• 2 days ago
FNAF Urbex puts you back into Five Nights at Freddy's 3 with Springtrap hunting you down... and he's listening to your microphone.
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00:00Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Five Nights at Freddy's Urban Exploration.
00:05This is a game that uses my microphone to murder me and kill me dead and make sure that I will never survive ever...
00:14Clown mode. Warning, scary.
00:30Alright, anyway, we're not doing clown mode. We're doing getting clowned on mode.
01:01Nothing doesn't even work. I like whenever I go into a random abandoned building. I just
01:08So everyone knows that I'm here and they should run in fear
01:36The wind
01:52All right
02:00It's gonna be easier than I thought. All right, so what I need to do
02:04Is probably be a little bit quieter. We're just gonna take this a little steadier. So let's take this a little bit quieter
02:12From here on out
02:22Well, that's nice. It might cover up my sounds
02:33I don't fully remember the layout of
02:35Five Nights at Freddy's 3, but I imagine this is the-
03:54Think he's stupid. It turns out he's dumb
04:06And I'm really
04:09Jiggly when I walk
04:14I don't know what I'm looking for at all
04:16He's too dumb to find me
04:50Don't know exactly the range of him being able to hear me is
04:54And I don't know if me talking is gonna cause a problem like he owns
04:59Ones in on my signal
05:02So far so good
05:10Also, I don't know if he can see my flashlight or not
05:16Here's some static from this direction, so I'm gonna try to isolate that
06:16Should have realized that was not a hiding place at all. EMF reader will beep faster when Springtrap's near. Well, that's handy. Okay
06:37So it does say signal 0 of 5 in the bottom right corner, which suggests to me
06:42There's something here
06:46For me to find or maybe it said when the signal was near I can't remember what it said. I wasn't really reading it
07:09Don't think this is an adequate hiding spot. In fact, I don't even know if hiding is gonna work in this game
07:16But if you went off to that to the right side over there
07:19But if you went off to that to the right side over there, it means that the left side might be a little more clear
08:14Okay, while he's going down that other path
08:16I'm gonna try to go over here because I think I'm gonna be able to get some distance from him
08:21And I can see what's on this computer
08:46Didn't know I could do this
09:11Why is it not a type of thing where I'm supposed to be able to hide
09:16Okay, Q and E to lean around corners. Okay, that's a little helpful
09:19So this must be getting me closer to the signals
09:22So that has to be what it means when it wants me to get the signals 0 out of 5
09:31Not getting much over here, I don't know if it's like it'll find one in the whole building and
09:37Then it'll only then unlock the other or if they're all five of them are available
10:28Found one signal I guess
10:31So that's good. I don't know exactly if it
10:35Was leading me towards that trying to get a sense of where he is so I can
10:39Move this is kind of a crossroads. He can only go one way down that way one way down that way
10:46I'm just trying
11:00On this second signal
11:06Wherever he is he's far away from me
11:15That's another
11:45Okay, that that's ridiculous that's ridiculous I I
11:54Object to that. I object I object to that I
12:00object to that
12:05So once he if he sees you you can't do nothing
13:11Come on
13:27That is absurd. I didn't get even a whiff that he was on the way alright. I got this there's no problem. This is easy
13:44What in the world what in the world
13:48That's not fair
13:52What whatever that long hallways my enemy I hate that thing
13:57My objective is just to avoid the long hallway as much as possible
14:21So I think the signals are all in the same place it's not something I need to worry too much about
14:32And I just want to stay out of the hallways
15:33That was close if he'd have popped out that hallway
15:37Would have been done
15:45He's got a few too many easy paths going
15:49between the hallways
15:51And if he stays in the middle there, then I'm boned
16:37Have a good sense that he's on the far side of the room or the building for me
16:42But he might also have circled back to cut through this office
16:53So it's the animatronics
17:12There's only one more and I know where it is and if I get lucky it'll be on the way to the exit
17:18If I do need to get to the exit
17:19Which I imagine I do most of the time in these games as the case
17:22My hope is that he comes down this hallway because that would free me up to go the other way
17:27Potentially there's still a cut through there
18:02Okay, that's five
19:51There we go, okay Wow
19:56There you have it. That was tense. I like that
20:00I feel like the AI was a bit rudimentary
20:03But I really really like that
20:05it took me back to alien isolation where it's just you're trying not to make a sound and the microphone part of it is a
20:12Bit more gimmicky than anything because everyone can be quiet or everyone can turn off their microphone
20:17But it would be cooler and maybe this was the way it is. Actually, let me let me try something
20:22I wonder if the mechanic of the sound wasn't so much about me making a sound
20:25I wonder if I can lure him and let me just try something. Hello
20:28Hi, hello
21:10Okay, maybe not maybe maybe not maybe not I was hoping and it would be cooler if you had to make noise
21:17Because if you have to make noise you have to be careful and maybe that is how that is
21:21I'm not a hermits and sure I didn't test it fully but that seems like a really fun way
21:26To integrate into what was Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and maybe that's why that was that maybe I don't know
21:31I beat it without it, but maybe you couldn't use it to your advantage
21:35Anyway, thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video
