दिल्ली: तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री एमके स्टालिन ने सात राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्रियों को पत्र लिखकर परिसीमन पर चिंता जाहिर की है, इसको लेकर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए कांग्रेस नेता संदीप दीक्षित ने कहा कि यह तो चिंता उनकी कई दिनों से चल रही है आप देखिएगा कि दक्षिण के कुछ राज्यों के कुछ मुख्यमंत्री चिंता व्यक्त करेंगे। उन्होंने एक डिमांड रखी है कि तमाम राज्यों को मिलाकर एक कमीशन बनाया जाए। जिसमें भारत सरकार भी अपना पक्ष रख राज्य सरकार भी अपना पक्ष रखें और वहां बातचीत हो जाएगी तो एक बीच का रास्ता निकलेगा। तमिलनाडु के मुख्यमंत्री एमके स्टालिन ने भी कहा कि दक्षिण भारत के लोगों को तत्काल ज्यादा बच्चे पैदा करने चाहिए, इसको लेकर संदीप दीक्षित ने कहा कि यह तो संदेश यही दे रहे हैं, उत्तर के राज्य यही संदेश दे रहे हैं कि अगर हमने बच्चे पैदा करने में अस्थिरता रखी तो उसका फायदा हमें मिल रहा है यह तो देखिए पूरे देश की नीति है की जनसंख्या अस्थिर रहे कोई भी यह कहे कि किसी भी कारण से कि हमें जनसंख्या बढ़ानी चाहिए उसका तो हम समर्थन नहीं कर सकते। दिल्ली के राउज एवेन्यू कोर्ट ने कपिल मिश्रा को चुनाव में पाकिस्तान वाले भाषण पर राहत देने से मना कर दिया इस पर कपिल मिश्रा ने कहा कि ठीक बात है लेकिन चुनाव आयोग पर हमें भरोसा नहीं है कोर्ट ने सीधा यह कहा कि अगर आप पाकिस्तान की बात करते हैं तो आप एक समुदाय को टारगेट कर रहे हैं और पूरे चुनाव को सांप्रदायिक कर रहे हैं।
#tamilnadu #mkstalin #cmmkstalin #sandeepdikshit #kapilmishra #congress
#tamilnadu #mkstalin #cmmkstalin #sandeepdikshit #kapilmishra #congress
00:00This worry has been going on for a few days and as you can see, the Chief Ministers of other states have also started worrying about this.
00:08And what I have heard is that they have put a demand or a hope that all the parties or all the states should come together and form a commission or a committee
00:20So that the government and the state can support each other.
00:25And if there is a peaceful discussion, then there will be a way forward.
00:30The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Stalin, has also said that all the states in the south should have more children
00:39so that when the population count is in the limit, they get the weightage.
00:45The state of Uttar Pradesh is giving the same message.
00:50That if we don't have stability in our population, then we are getting benefit from it.
00:55It is the policy of the whole country, the policy of every government that the population should be stable.
01:02So if someone says that we should increase the population, then we cannot support that.
01:08But it is true that if a person does a good deed and the result is bad, then this message is not correct.
01:16Sir, in Delhi's Rao Sarwani court, during the election campaign of Minister Kapil Mishra, he has refused to give relief in the matter of the affected population.
01:25In his statement, he used the word Pakistani.
01:29Now the court has said that it is their job to see the election commission.
01:34It is true that we should not give relief, but there is no trust in the election commission.
01:39The court has said it very correctly that if you are using the word Pakistan, then you cannot get relief.
01:44Because you are directly raising questions on a community.
01:47You are compromising the entire election environment.
01:50And if it is a matter of compromising the election environment, then this court should do it with its own knowledge.
01:56We cannot expect any kind of relief or justice from the election commission.
02:00The election commission has shown in the last 10 years that there is no strength in that organization.
02:04And I want to ask one more thing.
02:06When the elections were held in Gujarat, the then Chief Minister, who is now the Prime Minister, Modi ji, said that if the Congress government wins here, then there will be bombs in Pakistan.
02:19And there will be firecrackers there.
02:21So this also applies to them.
02:23If the same principle is on Kapil Mishra, then the same principle also applies to Narendra Modi.
02:29At that time, the election commission did not take any step.
02:31Okay, all this keeps happening.
02:33Elections are coming in Gujarat next year.
02:35And as soon as the elections come, the BJP starts making all the announcements in Gujarat.
02:40The Prime Minister goes.
02:42It is their habit that whether it is the government's plan or their own plan, they should be given a big show.
02:48But it doesn't make much sense.
02:50You are getting your own protection.
02:51So where is the respect for women in this?
02:53Get women protected.
02:55You make such an army, such an army, such a police.
02:58Make such a situation in which a woman walks around without any fear.
03:02A woman protects a Prime Minister.
03:04This is a sign that where did the respect for women come from?
03:07She is at the same level.
03:10Even today, on the roads of Delhi and on the roads of the whole country,
03:13Either the women feel very proud of themselves, or suddenly after today, from tomorrow, all the Puri's will start coming.
03:21They have started behaving properly.
03:23This does not happen.
03:24Governments should get out of such significant things.
03:27Women participate in all businesses around the world.
03:33But this does not change the behavior of men and women in society.
03:38It is said that the thoughts of patriarchal or male-dominated societies need to change.