Pamela Bach, nata Pamela Ann Weissenbach (Tulsa, 16 ottobre 1963 – Los Angeles, 5 marzo 2025) è stata un'attrice, personaggio televisivo e modella statunitense.Incontrò David Hasselhoff in un episodio di Supercar. I due si sposarono nel 1989, per poi divorziare nel 2006.La coppia ebbe due figlie.Negli anni '90 fu presente in diversi episodi, insieme ad Hasselhoff, della serie televisiva Baywatch. Inoltre si ritagliò il ruolo di psicologa nella serie Sirens. Prese parte al reality show/concorso televisivo britannico del 2011 "Celebrity Big Brother", classificandosi 9ª.Fu una dei destinatari del premio annuale "Bravo Otto", assegnato dalla rivista tedesca Bravo, come una delle attrici preferite dagli adolescenti tedeschi.Muore suicida il 5 marzo 2025 a Los Angeles con un colpo di arma da fuoco alla testa.
Pamela Bach, born Pamela Ann Weissenbach (October 16, 1963 – March 5, 2025) was an American actress, television personality, and model. She met David Hasselhoff on an episode of Knight Rider. The two married in 1989, but divorced in 2006. The couple had two daughters. In the 1990s, she appeared in several episodes, alongside Hasselhoff, of the television series Baywatch. She also took on the role of a psychologist in the series Sirens. She took part in the 2011 British reality TV competition show "Celebrity Big Brother", finishing 9th. She was one of the recipients of the annual "Bravo Otto" award, given by the German magazine Bravo, as one of the favorite actresses of German teenagers. She committed suicide on March 5, 2025 in Los Angeles from a gunshot to the head.
Pamela Bach, born Pamela Ann Weissenbach (October 16, 1963 – March 5, 2025) was an American actress, television personality, and model. She met David Hasselhoff on an episode of Knight Rider. The two married in 1989, but divorced in 2006. The couple had two daughters. In the 1990s, she appeared in several episodes, alongside Hasselhoff, of the television series Baywatch. She also took on the role of a psychologist in the series Sirens. She took part in the 2011 British reality TV competition show "Celebrity Big Brother", finishing 9th. She was one of the recipients of the annual "Bravo Otto" award, given by the German magazine Bravo, as one of the favorite actresses of German teenagers. She committed suicide on March 5, 2025 in Los Angeles from a gunshot to the head.