00:00Julie Mondin claims welder Martin Lucas vandalized her iron gates after fixing it.
00:09You know, I actually understand that you think that that may be peculiar, Ms. Mondin.
00:13I don't have PayPal. I don't know what it is. I don't understand that whole thing.
00:17Money flies through the air, through the airwaves. I don't understand it. I understand it.
00:21When you go into a bank, you fill out a withdrawal slip, you give it to a teller,
00:26the teller gives you money, and you leave the bank. That's what I understand.
00:31I get it.
00:32You know, I don't understand putting your phone up next to something and people have been paid
00:36or clicking on an orange in a store and somehow the merchant gets paid for that orange and you just leave.
00:45One day I will figure it out or one of my children or grandchildren will try to explain it to me
00:52so I actually do understand it, but he doesn't have PayPal and he wanted to get paid.
00:58So there was a kerfuffle.