How should parents strike the right balance between online freedom and safety for their children?
00:00infinite scroll is such an unnatural thing for human beings to experience but it's so addictive
00:05and it's been designed that way to hook you in because they get more advertising revenue from
00:11more time you spend on it and it just gets to the point where you're always reaching
00:16your phone all the time it feels like it's like a drug or something
00:20screen time nowadays it's really bad mine on average is about six to seven hours
00:24so i mean it would be nice to you know maybe have something more productive to do on
00:29phones rather than you know scrolling through tiktok or something yeah i think it is important
00:33that they should be perhaps regulated in a similar ish way so that that those addictive
00:38patterns of behavior are not exposed to children when their brains are just so
00:42plastic and elastic and still developing i wouldn't put it across as they're being
00:46punished i'd put it across as just reassurance look this is what can happen and i just want
00:51to make sure you're safe maybe there should be more controls about what particularly children
00:54when you're when your brain is growing and developing how much you can really take in