• 2 days ago
Doctor Odyssey - Season 1 Episode 5 -
Halloween Week ,
Doctor Odyssey S01E05
00:00We do our jobs
00:02No, tropical depressions are gonna darken our days savory. We need to do emergency surgery
00:10We're okay all three of us real talk I almost died last night what no
00:19Vivian has graciously agreed to stay with us for the rest of the season. What is your problem? Are you jealous or something?
00:26of you and
00:27No, babe. I'm not jealous
00:30I'm not jealous
00:32I'm not jealous
00:59Situation not good. Her arm is pinned maybe crushed
01:02Possible humorous fracture. I can't extract it without risking further cave-in. This is all my fault. I let her go in there
01:07It's okay. She's gonna be fine. We're gonna keep her stable manage the pain. Keep her hydrated
01:10How far out of search-and-rescue three hours for but guys?
01:14We don't have that kind of time high tide is coming in in less than an hour. This whole place is gonna be underwater
01:21Okay, so maybe we can't save the arm we can still save her how are you gonna save her without saving her arm unless
01:33This Halloween marks the
01:36284th anniversary of the sinking of the Espiritu Santo
01:39The ship laden with Spanish silver went down somewhere in the Sea of Cortez
01:44To this day beachcombers still find coins and doubloons along the coastline and haunted caves nearby
02:04Know this Halloween also marks the seventh anniversary of the day. I met an adorable girl
02:11Dressed as Coraline across the room at a party in Cambridge
02:14And I had to drink an entire pitcher of sangria
02:16Just to work up the courage to talk to her and then vomited all up in her kitchen sink the next morning if I remember
02:21What can I say?
02:24Well, what better way to commemorate our love than taking a spooky cruise complete with a hunt for buried treasure
02:30I could always vomit in the sink again
02:46Okay, so I figure we drop off our bags at the gym for a quick workout shower
02:49And if we hurry we can make the 530 spooky salsa dancing perfect and then after that dinner drinks and then karaoke
02:54Are you boys hearing this? Oh, yeah loud and clear. Why would we relax? We're on vacation after all come on
03:00You can sleep when you're dead vacations for activity. The Anderson sisters should really come with a written warning when you get married
03:06Beware these girls have no chill. Okay, so drop off your bags and then meet back out here in 10
03:16Remind me again whose idea was to go on a cruise right after a safari. Would you look at that?
03:25Hey, give me five minutes
03:29No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no caffeine now complaints later. Okay. Thank you
03:37Okay. Oh, so for tonight's couple costume, what are we thinking Morticia and Gomez or Mary Poppins and Bert?
03:52Halloween dinner is buffet style. So I wanted to add some extra hand sanitizing stations here here and here
03:59Yeah, good do it. Tell Cory and housekeeping great now your favorite subject
04:03The costume contest as judged by our cruisers some rules. No props with sharp edges
04:11No live animals last year disaster Halloween
04:15Can we make it just go away
04:17It's the one week in the year where my beautiful dignified vessel becomes a clown car
04:22I understand but hey people love it. This week is very popular a funerary
04:28Grown-up buffoonery. I tell you I promise the medical team will keep it classy sir. No buffoonery whatsoever
04:34Ahoy captain
04:36permission to come aboard
04:41Sweet heavens to Betsy what say you is this not the most delicious thing you've ever feasted your eyes upon a
04:52Strict verbal harassment policy prevents me from commenting. Oh, come on captain
04:59You know, I used to think like you Halloween for hospital workers
05:03Trick-or-treaters and car accidents frat boys thinking that that cape that they bought on the internet suddenly makes them invincible
05:08But this year I have decided that I'm going to go along with fun
05:14Well, I wish I'd liked Halloween week, but I suck at costumes and Tristan never lets me forget it
05:20Come on, you can't be that bad. What were you last year an
05:23Extension cord. Yeah, that's bad. Okay. Well, it doesn't matter anyway because Tristan always wins the costume contest
05:30Although it looks as though he may have some competition this year
05:35Why is the rum always gone? Oh
05:40Come on
05:45Copycat me copycat you copycat
05:49You have to change. Oh, no, this is a custom wig. You have to change. No, no, no, no, no, no
05:55You are not doing this in my quarters, hey, here's an idea
05:59I'll let you go as a doctor and a nurse on a cruise ship with a very strict professional dress code policy now get out
06:08Go, I don't mind if I do
06:11spent a year on this
06:15I'll see you later. Come on
06:37Where did this all come from
06:39Sweeney Todd Broadway Cruise, they left loads of stuff these skulls
06:44His lanterns. No. No, I mean, where did this all come from your Halloween obsession?
06:49Oh, well, as you know mother wasn't always around growing up
06:52But my nanny Alma was she was really good at building costumes. Yeah, she taught me everything. I know we'd go all out
06:58It was my favorite
07:00Woody and Buzz Holmes and Watson
07:02Denim Justin and Britney. Oh
07:04I haven't seen you this happy since I let you pop that big cyst on that German tourist shoulder. That was
07:11Sensational you
07:13Speaking of things that are rotten and filled with pus what kind of hideous costume on that coat you come up with this. Yeah
07:20Okay. Hmm
07:23I've been thinking about it a lot. Mm-hmm, and
07:26It's really good
07:32I'm a ceiling fan get it
07:35No, what just no. Well, what are you gonna be? That's so great
07:41Thank you. I thought you'd never ask Wow
07:44before me for I am
07:51Lord of the seven seas
07:53Wow, the best thing about it is it incorporates the one thing that I have the doctor Odyssey can never buy
08:02obliques to
08:14Explain myself mortal. Why aren't thou locking up our bandage cabinet?
08:22Costume procrastinators, they plunder our ace bandages last year. There were so many stolen mummies wandering around
08:27It looked like night at the British Museum. I was wrapping wounds with paper towels and sanitary pads for a week
08:32Let me guess Neptune Lord of the seven seas
08:38Tristan will not be pleased
08:39Halloween is sort of his thing. Well winning is sort of my thing. So there we are
08:46No bandages, sorry, we're fresh out. Sorry what?
08:52How can we help you
08:54Well Gomez over here is acting pretty strange. Fine. Stop fussing. He is falling asleep standing up and he can't concentrate
09:01Hey on anything
09:04Have a seat
09:08Blues are equal and your vitals are fine temp is a little elevated but within normal range just exhausted
09:14We spent the last 18 hours traveling. I've hardly slept and she won't even let me lay down
09:19You know, can you just feel like a shot of b12 or something energizing?
09:21You know, we have a lot of things planned so in my capacity as Poseidon God of the sea and also as dr
09:28Odyssey MD I am prescribing you eight hours of uninterrupted sleep
09:42Got the Nemo love it
09:46Nope just boring old captain Robert Massey here
09:53No, I'm the guy from this boat and we call her a ship
09:58Thank you to our band
10:03Anyone taking part in our costume contest our first round of voting will take place tonight
10:08And then again in a couple days of the big Halloween bash, so you will have two
10:13chances to wow us
10:15Now let's dance
10:20If you don't believe in vampire
10:35Sorry, are you good? Sorry, haha
10:40It's you it's me. It's you
10:43Thank you costume
10:46Here's to really I'm a chance of winning
10:53Hey, how's it been your first you
10:57Really good. Honestly, I mean before it said the most incredible fresh ingredients
11:01I'm gonna make this thing I called pescado con coco and we found all these fresh coconuts when this guy read the book. No way
11:08No way
11:10Are you kidding?
11:12Copied me again. Can you are you kidding me Neptune? You covered me again?
11:18Poseidon guys, come on. This is getting ridiculous
11:24I'm gonna go drink. Let's go dance. Come on
11:38You look amazing, but what are you Morticia from Adam's family? It makes more sense on Paul's here
11:45But he is on a doctor prescribed nap time. We're supposed to be the Fox and the Hound
11:48But this one here is giving more old yeller. I might need to go put him down. I'm sorry
11:53I'm trying I'm just
11:56Can I please?
11:58Yes, go be a sleepy dog in the cabins, but tomorrow you have to make it to 11 p.m. Okay, okay
12:03They were just holding us back anyway
12:46You should be careful out here at night the moon is almost full
12:53I can take care of myself
13:36You okay
13:45Side defensive intact a cardiac and two bags of O negative stat where the hell is all this blood coming from we need to
13:51Find the source now. He could bleed out in minutes. I can't find any open wounds
13:55That's because it's not coming from a wound it's coming from his skin max he's sweating blood
14:00Okay, I'm at a hydrosis you calm him down pull down his core temperature push two milligrams of lorazepam I'll go get the ice packs
14:16Freezing what happened you passed out from blood loss
14:21Security found you on the upper deck. You're okay. Now. We had to cool your body down
14:24You're a sweat and blood a lot of it sweating blood. Yeah, it's a condition called hematohydrosis
14:30Associated with the fear response system. Do you remember what you were doing before we brought you here?
14:35I was with the bunny. Well a girl dressed as a bunny we were you know, but fear
14:42No, I'm not afraid of girls
14:45or sex
14:46You know, most people don't realize that fear and arousal are physically very similar
14:51Your brain dumps adrenaline hearts start to be faster. You start sweating and in rare cases
14:55I mean very very rare cases the wires get crossed and you sweat blood
15:03This is gonna happen like every time I want a bone now long-term solution
15:06We're gonna set you up with the hematologist back home to identify triggers possible underlying conditions in the meantime
15:11I'm gonna give you an iron supplement for the blood loss
15:13And a prescription for lorazepam so you can stay on an even keel for the rest of the cruise the good stuff
15:20Try your best to stay cool this week
15:23No promises
16:41Anyone there
17:06Good job
17:51Make up Tristan
17:53You look like you need to go to bed. Not contemplate a drink. What's up? That's nothing. It is something. It's max
18:02He's toying with me. It's got his hands on this incredible costume. I just
18:07Don't know. I'm done for sexy captain's costume
18:12Okay, so what happened when did a holiday for children get commandeered by grown-ups
18:21blame the gays, honey, I
18:25Don't know cab
18:27There's such a difference between a form and a costume
18:31Are they both just revealers?
18:35My boy
18:36This uniform reveals four decades of service at sea those costumes
18:41Represent adults with glue guns and too damn much time on their hands
18:46All right, so what's this whole anti Halloween thing what's the story there some deep-seated Halloween trauma
18:53I'm just don't get more votes than me in a costume contest. Seriously. I don't think I could handle waging war on you, too
19:04Whoa, wait a minute. There's a party over here we can go to
19:09Paul can you follow my finger? He's in some sort of psychosis. I don't understand because he was so tired earlier
19:15And now he can't keep still his temperature is 101.5. It is lymph nodes are very swollen guys
19:24These are serious symptoms could be infectious we need to initiate emergency contagion protocol until we know more
19:30Agreed let's get the two of them quarantined. We also need to run a blood test a savage. I did you say that?
19:35Agreed let's get the two of them quarantined. We also need to run a blood test a savage. I did you say contagion and quarantine right now
19:41It's just a precaution, but if you were traveling with anybody we need to contact them immediately
20:01Okay, and have either of you exhibited signs of fatigue fever chills no no I'm telling you we are both fine
20:07Okay, he tried to eat my arm
20:11Did he break the skin?
20:14All right differential diagnosis
20:16Well the fever and swollen lymph would tell me viral infection which would explain the physical symptoms
20:21But not the neurological ones difficulty walking speaking abnormal aggression. I mean rabies an animal bite
20:27They just got back from safari in Africa, but the advanced cases of rabies the ones that make you bite present with extreme hydrophobia
20:33So being on a cruise ship you wouldn't even be able to come out of his cabin
20:38We need to see the blood tests
20:40Well test results are in
20:45Okay if this is what we think it is we need to initiate emergency lockdown immediately
20:49We'll notify the captain start contact tracing beginning firstly with ourselves alert the next port of call
20:54You don't anything for sure yet. Well, that's reassuring great. It's been a pleasure serving with you
21:01Damn it
21:02It's COVID all over again. No, it's not gonna be like COVID
21:06No, no, no. Hey, it'll be okay. We'll get through this
21:11No, I mean, it's not gonna be like COVID because whatever this is it's not contagious
21:14Look each of your husband's blood work shows a unique pattern in the white blood cell count a radical increase in eosinophils
21:20Which suggests a systemic immune response to an unknown cause meaning that their symptoms are not a reaction to a contagious disease
21:26But rather some external stimuli that they both come into contact. We're not sure what that is yet, but we are sure it's not contagious
21:41The good news is we can rule zombie apocalypse off our list whoo one or two zombies I can manage but a whole ship full
21:49You know the bad news. I still don't know what's causing the symptoms
21:56Okay understood thanks for the update doctor, yes, sir
22:05One more thing
22:07Until we get this whole thing figured out with the patients
22:10Maybe we chill on the shenanigans and pranks
22:15Pranks, I've been in the infirmary all night
22:21Let the kid win the damn contest and you figure out what's going on with those patients and that's order. Yes, sir
22:39Beneath those waves
22:41Lie the 88 souls who drowned when the spirit to Santo sank
22:46They say if you listen close you can still hear their ghosts falling from the depths and haunted caves
22:52Now safety is our number one priority when it comes to treasure hunting
22:57Don't wonder near the rocks or any of the caves
23:01The tide rises fast and the rocks are extremely slippery
23:05All right
23:07any questions
23:08Yes, aren't you the guy who brought me my towels this morning? I am indeed which is why I need to find this treasure more than
23:16Let's go
23:19It's so nice when you rather go for a swim we could lay on the beam
23:26Everyone knows those old coins are cursed anyway
23:30Just imagine what it must have been like to be out there all those years ago
23:36Navigating 2,000 miles of the open ocean with nothing but torchlight and the stars. That's the way I'm surrounded by nerd
23:51There's nothing here
23:54Let's go up there, honey. Don't you think we're getting a little far?
24:07I don't have on the right shoes
24:08You got on a full dress, but if you want to find something you have to go where no one has ever gone before, right?
24:14Go ahead
24:23Hope you know how much I love you
24:56Tell you baby, this is tight
25:29Okay, can we go back now, please they're gonna be looking for us sighs my sandals are getting soaked
25:37I'll get you a new pair. We find the booty
26:02Think I found one a coin you're kidding
26:35Don't get it they slept all day now, they're starting to come alive again
26:40paradoxical exhaustion insomnia by night lethargy by day
26:43Heading it to the list of symptoms
26:46Hey guys
26:48You look and I say this with love awful charming. You've been working on your costume all day. You're not gonna beat me
26:53It's the beach excursion the treasure hunters. There's been a cave-in. There's a woman that's trapped
26:58Yeah, go. Oh, baby. See the zombies
27:06She's been in about 30 minutes stuck pretty good by the sounds of it verbal responses off and on
27:11All right, I'll go in first take your vitals and tests and then report back. It's pretty tight in there
27:15I wasn't able to fit myself. I'll go
27:17No, no, we'll wait. We'll wait for the
28:08I need you to slow deep breath for me in
28:51What are you asking me
28:53To give you permission
28:55To cut my wife's arm off
28:58I'm asking you to give us permission to save her life
29:04How would it work
29:06I'll apply a tourniquet to send the bleeding
29:08Give Julia local anesthetic. She won't feel a thing. I'll make the first decision just above the elbow
29:13She stays down there much longer she's gonna drown I need you to say yes, and I need you to say it now
29:17Avery's the best nurse. I know she's the only person I'd want in there if it was me
29:25Yes, yes
29:27Let's go
29:41How you doing Julia
30:16You know, it's out there
30:17Sarah she is waiting for you
30:20And in two minutes, we're gonna be up there on the beach
30:24I want you to squeeze this as hard as you possibly can. Okay, do not let go squeeze. Don't let go. Okay
30:50Hang on one second, okay
31:06Need to trust me, okay, you're gonna take one big breath in and a big breath
31:13They're gonna release both of your hands you're gonna let go okay
31:18Can you do that?
31:23Breathe together, okay
31:57You're right
31:59Those points are cursed you stupid beautiful idiot you're alive and whole I
32:08Think I need mouth-to-mouth
32:17Easy breezy no big deal
32:29All right, you are okay to recover here in your cabin
32:34Now I did have to dislocate your elbow to get your arm out
32:39We reset it but there was an extensive humerus fracture. Also, huh doesn't feel that funny
32:45I thought being a lesbian would spare me from a lifetime of dad jokes, but no such luck
32:50That being said it is a relatively clean break so it should heal up nicely, how is it feeling
32:58Terrible throbbing aching radiating. Well, that's great news. It means you didn't suffer any permanent nerve damage. You have those painkillers
33:08Thank you, and thank you also for not cutting off my arm
33:13What exactly happened down there
33:18When I was about to make the first incision I could tell by the tension in your forearm that you were making a fist
33:24Clenching and gripping it's our bodies automatic response to panic or seeing shiny coins
33:29And then it occurred to me if you were to release your fist that small change in position with a little force
33:36I might be able to squeeze you out in the face of death. All you have to do is relax
33:42When it heals will I be able to play piano? Well, I don't see why not. Oh good
33:47I never could before. Ah, you see what I'm dealing with. Yeah
33:53We might almost died in a cave, but I spent the day on the beach getting eaten alive by sand flies
33:57So we both had a rough day
34:00When you were on safari, did you get any bites from that set sea fly small red bumps on your wrists or ankles?
34:04No, no, I don't think so
34:05I mean we were really religious about bug spray and long pants and mosquito netting
34:08There was that one night the boys wanted to sleep under the stars. Oh, yeah, they came crawling back into the yard at like 3 a.m
34:14Itching like junkyard dogs. We think they have trypanosomiasis African sleeping sickness causes dramatic changes in sleep patterns difficulty speaking
34:22Causes erratic changes in behavior. At least they're confined to their beds
34:35Hi, hey
34:37How you feeling? Oh, okay died and came back to life
34:42You guys had us believing in monsters there for a second
34:46Just rest recover get better. Take as much time as you need. Thanks, babe
34:51Speaking of time how much time will they need? It's just that we have a couple's rock climbing at 330. They're coveted slots
35:00Oh, just give me one second
35:05Can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, what's up? It's Tristan. I don't know. He's acting really weird. Oh, yeah
35:11Right on schedule
35:13I've seen this a thousand times. He's been streaming as long as he thinks he's never gonna see you again that you're here
35:18He's afraid I'll get too close
35:20Yeah, getting too close hasn't really been the issue
35:23This is something different
35:26Come see for yourself
35:28He wanted me to help him with his costume. So I came to his room and it looks like he's been there all day
35:37Yeah, it even smells like the 17th century it's very immersive
35:44Hey, buddy demons you're both demons. No, it's just us
35:53We're here to help you I'm just asking you as a friend have you taken anything
36:08You know that
36:09What will you not take? I will win this contest. I will win. I will win this contest
36:18Not drugs, it's fumes
36:20We need to get him out of here
36:29We need to get him on oxygen therapy
36:32The white gas that he was using in the lanterns when you burn it
36:35It turns to carbon monoxide and burning three lanterns non-stop in an unventilated space is a great way to give yourself carbon monoxide
36:40Symptoms of which are dizziness hallucinations paranoia
36:47The costume contest costume contest later infirmary first, which I might have an idea for
37:12Tally has been taken and the winner of the
37:15$500 duty-free shopping spree and three excursion passes good at any port is
37:22the adorable
37:43Yeah, I only let him wear that because he almost died but nobody wears that uniform but me ever again
37:54The winner
37:56We will be taking those excursion passes ask and you shall receive my friend
38:02Okay, so
38:05You guys are the best I uh, I really don't know what else to say
38:12Apes your costume games kind of improving
38:16Nurse Barreto and dr. Acula at your service. I dig it
38:25Thanks for saving the day cap, I mean even though you hate Halloween, huh? No, I don't hate Halloween
38:31I I don't hate anything. I just don't like to be reminded of
38:38Regrets man
38:41You have kids I want you to remember this
38:45Childhood is fleeting and if you blink you'll miss the whole damn thing
38:50Every single Halloween I was away at sea. And so when I see a ship full of
38:56these fools having fun and
38:59Just reminds me of all the fun. I missed
39:03It kind of kills me a little bit actually
39:08Listen cap, you might have missed all those Halloweens, but you really came through for me this year
39:20Oh shit dad, can I call you that you most certainly may not okay
39:26Just get my uniform back to my cabin clean. All right now get out there and dance understood
39:35Yeah, yeah
40:26Welcome back
40:33If you don't respond you could be held in contempt of the court get into a new episode of Grey's Anatomy next on CTV
