• 2 days ago
Pensez-vous être doué pour résoudre des problèmes délicats ? Préparez-vous à affronter 20 énigmes que vous pourrez facilement vous approprier, qui mettront à l'épreuve votre logique, créativité et votre pensée rapide ! Il ne s'agit pas de n'importe quelles énigmes — elles sont basées sur des situations quotidiennes qui vous feront rire, vous gratter la tête et peut-être même crier, "Eurêka !" Certaines sont faciles, d'autres vous donneront l'impression d'avoir le cerveau dans un étau, mais toutes affûteront votre esprit de la meilleure des manières. Alors, avez-vous ce qu'il faut pour toutes les résoudre ? Défiez-vous, défiez vos amis, et découvrez qui est le maître ultime des énigmes ! Cliquez sur jouer et que le cerveau s'échauffe ! 🚀 Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Tina owns a bakery. She discovers that Charlene, her confidante,
00:03has a secret relationship with one of her colleagues.
00:06However, only four men work here.
00:09Stéphane, the barista, studies at the university and spends his time partying.
00:14Damien, in charge of social networks, works from home,
00:18because he raises only his three sons.
00:20Shaun, the administrator, recently moved in with Tina,
00:23and both are now engaged.
00:25Finally, Frank, the maintenance agent, still lives with his mother,
00:29with whom he shares the custody of 12 cats.
00:31Can you guess who makes Charlene's heart beat?
00:42It's Damien!
00:43A cup bearing Charlene's name is placed on his table,
00:45and we can see traces of his lipstick on it.
00:48One morning, when entering his bakery, Tina sees many customers
00:52waiting for breakfast. But suddenly, a detail calls her.
00:56Something seems abnormal. Can you spot it?
01:07This man's laptop is upside down.
01:11Tina doubts Stéphane's intellectual abilities, one of his employees.
01:15To test him, she offers him a challenge.
01:18She gives him three envelopes, one of which contains her peace.
01:21Each one carries a message, but only one is true,
01:24while the other two are false.
01:26Stéphane is not allowed to touch the envelopes,
01:28and has only one attempt to choose the one
01:31containing the true message.
01:33Can you help him make the right choice?
01:44The third statement is true.
01:46By inspecting the stock to check the condition of the supplies,
01:49Tina comes across something disturbing.
01:52Can you identify what is disturbing?
02:03This cup of beans is infested with worms.
02:07As the snow falls, Tina looks out the window
02:10and sees rabbits fighting outside.
02:13Can you count them?
02:23The right answer is 20.
02:25This is just a plush.
02:28The principal of the high school enters the bakery to have a coffee.
02:31They share new rags.
02:33The day began with a resounding scandal.
02:36One of the teachers wrote insults on the door of my office.
02:39Can you guess the identity of the culprit?
02:42It was this woman.
02:44Look carefully.
02:46She hides a blue marker in her bra.
02:49On Monday, Frank cleans the broom closet of the bakery
02:53and sends a photo to Tina.
02:55But on Tuesday, when he enters,
02:57Tina notices several differences.
02:59Can you see them too?
03:02There are 12 differences.
03:06David invites Fiona to lunch.
03:08During the meal, he sketches his portrait,
03:11then disappears for a moment to make a call.
03:14He appreciates and should see each other again.
03:17But the next day, he returns to the bakery.
03:20He sees Tina again,
03:22but he does not see her face.
03:24The next day, he returns to the bakery.
03:27He sees Tina again,
03:29but he does not see her face.
03:31The next day, he sees Tina again,
03:34but he does not see her face.
03:36The food was not in question.
03:38No doubt.
03:39Fiona is guilty.
03:40Yet, no evidence accuses her.
03:42How did she do it?
03:44Fiona had poisoned the end of her pencil, which he was used to wearing around his mouth.
03:58In the morning, Tina leaves her apartment to go to work.
04:03In the evening, when she returns, she immediately calls the police.
04:07Hurry up, someone robbed me!
04:09Can you identify what is missing?
04:20The thief took his boxes, some books and a photo frame.
04:25Tina suffers from an allergy. She consults a doctor in the hope of finding a treatment.
04:29But the latter turns out to be a witch and teleports her to an alternative reality where pleasure and happiness are deadly.
04:36Prisoner of her home, she must choose one of the three doors to escape.
04:40Behind the first is a charming kitten. The second leads to a world filled with sweetness and chocolate fountains.
04:47As for the third, it opens on a crowd of people ready to cover it with compliments.
04:52What path should she take?
04:54Being allergic, she risks nothing with cats. The first door is therefore the safest option.
05:08Tina receives an anonymous message warning her that a private detective is about to return a USB key containing confidential information to a client.
05:18And that this will take place in his bakery.
05:20A woman immediately draws his attention and Tina observes him discreetly.
05:24When she comes back from the bathroom, Tina is sure that it is the detective.
05:28How did she guess?
05:38Before going to the bathroom, the woman was wearing high-heeled shoes.
05:42But coming back, her shoes had become flat.
05:45She had hidden the USB key in a heel.
05:48Tina comes home late at night when a deafening noise makes her deviate abruptly from her path.
05:53She manages to take control of her vehicle, but two individuals appear.
05:58She takes out her phone and all her money before disappearing.
06:02On the road, nails have destroyed her tires. Tina ends up reaching a gas station where she finds a single employee.
06:08Outraged, she screams, I was the victim of a theft, call the police!
06:13The manager disappears in his office a few minutes before returning, and announces to him that he has contacted the police and a dispatcher.
06:20But when the police arrive, Tina immediately asks them to arrest the man.
06:34She never mentioned her car, and yet, the manager already knew that she needed a dispatcher.
06:39He knew too much.
06:41Tina attends a culinary workshop and takes several pictures of the chef.
06:44Are you able to identify the differences between them?
06:57There are three.
06:59During this workshop, Tina prepares a splendid dinner.
07:02But an unusual detail is hidden, can you spot emojis?
07:12Here they are.
07:15En entrant dans sa boulangerie, Tina remarque qu'un imposteur se cache parmi ses clients.
07:20Serez-vous le démasqué?
07:30Regarde ce type, jette un oeil, il porte des gants aux pieds, ce type ne vient certainement pas de cette planète.
07:38Charlene passe un peu de temps chez Tina.
07:40Un détail insolite attire l'attention.
07:42Pouvez-vous le repérer?
07:53Le sablier fonctionne à l'envers.
07:55Tina et Charlene discutent de leur amie de longue date, Rachel, qu'elles n'ont pas vue depuis un moment.
08:01Soudain, on frappe à la porte.
08:03C'est le facteur qui leur remet une lettre de Rachel.
08:06Dans son message, elle annonce qu'elle quitte la ville pour ne jamais revenir.
08:10Tina et Charlene reconnaissent son écriture, mais le texte leur semble étrange.
08:14Rachel a toujours été excellente en rédaction, elle n'écrirait jamais aussi mal.
08:17Elles préviennent la police.
08:19Après avoir lu la lettre, l'agent est certain que Rachel a été enlevée.
08:22Comment peut-il en être si sûr?
08:24En prenant la première lettre de chaque mot, on obtient « Aidez-moi ».
08:37Le lendemain matin, Tina appelle Frank pour se plaindre.
08:40Quelqu'un a détruit la machine à café, brisé des tasses, et volé toute la caisse.
08:45Elle interroge trois suspects.
08:47Charlene affirme qu'elle avait un rendez-vous chez le dentiste et qu'elle est partie plus tôt.
08:51Sean explique qu'il a quitté la boulangerie dans l'après-midi pour un rendez-vous d'affaires au centre-ville,
08:56et que d'autres peuvent le confirmer.
08:59Stéphane, quant à lui, assure qu'il était en congé pour réviser ses examens
09:03et qu'il a passé la journée à la bibliothèque.
09:05Qui est-ce le coupable?
09:15C'est Sean. Il a laissé tomber un bouton de manchette sur la scène du crime.
