Hey, génie ! 🧠 J’ai 18 énigmes qui m’ont complètement dérouté—penses-tu pouvoir faire mieux ? 😏 Certaines sont délicates, d'autres sont rusées, et quelques-unes pourraient bien te faire exploser le cerveau ! 🤯 Seules les esprits les plus affûtés les résoudront toutes. Essaie de les résoudre et prouve que tu es plus intelligent que moi ! Laisse tes réponses dans les commentaires et voyons qui est le maître ultime des énigmes ! 🔥🧐 Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/
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Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici:
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com
Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna
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Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici:
00:00Olivia is a young mother, and oh la la, her life is sometimes very busy.
00:04But with your help, I'm sure things will become much easier for her.
00:09One day, she went home with her baby, took off her coat, checked her phone, and went to change her baby, Jordan.
00:16A minute later, she was already supposed to leave, but she couldn't find her keys.
00:20Can you help her remember where they are?
00:22Can you help her remember where they are?
00:28I wonder if you've noticed that she put them in her baby's pocket when she was checking her phone.
00:35Olivia's baby drinks 150 ml of powdered milk five times a day.
00:41How much milk does Olivia have to prepare for two days?
00:44How much milk does Olivia have to prepare for two days?
00:51Olivia has to prepare 1,500 ml of milk, 150 ml, five times X two days.
00:571,500 ml.
01:02One day, Olivia put Jordan in her bed for a nap, but ten minutes later, the baby began to cry.
01:09The woman rushed into the room to see what had happened.
01:12Oh no, the baby had disappeared.
01:15Olivia looked in the cradle and on the floor, but she was nowhere to be found.
01:19Where could she be?
01:27Look at the baby's little point.
01:29The breast is tight inside.
01:31Jordan probably took it off when he fell asleep.
01:34Olivia had eight pairs of baby socks.
01:37When she hung them to dry them, she realized that one sock was missing.
01:41How many socks are left?
01:43Can you help her count them?
01:50There are only 15 socks left.
01:52Eight pairs, one sock.
01:54Watch those 15 socks.
01:57But now we have to help Olivia find the missing sock.
02:00Can you see it?
02:03Yes, it's on the baby's little foot.
02:06Olivia must have been distracted and put it on without realizing it.
02:12One day, Olivia took Jordan for a walk in the park.
02:15Once there, she saw two women with cubs.
02:18One of them is a young mother and the other is a nanny.
02:21Can you help Olivia find out who the real mother is?
02:25The woman on the right is a nanny.
02:27She has a schedule with the child's schedule.
02:30Meal time, nap time, walk time, activities, that kind of thing.
02:35The real mother doesn't need a note because she remembers everything.
02:38Or at least she thinks so.
02:41Olivia's baby had grown up a bit.
02:43But she didn't know what to do with it.
02:45She didn't know what to do with it.
02:47She didn't know what to do with it.
02:49She didn't know what to do with it.
02:52Olivia's baby had grown up a bit.
02:54And they were invited to their neighbor's child's birthday.
02:57But when they arrived, Olivia noticed something very strange.
03:00Can you guess what seemed so curious to her?
03:11If you noticed it, you are very observant.
03:14This woman seems to fill the cups of the children with milk.
03:17But how does she do if the pitcher is actually empty?
03:20What if it was an alien?
03:22Oops, bad video.
03:24Let's move on.
03:26One day, Olivia's ten-year-old niece visited them.
03:29To treat the children, our friend prepared delicious pastries
03:33and left them on the kitchen table.
03:35Suddenly, her phone started ringing
03:38and she left the children alone for a minute to answer.
03:41When she came back, one of the pastries had disappeared.
03:44Olivia's niece said it was Jordan who had taken the treat.
03:47But Olivia didn't believe her.
03:57Jordan is too small not only to catch the pastry,
04:00but even to reach the table.
04:02It was the niece who ate the cake
04:04and is now trying to incriminate the child.
04:06Olivia and Jordan were invited to another birthday party.
04:10Look at the food their hosts have prepared
04:12and help Olivia determine which dish is safe for her child.
04:20I wouldn't take the risk of eating this cake.
04:23It smells really bad.
04:25Flies landed on these biscuits.
04:27Ah, fortunately, these apples look just right.
04:31It's Jordan's first day at nursery school.
04:34Olivia and him are both excited
04:36and they don't want to be late.
04:38But here's a problem.
04:39There are three ways to the school building.
04:42Help Olivia choose the best one.
04:50The road on the left is blocked by a fallen tree.
04:54On the middle road, there is an open sewer,
04:57which could cause an accident.
04:59But look, the road on the right seems safe.
05:02They should go this way.
05:06Olivia and Jordan were lying on the playground.
05:09Jordan was playing in the sand and Olivia was watching him.
05:12Suddenly, our friend realized that one of the child's toys was missing.
05:16It was an orange stuffed bear.
05:18She looked around her.
05:20There were only three other people.
05:22Who do you think took the bear?
05:28It's this old man.
05:30Look, the stuffed bear's paw is over his pocket.
05:33Who knows why he took it?
05:35A few years later, Olivia left Jordan alone at home for the first time
05:40and asked him to be nice.
05:42But when she came back an hour later,
05:44she understood that the boy had done something he shouldn't have done.
05:48Look carefully at the room
05:50and try to guess the three things that contradicted Olivia.
05:58First of all, look at these brown crumbs on the floor near the bed.
06:02Jordan ate chocolate cookies.
06:04The TV remote is not in the same place as before.
06:07The boy must have taken it to turn on the TV
06:10and watch cartoons.
06:12And finally, he was in a creative mood.
06:14Look at this drawing on the wall near the door.
06:18Jordan's birthday is approaching
06:20and he asks his mother to invite his best friend to the party.
06:23Olivia is confused.
06:25Jordan is a very sociable child
06:27and he has many friends.
06:29He is particularly close to his three children.
06:32Look at Jordan's room
06:34and try to help Olivia discover who her best friend is.
06:43It's this blond boy.
06:45A painting of the representative is hung on the wall above Jordan's bed.
06:49Fourteen, Olivia invited not only Jordan's best friend
06:53but also many other children to his son's birthday.
06:56When they all arrived, she realized that there was an intruder.
07:00Who do you think it is?
07:07Look at this girl wearing a witch costume.
07:10She was certainly going to a Halloween party.
07:13How did she end up at Jordan's birthday?
07:16Ah, yes, it's an alien.
07:18When it was time to bring Jordan's birthday cake,
07:21Olivia was horrified.
07:23The cake had disappeared.
07:25The children had all disappeared together
07:27and had not left the playroom.
07:29So the culprit must have been one of the parents.
07:31Olivia turned into a detective
07:33and quickly understood who the thief was.
07:35Can you find out?
07:37You too?
07:41It's this grandmother.
07:43Look at her blouse.
07:44This dark spot, isn't it chocolate?
07:46She's the one who took the cake.
07:48Hey, we should introduce her to the grandfather
07:50who stole the teddy bear.
07:52What do you think?
07:54At first, Olivia panicked.
07:56But fortunately, she found a solution quite quickly.
07:59She called the nearest bakery
08:01and ordered another cake.
08:03They said they would send one right away
08:05and asked her to choose a delivery man.
08:08Look at these three delivery men
08:10and select the most trustworthy one.
08:20This guy on the left has a plaster on his arm.
08:22Not very practical to ride a bike, is it?
08:25The girl on the right looks good.
08:27But look at his bike.
08:29The front tire is punctured.
08:31So the man in the middle seems to be the safest choice.
08:34The party is over.
08:37The party is over and Jordan is happy.
08:39He wants to count all the gifts he received.
08:41But oh la la, they are scattered everywhere.
08:44Look carefully at the room
08:46and try to spot all the gifts.
08:54One, two, three.
08:56This was an easy girl to find.
08:58Here, four under the bed.
09:00Five and six.
09:02One is on the armchair and the other under the pillow.
09:05And finally, seven.
09:07It is hidden above the closet.
09:09Jordan is now old enough
09:11to start studying French
09:13and Olivia is looking for a tutor for her son.
09:15Look at these three professionals
09:17and help our friend choose the best one.
09:27Look at this lady on the right.
09:29On her T-shirt, there is the Eiffel Tower
09:31and the word France.
09:33This country is badly written.
09:35It should be written like this.
09:37How can she not know that?
09:39The man in the middle has a police badge
09:41in the pocket of his shirt.
09:43It must be an agent.
09:45What is he doing here?
09:47Suddenly, the best and only option
09:49is this young girl on the left.
09:51Thank you very much.