing you all
01:22:16In the next one
01:22:18With that, I say
