00:00I want to know what your basic system is. I receive M from the state of Minnesota. What is that a
00:06Parent and child they give you so much cash
00:09Food support medical. I also receive child support for my son
00:14Okay, so you have one child when you lived with Miss Baseman. Did you take your son with you? No, ma'am
00:19Where did he stay the same town across town with his aunt?
00:23Were you still getting money for him when he was living with his aunt? Yes, ma'am
00:27How much 300 bucks a month and how much were you getting personally for yourself in child support? None?
00:33I don't receive any
00:36Not child support. I'm talking about any of you. You're not supporting yourself on $300 a month, sir
00:42No, so what other monies do you get from any source? Well, tell me how much you get M fib varies from
00:50150 maybe 250 depending on how much child support came in that month
00:54150 or 250 or what a week a month a month when was