• 2 days ago


00:00Yes, okay. Yes, and he said no, he doesn't have PayPal
00:05Correct, correct
00:11You know, I actually understand that you think that that may be peculiar miss Mona I don't have PayPal I don't know what it is
00:17I don't understand that whole thing money flies through the air through the airwaves. I don't understand that
00:23I understand it when you go into a bank you fill out a withdrawal slip
00:26You give it to a teller the teller gives you money and you leave the bank that
00:32That's what I understand. I get it. I also did other work at her house as well. So not before the gate
00:42If you talk to each other you don't need me then I won't have a job then they won't have the job