Lisa Gaye, nata Lesli Griffin (Denver, 6 marzo 1935 – Houston, 14 luglio 2016), è stata un'attrice statunitense. Era figlia del pittore Frank Henry Griffin[3] e dell'attrice Margaret Allen (nata Gibson) e sorella delle attrici Teala Loring e Debra Paget e del truccatore e attore Frank Griffin.Ha recitato in 14 film dal 1954 al 1967 ed è apparsa in oltre 70 produzioni televisive dal 1955 al 1970.Si ritirò dalle scene nel 1970.Fu candidata per il ruolo di Anita nella versione cinematografica di West Side Story (1961), che alla fine andò a Rita Moreno, che vinse l'Oscar.
Lisa Gaye (born Lesli Griffin; March 6, 1935 – July 14, 2016) was an American actress. She was the daughter of painter Frank Henry Griffin[3] and actress Margaret Allen (née Gibson) and the sister of actresses Teala Loring and Debra Paget and makeup artist and actor Frank Griffin. She starred in 14 films from 1954 to 1967 and appeared in over 70 television productions from 1955 to 1970. She retired from acting in 1970. She was nominated for the role of Anita in the film version of West Side Story (1961), which ultimately went to Rita Moreno, who won the Academy Award.
Lisa Gaye (born Lesli Griffin; March 6, 1935 – July 14, 2016) was an American actress. She was the daughter of painter Frank Henry Griffin[3] and actress Margaret Allen (née Gibson) and the sister of actresses Teala Loring and Debra Paget and makeup artist and actor Frank Griffin. She starred in 14 films from 1954 to 1967 and appeared in over 70 television productions from 1955 to 1970. She retired from acting in 1970. She was nominated for the role of Anita in the film version of West Side Story (1961), which ultimately went to Rita Moreno, who won the Academy Award.