00:00I ain't called it before the road trip a par. I just want to make sure that everybody understands a par is good
00:05Okay, that's like the u.s. Open cars can win like a par is good. I'm impressed man
00:11I'm impressed and especially impressed by the fact that I don't know if you felt this way
00:16Dude, I thought that started out as a triple bogey right when they they're down 27 to 5
00:20And I say that again, they're down
00:2327 to 5
00:25And pods is in the locker room and i'm looking at jude
00:29That's my son. He's 11 years old and he does not miss a minute unless I send him to bed
00:33But they're on the east coast. He sent himself to bed
00:36He looking at this and he even had like a wry grin. He's like
00:41Wow, he went guru on us. Wow
00:44Totally. He's like what what's what's going on?
00:47And I kind of looked at it and it was so early in the game still that I was like
00:54I think we're okay still they'll get this going. I am scared
00:59They're they're not they're not going to end the trip like this. That's annoying
01:03It's annoying the way they were playing and 128 to 84 27 to 5. Yeah, but
01:10Tucked into that
01:11Isn't that something?
01:13That we've arrived at this spot with the golden state warriors where you can fall down by 22
01:19And steph curry just a few weeks ago said quote. This team is not built to come back
01:23They're down by 22 and i'm like, no, no, no, we're okay
01:27They'll they'll come back. They'll make a run and and hell they were in fact, I said to him the second quarter starts I go jude
01:35Six or less by halftime. That's the goal six or less and then brooklyn goes up by eight
01:42And there's our guy
01:44There's our guy with a turnaround half court run off the court my two guys. There's our guy
01:51and I looked at him and I said
01:53six or less
01:54Down by five and you knew the warriors had it right then and there they weren't going to lose that game in the second half
02:00Even though it was close for much of it. No doubt. No doubt
02:03And uh, you know
02:04I use a lot of horse racing analogies because i'm getting geared up for the derby and you're betting on the favorite
02:09And the favorite comes out of the gate and stumbles twice and now you're dead last and it's like oh no
02:15This horse needs to do a lot
02:16here by the time we get to the top of the stretch to actually make a run and
02:20You get to the top of the stretch which is halftime and it's like okay. Yeah steph curry from
02:25I don't even know what that was. It was 45
02:29Half court who even knows a turnaround fall away. That was a fake one way
02:33It was basically the leitner shot from the ncaa tournament, but 20 feet further out and
02:40Just this is what we do. I know how much time I have I have time to catch fake
02:45Pivot shoot make it and we're down five and we're gonna be okay, even though there's still time on the clock
02:51It just he goes to them. Yeah, we're gone. I mean i'm not sticking around for the rest of this
02:55Well, it got me thinking man because everybody's in a steph kind of state of mind today and and and why not like this guy?
03:03Um, i'm a big believer and nobody does anything alone
03:06So this isn't just about steph curry
03:08Jimmy butler has unlocked a lot of things and and steph curry is averaging like seven or eight points
03:14More per night since jimmy butler came onto the scene
03:17So there's plenty of credit to go around to other people than just steph, but we know how how the nba culture works
03:24It's about the ones it's about the big alpha dogs and and and and those dudes when they when they win championships
03:30and and and I i'm
03:33Just as you described me yesterday. I'm in this moment. I'm not worried about right now
03:39Where they'll go in in may and if there is a june and all of that
03:44But I think a rational brain can now at least start thinking about
03:48The warriors and a playoff run and if we do on a friday want to get fun for just a second
03:54And let our imagination sensation run wild
03:58And and go okay
04:00What what does a world?
04:03Thank you in a world where steph curry wins one for the thumb number five, right
04:10What does that world look like?
04:13And i'm ready for y'all to fight me
04:16like with a smile
04:19Tell me
04:20That i'd be crazy
04:23If he wins that title and I tell you
04:28There goes that man, that's a four for your mark jackson that
04:33Is the greatest player of all time?
04:36That's the greatest player of all time that guy has four inches less height
04:42That guy has 70 pounds less weight
04:45That guy is easily the most entertaining player. We've ever seen and that guy will have won
04:52five championships, but four
04:56Basically 1a players the robin to his batman would be four different players
05:03spanning over a decade
05:06Tell me that somebody else can can claim that
05:09Nobody, nobody can claim that well, michael. Jordan had one
05:13He had one robin lebron has had multiple
05:17But but steph would be up to four robins and one of them's would one of them's name is andrew wiggins
05:23So I I like I don't know why we would be at least
05:26Why would we be scared to at least have the conversation have the conversation?
05:30I would not definitively say what you're saying and let's put aside the boston celtics dynasty in the 50s and 60s because that was a
05:37different time because
05:39Bill russell has 11 and sam jones has 10 and and tommy heintzen and the rest of those guys
05:44There are no fewer than eight players from that boston era who have six or more
05:51So of the winningest players ever
05:53Eight of them are from one
05:56uh franchise one
05:58Uh dynastic run boston from 57 to 69 fine
06:02I put them aside because the nba was different that doesn't mean that bill russell isn't one of the seven best players ever
06:08I do believe he belongs on that list
06:10He might be the best defensive player in the history of the game
06:13But when you start to look at other players who would be in that realm
06:17Kareem and michael jordan with six apiece and
06:21You know magic who would have five and you've got
06:25Kobe with five tim duncan with five steph would have five now you're putting yourself among those
06:32Stars that have five and you know rodman's got five, but he is a guy who was not the alpha or the beta
06:39He was the gamma on those teams and you know tim duncan his fifth title
06:44He was not quite the omega, but he was further down the greek alphabet
06:48He was not the alpha nor the beta so we can pick through all the other
06:52Resumes and look at it. The big point for me is he's in the conversation
06:57Yeah, and and the big point for me is every single name that you just mentioned is all six six and above
07:04All of them to me that doesn't matter. It does to me. Yeah, he's working with less
07:08I mean, he's working with more. He's the best hand-eye coordinated athlete maybe since tiger woods, right?
07:14But that means that he has to and that's what steve
07:16Kerr was saying the other day when he said he's clearly the most skilled player of all time because he cannot physically overwhelm
07:23His opponent he has to be just to find a more creative way to do it. So we can get into this conversation
07:29Um, we've got some great names coming on the show real soon. Iron eagles at 315. Frank
07:34Arzola is going to be at 345 big time. Hoop's voice is weighing in. We'd love to hear yours next 888-957-9570
07:42Is steph curry one ring away from the goat conversation i'm saying yes