• 2 days ago
check out the servers... https://discord.gg/spoonkidrust
podcast: @spoonkid57
new monke: https://monke.clothing


Twitter: https://twitter.com/spoonkid3

EDITED BY: @HarktheUmpire

modded rust is pretty fun...

The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
00:00:00What's up everyone and welcome back. Guys, today, today I am playing Rust. Modded Rust.
00:00:06Maybe. Slightly modded Rust. Guys, in my many years of playing this game, I've managed
00:00:14to remain a mostly vanilla player. And I'm not really sure why. Maybe some masochism.
00:00:22Or maybe I'm just dedicated to the people. Bringing you the pain. Maybe it's the struggle
00:00:26that I enjoy. I don't know. That being said, once in a while, every once in a while I allow
00:00:32myself some slight respite. A break from the madness. In the form of a lightly modded server.
00:00:41And not just any modded server. Guys, this is my server. It is a 2x server, so nothing
00:00:50too crazy. With some quality of life improvements. I think we have default tier 1 electrical
00:00:56BPs. Among a lot of other neat stuff. And uh, you know, I don't think it's going to
00:01:02change things that much. But maybe it'll just make it slightly more bearable for me. Oh
00:01:08my goodness. Alright, maybe I lied. Guys, I'm just lucky. I swear I don't have privileges.
00:01:13Also, more importantly, you may have noticed, I forgot to mention, an absence of a certain
00:01:18lady. One Brenda. To stay even more undercover, since I'm playing, presumably, with a lot
00:01:24of spooners, I have switched from Brenda to this guy. James. James Rusty is the name I
00:01:30have assigned him. And hopefully that will allow us to go under the radar and not receive
00:01:36any special privileges. Because I would hate to have special privileges. So let's see what
00:01:41happens. Guys, if you want to check out my servers, if you like how it looks, if you
00:01:44want a break from the pain, maybe, the Discord is in the description. Also, for the EU spooners,
00:01:50I have news. We are launching a Saturday server in EU. It'll be having its first wipe on March
00:01:5715th. Saturday wipe, it's got a lot of the same stuff as the other servers, a lot of
00:02:02quality of life stuff, high pop, blueprint share, and sick person group limit. So if
00:02:08you're an EU player and you want to try it out, well there it is. Get ready, join the
00:02:13Discord for more info.
00:02:24Alright, I gotta, I gotta check the green crate.
00:02:27Ugh, anti-climactic. Also, I was not aware the bandana is like a BP, I think. I don't,
00:02:34I don't think I could get it. James Rusty doesn't have, I also don't have, yeah, I don't
00:02:39have an arrow. I'm at a bit of a disadvantage here.
00:02:48Alright, we've made it to the safe zone with a lot of scrap. Now we gotta figure out what
00:02:52to do with it. Also guys, check it out, come on, you know, you know, give it a look. Hey,
00:03:03this too, guys, check it out, come on. I forgot we even put these up. Gamer's Soap and Monkey
00:03:08Clothing, come on guys. Alright, I'm, um, I'm putting it all on the line with this bounty
00:03:13of scrap I've received. We're going to large oil.
00:03:22Okay, I might have been slightly too late. It was up a minute ago. Any scraps for me?
00:03:32Ugh, we got a recycler on oil? Sick.
00:03:39Alright, I'm going to check out Smoil, because that came up. I only have a red card though,
00:03:45but maybe the door's open or something, who knows. It's right here, so, might as well.
00:03:55Oh man, no open blue room. Scientists are easy to kill though, they're all messed up.
00:04:02Hey, supply signal's big. This was worth it.
00:04:09What the hell is this? This seems like an unreasonable amount of these. Is this not
00:04:15enough to raid, like, a real base? Hold on guys, this might be big. I don't, I don't
00:04:21know how powerful these are, but I swear I've seen videos of, like, five of them breaking
00:04:26a wall. Yeah, they almost just cost as much as a rocket. I mean, even if they're half
00:04:30as much as a rocket, I just got thirty-three of them? Sixteen rockets? I don't know, I
00:04:34need to put this to the test. Shoot, I have way too much loot, and I don't know where
00:04:39to go with it. Let's see if I can find, like, a two-by-two and just move into it. Blow off
00:04:44the wall and move in. Okay, here we go. This could be my new home. Oh, these take a while
00:04:51to place. I have no idea how many I need, but hopefully this is enough. Okay. Oh no,
00:04:58someone's coming. Shit. Oh my god. Please be unlocked. Oh my god, it's Gibbs.
00:05:29Fuck! I just panicked, dude. No! What the fuck was I doing? Oh my god, I suck. Alright,
00:05:38maybe I can recover something. God damn it, man. Oh my god, what was that? I just hit
00:05:45the wall. Oh my god. What, did they forget to check the box? I mean, you know what? It's
00:06:00something. Two SARS? Might as well lock this down. Well guys, it is what it is. We have
00:06:10won. So, what are you gonna do? Definitely really lost out with those propanes, but maybe
00:06:16I can get another airdrop. I see a satchel raid. Damn.
00:06:40Alright, didn't exactly go to plan. I am very shocked that worked. That was a last-ditch
00:06:58effort. We are so back. Alright, guys. Let's, well, we're kinda back. We're not that back.
00:07:09We're a little back. Let us recycle, I guess. Okay, guys, I'm trying again. I did not learn
00:07:19my lesson. I'm gonna depot and go to large oil. Oh, someone just called it, I think.
00:07:25I guess I can leave my red card at home. I even got a pure max health tea, which, you
00:07:31know, maybe will provide some help, possibly. So, that'll be interesting. No, did his AK
00:07:58fall off? No way. Fuck, man, I gotta find that AK. I know there's a man afoot. I don't
00:08:22know where. Really wish I had that damn AK right now. Oh, let's go. Wait, this is the
00:08:48guy who raided me, I'm pretty sure. Let's see if I can get that AK. Show me an AK. It's
00:08:58not looking good. There's no way it fell this far. Maybe I missed it? I don't know. Even
00:09:03if it did fall in the water, I'm pretty sure items, like, drift now or something. Maybe
00:09:07they changed something about how it works. Come on, money. Three mounted ballistas? The
00:09:16table's a little funky. I guess the supply drop's nice. Maybe I can get more of those
00:09:19propane things. Well, I'd call that adequate revenge, you know? They stole my oil, and
00:09:24I stole their oil. And then some. Except their oil had a crate, mine didn't. So, actually,
00:09:29I came out on top, if you think about it. I guess the question is, are they gonna be
00:09:34waiting at my home? I think it is probable. My god, there's an attack heli. Going crazy.
00:09:41Oh, it's going down, I think. I wanna be a part of that. Come on, propane. Oh, man,
00:09:48what the hell is that? I guess it just rolls to the table of one of these new things. I
00:09:53got lucky that first time. Maybe I can recycle these. It's used for armored vehicles. I'm
00:10:01gonna be honest, that's not- that's like something you'd see in the Rust trailer, but I don't
00:10:05even know if I'm ever gonna use that, at least for that purpose. Now, what I will use- wow,
00:10:10pretty good high quality. I'll use that, maybe. Probably not even use that, to be honest.
00:10:21Oh my god, it's getting homie-launchered. There are crazy things happening. They're
00:10:27mini-gutting it. Oh my god, what is happening over here? I gotta go deeper, my crap. I'm
00:10:33hoping these guys aren't camping my biz. Okay. Alright, we're safe. I just need to
00:10:45get a couple trees, get some boxes down, beef up this house a little bit. Then maybe we
00:10:50go on a mini-adventure. A mini-adventure in the mini. Forgot I can't make barrels. I'm
00:10:55gonna do it the old-fashioned way. I'm gonna research garage door, even though I have no
00:11:00gears. I'm sure I can get some pretty easily, though. Okay. Let us, let us, let us find-
00:11:12large oil's back already? Maybe I just get gears there. Use this mini. Alright, I'm going
00:11:16back to oil. Round two, guys. And this time I'm keeping the gears.
00:11:30Okay. Didn't even have to use my red card. The door stays open. That's how fast it respawned.
00:12:00Oh my god, that's a lot. Three gun drops.
00:12:29Oh, there it is. Oh my god. No way, dude. It just fell down the pipes. Let's go. Peace
00:12:41has been restored. Just realized I haven't received one gear. I gotta go searching. I
00:12:59don't know if I killed this guy or what. Six health. Well, he can't med in the water. Yeah,
00:13:04I think that's his body. Well, this crate's got like 30 seconds, so whatever. I'm not
00:13:09too worried about that body right now. Come on money. Wow. What are these shields? The
00:13:17fuck is that? Okay, yeah, I think it really does just select one of the new items and
00:13:22just fills it with it. Let's go ahead and recycle these shields. Otherwise, though,
00:13:27pretty good crate. Gotta say. Okay. Little spooky. Oh my god, he went flying. That was
00:13:42violent. Wait, he's building a ramp. Oh, I feel bad now. I feel very bad. He's trying
00:13:50to do a stunt. I appreciate that. Damn, Randall's not playing. I said, sorry, dude. And he went,
00:13:56bro, bring back the bike or you're getting off line. Settle down, Randall.
00:14:02Yo, what's good, James? We're working on the ramp a little bit, but I'll show you where
00:14:10Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Sick. Yup, sure is. This guy's crazy. I'm hearing a satchel
00:14:30raid. I think I have to investigate. Now I'm hearing a real raid and now I want to investigate
00:14:37that. Oh, that's a lot of people. That's not happening. Oh, you know what? I could go to
00:14:46cargo. That would be perfect. Alright, that's just fucking awesome, isn't it? Oh, they got
00:15:08the triple engine. No way, dude. I got to see this. Damn, that thing is fast. Oh, he's
00:15:20setting off fireworks. What? This is about to be insane. Hey, do you have a torch on
00:15:26you? Can I use your torch? Thank you. Oh, shit. Here we go. Oh, yeah. I think they might
00:15:46be going again. Alright, guys, I'm going to sleep. I hope you enjoyed that. Let's hope
00:16:01the base stands in the morning because I would like to continue this carnage. But so far,
00:16:06I think this has painted a dichotomy of the Spooners. A lot of PvP chads and a couple
00:16:12guys building ramps. So I like what I'm seeing. Guys, can you believe it? The base stands.
00:16:20As do I. Stronger than ever and ready to take on the day. We have a row of miniguns and
00:16:26then a row of normal guns. Quite the array. Before we do anything, I think it's imperative
00:16:33that I learn the wooden barricade cover so I can be safe. Maybe I make a ladder so I
00:16:38can be mischievous. And as is tradition, we start with a roam. See what's going on.
00:16:44And it is about to be nighttime. Perfect time for a roam. I gotta get out of here. I gotta
00:16:56get away from the scene of the crime. Oh, my God, there's no lock. Okay, here's the
00:17:17idea. I break this bed. He doesn't realize he didn't have a lock on that. He spawns inside
00:17:21and I go deep, full deep for all the loot. Think about it. It's foolproof. Alright, things
00:17:31are too quiet here. I gotta go to that AK. Oh, my God, that's a fake base. Calm noob
00:17:38shop, please don't raid. Yeah, okay, dude. Oh, wait, maybe that's that base. That is
00:17:44insane, man. Bro, can I keep that, Jackie? I'll just spawn, bro. Fair enough. Thank you,
00:17:58bro. Alright, I saw Excavator got activated, so that's what we're doing. I wonder if Excavator
00:18:05is two times. I guess you get two times the diesel already, so maybe not. Maybe it's faster.
00:18:11Okay, I see a Scrappy. We saw one guy so far.
00:18:31No way.
00:18:40Fuck, where's the low grade? Why is there no low grade? Maybe someone else is here.
00:19:00Oh, my God, that scared the crap out of me. Fuck! You know what? I'm not actually very
00:19:05far from Excavator. I might be able to make this work. Alright, round two. That looks
00:19:15like my base. I gotta be real careful. I hope it isn't. Okay, dude. Alright, it did open
00:19:23up chat there, but how did he know? Alright, is that me getting raided? I think not. I
00:19:29gotta, like, you know what? I'm gonna rebind. What am I even hitting? T, I guess? I don't
00:19:35know how my hand's getting over there, but O and P, I don't think I used those for anything.
00:19:40I'm gonna rebind it. Alright, I unbound it. I hate this oil. Let's see what that rocket
00:19:45was. Singular rocket. Hey. Hold on a minute. Hey. Hey. I'm gonna come scavenging here.
00:20:12When one door closes, another opens. I may have lost the Excavator, but I got some charcoal.
00:20:18That might be useful. Alright, I'm gonna see if there's any loot in this. Oh, my God. They
00:20:35didn't see this one. That must have fallen in there. Holy shit. Alright, I'm gonna come
00:20:40break this after that. That is crazy. When the comps box falls in the TC and you forget.
00:20:45I don't even know how many minis that is. I can't do the math, but we got minis for millennia
00:20:50now. We're good. I don't think they broke TC. I think that's the same one. Maybe that'll
00:20:55cheese too. Come on, TC. Come on, Gib. Go away, Gib. Hey. Oh, barrels. I could take
00:21:12these and put them in my house. Farmer down. Hopefully, it's not my neighbor. I don't think
00:21:23it's my neighbor. There's also a good amount of sulfur, so I am quite happy. I'm quite
00:21:28happy with that. Okay, guys, I've organized. I've restructured the base with my new barrels.
00:21:33The more barrels we find, the more efficient I can make this base. It's base efficient
00:21:38at least. My main goal for raiding right now is to find barrels. If we find a guy who looks
00:21:43like he would use a barrel, we gotta raid him. I also gotta figure out what to do with
00:21:48all of this. I wonder if fishing village has a recycler on here. Although, it's gonna
00:21:52be one of those slow ones, but maybe oil would be good, honestly. I'm trying to think of
00:21:57where it would be good to recycle, but things are pretty active everywhere. It has a slow
00:22:02one. I could bring it all there. I won't get the bang for my buck. Please have 750 scrap.
00:22:13Damn near close. Oh my god, it's him again. I have nothing. I'm not gonna say anything.
00:22:20Guys, I'm a bad person, alright? But I gotta do what I gotta do. I'm gonna cannibalize
00:22:24my own people in the greater pursuit of loot. It's for a good cause.
00:22:31Let in? What, does he think I don't speak English? Let in? Get the fuck outta here, man.
00:22:42Let me in. Loot check. Oh, follow me follow you? Yes? Okay, come on. Let go. Where you
00:22:51go? Oh, he wants to follow me. He's definitely giving callouts to his team right now. Where
00:22:59us? Um, where us go? No? Okay. Oh, someone recycling. What does this guy want? Me come
00:23:26in? Why not? I have nothing. We did it at the same time. Yes, yes. So me come in. Let's
00:23:38base tour. No base tour. Why? This guy's getting too friendly. I'll be right back, friend.
00:23:45No, please don't be right back. I don't want him to regret that. You guys are creeping
00:23:50me out. Hello, friend. You have handcuffs? Here. You shoot me if you see me take guitar
00:24:03out of him. Oh, you need to put the lock? Oh, nevermind. I press E on it and it opens
00:24:13Oh my God. Guys, I forgot. Guys, I gotta go. I gotta get out of here. I hear a raid. I
00:24:26hear a raid. What the hell is going on here?
00:24:56Oh, five hits. Oh, I almost had that. This might be one of the only times that the hazmat
00:25:14suit BP is like usable because I have so many components other than making a whole new armor
00:25:20set every time. All right, I gotta get back there. Damn, they had boom on them too. They're
00:25:25going bananas. That was almost huge. Also, guys, I was doing some math. I was up last
00:25:30night thinking about those propane tanks, those propane tank bombs I got from the airdrop.
00:25:35And even if I just recycled them, I would have gotten about a hundred explosives, which
00:25:40is crazy. So it's almost worth farming airdrops for that drop chance, I feel like. I mean,
00:25:45supply signals could be very valuable. I don't know how rare, how many items it can cycle
00:25:50through, but you know, could have been pretty nuts. All right, guys, about to redeem myself.
00:25:55About to go crazy. Get ready.
00:26:20Oh, oh, I'm moving. Oh, I'm moving. They got nothing on me. Ladies and gentlemen, that's
00:26:49how it's done. Just got to make sure they don't find out where I live. Keeping my eyes
00:26:54peeled. I like that they set up a seating arrangement to watch the ramp. There's official
00:27:00seating up to eight capacity. Shout out to D's T's. Also, before I even started recording
00:27:06this, D's T's had a local's shop. I'll see if he restocked it. He had a local's shop
00:27:12here. Yeah, look at this. Too high qual ore, but you can't drone it. You can only walk
00:27:17up. So I bought out everything with 12 high qual. I got a bunch of pure ore and wood.
00:27:21Shout out to D's T's. This video is sponsored by D's T's. Yeah, we got some money there.
00:27:27Oh, it's got launcher. That's a big BP. It's going to save me a lot of, a lot of scrap.
00:27:32I think I'm just going to recycle at the close one. I think I have more than enough to get
00:27:36everything I need anyways. The logistics of this are scaring me. All right. If I die on
00:27:42this trip, this is going to be really, really sad. Hopefully this gives us enough scrap
00:27:47for the tier three boom BPs and whatever else my heart desires. Maybe a couple of minis
00:27:53would be nice. Maybe I build a real base too. It might be about time for that. Guys, don't
00:27:58forget monkey clothing. Loot drop. Out now. New items. Unbelievable. Check it out. Okay
00:28:04guys, I threw it all in the ocean. I'm just kidding. It's in my backpack. We have 3,700
00:28:09scrap. Let's return home. Okay. I'm going to get my BPs. All right guys, cargoes come
00:28:24with three crates and I'm thinking I buy a rib so I can board super quickly. Maybe it
00:28:30pays off. I assume there's people on it already. I guess I could also just wait for harbor,
00:28:34but what's the fun in that? I'm going in. I'm going in hot. I'm going in fast. They're
00:28:41never going to see it coming in an instant. They're going to be dead. Oh my God. I messed
00:28:51it up. Oh my God. Please don't murder me. Why is it not working? I can't press E. There
00:28:59we go. Jeez. Oh no. All right. No jokes on me. Okay. Good timing. A light trio. A light
00:29:15trio destroyed. Wait a minute. Someone has been on. Okay. I hope it was just him. I don't
00:29:38know if I should dip out before harbor. The one crate I got was not that good, so I think
00:29:44I will stay. Ah, he got me. Damn. You know what? This is better than I thought it would
00:30:13be, but this is not nothing in terms of boom. Hold on a minute. 199 seconds. Okay. Fair
00:30:21enough. All right, guys. I crapped it into boom. Solid amount. Six rockets, four C4.
00:30:26We got some X-Blow and some HEs. I'm going to look in the area for a potential target.
00:30:32See what we're working with around here. Oh my God. Scared the crap out of me. I may have
00:30:52just found a target. The roof camper? Oh, this is the guy, I think. I know this base.
00:30:59All right. I'm going to attempt the online raid solo. I'm going to approach from an angle
00:31:04where this guy won't roof camp me, hopefully. Saying I'm nervous would be an understatement.
00:31:09I have the heebie-jeebies, but I think this guy's going to be loaded if I can pull this
00:31:13off. Oh, wow. He is still on that roof. Okay. With the insane ammo, too. Very interesting.
00:31:23Just making me want to raid him more.
00:31:54No! I just died to a mace. No. All right. I have 80 X-Blow. Maybe I can get the seal
00:32:11or something. Fuck, dude. There's no way I just died to a mace. That's crazy. Where did
00:32:16that guy come from? Oh, wait. It should have broken the ladder and the hatch. So maybe
00:32:20it's going to take him a minute to be able to get down and to back up. Might be a stretch,
00:32:25but we'll see. How hard is it to break one of these?
00:32:36Oh, he lives here, too. Okay, you know what? I can break this door down.
00:32:52Please be in here. Fuck.
00:33:09Fuck. Damn, I was really hoping they'd depot the boom in this room.
00:33:28If I go one more door, I can get TC.
00:33:40Oh, come on, man. I wonder if this is enough. Maybe I can research like bean can grenades
00:33:50and hammer. Do they have pipes? I'm pretty sure he's in there. Maybe I can bait him.
00:33:59I'm hoping he doesn't see me. Oh, okay. I don't know if he knows I'm in here or not.
00:34:11Okay, it's getting really dark. I'm thinking I can just hide in this corner. He's using
00:34:16his torch to break the twig. That means no light. All right, guys, it's becoming morning
00:34:21and I think the guy just left. I think he's just abandoned. I don't think this is going
00:34:26to happen, guys. We're going to have to call the first raid a flub. I will admit it was
00:34:31a bit ambitious. That's not to say revenge isn't on the table. But for now, I must rest.
00:34:36It's getting quite late and hopefully tomorrow will be the best day yet. Lots and lots of
00:34:44murder and fun. But until then, Spooners, good night. Guys, guys, I'm back. Ellie was
00:34:51just taken at Rattatown. I got a boogie. Okay, let's move. Guys, day three, not raided. Can
00:34:56you believe it? The Spooners do not offline. Or maybe it's because this base already looks
00:35:00raided. I don't know. It's going to be an exciting day. Hopefully I redeem myself after
00:35:05that raid flub. Who knows what'll happen. Ah, come on! All right, before I do anything,
00:35:20I think I ought to farm a little bit of sulfur. I've got these Pure Orteas sitting around
00:35:24not getting used, and I might as well put them to use. Once I got some sulfur cooking,
00:35:29then maybe I do a little bit of oiling. The oiling seemed to have gone well for me. That
00:35:35was like the only venture that I actually am somewhat successful at. I also want to
00:35:40try and get an eardrop with those new things in them. That gives you a lot of boom. With
00:35:46the Pure Ortea on 2x, I get 900 per node. That's pretty good. So like two nodes is a
00:35:51rocket pretty much. Actually, two nodes is like a little more than a rocket. Look at
00:35:55that. That's a rocket right there. About to be a second one. Oh my god, I've hit like
00:36:01the potato empire here. Holy shit. Oh my god, I have 200 potatoes. Holy shit, dude. I'm
00:36:11good for the wipe on food. Oh my god, I hit a turret and then crashed into a tree. Guys,
00:36:23the farm trip is going well. I'm going to give you guys the sulfur reveal once my tea
00:36:27is up. Okay guys, my 30 minutes is up. Let's see how we did. Okay. What is that? Let's
00:36:34see. 4x6. 24x2. 48. 50. 50,000 sulfur. Holy crap. 30 minutes. I've really got to farm
00:36:45more often. Also, excavator is running, so I want to check that out. And then I've got
00:36:49to get some wood. But I'm not going to do that yet, because I want to sip my tea. Oh.
00:37:09That night vision. Those guys have it locked down. Those guys yesterday were goofballs,
00:37:14but these guys, I don't know. I don't know if that's going to happen. Maybe I focus on
00:37:19my wood grind. Alright. Guys, I'm going to attempt. Actually, you know what? Before I
00:37:25attempt this feat, the feat being getting a mini, I think I should build a structure
00:37:30for my mini. A mini house. Okay, we have a mini house. Very modest one. Okay, let's
00:37:36boogie. I'm going to try and just get comps on the way, because I don't really have many
00:37:41extra right now. That's one way to get comps. Okay. Maybe I don't have to farm barrels at
00:38:02all. Maybe I just look for people farming barrels. Guys, watch this. Oh! Oh, that was
00:38:15sick, dude. You guys can't lie, that was fucking sick. Come on, you know that was sick. That
00:38:21was gnarly. Okay, click recycle and I'm out of here. We'll get our mini. Guys, with that
00:38:33diesel, I was able to buy some guns. I'm also wondering if these guys are going to leave
00:38:37their shop. If it's worth waiting around. Maybe somebody forgot. They become public
00:38:42after ten minutes. Alright, I'm not patient enough for this. I'm going to oil. Oh, you
00:38:46know what? I've got to buy a blue card, too. I've just got to turn this 76 into 100, which
00:38:51is pretty reasonable, I think. Okay, I've got 100 scrap. Come on, dude! There's too
00:39:07many fucking SAM sites on this server, man. Come on, man. I can't fucking fly nowhere.
00:39:13Oh, great, they've got my body, too. Isn't that just fucking awesome? Alright. Alright,
00:39:21wise guy. What are we doing here? Oh, someone just called Smoil. I'm going to go there.
00:39:26I'm going to swim in. I'm just going to get a boat and flip her up. This is the new method.
00:39:31Who needs a mini anyways? If you have a mini, you can't fly inland on this. I'm going to
00:39:37Just got to stay on the coast. Okay, time to swim. I don't like looking down at this
00:39:48guy's hairy gut, man. Let me get back on Brenda. Alright, guys, here's my big moment. My tank
00:39:54isn't making noise. I don't know if that's just client side or what. Oh my god, I killed
00:40:12two. No! The scientist! Oh my god, that was almost so crazy. Fuck! That was almost my
00:40:22big moment. I don't know if I full killed either of them, though. If there was three
00:40:26just there, I don't know how many humans were on that. I could go for large, though. Let's
00:40:30back up. Alright, you know what? I've changed my mind. I'm going to counter oil again. I'm
00:40:34upset. I feel like I could do it. No, they just got the crate. Maybe I can make it in
00:40:39time before they load their 500 people in the scrappy. I think they left somebody. Ah.
00:40:51Wait, are they going straight to large? They might be, actually. That's hardcore if they
00:40:57are. I'm not going to lie, I kind of respect that. Oh. Alright. That's messed up. It's
00:41:07coming back. It's coming back for me. Come on, man. That's crazy, man. How could you
00:41:20do that to me? I don't think they're going to oil. I think they're just flying across
00:41:23the ocean. So maybe I try and grub up on oil. On large oil, that is. Big oil. Oil, as I
00:41:30used to call it. Oh, they are going to large. Alright, I'm going to play it safe and start
00:41:35back here. Okay, guys, it's time. I'm so excited.
00:42:05Where are the scrappy guys at? Where the fuck are these boneheads? Huh. Started the crate.
00:42:24There is somebody on here. Who the fuck is this guy? He's got a homie launcher. Fancy.
00:42:36What if I just wait for a scrappy here with the homie launcher? This could be big. I mean,
00:42:41I guess I'll kill the heavies if I'm waiting around. Might as well. What the fuck was that?
00:43:07Who are they shooting at? I think it was the same guy who I killed a second ago. Oh my
00:43:13God, scrappy's coming back. I got to kill these guys fast.
00:43:16What? What happened to my missile? My missile didn't do anything. What is that?
00:43:46That's big. Come on, man. Come on. Come on. What if I get up? Come on. Come on. Oh my
00:43:57God. No. Oh, that sucks. I got to cook myself. I've been forgetting my duties. Okay, new
00:44:11idea. I wait here for a clan to recycle. Think about it. It's the only good recycler
00:44:18that services this whole area. Well, this whole area. Clans are going to be confident.
00:44:24They don't want to use the safe zone recycler. Maybe they'll use this one. I'm going to give
00:44:28this like 10 or 15 minutes. See if somebody pulls up. I might have killed this guy. I
00:44:50don't know. No, I did not. I just killed a lot of barrels. All right, I'm going home.
00:44:54This is not going to plan. And I blew my cover. I thought I was beaming that guy. I
00:44:59just broke a bunch of barrels. My God, I think those guys are still running excavator. I've
00:45:04been running it for like two hours. I might have to go pay a visit. Right, let's see what's
00:45:08going on at this here excavating machine. It's been running for like 100 hours.
00:45:50this is so much softer, dude.
00:46:21Oh, I can't believe I just flubbed that. That was everything. Oh my God. I'm so ass, dude.
00:46:28I'm actually so ass. That was fucking pathetic, dude. Maybe I can recover it though. I did
00:46:33kill the full gear out here. Holy shit. I suck. I'm pretty sure I killed this guy right
00:46:37by the truck. Ah, it's over. Oh my God. I can't believe I just flubbed that guys. I
00:46:45couldn't get out. That guy was watching like a hawk. Hawk two up. Maybe I can go back though.
00:46:50Maybe I can go back. Maybe. Ah, what did I get up to? I gotta know. Eight. Ah, not enough.
00:46:57Dude, what a flub. What a flub. What an unbelievable flub. So disappointing. That was 56,000 sulfur
00:47:03in that backpack. Can you believe it? Maybe I should have thrown the backpack, hidden
00:47:08it somewhere. Could have been a move. Maybe some recoverable cheese. Maybe. Probably not.
00:47:13But maybe the scientists are back already. Damn. I couldn't find that body of the guy
00:47:18I killed. Maybe it was a truck on the other side or something. Ah, it was that truck.
00:47:22I guess it just got looted. This is bad. What am I doing? Hey. What's the range on these
00:47:34guys? Take it easy. Give me a fucking break. Well, you know what? Came out with 5,000 sulfur.
00:47:42That's not too bad. It's not 50,000, but it's a fraction of that. Bro pulled a me.
00:48:01I said look at the other way. This guy has no extra pistol ammo in here.
00:48:31Guys, I'm in the fight for my life right now. 1v4. Come on. Come on. Bring it on, big man.
00:48:53Where you at? Where you at? Come on, the undertaker. Doing the unthinkable in a four-on-one engagement.
00:49:07Where's that fucking AK at, man? Give me that AK. Oh, it was an SKS. Come on. It's never
00:49:17enough. Never enough, man. Come on, man. What if I get up? What if I get up? There's a chance.
00:49:2428. That's a pretty good chance. Come on. All right. Well, that 1v4 was pretty sick.
00:49:30Fortunately, I lose my 2,000 scrap, so what are you going to do? Let me make some damn
00:49:35boom, man. I'm farting around too much. Okay, I hear an M4 shotgun over there. I got to
00:49:42depot this and check that out. Something's going down. And if it's my neighbor, maybe
00:49:47a new raid target has been birthed. That might have been what I heard. I'm not sure. I thought
00:50:01it was an M4. I also just lost my gun too. Worst trap in Rust. Oh, he is on that roof.
00:50:08Yeah, I just got baited. Did he have the M4? Was that just bait the whole time? Oh my
00:50:15God, he does have an M4. Oh, wait. No, he doesn't live there. The fuck is this guy?
00:50:23What do you think this is, a joke? This is my timing now, boy. If you go back in there
00:50:39and you make it out alive, I'll let you live. I'll give you back your stuff. Go in. Go,
00:50:44go, go. Go. Run. Run, run, run. Go, go, go. Come on, you got it, man. You can do it. I
00:50:50don't even know if he lives here or not. I don't think he does. Man, I am a fool.
00:51:21Hey. Hey, Thomas. Wait a minute. What if I bring the minigun out here and just go bananas?
00:51:30I have like perfect view. What you guys think about me going bananas right now, huh? How
00:51:35we feeling about that? Any going bananas lovers? Damn, look at my big ray.
00:52:05No, no, no. Guys, I have it. There's one left and he's like half HP in there. Come on, man.
00:52:22Naked minigun man strikes back. Don't play with James Rusting, dude. He does not play
00:52:29games. Oh, I got to get out of here with this boom. I got to get out of here with this boom.
00:52:51James Rusting is back, baby. No, he's not. Okay, dude, come on. Give me a fucking break.
00:53:09You're terrible. Come on, man. The same XCAB guys too. I got to use my boom before I get
00:53:16raided. I spoke too soon about James Rusting being back. He wasn't actually back. Find
00:53:23wasn't actually back. Why am I getting done up like this? Oh, my God. What am I doing?
00:53:51What am I doing? I got jumpscared. Guys, I got jumpscared. Forgive me. That guy just
00:53:59popped out of nowhere, dude. He's like Nosferatu. It's not over yet. Fat lady has not sung.
00:54:05Guys, I'm honestly starting to think I'm Ankh status. Like I'm getting worse at this game.
00:54:09I think I'm honestly past my prime. I'm 23. I think I've officially reached Ankh. Get
00:54:15these little kids in front of me. Who the fuck is this guy? You're on the wrong team,
00:54:21bro. Okay, dude. Fucking wise guy here. All right, James Rusting round three minigun.
00:54:27What do we think? It's worked this thus far. Surely it can work again. Come on, man. James
00:54:38Rusting with the infinite miniguns pulling up over and over. Naked every time. I don't
00:54:44have clothes in my base. I can't even make a hazmat. You got to appreciate the humor
00:54:49in that. Hey. Did the friendly arms mean nothing anymore? I see them running back home. Only
00:55:00two of them.
00:55:30The fuck is this base?
00:56:00Dude, what is this base? What kind of psycho built this thing?
00:56:31I gotta get him to open this one.
00:56:40Dude, where? I need to meet the guy who built this thing. I'm just in awe. It would be a
00:56:47nightmare to raid this thing.
00:57:01Is that me? Better not be me. It's not me, but it is close to me.
00:57:22Come on.
00:57:32All right, you know what? I need some low grade. That way I can make some meds and use
00:57:37my own boom before that gets stolen from me. I'm just going to quickly run the road by
00:57:42outpost, buy me some low grade, run home, and hopefully this raid will propel us into
00:57:49wealth, or at least we will accomplish revenge, which is also satisfying. I've got the low
00:57:55grade. I've got a little more tech trash. Let's attempt to make it home and maybe do
00:58:00a raid. All part of the plan.
00:58:11I'm just going to take a peek. Just a quick peek. See what's going on. I've heard some
00:58:17movements. Some titillating movements.
00:58:28Oh my god.
00:58:32Dude, I downed one with that. What the fuck? They're like 1 HP over there. All right, one
00:58:37more shot, guys. One more shot. The full metal is 1 HP. Something's going on here.
00:58:47Oh my god.
00:58:49Fuck. There's just infinite people, dude. There's infinite people. Can't fucking do
00:59:17anything. All right, one more time. This is the one, guys. This is the one. I just
00:59:22need to bank 1 AK for this damn raid. All right, bring in the life support MP5. It broke.
00:59:34Oh, faithful. Man, I can't do anything right. Maybe some leftovers in here. Okay, there's
00:59:51a full metal guy in here. Friendly. Friendly.
01:00:21All right, guys. Maybe I feel a little bit bad, but it had to be done. It was the perfect
01:00:51Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I gotta get out of here. I can't believe it finally worked.
01:01:16I finally had my moment. My James Rusting moment, and I was on my last. I feel a little
01:01:21bad for throwing the grenades at those guys, but you know, sometimes you have to do bad
01:01:29things to accomplish your goals, right? I don't know. What are you gonna do? I got the
01:01:34money now, though. Oh yeah. Oh, look at that scrap. Look at that animal fat. Look at that
01:01:39loot. I gotta go back there. There's more loot to be had. Oh my god. What the fuck?
01:01:53Oh my god. Oh, he had a minigun. Holy shit, dude. Scared the crap out of me. Oh my god,
01:02:14that's so terrifying. All right, fuck that whole business. I'm gonna gear up for my own
01:02:19raid. I'm done going there. It's a terrifying place. I'm gonna go get revenge on the guys
01:02:25I lost the raid to yesterday, so at least once I get raided by these guys I've upset,
01:02:31I've used the boom, because I guarantee they're coming. Okay, it is time to boogie. I did
01:02:37some investigating earlier, and it turns out the gate to this base is unlocked, which may
01:02:41provide some tactical advantage. I mean, I can enter easily, but hopefully no one else
01:02:46notices that it's not locked. That being said, I'm using C4 so I can get this raid
01:02:51done and sealed and solidified as quick as possible. Solo rocketing is not always a good
01:02:59idea. I've also deduced how to get to TC quickly. Through this, I believe. Wait, I think he's
01:03:15in there. Yeah. Oh, no, no, don't sleep. Oh! Damn! Well, they realized the gate.
01:03:44Now I'm stuck in here, so I might as well raid.
01:04:14Damn, tier 3? Okay. Okay, an A tier. Some additions have been made. Not bad. I thought
01:04:31this locked box was making me think it's special. Oof! Oh, yeah, that's special. That is special.
01:04:44What the hell is wrong with this tier 3? I can't use it. Is this not a real tier 3?
01:04:53What is happening? It is. It's a tier 3. What if I put it here? There we go. I don't know
01:05:04what the hell that was. Also, I don't appreciate these guys camping the raid. It's not cool.
01:05:11Maybe they're gonna raid it. I think I'll make a couple garage doors just in case.
01:05:19That guy sounded like the bully in a movie. I might just move into this base. It's much
01:05:25bigger than mine. Or at least live out of both, because, I mean, both have tier 3s.
01:05:30I don't think there's any really good reason to run all this crap over to my worse base.
01:05:40He's watching my video in the background. I hear my- Hello?
01:05:50Oh, shoot. Okay. I can help you out if you want.
01:06:00Hold on. Give me one second. What is happening here?
01:06:04I'm up on your windmill here.
01:06:09Oh! Did they pull a fast one on me? I hope not. That would be messed up. Alright, back
01:06:15to crafting. Alright guys, I was able to craft another stack of C4. So we actually profited
01:06:21from this raid, believe it or not. I'm solfer alone. And I think there's only one person,
01:06:27or one base, rather, that I really want to raid now, which is that big silly base. Yo,
01:06:34what up, MediumElf? How we doing? Thanks, man.
01:06:38Oh, I'm pretty good, man. Yeah, no problem. Hey, I got a question.
01:06:44Did that guy take my MP5 up there?
01:06:46Uh, I believe he did, but you know what? I might have an extra one in here. Let me take
01:06:50a look.
01:06:51Oh, for real, man?
01:06:52Yeah, let me see what I got. Alright, I couldn't find an MP5 in there, but you could have a
01:06:57Thank you so much, man.
01:06:58Yeah, no problem, man. Good luck.
01:07:00Alright, have a good one. Wait, one more thing.
01:07:05Is that you?
01:07:06Maybe. I heard you watching my video in the background. That's why I decided to talk.
01:07:11Yeah, man! Oh, okay. That's funny.
01:07:15I thought you betrayed me when I died, but I'm glad that wasn't you.
01:07:19That's what I thought, man. Because I came down on the roof, and I just saw a Nomad outside
01:07:24your door, and I'm like, yo, he's gonna think I baited him.
01:07:27Yeah, nah, it's all good, man. I appreciate it.
01:07:30Alright, well, yeah, have a good one.
01:07:33What a goat, man. Massive chiller over here.
01:07:37Alright, I need to make some preparations at the other base for this raid. And then
01:07:43I'm just gonna send it. See what happens.
01:07:45I think with the C4 I have a better chance, and I don't even know if it's a multi-TC base.
01:07:52It might be possible to seal it.
01:07:54It's obviously very hard to tell what the hell the base is from the outside, but I'm
01:07:59gonna go ahead and make some more C4 in here just for good measure.
01:08:03We will see what happens.
01:08:05Still got a lot of sulfur in here, actually.
01:08:07Okay, I've made more preparations.
01:08:09I think I probably have way more than I need, but I have no idea what I'm going into in
01:08:15terms of this base's design, layout.
01:08:19I don't even think the builder knows what he made, but I should have enough regardless
01:08:24of that.
01:08:25And I'm just gonna drill a hole down through the middle and hopefully reach something.
01:08:30We will see.
01:08:31I don't know how many there are.
01:08:32I think there was like three or four when I was there earlier.
01:08:36So my odds, you know, they're not great if I was a betting man.
01:08:41Certainly probably not a coin flip even, but the odds of me having fun are good odds.
01:08:46I would take that bet any day.
01:08:48That bet would not pay very much because it is guaranteed nearly.
01:08:52Unless I die before I even get there.
01:08:54Round up the boom and we will get into this.
01:08:57It's a little pathetic, but I gotta bring a small backpack.
01:09:00Can't find a damn backpack anywhere.
01:09:03I'm locking in, guys.
01:09:04Let's do this.
01:09:05This is a big moment for me, guys.
01:09:07Big moment.
01:09:08Big solo raid.
01:09:10Okay, here we go.
01:09:26Oh my God.
01:09:33Oh, this is decor.
01:09:36Oh, this is good.
01:09:44I don't know what the hell is going on here.
01:09:50The fuck did I even hit?
01:09:52All right, whatever.
01:09:53I'm taking out this foundation.
01:10:06What the fuck is this base, dude?
01:10:09What is this?
01:10:10Where's the base at?
01:10:12This doesn't make any sense.
01:10:14These are foundations, too.
01:10:16Please just leave it out.
01:10:35Where the fuck is that guy at?
01:10:45Where did I just kill this guy?
01:10:51What is happening?
01:10:53Is this TC, baby?
01:11:06Whoa, what is this?
01:11:10What the hell?
01:11:20Dude, it's deep?
01:11:21What is this?
01:11:23I raided it completely wrong.
01:11:25But I don't even know what I'm looking at.
01:11:28I don't even know how to get out now.
01:11:30How did I get in here?
01:11:31Guys, the base won.
01:11:33I don't even...
01:11:34I don't know what to do.
01:11:35The base beat me.
01:11:37Is there like a door or something?
01:11:39Wait a minute.
01:11:40Maybe I can make more boom here.
01:11:42Okay, they got pipes.
01:11:44Hold on a minute.
01:11:45It's not over yet.
01:11:50Okay, that was almost really bad.
01:11:52Can't believe that I almost lost to that.
01:11:55To myself.
01:12:17Dude, what is this?
01:12:33Aw, and he survived that.
01:12:35So that was their core.
01:12:37Man, the rocket PvP is crazy.
01:12:41I think that was a real one, too.
01:12:43Man, that was almost crazy.
01:12:46I think there was a lot more doors,
01:12:47but I honestly can't really tell.
01:12:49Well, actually, these are foundations,
01:12:51so maybe not.
01:12:52Might have just been like two more.
01:12:59Open sesame.
01:13:02They have to see me, right?
01:13:10Like muscle memory through this maze of a base.
01:13:32Oh, he's got a launcher.
01:13:35I didn't even realize.
01:13:36There's a guy back there with a launcher.
01:13:38Guys, can I get a loot tour, maybe?
01:13:45Come on.
01:13:46Come on, the solo online raid.
01:13:48I think I deserve a loot tour at least.
01:13:54Come on, man.
01:13:56Can I have two...
01:13:59Look, look, look.
01:14:00I put it away.
01:14:06I think they're all dead in there.
01:14:08Yeah, guys, it's not half dead.
01:14:09There's like five more garage doors.
01:14:12I'm really curious to get a base tour, though.
01:14:15I want to know what the hell is going on here.
01:14:17Guys, let me have the base tour for the people.
01:14:19I got to know what the hell this is.
01:14:21Excuse me?
01:14:22No more funny business, I promise.
01:14:25He wants to know what it is.
01:14:27I don't even know what the hell I'm raiding.
01:14:29I just got to know what is going on here.
01:14:31Look, I got nothing, man.
01:14:32I got nothing.
01:14:33Just give me a sec.
01:14:34I'm new to this fucking game, and I don't know what I'm doing.
01:14:37All right.
01:14:38Thanks, guys.
01:14:39We also have to take some art down.
01:14:41Oh, you got pornography in the base or what?
01:14:46You got some gooners?
01:14:48A little worse?
01:14:49What the fuck's worse than that?
01:14:51You got ISIS beheadings in the base?
01:14:55A little worse.
01:14:56I got to get the inside scoop on this base.
01:14:58A little warmer.
01:15:00All right.
01:15:01I don't even want to keep guessing.
01:15:02Let me just see what the hell.
01:15:03Was I even close?
01:15:04I have no idea what this is.
01:15:06Don't worry.
01:15:08I've been instructed to let you know.
01:15:11Well, I'm at this penguin door here.
01:15:14At the drop-down thing.
01:15:16Hey, let me get a base tour.
01:15:18Let me get a base tour.
01:15:19Come on.
01:15:21Is it safe?
01:15:23Is it safe to pass?
01:15:25There's no fuel in it.
01:15:28I can't.
01:15:29I can't.
01:15:30You got to close this door.
01:15:32Oh, I was close.
01:15:35No way, dude.
01:15:36All right.
01:15:37I'm going to do a loot tour.
01:15:38I'm not taking anything.
01:15:39I promise.
01:15:40I promise.
01:15:42All right.
01:15:44Not bad.
01:15:51I think 9C4.
01:15:52That's not bad.
01:15:55Oh, my God.
01:15:57All right.
01:15:58Very interesting.
01:15:59Let me just take a peek.
01:16:00I just have to inspect the loot.
01:16:04Man, these guys have nothing.
01:16:06These guys.
01:16:08All right.
01:16:09I appreciate it, guys.
01:16:10Thanks for letting me explore the base.
01:16:12This is quite the setup, you guys.
01:16:14I'm good on the panning, but I appreciate it, guys.
01:16:17It was fun online.
01:16:20This is my first online raid ever.
01:16:22You did great, man.
01:16:24Thanks, sir.
01:16:25Well, thanks for giving me the loot tour, guys.
01:16:27I appreciate it.
01:16:29Pretty satisfied with that.
01:16:31The fun rating, pretty high.
01:16:32A lot of kills.
01:16:34The loot rating, pretty low.
01:16:36I'm going to go to bed.
01:16:38Oh, you know what?
01:16:39I'm going to put upkeep in this.
01:16:40I don't know if I'm going to continue this or not tomorrow.
01:16:42We'll see if either of the bases are raided.
01:16:44I have a little bit of boom left.
01:16:46Not much.
01:16:47And that was kind of the only base that was even remotely in my...
01:16:50Oh, my God.
01:16:51He's home.
01:16:52It's the only remotely base in my repertoire in regards to raiding.
01:16:57What's going on here?
01:16:59Yo, what up?
01:17:03Oh, hold on.
01:17:04Hold on.
01:17:05Hold on a minute.
01:17:06I know it's your home.
01:17:08All right.
01:17:09I'll give you...
01:17:10Hold on.
01:17:11Hold on.
01:17:12Hold on.
01:17:13Hold on.
01:17:14It's my home.
01:17:15One second.
01:17:16Wait there.
01:17:17Just fuck it.
01:17:18Don't give this guy his own bag.
01:17:20All right.
01:17:21I'm taking these off for you, man.
01:17:23I'm sorry I did this to your home.
01:17:27Oh, my God.
01:17:28This is really cute.
01:17:29Here, come take the gate, too.
01:17:31You didn't lock your gate.
01:17:33Put a key.
01:17:34Put a lock on it.
01:17:35Quickly, quickly.
01:17:37Put a lock on it.
01:17:38Lock it.
01:17:39Lock it.
01:17:40Lock it.
01:17:41Put the lock on it.
01:17:42Take the TC.
01:17:43One second.
01:17:44Take the TC right here.
01:17:45TC and put a lock on.
01:17:46You're going to get deeped, man.
01:17:47Use those locks, man.
01:17:48Put the locks on.
01:17:49One second.
01:17:50The loot's up here.
01:17:51There's loot.
01:17:52No looting.
01:17:53No looting.
01:17:54Dude, he hasn't even locked it.
01:17:55Yeah, that's for you, man.
01:17:56But lock up your base.
01:17:57You got it, man.
01:17:58I apologize.
01:17:59That was uncalled for.
01:18:00All right.
01:18:01Good luck.
01:18:02Good luck.
01:18:03Good luck.
01:18:04Good luck.
01:18:05Good luck.
01:18:06Good luck.
01:18:07Good luck.
01:18:08Good luck.
01:18:09That was uncalled for.
01:18:10All right.
01:18:11Good luck.
01:18:12Please lock your base.
01:18:13Lock the gate.
01:18:14I don't know who's out here, but they're probably...
01:18:17Can you help me?
01:18:18I'm stuck.
01:18:20Get the code.
01:18:21Yo, what's going on, man?
01:18:23Oh, it's you.
01:18:24Some guy gave me his base and I got curious.
01:18:27I'm kind of stuck in here now.
01:18:29Use me, man.
01:18:30Use me.
01:18:32There we go.
01:18:33All right.
01:18:35Appreciate it.
01:18:36No problem, man.
01:18:37No problem.
01:18:39Have a mushroom.
01:18:40Thanks, man.
01:18:41All right.
01:18:42You know what, guys?
01:18:43That's a wrap.
01:18:44I just feel horrible now.
01:18:45That poor kid did deserve to be raised.
01:18:48Well, guys, there it is.
01:18:50Modded Rust.
01:18:51Slightly modded Rust.
01:18:52And it's pretty fun.
01:18:53I feel like we got to do a little bit more action with a little less of the work.
01:18:56And that's kind of about it.
01:18:58So maybe if you guys want to see more, let me know.
01:19:01It was definitely a bit easier on my temperament.
01:19:05And once again, if you want to check out the servers, check out the Discord in the description.
01:19:08We've got a bunch of different ones, but most of them are kind of just like this.
01:19:11We've just got them on different days, wipe schedules, and some different pop.
01:19:15So check it out.
01:19:17Check it out, guys.
01:19:18All right.
01:19:19Until next time.
