00:00She already had a knife in her hands and I put my son on the ground, and I'm telling her what are you doing?
00:05And I don't know where she's trying to come at me
00:09Yes, she's trying to lunge at me forward a little bit. No, then now you're looking down at the desk
00:13I want you to look at me see how I'm looking at you
00:18So as I come in she has a knife in her hands already
00:20I don't know what she was trying to do to herself doing to me
00:23I just told her like look you need to leave my son is here. I worry about him
00:27I'm trying to look after him. Just leave cool down like you said earlier. Just need her to cool down
00:33About four or five hours later. She now you're looking up again. Sorry about that about four hours later
00:38She comes back with her mom with the cops cops come at my door come in my house
00:43They asked me what's going on. I tell him the situation. I didn't call him at first
00:48They called first on me. They said that was abducting my own child
00:51So I had to show him the birth certificate to prove that I was father
00:55Once I proved that I was father cop took full control situation