00:00Your lawyer is because this incident occurred on July the 7th or just prior
00:08thereto and the temporary order of protection was issued on July 7th. I
00:12assume between July 7th and July 22nd you got an attorney. Yes. And I assume
00:19that you were advised not to appear in court on the adjourned date because
00:25between July 7th and July 22nd, which was when the case was next on in court, when
00:32you didn't appear, is that the right date? Yes, it was July 22nd. Yes. Something happened.
00:37Listen to me carefully. I want you to tell me what happened between July 7th
00:43and July 22nd with him. Nothing had... Nothing happened. Well, if nothing
00:50happened, then there was no reason for you not to go to court to respond to
00:56this order of protection because...