सूरत, गुजरात: सूरत के लिम्बायत इलाके के नीलगिरी मैदान पर पीएम मोदी जनसभा को संबोधित करने पहुंच रहे थे तभी एक दिव्यांग मनोज भींगारे ने रामजन्मभूमि पर बने राम मंदिर को नमन करते हुए पीएम मोदी की तस्वीर प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को भेंट दी थी। पीएम मोदी ने उस तस्वीर पर अपने हस्ताक्षर करते हुए लिखा 'प्रिय मनोज... अद्भुत ! खूब खूब अभिनंदन'। पीएम मोदी मनोज से इस तरह प्रभावित हुए कि मनोज को बैकस्टेज बुलाकर गले लगाया और शाबाशी दी। पीएम से मिले सम्मान के बाद अब सूरत शहर भाजपा की ओर से मनोज को एक लाख रुपए का चेक देकर सम्मानित किया गया है। इसको लेकर मनोज ने खुशी जाहिर करते हुए बताया कि एक बस एक्सीडेंट में उसके दोनों हाथ कट गए थे, इसके बाद उसने फाइन आर्ट की पढ़ाई की और अपने मुंह को हाथ बनाकर उसने पेंटिंग करना शुरू किया। पीएम ने उसकी कला का सम्मान किया और अब भाजपा की ओर से उसे एक लाख रुपये का चेक देकर आर्थिक मदद की है जो उसके और उसके परिवार कर लिए बहुत उपयोगी होगा।
#pmnarendramodi #surat #pmmodi #rammandirpainting #manojartist
#pmnarendramodi #surat #pmmodi #rammandirpainting #manojartist
00:30How are you, Bhai?
00:35How are you?
01:30How are you?
02:00When I was 10 years old, I lost both my hands in a bus accident.
02:04I didn't know how I was going to live my life.
02:07So, I made my legs my hands and started doing everything with my legs.
02:11Writing with my legs, writing with my mouth, eating with my legs.
02:14I started doing all these activities with my legs so that I wouldn't be dependent on others.
02:20After that, I started studying again.
02:22I did fine arts in college.
02:25After that, I became an artist.
02:28Now, I am working as an artist in the Mouth and Foot painting worldwide association.
02:34My aim is to spread my art to as many people as possible.
02:39I want to inspire people like me.
02:44I am a big fan of Mr. Modi.
02:48When this assembly was going to be held in Limbaid Vistar,
02:53I had made a painting.
02:55I wanted the painting to reach everyone.
02:58When we were standing with the painting in the drum,
03:00Sir saw the painting and gave me his signature.
03:04He congratulated me.
03:06He also arranged for me to come backstage.
03:09I was very happy when I met him.
03:11Sir asked about me and my family.
03:15I was so happy that I couldn't express it.
03:18Today, I have been invited to the BJP office and I have been honoured.
03:23I have been given a cheque of Rs. 1 lakh.
03:25I would like to thank Mr. Modi, Sangeeta Patil and all the workers.
03:30I would like to do my best so that all the artists get honoured in the future.
03:36This award means a lot to me.
03:38I feel that my art has been appreciated.
03:42Getting an award is not enough.
03:46You need money to live your life.
03:49This cheque will help me and my family.
03:54I would like to thank everyone.