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#chilledvibes #solorust #rustbase
Ladies and gents, i present one of my greatest adventures, and this is only the beginning.. Subscribe for more chapters..
This is your LAST CHANCE to get your grubby mitts on the willyJ mousepads!! dont miss out!


[EU] Willjum's Casual Solo/Duo Monthly
[EU] Willjum's solo only server
Connect willjum.eu
[NA] Willjum's solo only server
Connect willjum.US

MY SECOND CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYBxwW1sqqKMb4KjfvDZgQ/videos

Massive thank you to my current Patrons, Thanks to your help i was able to afford my new PC! so thank you! if you want to support me further:



You can find my amazing thumbnail artist @sinhunsan1 on twitter!

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Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com

Fantastic Music From

Backyard : https://www.youtube.com/@beatsinthebackyard
Eeryskies : https://www.youtube.com/@eeryskies
In Bloom: https://www.youtube.com/@InBloom-CountryFolkBeats
Daniel Paris : https://www.youtube.com/@DanielParisMusic
Velvet: https://www.youtube.com/@prodvelvet
SouthHarborMusic: https://www.youtube.com/@SouthHarborMusic
Miercoles: https://www.youtube.com/@prodmiercoles
Heydium : https://www.youtube.com/@heydium
DanDarmawan: https://www.youtube.com/@DanDarmawan
Chkody: https://www.youtube.com/@chkodybeats
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
00:00:00My man, how are you doing?
00:00:11Hello, hello bro!
00:00:12It has been a little while.
00:00:14It's been a while, yeah.
00:00:20Welcome to the Rust Adventure of all time.
00:00:28Gawliak and me, Wilger, two of, if I say so myself, the most focused and unwavering solo
00:00:37players in all of Rust.
00:00:40When the drive of these two solo players comes together for an entire week, well, what we
00:00:49get is the greatest Rust journey in my life.
00:00:55Ahead of us, the road is long.
00:00:59So sit back, relax, because this is true Vanilla Rust.
00:01:09Alright man, are you ready?
00:01:11Hey, hello, hello!
00:01:12Hello, hello!
00:01:13Come on bro, let's do it!
00:01:16I already have 70 cloth, what a start!
00:01:19Oh my god, what?
00:01:21I was the first off the beach.
00:01:23It's been like 20 seconds, you know what I mean?
00:01:26Yep, and I have a bow, that's a record, let's go!
00:01:30Just a minute since the island had wiped and Gawliak and I raced off of the beach, playing
00:01:35on a server notorious for some of the largest clans in Rust, our journey ahead would not
00:01:42be easy.
00:01:43But we knew our own determination, and with that in mind, we were headed to the harshest
00:01:48place of all, the deepest snow.
00:01:54Oh yeah, I've got pumpkins too, I'm gonna be full health.
00:01:58Wait, what are you at?
00:02:00I am currently F12.
00:02:01Bro, I'm F13 in the ranch.
00:02:02Oh no way!
00:02:03Let's meet up.
00:02:05Yeah, yeah.
00:02:06I'll come, I'll come, I'll be right there.
00:02:07Hey, I see you!
00:02:13Is that you?
00:02:14Let's go!
00:02:15There you are!
00:02:16Let's go!
00:02:17Oh, I never lose.
00:02:18Oh, it's a good start, it's gonna be a good day.
00:02:23Get in the squad, let's move.
00:02:26How much cloth do you have?
00:02:27Can I make a bow?
00:02:28Uh, yeah, I have 60.
00:02:29Oh no, shot.
00:02:30How much do you have?
00:02:32Oh, damn man.
00:02:33Oh, I'm cooked.
00:02:34Pull yourself together, what the fu- I'm gonna be around you, you find all the
00:02:39Okay, we have to shine in the primitive stage, fam.
00:02:44Oh, don't you worry, we will, we will.
00:02:48Yeah, you can have that, I wouldn't take that from you.
00:02:52I was about to, I was thinking about it.
00:02:55Both of us armed, we were ready to begin our long migration across the island.
00:03:00Our adventure had begun.
00:03:02Oh, got the deer.
00:03:06Wait, there are two above you, by the way.
00:03:08Above the ridge.
00:03:09I don't know if they're with us.
00:03:10He's there, he's there.
00:03:11Nice, nice.
00:03:12Two more.
00:03:15Nice, just back up from this guy, I can kill him.
00:03:17Yeah, hit him again.
00:03:20Oh yeah, this guy has some, some stats on him.
00:03:22Alright, cool.
00:03:23Let's keep moving.
00:03:24On such a huge server, the distance to the snow was vast.
00:03:28We fought our way on foot deeper into the island, but what we were looking for was a
00:03:34Chill guy.
00:03:35Oh, I'm chill guy!
00:03:36I think he's a chill guy, man.
00:03:38Oh my god.
00:03:40We're not chill guys.
00:03:43Hey, you took it!
00:03:44No way, bro!
00:03:45This guy.
00:03:47Here we go.
00:03:49Train coming.
00:03:50Ah, he's on the other.
00:03:52Maybe kill him out.
00:03:53Yeah, yeah, I'm going to try to hit him.
00:03:54Hit him, hit him.
00:03:56Hit him again!
00:03:57I'm on it, I'm on it!
00:03:58No way, you're too quick!
00:04:01That was so cool.
00:04:02Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:04:04Let's go, bro.
00:04:06Oh my god.
00:04:07Spear guy right there.
00:04:08Did we just run someone over?
00:04:09Yeah, I think we did, bro.
00:04:10Yeah, we did.
00:04:11We did run someone over.
00:04:12That's hilarious.
00:04:14Now, on the back of a train, we raced our way across the map.
00:04:18And before we knew it, we were entering the snow.
00:04:25Oh my god.
00:04:26I just got thrown off the train.
00:04:28I guess I'm on foot.
00:04:32So, we had made it to the snow and we were nearing on our destination.
00:04:36We farmed what we could along the way in preparation for building our starter.
00:04:40So, where exactly were we headed?
00:04:43See, knowing that this server would be filled with the largest clans,
00:04:47attempting to take on the biggest monuments on wipe day would be suicide.
00:04:52But, we had spotted something interesting.
00:04:55A single gas station.
00:04:57The furthest point from the spawn beaches, and we hoped, would give us enough space to thrive.
00:05:03We were close.
00:05:04But, no monument in the snow on a server this competitive goes uncontested.
00:05:10And so far out at the edge of the world, our only chance of survival was to take complete control.
00:05:19Good move, son.
00:05:30Let's go.
00:05:34Oh man, this is such a good spot, I'm telling you.
00:05:37Yeah, this could be really nice.
00:05:39Okay, we just have to go straight to the gas station and start running it.
00:05:42Player outside.
00:05:43Are you making TC?
00:05:44Do you want to jump out and get him?
00:05:45I think I hear him.
00:05:46He's on the water. I'm making TC.
00:05:47Oh yeah, I do.
00:05:50I missed.
00:05:53I'm going for it.
00:05:54Going into this adventure, we were using every tactic we could.
00:05:58To begin with, we laid down our base.
00:06:00But, it was only a starter.
00:06:02See, our main base would be legendary.
00:06:04But, building it too soon would get us raided almost immediately.
00:06:08But, by laying low in a simple 2x1 may just give us time to farm up resources for the main.
00:06:15But, all of that comes later.
00:06:17Because, most importantly, now was the fight for the gas station.
00:06:22Yeah, there's a guy inside.
00:06:26Bro, he has a gas gun.
00:06:27There's no way.
00:06:28He has only a spear. He's on me.
00:06:30Okay, okay.
00:06:32Get him.
00:06:34Easy custom, bro.
00:06:35No way he found a custom.
00:06:37There's no way, man.
00:06:38That's insane.
00:06:42Yeah, that's insane. I'm going to bank this real quick.
00:06:44Oh my gosh.
00:06:47Not only were we a duo on this harsh server, but we had no blueprints.
00:06:52And so, finding this custom early on would no doubt prove vital later down the line.
00:06:57But, there was no time to celebrate.
00:06:59We had to go straight back to the gas station and keep control.
00:07:04So slow.
00:07:06There's a guy on me, actually.
00:07:08Yeah, yeah. Spear is dead.
00:07:11He has one more. Teammate.
00:07:12Oh, coming, coming, coming.
00:07:13Also with spears.
00:07:14Oh, I see two more.
00:07:15I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:07:16Fighting off the onslaught, if we were to die just once and lose our bows, it could all be over.
00:07:22There's another one, 320.
00:07:23He's just left. He might have recyclables.
00:07:26Wait, there's a player to my 230, running towards us.
00:07:31Let him come closer.
00:07:32Yeah, I'm hiding, full hiding.
00:07:33I suppose.
00:07:35Peeking now.
00:07:36Hit him.
00:07:37I hit him.
00:07:38There's two, there's two.
00:07:40We have to chase a little bit.
00:07:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:07:42I'm running.
00:07:43You shoot a little bit.
00:07:44I don't really want to leave my recyclables, though.
00:07:46I think I might turn back.
00:07:47Not even 20 minutes in, and players were already swarming to the gas station.
00:07:52This is why we had to control it.
00:07:54We would forever be outnumbered.
00:07:56The only way we could ever survive was by cutting off the other groups,
00:08:00and stopping them from even getting a workbench level one.
00:08:04For as soon as our enemies got their hands on nail guns and revolvers,
00:08:08our reign would be over.
00:08:11Okay, we need to get tier one and nail guns ASAP.
00:08:15If we can get those first, we should be able to shut everyone else down.
00:08:20Immediately crafting the level one workbench,
00:08:22we now had the technological advantage over our area.
00:08:26Crafting nail guns immediately, we headed straight back.
00:08:35It seems silly, but we actually can't let anyone get a single recycling run done,
00:08:39because as soon as they do, they come back with tier ones and nail guns,
00:08:42and it gets very tough.
00:08:44As soon as they do, they come back with tier ones and nail guns,
00:08:47and it gets very tough.
00:08:50Oh my god.
00:08:51I'm low, I'm just going to heal real quick.
00:08:53I'm fine.
00:09:02Wait, wait, more coming, more coming.
00:09:04From the front side.
00:09:06One's dead.
00:09:09Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:09:11The amount of people coming here, man.
00:09:13I know, it's crazy.
00:09:14Successfully holding it down with our new nail guns,
00:09:17we were farming scrap at incredible rates.
00:09:19We placed down metal doors,
00:09:21and continued our reign of terror over the monument,
00:09:24stopping anyone else from even getting near.
00:09:27Crafting up crossbows, we were filled with confidence.
00:09:30But, who knew how much longer we had
00:09:33before we'd get torn back down to the ground.
00:09:37What the fuck?
00:09:39There was a guy chasing you.
00:09:40I killed it.
00:09:41Oh, metal pickaxe.
00:09:42There you go.
00:09:43Give me that.
00:09:44Where you at?
00:09:45Oh, there's another one.
00:09:46I thought that was you.
00:09:47Ah, too bad.
00:09:48Bad timing.
00:09:49Still living in just a 2x1, we were very vulnerable.
00:09:52While I continued to hold gas station,
00:09:54Guliak got to work farming milk.
00:10:01I'm loaded.
00:10:09He's running away.
00:10:10This guy's dead.
00:10:12Like a well-oiled machine,
00:10:14we worked into the night,
00:10:15farming gas station, farming nodes,
00:10:17and keeping every group around
00:10:19stuck with nothing but spears.
00:10:22Or at least, that's what we thought.
00:10:25The first night time of Wipe had hit,
00:10:27not even 30 minutes in,
00:10:29and we'd already accumulated enough scrap for the tier 2.
00:10:32It's better to...
00:10:34Like, I was thinking to speed our progression,
00:10:37but it's better to slow everyone else down.
00:10:40Yeah, 100%.
00:10:41I mean, we are only keeping these guys down
00:10:43because they just have spears and bows.
00:10:45As soon as they come back with tier 1s and recycling,
00:10:48it's not easy.
00:10:54There's a spear.
00:10:55Oh, it's two of them.
00:10:58Oh my gosh.
00:11:00Despite just being a duo,
00:11:02we were far ahead of the other players in our area.
00:11:06Despite not having any blueprints,
00:11:08we crafted up our workbench level 2.
00:11:10I expanded our humble 2x1
00:11:12and crafted a sneaky bunker,
00:11:14one that would keep us secure
00:11:16despite not having the garage door yet.
00:11:18Oh, this is gonna be such a nice bunker.
00:11:20You won't even know that there are raised foundations from the outside.
00:11:23Oh, wow.
00:11:24This is perfect.
00:11:26Tier 2 placed.
00:11:28Let's go. That is insane.
00:11:36Let's go.
00:11:42Let me see, let me see.
00:11:44Ooh, okay, okay, okay.
00:11:46Ooh, okay, okay, okay.
00:11:48Let's go, man.
00:11:49And as well as the tier 2,
00:11:50we also had enough scrap
00:11:52to learn the custom SMG,
00:11:54which we had found at the start of the wipe.
00:11:57Researching that and the pistol ammo
00:11:59as the first rust day of the server
00:12:01came to a close.
00:12:03We were on top of the world.
00:12:05Day 1 had been an immense success.
00:12:08But while we had been thriving,
00:12:10the not-so-distant clans
00:12:12had been doing the same.
00:12:14And as we entered into day 2
00:12:16feeling unstoppable,
00:12:18we never could have expected
00:12:20what was to come.
00:12:24So, as the sun rises on the next morning
00:12:26and we smelt down sulfur
00:12:28for our new custom,
00:12:30I want to take a moment to talk about something very special to me.
00:12:33The Wilgem mousepads.
00:12:35But more specifically, how grateful I am to you guys.
00:12:38See, now, over 3 months ago,
00:12:40I launched the drop of my mousepads.
00:12:42A limited drop that I was only planning to run for a couple weeks,
00:12:45but I poured my heart into it.
00:12:47I designed it, I got my friend Monstera to actually paint it,
00:12:50and I was so proud of it.
00:12:52And you guys have just blown me away.
00:12:55We have sold so many
00:12:57that I've just had to keep making more
00:12:59and selling more and running the campaign on longer
00:13:01because you guys just keep wanting more.
00:13:03But with that being said,
00:13:05all good things must come to an end.
00:13:07And this is now the final week
00:13:09that you can get your hands on one.
00:13:11Because at the end of February,
00:13:13we are finally stopping the production of them for good.
00:13:17So if you haven't got one already,
00:13:19make sure to head over and get one before it's too late.
00:13:21And as well as getting yourselves a cool pad,
00:13:23it also really, really helps me out.
00:13:25And the support means the world.
00:13:27And so, I just wanted to say thank you.
00:13:30Now, where were we?
00:13:34The second Rust day on the server had begun,
00:13:36and we continued by asserting our dominance
00:13:38over the gas station.
00:13:40Unbeknownst to us, things were about to change.
00:13:44We had smelted just enough sulfur
00:13:46to craft a few bullets for the custom,
00:13:48and just seconds after they were crafting...
00:13:51That's you outside, right?
00:13:53Two guys on me.
00:13:55I'm coming with the custom.
00:13:56Stay alive for me, man.
00:13:57One dead, one dead.
00:13:58I'm dead, I'm dead.
00:13:59I'm on my way, I'm on my way.
00:14:00One is wounded.
00:14:01He's gonna be looting me now.
00:14:02There's another one in front of me,
00:14:04running into gas, too.
00:14:05Yeah, I think they are fighting.
00:14:06I think they're fighting.
00:14:07I'm gonna let these guys fight
00:14:08before I start shooting.
00:14:10I would have to be careful,
00:14:11if this SMG fell into the wrong hands.
00:14:15There we go.
00:14:17I had to shoot.
00:14:18I think two are dead.
00:14:19I'm going with the bow.
00:14:21Oh, there are a lot, I think.
00:14:23I don't know how many are together.
00:14:25Where will these guys come from?
00:14:28Oh, wait, there's one on this anvil as well.
00:14:30Next to me.
00:14:31I'm coming with you.
00:14:32I have one mag left.
00:14:34Yeah, I wanna barricade my body
00:14:35and get the...
00:14:36Roof, roof.
00:14:37Wolfhead on roof.
00:14:39I think he might have crossie.
00:14:42I'm hit with the crossie.
00:14:44This is such a bad spot for me.
00:14:46There's a head glitch.
00:14:47You can fall back a little bit.
00:14:48Yeah, I'm gonna have to.
00:14:50I'm crouching.
00:14:51Oh, I'm hit again.
00:14:52I have to fall back.
00:14:53This is so bad.
00:14:55He's got a nice angle on me.
00:14:58There is three inside, bro.
00:15:00Three inside?
00:15:02Oh, okay, okay.
00:15:03No shot the rats.
00:15:04Okay, they were scared.
00:15:05Without enough ammo to take them all down,
00:15:07I dropped off the custom and headed back.
00:15:10The wolfhead is still on top.
00:15:11I think he's loaded.
00:15:13I think they're holding it down.
00:15:15He was playing super safe.
00:15:17Oh my, I hear so many.
00:15:22Headshot one.
00:15:24Killed one in Recycler.
00:15:26I'm coming.
00:15:27Oh, 300 cloth.
00:15:29Oh my god, okay.
00:15:30I might try and dip with that.
00:15:32Nah, I'm not dead.
00:15:33There was an airgun in there.
00:15:34No, they are running, bro.
00:15:35They are running?
00:15:36Ah, fuck.
00:15:37Yeah, there's multiple.
00:15:39Okay, so you know, they run
00:15:41like somewhere by the train entrance.
00:15:46Oh, got some nice compensation.
00:15:48The group had now left the gas station
00:15:50and we didn't think much more of it.
00:15:52Assuming they had come to use a safe Recycler,
00:15:55we figured the trouble had passed.
00:15:57But what we'd forgotten
00:15:58was just how much attention we'd drawn upon ourselves
00:16:01by fighting back with the SMG.
00:16:07He dead.
00:16:12Ooh, milk crate.
00:16:14Come on, give me a Python or a P2.
00:16:18Oh my, then I get the worst milk crate.
00:16:21Five pipes.
00:16:24Ooh, another milk crate.
00:16:26Another five pipes.
00:16:27Oh my, what the fuck?
00:16:32Wait, there's two guys by our base right now.
00:16:34Right outside.
00:16:35Okay, okay, be careful.
00:16:36I'll catch them.
00:16:37Yeah, yeah, we can pinch them.
00:16:38We can pinch them.
00:16:40They're above me.
00:16:41They're above me.
00:16:42They should be right in front of you.
00:16:45I see them, I see them.
00:16:46I saw one.
00:16:47I'm just playing timing.
00:16:50And I'm behind him, like, asap.
00:16:52I think they might be pushing me.
00:16:57I'm hard to push in.
00:16:58Oh, they haven't hit me yet.
00:16:59They don't know about me,
00:17:00so if you can start shooting them.
00:17:01I'm in a really bad spot.
00:17:02Help me.
00:17:03Wait, are you shooting me?
00:17:04Are you not shooting me?
00:17:05No, no, no, no, no.
00:17:06Wait, there's three, there's three.
00:17:07Oh, there's four.
00:17:08What the fuck?
00:17:10Bro, I was in the middle of them all.
00:17:12Despite being outnumbered,
00:17:13Gorliak was still alive.
00:17:15And I had something they did not.
00:17:18There's two more guys coming from...
00:17:19I killed one.
00:17:20It's the same five man, I think.
00:17:22Oh, they're here, I think.
00:17:24I got hit, I got hit.
00:17:25Oh, yeah, I'm behind one.
00:17:26About to kill one.
00:17:31Okay, one's hit, one's hit.
00:17:32I have two guys on me.
00:17:34Wait, you still have two on you?
00:17:35Oh, I've got another one on me.
00:17:36Yeah, yeah, two bows.
00:17:37Bro, there's four.
00:17:38You have to run.
00:17:39Four more?
00:17:43I'm running, I'm running.
00:17:44I don't have the ammo.
00:17:45I'm running, I'm running.
00:17:46It's the guys we just fought.
00:17:47Yeah, I'm not surprised.
00:17:48I'm not surprised.
00:17:49I don't know how many it is, though.
00:17:51I thought it was only four or five
00:17:53the first time I gasped,
00:17:54but that felt like a lot more.
00:17:57With what we thought were only a few left alive,
00:17:59we thought we could take them on.
00:18:01We attempted to follow their trail,
00:18:03but oh boy, were we wrong.
00:18:07Ooh, maybe let's not.
00:18:08I don't know if it's worth...
00:18:14Bro, they hit me.
00:18:17Oh my god.
00:18:20Oh my...
00:18:21There's five of them.
00:18:23I think it might even be six,
00:18:24because there was one at gas, too.
00:18:29All right, we've got to focus up, man.
00:18:30I don't like that we are 2C4.
00:18:33To be raided, we need to farm up,
00:18:36expand this honeycomb,
00:18:38and then get farming for the main.
00:18:40So, our reign over the gas station
00:18:42seemed to have come to an end.
00:18:44But was it too late?
00:18:46We hadn't spent any time securing the base,
00:18:48and instead had been working on farming scrap.
00:18:52Okay, with a little bit more scrap,
00:18:53we can actually learn the electric furnace,
00:18:55which I think would be really, really helpful for us.
00:18:58Honestly, even before the garage door.
00:19:03Oh my gosh, yeah.
00:19:04He's already shooting me at the door.
00:19:12Up till now, we'd been so focused on farming the gas station
00:19:15that we didn't even have more than one furnace.
00:19:17And with just one wall between our tool cupboard
00:19:19and the outside world,
00:19:21a group this big could be in in no time.
00:19:25This was bad.
00:19:26They're shooting me already.
00:19:28I really need to try and add this honeycomb.
00:19:30If we can honeycomb the walls,
00:19:32and then we have the bunker and the shotgun trap,
00:19:34we are honestly fine.
00:19:37But right now, we cannot even step outside the front door.
00:19:41These guys seem way too interested.
00:19:43Right, are they still there?
00:19:46Oh my god, they are still there.
00:19:48There are four of them outside our front door.
00:19:54Oh my god, there are some close too?
00:19:56What the fuck?
00:19:58This is a lot, man. This is a lot.
00:20:04Uh, Gawliak.
00:20:06This is, um, uh...
00:20:09Uh, I think it's more than...
00:20:11Uh, they have double figures.
00:20:15Wait, there's two more here.
00:20:17No, this is so many.
00:20:20They're all the same group.
00:20:22They're in gas station, they're outside our front door.
00:20:24They're following you.
00:20:27This is at least 12.
00:20:32Oh, we are in trouble.
00:20:37We couldn't exactly honeycomb our base now.
00:20:42Well, I'm full of hiding.
00:20:46Yes, there are right now three outside our base,
00:20:48and I saw two in gas.
00:20:50Okay, I have five guys on me, or six, yeah.
00:20:52You have five or six on you, yeah, okay.
00:20:54And there are definitely double figures.
00:20:56I can't make it inside, right?
00:20:58No, no, no, no, you cannot make it inside.
00:21:00And so, we waited.
00:21:03For our fate to come.
00:21:05With the necessary resources in hand to expand,
00:21:08all I needed was to get outside and get secure.
00:21:13But they weren't going anywhere.
00:21:22You know when you just see your comfort move?
00:21:24Like, I hear nothing, and then I see it move.
00:21:28Hmm, I wonder if they're still outside.
00:21:3215 minutes passed, and I headed outside to investigate.
00:21:36Ah, there are still three people sat outside our door.
00:21:39Oh my god.
00:21:43Oh my god.
00:21:46Wait, that's one of the names that I kept killing at gas station.
00:21:50Oh, bro, these guys.
00:21:52You know the swarms of nakeds we were killing over and over?
00:21:56I think that might be these guys.
00:21:58Like, at least some of them.
00:22:00Oh, they're not gonna be happy.
00:22:02It was starting to make a little bit of sense
00:22:04why they were just so focused on our little two-by-one.
00:22:0815 minutes had passed, then 20, then 30,
00:22:12and they were still outside.
00:22:15Were they holding our base while others crafted explosives?
00:22:18We could only imagine.
00:22:20I grouped with Goliak outside of the base.
00:22:22Our only play was to try and take the fight
00:22:25and catch them off guard.
00:22:27All we needed was enough time to build the honeycomb.
00:22:31Someone shot an arrow. Did you hear that?
00:22:33No. It was now or never.
00:22:35We silently approached our base.
00:22:49Okay, thank god.
00:22:50I'll go take this stuff.
00:22:51They're finally gone!
00:22:52We need to build right now.
00:22:53Right now they could be coming back.
00:22:56Not taking any more chances, we had got complacent,
00:22:59and it could have ended badly.
00:23:01Luckily for us, we had been blessed with a second chance,
00:23:04and the group hadn't been preparing explosives.
00:23:07But the next time, we may not be so lucky.
00:23:11We would be ready.
00:23:22While I was building, Goliak had managed to get the animal fat
00:23:24for some more furnaces,
00:23:26what we really needed were the electric furnaces.
00:23:29See, for this adventure, our main base would require
00:23:32more than 100,000 metal fragments to build.
00:23:37And so the real work was only just beginning.
00:23:42But for now at least, our starter was secure.
00:23:46Bunkered and honeycombed, we were feeling a lot stronger.
00:23:50However, aware that the group could be back at any moment,
00:23:53we couldn't waste a second.
00:23:55I got to work farming nodes.
00:23:56In the meantime, Goliak was collecting scrap at gas station.
00:24:00We had a lot to research if we wanted to build the main base.
00:24:04Scrap would be essential.
00:24:07150 lorries, I can make three furnaces.
00:24:10I'm gonna need this.
00:24:11I think just make two more, because we are gonna get
00:24:14electric furnaces quite soon.
00:24:16Okay, yeah, yeah.
00:24:18I see two at gas.
00:24:20They are keying me, actually.
00:24:22They don't know that I see them, though.
00:24:24I think it might only be two.
00:24:26Oh, they're on me, they're on me.
00:24:28They have backpack.
00:24:29Oh, they hit me.
00:24:30Oh, it's them again.
00:24:31Headshot one.
00:24:32I have two on me.
00:24:33Oh, no.
00:24:35It's the guys.
00:24:36They have Nergals and armor.
00:24:37Yeah, yeah, I think I'm dead.
00:24:38It's the guys.
00:24:39I'm dead.
00:24:40I'm dead.
00:24:41I'm dead.
00:24:42I'm dead.
00:24:43I'm dead.
00:24:44I'm dead.
00:24:45I'm dead.
00:24:46It's the guys.
00:24:47My full guild won.
00:24:48Oh, I've got four more on me.
00:24:49Okay, okay.
00:24:50I'm a dead man, Guliak.
00:24:51It was nice knowing you.
00:24:52I'm dead.
00:24:53They also sat outside our base again.
00:24:54These guys are goofy, man.
00:24:55The group were back, but something was off.
00:24:56See, we were now almost two hours into wipe, and they were still roaming, crawling, and
00:24:58I'm dead.
00:24:59I'm dead.
00:25:00I'm dead.
00:25:01I'm dead.
00:25:02I'm dead.
00:25:03I'm dead.
00:25:04I'm dead.
00:25:05I'm dead.
00:25:06I'm dead.
00:25:07I'm dead.
00:25:08I'm dead.
00:25:09I'm dead.
00:25:10I'm dead.
00:25:11I'm dead.
00:25:12I'm dead.
00:25:13I'm dead.
00:25:14I'm dead.
00:25:15I'm dead.
00:25:16I'm dead.
00:25:17I'm dead.
00:25:18I'm dead.
00:25:19I'm dead.
00:25:20I'm dead.
00:25:21I'm dead.
00:25:22I'm dead.
00:25:23I'm dead.
00:25:24I'm dead.
00:25:25I'm dead.
00:25:26I'm dead.
00:25:27I'm dead.
00:25:28I'm dead.
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00:25:30I'm dead.
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00:32:26I'm dead.
00:32:27I'm dead.
00:32:28I'm dead.
00:32:29I'm dead.
00:32:30I'm dead.
00:32:31I'm dead.
00:32:32I'm dead.
00:32:33I'm dead.
00:32:34I'm dead.
00:32:35I'm dead.
00:32:36I'm dead.
00:32:37I'm dead.
00:32:38I'm dead.
00:32:39I'm dead.
00:32:40I'm dead.
00:32:41I'm dead.
00:32:42I'm dead.
00:32:43I'm dead.
00:32:44I'm dead.
00:32:45I'm dead.
00:32:46I'm dead.
00:32:47I'm dead.
00:32:48I'm dead.
00:32:49I'm dead.
00:32:50I'm dead.
00:32:51I'm dead.
00:32:52I'm dead.
00:32:53I'm dead.
00:32:54I'm dead.
00:32:55I'm dead.
00:32:56I'm dead.
00:32:57I'm dead.
00:32:58I'm dead.
00:33:00I'm running away.
00:33:02I'll body block you, run!
00:33:03Run Gaulyak, they're coming!
00:33:07Just, just run just run!
00:33:08Go go go go!
00:33:14Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:33:14Oh my God.
00:33:15Oh my God, bro!
00:33:17We had gone looking for them, but they had found us.
00:33:20They were once again back on our shore.
00:33:22This time...
00:33:23Up to something.
00:33:25And strangely it was then that Gaulyak heard this.
00:33:28this? Bro, a lot of rockets are going on now by HQM quarry. Really? Yeah. Wait, I mean,
00:33:35could that be them getting raided? A lot of rockets going on. We easily said 70 or 90.
00:33:40Oh, I see the base getting raided. It's the HQM shop. It's the shop of the quarry. You're right.
00:33:47Is that their base? It's quite small. Surely that's not where they all lived.
00:33:54Oh, my God. I've just seen eight people jump out, full kit, opening doors. They won the raid.
00:34:00They've sealed it. So they've raided it and I've just watched them grief it.
00:34:04But now they're leaving. Bro, that's their base, 100%.
00:34:06Yeah. Considering it's so early and they lost so much time naked.
00:34:11There's no way they were living in a base that small though. Are they that bricks? You might
00:34:14be right. I don't know. They did spend a lot of time primlocked despite being 10 people.
00:34:21Goddamn, there's no way. I guess they would have spent a lot of time on externals too.
00:34:25Yeah, exactly. They spent so much time camping us and doing useless stuff, like literally useless.
00:34:33Yeah, I think they're gone. I think they've been wiped. This guy here, maybe this is one of them.
00:34:40I'm cooked. Oh no, this guy lives here, I think.
00:34:44Axile. That guy was at gas station earlier.
00:34:52He was just a little naked grub at Axile. Killed me with a paddle earlier.
00:34:56Yeah, it's not one of them. A new name that at the time we didn't think much of, but believe me,
00:35:03it means something a little more down the line. What is going on over here? Full HQM one by one.
00:35:10So that was built by the group. Were they griefing this base with HQM TCs?
00:35:21I think they were griefing this two by one.
00:35:25What? So they wasted all of their high qual, griefing this base just to get raided while
00:35:34they were doing it. There is no way. Oh my gosh. The only way they'd have had the high qual to
00:35:40afford to do that would be if they were running quarry. I think that was their base and I think
00:35:44they've been raided. They're gone. Oh dear. Could it be true? The large group that had been
00:35:56holding us down for so long, were they gone? I did say there's always a bigger fish. And with
00:36:04our main antagonists, at least up till this point, out of the way, maybe now we could thrive
00:36:10more than we already were. X26 Ice Lake is the star clan. There's 15 online right now. 15? Okay,
00:36:18yeah. So they are probably the guys who raided the HQM. Oh yeah, that's 100% the guys that raided.
00:36:23I saw them all. Full kit, rocky launcher. Okay, Gucci. Yeah. Bro, what was the name of one guy?
00:36:28Like XXX? Yeah, just XXX was one of the group. Bro, he's not on the server. He's not on the
00:36:34server? What about a cat? Kato? No cat, no cat. That is so funny. And they got raided because
00:36:44they were fucking bullying us. They were wasting their time bullying us. That is hilarious. Only
00:36:50is that we are going to get raided 1 million percent. We have to warm up and we have to work.
00:36:58Okay, I'm taking an ice pick. Let's go farm up like Casey. Yes, they were gone. And while we
00:37:04celebrated, we also realized the raiders would not stop with them. Every base in the snow was at risk.
00:37:13We had to get to work. Oh, I'm in. With our encounters so far, we had struggled to defend
00:37:23from our two by one starter. It was very easy to get camped. So I quickly added an entrance up top.
00:37:28This would give us more safety as we now farmed for the main.
00:37:32Oh, we don't have a lot. I have like two game on. Maybe enough. Okay, let's go. Nice.
00:37:40I'm sorry, Goliath. I'm spending some of our scrap on the most important blueprint in the game.
00:37:44Please forgive me.
00:37:52With some more scrap we'd gathered, I now learned the garage door, placing them in our two by one.
00:37:57Having a strong starter would be vital, not just for now, but even after we've built the main.
00:38:02As you'll come to find out, a flank base can be very important.
00:38:07Okay. Leaving your water jugs and your seat in the small box.
00:38:11Thank you, man. I will be making good use of those jugs. Don't you worry.
00:38:15Bro, how am I still too cold? I need a heater. I'm standing next to three furnaces in a campfire.
00:38:24Fucking Frost, he tweeted with me. He liked my tweet. He didn't follow me back.
00:38:32Motherfucker, I'm going through the same. That's funny. You guys do a wing as well.
00:38:39The sun was rising on a new rust day. More than ever,
00:38:42we needed resources. And so, cue the farming montage.
00:38:57In a short amount of time, Goliath and I farming, we were able to fill our boxes.
00:39:02Goliath even proved why he's the GOAT.
00:39:23Getting our hands on our first semi-rifles.
00:39:32And while Goliath was AFK, I spent some of our scrap on something for me.
00:39:41Just don't tell him.
00:39:42Now, Goliath was taking a well-earned break. And with my new double barrel, I had a mission.
00:39:47See, when we'd laid down our base, it wasn't just the gas station we were looking for,
00:39:51but the underwater labs.
00:39:54Now, still early on into wipe day, it would no doubt be highly contested.
00:39:57Anticipating imminent death, I headed anyway to test the water.
00:40:30Yeah, I guess we'll, uh, that's not much point. I'll maybe wait on that boat. That could work.
00:40:37Oh, there's no way.
00:40:39He made no noise! I could have killed him! I had a cleaver!
00:40:44Green keycard.
00:40:46We fought these guys at gas station. I think they live up the hill from us.
00:40:50I think these are our neighbors.
00:40:52If I'm right, I think that's their base right up there.
00:40:56They already have a windmill too.
00:40:58They've been doing labs. They might be loaded.
00:41:00Very interesting.
00:41:02So there were some new players on the scene.
00:41:05After we'd fought them away from our gas station, we hadn't seen them much since.
00:41:08Although now it seems that may be because they were under the water.
00:41:12While Goliath was away, I wasn't gonna waste any time.
00:41:15I continued to farm in preparation for our main.
00:41:17Gathering whatever I could get my grubby hands on.
00:41:20All right, well, that was a productive little session. Got almost a thousand cloth for us.
00:41:25Bunch of comps and some good farm.
00:41:27Goliath will be a happy man on his return.
00:41:30I look after my duo well.
00:41:32Look at that box.
00:41:33That's a full box right there.
00:41:35I'm proud of it.
00:41:37Now before Goliath's return, I made some essential upgrades to the base.
00:41:42Making sure all was nice and cozy for when he came back.
00:41:49Who are you?
00:41:54Wait, what?
00:41:55Where did this guy just go?
00:41:59Wait, he's there.
00:42:05Oh, he has nothing.
00:42:07But why was he at the shore?
00:42:09Because he ran to the shore and then-
00:42:10Hold up, hold up, hold up.
00:42:11That was weird.
00:42:12Did he put something-
00:42:15We're in the money here.
00:42:17Come on, what are we thinking?
00:42:19Please be loaded.
00:42:22Let's go.
00:42:23200 scrap.
00:42:24700 frags.
00:42:25Ladder hatch.
00:42:27Box number two.
00:42:29What do we get?
00:42:31Oh, what the fuck?
00:42:3430 high equal airdrop.
00:42:36Okay, he's sad.
00:42:38I'm just gonna pretend I farmed all that when Goliath gets back so he feels bad.
00:42:47Returning to my roots as a solo rat with a double barrel.
00:42:51It was a productive time.
00:42:52Gathering plenty of resources.
00:42:54Reigning terror as the primitive king of rust.
00:43:00That's the same guy.
00:43:04Oh, this guy has a combo.
00:43:05Hold up.
00:43:06Nice, we basted it.
00:43:08Oh, I'm so good.
00:43:11Oh, and he's loaded.
00:43:12I love this game.
00:43:14And on my return to base was a familiar face.
00:43:20Yes, he's back.
00:43:23Fuck yeah.
00:43:24Let's go.
00:43:25You scared me though.
00:43:26I'm full inventory and I've just...
00:43:29I was fucking around and I thought I was getting door camped.
00:43:31I was like, oh, for fuck's sake.
00:43:34You're good, you're good.
00:43:35Let's go, bro.
00:43:36I have been a good base mummy, Goliath.
00:43:39The two barrels here, this is what I've got.
00:43:41It's been a productive time on my own.
00:43:44I'm not gonna lie.
00:43:45What do I even have you here for, man?
00:43:47Do you like my wallpaper?
00:43:49Yeah, I was about to say, this is sick, man.
00:43:51I don't deserve this.
00:43:52Oh, yeah, you do, man.
00:43:54Yeah, you do.
00:43:55Let's go, man.
00:43:56My best duo.
00:43:58And upon Goliath's return, it was time.
00:44:02After all of the work so far, grinding and farming and fighting, we were ready to begin the main.
00:44:09To begin the main.
00:44:12But this wasn't gonna be any old base.
00:44:14To survive for an entire week on this server, we would need something incredible.
00:44:19Something bigger than anything I have worked on before.
00:44:24Even as just a duo, this base would be our magnum opus.
00:44:31Pretty sure they will also come from the right, right?
00:44:33Or maybe not because we have our other base there.
00:44:35Yeah, I'm not sure which side we get raided on,
00:44:37but we'd least likely get raided from the shore.
00:44:40So we'll have TC facing that way.
00:44:46Realizing just how strong our current location was for our main base, we needn't travel far.
00:44:52We settled on a location right next to our starter.
00:44:56Also meaning that our starter could act as a flank base for down the line.
00:45:03So what exactly were we building?
00:45:05Well, it's a monstrosity.
00:45:07Something requiring almost 200,000 metal fragments to complete in its entirety.
00:45:15Yet necessary if we wanted any chance of surviving a raid against the biggest clans in Rust.
00:45:23It's that ceiling down and we break that and the roof breaks.
00:45:27So we have a nice little roof bunker in our core.
00:45:31But as you guys will find out, this will only be our core for now.
00:45:36So, construction had begun.
00:45:40Luckily, because we built up so many resources throughout the day,
00:45:44we could immediately upgrade all of it to metal and add garage doors.
00:45:48As it won't take long before this base will look threatening,
00:45:50it was so important that we were prepared to defend it before we started building,
00:45:55as it would no doubt attract attention.
00:46:06So, already honeycombed with two layers of metal,
00:46:14this new base could already tank 16 rockets.
00:46:17Combined with our starter at a similar cost,
00:46:19and already any raiders would need almost 30 rockets to remove us from the server.
00:46:25Sounds like a lot, right?
00:46:27Well, as you'll come to find out, the limits people will go in Rust has no bounds.
00:46:32But for now, we were happy with our work.
00:47:03So life is tough, man.
00:47:05Just having a duo is so nice.
00:47:06So I'm building, you're farming.
00:47:08I love it.
00:47:09If you want to play Rust properly as a solo, it is so much time that you've got to put.
00:47:14It's like base management, especially locker kits,
00:47:17having full lockers, having raid sealing kits, grenades.
00:47:21It takes so long.
00:47:22Like, there is so much stuff to actually do in this game when you're a solo.
00:47:27It's crazy.
00:47:28I spent so much of my time and my long wipes just like organizing.
00:47:32I can tell you when I built my bases with literally 10 sealing kits or 20 sealing kits,
00:47:39eight beds, it can take me to set literally two nights.
00:47:43I'm talking about 16 hours.
00:47:46It's not easy.
00:47:47It's not easy.
00:47:48When I have lots of bunkers and windows,
00:47:50I spent like 45 minutes just splitting loot so I could go to bed.
00:47:56Yeah, you got to be a pretty driven person to play solo Rust.
00:48:00But I don't know.
00:48:01I love it though.
00:48:02I love that, that grind.
00:48:04It's not the same feel when you play with groups.
00:48:08Don't tell Gorliak I am spending like 150 scrap because I just had a cool idea for the core.
00:48:17Okay, looking pretty good in here.
00:48:19We were relaxed, happily working on our base and farming when...
00:48:25Oh, I'm coming.
00:48:28Oh, he saw me already.
00:48:30Okay, I don't even see him.
00:48:32I don't know how he saw me.
00:48:34I do not see him.
00:48:34It was like 320, like in the mountain, you know, like...
00:48:40Yeah, as in I heard the shots, but I don't see him.
00:48:42Oh, I see him.
00:48:43I see him.
00:48:44Oh, there's another guy on me.
00:48:46I'm running low on speed.
00:48:48Okay, okay.
00:48:48I might be able to kill that guy close to you.
00:48:50I'm gonna die.
00:48:52I'm dead, I'm dead.
00:48:53This guy's not peeking.
00:48:53I don't know why.
00:48:54I'll take a gun from base.
00:48:56They don't know about you.
00:48:57Wait, what?
00:48:59He knew about...
00:49:01I didn't even peek.
00:49:03That's weird.
00:49:06Oh, I'm dinked.
00:49:07Oh my gosh.
00:49:14One down.
00:49:14Two dead.
00:49:16Hit once.
00:49:16Oh, I'm dead.
00:49:17The last one's low.
00:49:19Just one player left and he was low.
00:49:21But there was something strange about that interaction.
00:49:24I respawned and grabbed the first weapon I could find.
00:49:27But it was only a crossbow.
00:49:30Oh, I'm tripled.
00:49:32He was hiding.
00:49:33He was waiting for me.
00:49:33He's waiting for us.
00:49:34This guy just knows everything, I guess.
00:49:36He's shooting me.
00:49:37I only have a crossbow.
00:49:38I'm not gonna kill him.
00:49:40Wow, man.
00:49:41I don't know.
00:49:4150 HP too.
00:49:43Yeah, this is...
00:49:43I don't really kill him here.
00:49:45Yeah, he knows I'm coming.
00:49:49Wait, I hit him.
00:49:50I'm pushing.
00:49:51No, I missed.
00:49:55Fuck it.
00:49:57Nice, bro.
00:49:58His mate is coming for it.
00:49:59I'm moving for the body as well.
00:50:02Both dead.
00:50:02Oh, he dropped a SAR here.
00:50:04Oh my gosh.
00:50:05Bro, you went crazy.
00:50:08Oh my god, Will.
00:50:08He's so...
00:50:08He's so loaded.
00:50:10Nice, nice, nice.
00:50:11Let's go.
00:50:13Hey, all I need is a crossy.
00:50:14Don't test me.
00:50:15Play, bro.
00:50:16Oh my god.
00:50:17Primlock me.
00:50:18I'm gonna check...
00:50:19I'm gonna check his profile, man.
00:50:20I don't know.
00:50:21Against the odds, we had come out on top.
00:50:23But something was strange about them.
00:50:25So, Guliak checked the profile.
00:50:27One celebrity.
00:50:27He's cheating.
00:50:28I knew it.
00:50:29He's full cheating, man.
00:50:30He's full cheating.
00:50:31And he just got put to sleep by a crossbow.
00:50:34One server.
00:50:35That's crazy.
00:50:36Mate, he has one server in Rust.
00:50:38This is his first time playing Rust.
00:50:42Bro, that is so funny, man.
00:50:45So, we were dealing with another cheater.
00:50:47Except this one seemed to live right on our doorstep.
00:50:51We had won the first fight, but this was far from over.
00:50:57Oh my...
00:50:58Wait, is this...
00:50:58Is this another cheater?
00:51:02Insta hits me.
00:51:03That was a different guy, I think.
00:51:07I'm dead.
00:51:08He's on the roof.
00:51:08No way.
00:51:09There's two guys with guns.
00:51:14Oh, yeah.
00:51:15No, I think this is them.
00:51:16I think he's cheating.
00:51:17It's gotta be the same guys.
00:51:18It's the same.
00:51:19Yeah, 100%.
00:51:20Yep, makes sense.
00:51:21It's them.
00:51:21It's the cheaters.
00:51:23We had now lost valuable loot to these dirty cheaters.
00:51:27It seemed not just one, but both players were blatant cheaters,
00:51:31with a combined 10 hours of Rust between the two of them.
00:51:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:51:36I got it, but I can't see him.
00:51:38Plus, with profiles that obvious, it doesn't take long for justice.
00:51:44Within just a few minutes, both players had been banned,
00:51:47but our loot was gone, which meant it was up to us to get it back.
00:51:53There's a base here to the left.
00:51:54There's a base here.
00:51:55It's a wooden door.
00:51:56Could well be their base.
00:51:58But you see, like the big one right there, that could be the base.
00:52:03But what do you think?
00:52:07Yeah, I hear a furnace in there.
00:52:09Could be.
00:52:10Unable to find either cheaters bodies, but knowing that they'd been banned,
00:52:14they must have made it back to their base before it came.
00:52:18And with the few possibilities of where they may have lived,
00:52:21it was time for us to do some raiding.
00:52:24Okay, now this base here has metal double door open, which would make sense.
00:52:28And wood door on the front.
00:52:29So we should hit this first.
00:52:30Take these.
00:52:37Oh, oh, this is Leon.
00:52:41I've shot this guy a few times at gas.
00:52:43He did have a rough day.
00:52:44Not everyone's cut out for this server.
00:52:46That TC should have lots of scrap, though.
00:52:48These guys were running gas.
00:52:51It's tough, though.
00:52:52I get it.
00:52:52It's not an easy server.
00:52:53We were holding down gas.
00:52:55They had nowhere else to try and loot.
00:52:57They were just getting killed over and over.
00:53:00I get it.
00:53:00It's not easy.
00:53:07Oh, 70 high call.
00:53:09Massively worth.
00:53:10Oh, my God.
00:53:11Yeah, that's so worth.
00:53:13All right.
00:53:14Well, that wasn't the cheaters, but that was good.
00:53:17Crafting up more shells.
00:53:18We headed over to hit the next base that could have been the cheaters.
00:53:24We looked.
00:53:24Oh, oh, I opened a little door.
00:53:28I think this has to be them furnaces on yet.
00:53:31No one inside.
00:53:32I'm feeling good about this.
00:53:33We need sulfur.
00:53:34We got to rate them.
00:53:36Wait, I found a bean can earlier.
00:53:39Hey, huge.
00:53:40We could just rate it with bean cans.
00:53:42Oh, yeah.
00:53:42It's not easy.
00:53:43No, actually.
00:53:44Yeah, yeah.
00:53:45But I think we might have to unironically just do a bean can raid with no blueprints
00:53:50on the server.
00:53:51Pulling off raids was not easy, but we did have a bean can grenade.
00:53:57One of the most challenging ways to raise through metal doors.
00:54:01But we wouldn't have much of a choice.
00:54:03We had to make it work.
00:54:04All right.
00:54:05Sometimes these literally blow up before you have time to move.
00:54:07So I'm expecting to die quite a lot.
00:54:09All right.
00:54:10I'm ready.
00:54:10I'm ready.
00:54:10I'm on my way.
00:54:11Let's do this.
00:54:15Here we go.
00:54:20Okay, one out of one done.
00:54:23Fifteen more.
00:54:38Oh, you have time.
00:54:38You have time.
00:54:39Go, go, go, go.
00:54:40You have time.
00:54:41Go, go, go.
00:54:41Fuck it.
00:54:47Wait, someone here.
00:54:48Someone here.
00:54:48Someone's outside.
00:54:51I have boots outside.
00:54:58With no choice, but going one grenade at a time,
00:55:00we eventually made our way through the door.
00:55:06Oh my God.
00:55:07That was a fast one.
00:55:07That was fast.
00:55:08One more.
00:55:09Four HP.
00:55:11Let's do it.
00:55:14Okay, we're in.
00:55:16Tier two.
00:55:18Oh, we got everything.
00:55:19It's them.
00:55:19It's them.
00:55:20Oh, it's everything.
00:55:21Let's go.
00:55:23Oh my God.
00:55:24It's loaded.
00:55:25It's them.
00:55:26Absolutely loaded.
00:55:27Here, you can make a door.
00:55:28I'm getting door and code lock.
00:55:33Oh, okay.
00:55:34And just like that, the cheetah loot was now ours.
00:55:38Our guns.
00:55:39Yeah, that's my custom.
00:55:40Give me my custom.
00:55:46That jackhammer too is beautiful for our farming.
00:55:49Oh my gosh.
00:55:51Wait, I just realized.
00:55:52You know what?
00:55:53I spend all our scrap getting to the shelves.
00:55:56It's actually only one away from the bed.
00:55:58So you know what?
00:55:59It wasn't.
00:55:59Do we have one in base?
00:56:01Shut up.
00:56:01Shut up.
00:56:02Don't take this away from me.
00:56:04I didn't waste my scrap.
00:56:05All right.
00:56:05It was an investment.
00:56:09Now with all this loot,
00:56:10what we had to do was transport it home.
00:56:13Using up as much scrap as I could now,
00:56:15learning the Molotov and grenades.
00:56:17This meant even if we died on our way home,
00:56:20we would still get something out of it.
00:56:21But hoping for the best,
00:56:22we packed up our inventories and prepared the run.
00:56:29If I die with this, that would be tragic.
00:56:32Here we go.
00:57:05let's fucking go.
00:57:08Well, I think that was worth.
00:57:1018 bean cans.
00:57:14For real.
00:57:14For real, man.
00:57:16Time to build.
00:57:17Let's go.
00:57:18You heard the man.
00:57:19With all this extra loot,
00:57:20we were still very vulnerable.
00:57:22Which meant it was time for us to build.
00:57:37You're making the stairs.
00:57:38I will bring you a lot of fun, okay?
00:57:40Sir, yes, sir.
00:58:08Oh, you are kidding me.
00:58:12Look, that is unbelievable.
00:58:14I need to place one more triangle.
00:58:17What's going on, man?
00:58:19I'm gonna have to cook here.
00:58:20Hold up.
00:58:21So I need to do two squares.
00:58:22If I remove two, place a triangle.
00:58:26Look at this, bro.
00:58:27That's why I told you to do this shit.
00:58:30All right.
00:58:30Now if I place another square,
00:58:32get rid of these,
00:58:33and then I'll build back
00:58:36with the extra two squares which I lost.
00:58:41And then place another triangle,
00:58:42and then build back.
00:58:44This might work.
00:58:45It should, in my head.
00:58:49I think I'm just a goat.
00:58:53I think that works.
00:58:54Let's fucking go.
00:59:03Wait, I'm just realizing that means the space has six external tool cupboards.
00:59:07That's insane.
00:59:09And with the externals laid out,
00:59:20the building was only really just getting started.
00:59:24Building, farming, and upkeeping this base for the week
00:59:28was gonna be a full-time job.
00:59:31Unfortunately, while Goliak was farming for the base with our only jackhammer...
00:59:37No, he's down!
00:59:38Ah, I'm so trolled.
00:59:39I pinched the other guy.
00:59:41I'm so trolled.
00:59:42I'm going fast back.
00:59:43Okay, I'm coming.
00:59:44I'm coming.
00:59:45No, no, I threw.
00:59:47That's me.
00:59:47That's you?
00:59:48That's me.
00:59:48They won't find anything, but it was so quick.
00:59:50This guy was loaded.
00:59:51I have to bank first.
00:59:52I've got to go home.
00:59:53Hold up.
01:00:01Wait, that sounds like your Tsar.
01:00:02I hear it.
01:00:03It's because they've gone east.
01:00:03You heard the Tsar?
01:00:04Yeah, yeah, east, east.
01:00:05They're still here.
01:00:10Oh, there is a big base growing down here.
01:00:13How big is the base?
01:00:14I mean, right now it's not that big, but it looks like it will be quite.
01:00:18Gonna have at least three...
01:00:19Wait, wait, wait.
01:00:19There's one pushing towards you right now.
01:00:21On the shore next to me.
01:00:22Running almost towards you on top of the ridge.
01:00:25Look at me on the map.
01:00:27By my side.
01:00:28Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:00:29Point for you, pointing down towards you.
01:00:30One full dead.
01:00:31One more.
01:00:32Headshot him.
01:00:33I see him, I see him, but I'm...
01:00:34Last one's low.
01:00:35You got this.
01:00:36I'm just gonna play time.
01:00:38Yeah, play time.
01:00:42He walked my side.
01:00:42I'm king, I'm king.
01:00:43I hit him three times.
01:00:47Oh, I recognize this guy from gas station.
01:00:49We were killing them earlier.
01:00:50So these are the guys that live in that base, I guess.
01:00:56You good?
01:00:59I'm gonna back up.
01:01:02Oh, wait, what?
01:01:04I just got killed by another one.
01:01:05I don't...
01:01:05That's a different guy.
01:01:06I think...
01:01:06Is that a cheater?
01:01:09Is he with them?
01:01:10I don't think that guy's with them.
01:01:11They're fighting each other.
01:01:12They're fighting.
01:01:12Okay, good, good, good.
01:01:13I'm coming back.
01:01:15They're fighting.
01:01:16I'm close.
01:01:17Wait, one's pushing down to you now.
01:01:20Hit him.
01:01:20Nice, nice.
01:01:22There's one above you somewhere.
01:01:23On top.
01:01:24Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:01:25He's gonna peek you soon.
01:01:26I'm just walling up my body.
01:01:32Who is it?
01:01:34I'm down.
01:01:35The numbers didn't stop coming.
01:01:36They seemed to be more and more pouring down over the mountain.
01:01:43Nice, bro.
01:01:44Are you downed or full dead?
01:01:45I'm full dead.
01:01:46I'm running.
01:01:47You play yourself, okay?
01:01:48Okay, okay, okay.
01:01:49I want to speak.
01:01:49You focus.
01:01:50Oh, it's the same guy again.
01:01:51I think it's them coming back.
01:01:52They must live right there.
01:01:54I think it's three or four.
01:01:56Bro, they still stopped coming.
01:01:59Right, I have all the guns.
01:02:00I'm gonna give you a SAR and 5.5.
01:02:01Okay, okay.
01:02:03We have to come back to this now because I hide all my farm and my jacket.
01:02:07Securing a row of guns from this group who we now know live down the valley.
01:02:12They weren't gonna be too happy.
01:02:15Yeah, these guys are at gas station a lot.
01:02:17I guess they've moved in now.
01:02:18The clan's out.
01:02:21Some new players in our store.
01:02:24One of many moving parts who we had not seen the last of.
01:02:28I think we're gonna need to make like six or nine electric furnaces, man.
01:02:32Yeah, yeah, we're gonna need a lot.
01:02:37Last thing we need is some large clan scout to see our base now.
01:02:42I feel like our main base right now is the perfect target for clans.
01:02:47It is, yeah.
01:02:48Like full metal starter, but like with the externals down,
01:02:52it's just so cliche that we're gonna be loaded.
01:02:56We've been farming all day, ready to build the main.
01:02:58Oh no.
01:02:59It's perfect, like literally, yeah.
01:03:01We have literally a box of metal and sulfur, like.
01:03:03Yep, we gotta move quickly.
01:03:05We gotta use it up.
01:03:07With an unknown minicopter doing a flyby over our base,
01:03:11now more than ever, we were against the clock.
01:03:17And in order to get the work done as efficiently as we could,
01:03:21it was time for us both to do the building.
01:03:32Oh, hang on.
01:03:34Those quickly.
01:04:02What the fuck's going on here?
01:04:03Yeah, bro.
01:04:05It's so weird, I'm telling you.
01:04:06Like, this is the part.
01:04:08Nighttime had now fallen.
01:04:09Throughout the day, we had learned all of the important blueprints we needed for now,
01:04:14which meant it was time for the tier three.
01:04:17Boom, tier three down.
01:04:18Let's go.
01:04:20Oh wait, you made it already, okay.
01:04:21I thought we were going to recycle and get it, but I-
01:04:24Nope, nope.
01:04:24We literally had enough for it straight away.
01:04:28Crazy, man.
01:04:29I just realized the salvaged shelf is probably really good for electric furnaces.
01:04:34Oh, actually, yeah, I didn't think about it.
01:04:36You could probably fit eight on there.
01:04:39Now that we had two operating bases and workbenches in both,
01:04:43I also set up some electric furnaces in the new main.
01:04:47More than doubling our production of metal.
01:04:59Oh, I like the progress on the main.
01:05:03Problem is, we've added all this stuff to the base,
01:05:04but it's not actually any stronger than it was before.
01:05:08Just looks like more of a juicy raid.
01:05:10We need to keep going so that we can get to the point that it actually gets stronger.
01:05:17This is so wacky.
01:05:20So many frames.
01:05:21It's crazy, I'm telling you.
01:05:29Oh, no.
01:05:32What have you done?
01:05:32We have to break one.
01:05:35Oh, Goliak.
01:05:37What you mean to say is, you have to break one foundation.
01:05:42Nice, good job, man.
01:05:44Back to building, now I can break all this stuff.
01:05:46Right, I'm going to work on the entrance so we can actually add some extra doors.
01:05:59So, hopefully I'm not upgrading anything that's going to block what you're doing.
01:06:15I'm sure it'll be fine.
01:06:16It'll be fine.
01:06:19I mean, worst case, you'll just have to be soft-siding something.
01:06:22You know, like that's the worst thing that could happen.
01:06:24Goliak has to soft-side more.
01:06:26I sure as hell won't be.
01:06:28It's the hierarchy over here.
01:06:30That's how it works, you know.
01:06:31Yeah, Willy Jay goes around to just...
01:06:35Better solo player does less.
01:06:37Willy Jay just goes around, you know, with the guns all the time.
01:06:40Just exerting my power over you.
01:06:42Exactly, every time we play.
01:06:45I'm like a slave.
01:06:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:06:54Actually, I'm going to start making...
01:06:58I always come through there, man.
01:07:14I like it.
01:07:15Damn straight it is.
01:07:17Brick by brick, the base was beginning to take shape.
01:07:21Even with both of us working solidly, it was still not a quick job.
01:07:31Believe it or not, all of what we've built now,
01:07:33and we've not even got to like the start of what will actually be our core.
01:07:37Like all of this is just...
01:07:39Oh my gosh, there's gonna be a monster.
01:07:51Okay, base is looking good.
01:08:03So the first two floors are kind of their own enclosed space.
01:08:07And it's sort of a bait.
01:08:08So that's where we're going to have our armored core and our bunker.
01:08:11And then we have like this big shell going all the way around.
01:08:16And then we'll have another like third floor.
01:08:18And then actually the fourth floor,
01:08:21which the only way up is through these like side chutes.
01:08:25That is where we're going to have our core.
01:08:27But not only that, also some secret little bunkers too.
01:08:31So that space is going to be really, really cool.
01:08:35And hopefully, with all of the tricks, might just survive a raid.
01:08:42But I guess only time will tell that.
01:08:44And this is the third chute, the final one, because that's mirrored on all three sides.
01:08:53And these will lead to our third and fourth floor.
01:08:56And that little single door on each side will also lead to like an external bedroom.
01:09:01So we're going to have like proper bedrooms on each side, which is also awesome.
01:09:05So whichever side gets rocketed from, in theory,
01:09:08the other two bedrooms on the other two sides will be completely safe.
01:09:12Like it would be very difficult for raiders to get to all of them.
01:09:15So yeah, it's actually a very intelligent base.
01:09:17We just need to get it to a strong stage without getting raided,
01:09:22which is going to be the struggle because it's going to take a lot still.
01:09:33And what I'm doing now is upgrading the entire ground floor bunker to armor
01:09:36to sort of sell the bait even more.
01:09:40Because by having this armored core bunker, raiders are going to see that
01:09:43and spend at least 15 extra rockets blowing into it
01:09:47just to find that like this won't be our loot.
01:09:49So it's really, really strong.
01:09:53Although I have just spent a lot of our high qual- whoops.
01:09:57Another nighttime had fallen when we had an interaction with a new neighbor.
01:10:02Except this one, a little different to the usual.
01:10:05You got a mic?
01:10:08Um, I've just moved in next to you.
01:10:11I didn't come here with a water pipe, just a door camper.
01:10:14I just figured, would you want to be friendly instead, or?
01:10:17Yes, I have water piping in his back again.
01:10:18He's on the roof.
01:10:19You just killed me, bro.
01:10:22I mean, if it means this guy's not going door camper, this would be annoying.
01:10:25He is.
01:10:25Yeah, he's on top.
01:10:26I don't trust him.
01:10:27I don't know what.
01:10:28Yeah, I don't trust him, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
01:10:33I can tell him, mind your own business bro, something like that.
01:10:36Just don't kill him.
01:10:36Just don't kill him.
01:10:37Can I get your team if you can?
01:10:39We'll just leave him.
01:10:40No, you can't join our team though.
01:10:41I can make some voice, so he won't recognize me.
01:10:44I can say like, mind your own business.
01:10:45No, no, it's fine.
01:10:46The team you are?
01:10:47We don't need to talk, but uh, we just won't kill him.
01:10:49Oh, that's fine, no worries.
01:10:51Hopefully you will.
01:10:51I'll leave you guys to it.
01:10:53There you go.
01:10:53Maybe this is just, uh, wet stuff here.
01:10:55It's a two by one.
01:10:58I mean, listen, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
01:11:00He seems chill.
01:11:01We'll see.
01:11:02Okay, let's see.
01:11:04Amongst the sea of enemies we've been creating, what harm could an extra friend be?
01:11:11I guess we'll see.
01:11:13Not long after meeting our neighbor for the first time, and he was back again.
01:11:20Yo boys, can you help me?
01:11:21I'm getting door camped by two guys right now.
01:11:23They're like camping my base.
01:11:24I want to go back, but I can't.
01:11:25All right, on my way.
01:11:28Our boy is apparently getting door camped.
01:11:29This could be a trap, but I might die.
01:11:32But I feel like this is a good test to figure out if he's genuine.
01:11:37I'll try and help him out.
01:11:40There's rockets going off.
01:11:43Oh, I see him.
01:11:49That's one dead.
01:11:52Oh, this guy's just hit him twice.
01:11:53He's fucking him up.
01:11:54There we go.
01:12:05Looks like we've made a proper friend.
01:12:07Oh, that's funny.
01:12:08Just killed them both and now he's...
01:12:12Very often a true ally can be a greater asset than the loot on their back.
01:12:18And putting myself on the line for my neighbor is something they won't forget.
01:12:24Still in wipe day, but now getting late.
01:12:26We had done plenty of farming.
01:12:28Problem was, we had a lot of ore to smelt for the base.
01:12:32To get it all done, we would need more than the furnaces we placed.
01:12:35We needed some automation.
01:12:45And with that, we have automation.
01:12:50Throughout the day, we had been building up a lot of sulfur.
01:12:53Now that it was getting late, it became the perfect opportunity to make some wipe day raids
01:12:59for big profit.
01:13:00The problem was, we still didn't have any explosive blueprints.
01:13:05But then we remembered we had found an airdrop.
01:13:08Maybe that could give us what we were looking for.
01:13:12Surely we get a satchel or a C4, please.
01:13:16While waiting for the airdrop, Goliak noticed our neighbors down the valley
01:13:20doing some explosive ammo raiding.
01:13:22It seemed as though now, Grappling and his group were carrying out raids.
01:13:44They were clearly doing pretty well themselves.
01:13:47We would have to be careful.
01:13:48Come on, Gibby.
01:13:49Satchels, please.
01:13:51We had to do some raids of our own.
01:13:54Please, let this airdrop have what we need.
01:13:57Come on, here we go.
01:13:59Come on.
01:14:01Let's go.
01:14:02We take it.
01:14:03Tommy Sars satchels.
01:14:04We take it.
01:14:05That's insane, bro.
01:14:06Beautiful, beautiful.
01:14:08And now, we had both the satchel and the beam can researched, along with plenty of sulfur.
01:14:14Now past 3am, and we had been playing this wipe for more than 12 hours straight.
01:14:20Still just a fraction of our entire adventure, but soon we would need to sleep,
01:14:26which meant we had to get this base in a position to survive the night.
01:14:34Water pipe is way too cheap to craft.
01:14:38I love it.
01:14:40I wouldn't want it any more expensive.
01:14:43Let's go.
01:15:01Yep, today, we're getting some more loot.
01:15:14Okay, the bunkers should be here.
01:15:17I recognize it.
01:15:18This is a very similar design to what I actually just built in one of my solo wipes.
01:15:25Yeah, yeah.
01:15:25I think we can build the bunkers now, honestly.
01:15:28I think if we can have the bunkers secure by this evening, we'll be in such a nice spot.
01:16:03As the base grew, I could now build the bunkers.
01:16:06Three separate vaults on opposite sides of the base, each capable of hiding loot.
01:16:13With these completed before the end of day one, even the biggest clans would struggle to raid everything.
01:16:27We're working a lot in the base.
01:16:28I didn't think we were going to have the base like that.
01:16:31Oh yeah, this is insane.
01:16:32Much appreciated.
01:16:33This is, without a doubt, the most successful wipe day I've had on this server.
01:16:36Oh yeah, yeah.
01:16:37Have you tested if they work?
01:16:38I have indeed.
01:16:43There you go.
01:16:45If I remember correctly, though, you have to add that roof.
01:16:48I mean, the thing is, we could literally just use these bunkers for our sulfur.
01:16:52Even if we put 8k sulfur into each, it just wouldn't be worth it for them to raid.
01:16:56It's not worth it, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:16:58They'd literally just lose on all of them.
01:17:01It's kind of a win-win.
01:17:02But not wanting to make it too obvious to those around that we had bunkers,
01:17:07we now had to build the fourth floor.
01:17:09See, we weren't on here for just the night.
01:17:11We wanted to survive the entire wipe.
01:17:14Information clans gathered today could still be helpful for them in the days to come.
01:17:34You know what?
01:17:34I think I want to make this section with one less doorway, just so there are less parts.
01:17:40So it's a bit stronger, since this will be our core.
01:17:42I agree, I agree.
01:17:43Considering we probably get raided from that side, right?
01:17:45Or this side, I mean...
01:18:00Oh my gosh, it is insane how many garage doors we are going to need for this base.
01:18:07Looking at now, like each floor you need like 30 or 40.
01:18:10We're gonna have five floors.
01:18:12I remember, I remember.
01:18:13Oh man, this is gonna be painful.
01:18:18We really are already just getting started.
01:18:20The extra floor, that's like an extra 20 or 30.
01:18:55And with more progress on our main base than we could possibly have imagined for our first day
01:19:00on this server, for now at least, our work was done.
01:19:06But wipe day still had more to offer.
01:19:15Wait, there's a new base up here.
01:19:18Near where we raided the cheetahs.
01:19:20These guys have high kills.
01:19:21Oh, really?
01:19:24Ooh, saw too.
01:19:27Oh, I see the saw.
01:19:31Oh, I whiffed.
01:19:35My aim's rusty.
01:19:36I hit one out of six.
01:19:42Oh, don't you worry.
01:19:43I got him.
01:19:44I got him.
01:19:44Oh, uh-oh.
01:19:46Oh, I got two revvy guys on me.
01:19:53No, I'm missing everything.
01:19:56Okay, one's down.
01:19:58Oh, two dead.
01:20:00I'm one HP.
01:20:01Let's go.
01:20:02Come on, there's one more.
01:20:04Why is there a third?
01:20:07Oh, the fucking best.
01:20:08I killed them all.
01:20:09Oh my god.
01:20:11Oh my god.
01:20:12This guy was down the whole time.
01:20:15Oh my god, he's pulling.
01:20:17I'm coming home.
01:20:18I'm coming.
01:20:19I'm coming home.
01:20:21Oh, we got a...
01:20:22We have a three man up there.
01:20:24Very close to the hacker base.
01:20:25Ah, it might be the guys with the water pipes that I saw earlier.
01:20:29Yeah, that would make sense.
01:20:30They're not too skilled.
01:20:39With the satchel and bean can blueprint acquired,
01:20:41and all the sulfur we've been smelting down throughout the day,
01:20:44we were finally able to make a raid happen.
01:20:47And we had the perfect target that we hoped could make us rich.
01:20:52Even more so than we already were.
01:20:55Now, you may or may not remember the large group
01:20:58that had been responsible for raiding and eliminating
01:21:01the clan that had caused us so much trouble.
01:21:04Well, Gorliak had tracked them back to the Ice League,
01:21:07the StarClan,
01:21:08and at the time had over 15 members online.
01:21:12Well, here's where things get interesting.
01:21:15Like many other players on the server,
01:21:17cheaters were running rampant.
01:21:19And earlier in the day,
01:21:20Gorliak had noticed that all 15 members had suddenly gone offline.
01:21:27The only reason being,
01:21:28they had been banned for cheating.
01:21:31And so if our assumptions were correct,
01:21:33the base on the Ice Lake would be unattended in disarray.
01:21:38And with the Ice Lake as our target,
01:21:40we headed over.
01:21:47Yeah, I mean, either they were banned for cheating,
01:21:49or they got 2C4 raided.
01:21:51And there's nothing in there,
01:21:52but I think it's worth a shot either way.
01:21:57You want to kill him or fuck it?
01:21:58Nah, fuck it.
01:22:00Let me see.
01:22:00Is that a chainsaw?
01:22:03It is a chainsaw, yeah.
01:22:04Yeah, okay, we got to kill him.
01:22:05It's them, it's grappling.
01:22:09Yeah, this has got to be a grappling group down there.
01:22:12They are going to counter us for sure.
01:22:14100%, he's coming already.
01:22:15One smith, I see him.
01:22:17Where from?
01:22:18From his base.
01:22:19Yeah, yeah, I see him, I see him.
01:22:21Stacking it.
01:22:26Yeah, he's giving up.
01:22:27There's no way they chased that.
01:22:29He's coming.
01:22:30Oh, no, he's coming back, he's coming back.
01:22:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:22:32I think we just have to raid it,
01:22:33and hope that we can get in with our satchels.
01:22:39So we're just going through doors, yeah?
01:22:40Yeah, yeah.
01:22:41I mean, I think it's a normal way.
01:22:43Yeah, yeah, let's do it.
01:22:48Might be worth going up to the roof,
01:22:50just to make sure they're not coming.
01:22:51Yeah, I'm here, I'm here.
01:22:53Oh, yeah, it's a good idea.
01:22:58Yeah, I was about to say, maybe it's...
01:23:05Star, yep.
01:23:08Locked down here.
01:23:10I see another double door behind it,
01:23:11but I see boxes that haven't been touched.
01:23:15This could be big.
01:23:16Yeah, yeah, I'm going up the roof again.
01:23:18See if they're just down here.
01:23:22And sure enough, raiding underneath their noses,
01:23:24it wasn't long before grappling arrived.
01:23:27Oh, yeah, they're coming.
01:23:28It's okay, it's okay.
01:23:29They will have to push.
01:23:30Yeah, yeah.
01:23:33We can go inside now, right?
01:23:34We will be safe.
01:23:36I have loads of diving gear and shit.
01:23:38Nothing crazy, though.
01:23:40It's not all open.
01:23:41We need to go through another door.
01:23:42Oh, furnaces are full, though.
01:23:43I think you stay out and cover.
01:23:44I'll keep going, I'll keep going.
01:23:45Yeah, okay, okay.
01:23:48Oh my god, I almost just died.
01:23:50That was immediate.
01:23:53Yeah, they could be pushing up really high.
01:23:56We're gonna have to kill them if you want to escape.
01:23:59This is tough.
01:24:00We're not gonna get CC.
01:24:05Ah, more doors, more bags.
01:24:06Oh, lots of resources.
01:24:08I have a lot of resources.
01:24:10I brought a backpack.
01:24:11I'm just gonna load up.
01:24:14With more loot than we could carry,
01:24:16but now surrounded,
01:24:17if we wanted to get home,
01:24:19we would have to fight.
01:24:22Yeah, one was close.
01:24:23I'm good.
01:24:26I hear one pushing.
01:24:27On me.
01:24:29Dead, dead, full dead.
01:24:30Nice, nice, nice.
01:24:31I'm alive, I'm alive.
01:24:35It's two more, it's two more.
01:24:38On me.
01:24:42Oh, this is so bad.
01:24:43We have to push somehow.
01:24:45Yeah, we do, we do.
01:24:46Let's go from this side.
01:24:47They won't expect it.
01:24:48We die, we die, bro.
01:24:49It's okay.
01:24:51One, one pushing, one pushing close.
01:24:52Oh, he's in, he's in, he's in, he's in, he's in.
01:24:55One HP, one HP.
01:24:56It's nice.
01:24:56Can you rez me?
01:24:58The other guy's pushing.
01:24:59That's good.
01:24:59He's coming.
01:25:01Let's fucking go.
01:25:02One behind you, one more.
01:25:03Yeah, no, no.
01:25:03He's naked.
01:25:05He's got a gun.
01:25:06You're the GOAT.
01:25:07You're the best, man.
01:25:08Wait, who's close?
01:25:09We'll kill everyone, bro.
01:25:10We'll kill everyone, bro.
01:25:11We'll kill everyone, bro.
01:25:13You're the fucking best, Kooliak.
01:25:15That's it, that's all of them.
01:25:18Loot up.
01:25:18Let's get the fuck out of here before they come back.
01:25:20I'm throwing diving gear, man.
01:25:22I'm taking their kits.
01:25:24Let's get the fuck out of here, man.
01:25:32Nice, bro.
01:25:33Let's go, man.
01:25:34And now, almost 15 hours from the beginning of this wipe, 15 hours straight of rust,
01:25:43an hour wipe day was coming to an end.
01:25:48In all my years, this had already been one of my greatest wipe days on such a competitive server.
01:25:56Workbench level 3, main base underway, successful raids, and I'm still here.
01:26:03Successful raids, and what would be quite common on my channel was for this to be the end.
01:26:10This would be my endgame.
01:26:13However, in reality, this was hardly even a scratch in the adventure to come.
01:26:21Before that, of course, we had to survive the night.
01:26:25We took our resources and split it as well as we could between our external tool cupboards,
01:26:30starter base, and our three bunkers, expecting that it would be very likely
01:26:36we would be a target over the night.
01:26:39But not that that would be a trouble for us,
01:26:43because Gawliak and I, the most dedicated solos, would come back no matter what.
01:26:51And so here I leave you, with wipe day coming to a close,
01:26:56with so many moving parts still at play, and our story still barely at the surface.
01:27:04Good night man, I have a great feeling about this week.
01:27:07GG's, get some good sleep.
01:27:10Peace man.
