• 2 days ago
📱 Los videos exhiben en redes revelan las condiciones de vida de los presos en la cárcel de Virrey del Pino, Argentina, donde disfrutan de comodidades como piscinas y celulares. El debate se intensifica al cuestionar el sistema penitenciario y el garantismo vigente que permite estos privilegios.

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00:00I was really outraged. Rolo brought us scenes that made me remember situations that give me a lot of trouble.
00:07Look, I brought you to share this, right?
00:10Jail in Virrey del Pino, criminals, well, criminals, thieves, murderers, enjoying a pool, a hairpin.
00:22Send it to full, because this is impressive what you are showing.
00:25Because we come to be outraged with the TikTok prisoners.
00:29This is the jail.
00:30This is the jail, this is a jail, Virrey del Pino, enjoying, enjoying the boys.
00:38Well, this is, these are things that happen, these images are not new.
00:44Rolo, you surely have been covering with great precision everything that happens in the penitentiary field.
00:52Well, you will remember me, those things happen to me, I forget, but it is true, what Rolo told, what Sole told, happens all the time.
01:02Of course, it is common currency.
01:04The prisoners are sometimes more comfortable than ordinary people, than working people, than standing people, than people who do not have official defenders,
01:12people who do not have the possibility of putting habeas corpus so that they take a hairpin to the house.
01:18The number, I say, we stayed and I think we all stayed bouncing in our heads and it seems to me that the same thing is going to happen to you.
01:24In Argentina today, a prisoner earns more than a pensioner who charges the minimum.
01:29They pay more.
01:31It seems to me that it is very important.
01:33298 thousand pesos earns a prisoner per month, while a pensioner with the minimum is at 270 plus the bonus.
01:41270 to the pensioner, 290 to the prisoner, who in addition to the prisoner, Nacho, charges holidays.
01:48And he does not pay rent or food.
01:51And it is supposed to be a retribution for his work.
01:53There was a Ukrainian that you remember, Rolo Kepich, who was a constant generator of habeas corpus in the penitentiary field.
02:02He was a lawyer, so he wrote the habeas corpus to everyone.
02:06And at the time of Kirchnerism, of course, every habeas corpus was invalidated and they gave him holidays.
02:13Nacho, why do you say the time of Kirchnerism as if it were in the past?
02:18It continues.
02:20In the province of Buenos Aires.
02:22Ah, well, in the province, of course.
02:24It is an updated salary.
02:25This is what I was showing, because we also differentiate situations.
02:28The Federal Penitentiary Service prohibits the use of cell phones, which does not mean that there are no cell phones, but they are illegal at least.
02:36I say at least.
02:37At least.
02:38That is, if we see that there is a prisoner in a Federal Penitentiary Service with a cell phone, a judge can go and order a measure against the guards who allowed it.
02:44In the province of Buenos Aires they are legal.
02:46This is the problem.
02:47That is why I tell you, the guarantee in the province of Buenos Aires, the Safaronian Kirchnerist guarantee, is still in force.
02:55Because there is a way of understanding detention as a situation that violates the rights of the person who is in prison.
03:03They try to give him benefits all the time.
03:06And I'll tell you this.
03:07Kicillof has been complaining, beyond the fact that yesterday he said, we are going to make a huge investment in security.
03:14Sorry, I missed the failure.
03:17But he has been saying, the national government took money out of my budget and that's why I can't buy patrol cars.
03:23But he does have money, that same Kicillof, to pay 290 thousand pesos a month to each government prisoner.
03:31To allow all this that we are seeing, Nacho.
03:34Look, I also brought you, because this is good, this is the province of Buenos Aires.
03:38But no, it happens all over the country.
03:40Look, do you have the photo of the pool, Agus?
03:43There are more pools, of course.
03:45We have pools for everyone.
03:46Santa Fe, Coronda.
03:48No, look, the guys are very calm.
03:51This is not a prison.
03:53This is not a prison, Nacho.
03:54Yes, yes.
03:55Look, look, watch the clock.
03:56How can that be a prison, Nacho?
03:57It's a swimming pool, you're right.
03:59It looks like a swimming pool.
04:00I'm going to tell you something, I saw this situation with my own eyes.
04:04I saw it in a police station in Quilmes.
04:08In a police station?
04:09In a police station in Quilmes.
04:10Look, do you know why we went and why we were able to access?
04:13Because they invited us to a baptism that they were doing to the detainees.
04:19Ah, well, of course.
04:20It was a ritual, a pastor did a ritual where he had to submerge them in a hairpin.
04:26I remember I was with our partner, Carlos Salerno, and we both looked at each other and we couldn't believe what we were seeing.
04:32But we saw it with our own eyes.
04:33A hairpin inside the police station where the inmates were, in parentheses, in inhuman conditions.
04:40But the hairpin was there.
04:42Well, people also in their homes in the province of Buenos Aires are in conditions that are also usually inhuman and do not have the state that protects them, let's say.
04:48Yes, no, no, no.
04:49Stop defending them.
04:50No, no, no, I know, but I say, of course, they are more concerned many times to take care of the criminals than to take care of the inmates.
04:55Yes, the reason why, the reason, the specialists coincide.
05:00Why don't you take them out?
05:02Let's see, one says, guys, if they gave it to the pandemic, the pandemic is over, we grab the cell phones, we take them out.
05:07Guys, the pandemic is over, bye cell phones.
05:09If your relatives want to see them, let them be in person.
05:11That's the common sense.
05:12Why don't you do it?
05:13Because there would be riots.
05:15Then they send the prisoners.
05:17I heard that from the lawyer with you.
05:19That prison society, well, doesn't want riots.
05:23And it is obvious that they don't want riots, but you don't have to give them what the criminals ask for.
05:27We don't want crime on the street either, we are not going to give more guarantees for them to commit crimes.
05:31I also tell you personal experiences of going to prisons.
05:35Let's put the video, sorry, Abus, sorry, while it counts.
05:38Show it while, but I say, when you talk to the guards, they tell you, it is obvious that we want the guard, the one on foot, while we see the pool in Virrey del Pino, the prison.
05:49The guards tell you, I want you to have a cell phone, because they are over.
05:53The fights, when we requisitioned the cell phones to one, and then we gave it to another.
05:58What did the second prisoner who received the phone do?
06:01He wrote to the contacts of the first, that is, he wrote to the girlfriend, he wrote to the sister of the prisoner.
06:06They fought.
06:07It can't be.
06:08You said, well, but can they be organized?
06:10Yes, but they are calm, because if not, on Mother's Day they were stabbed for using the public phone.
06:16When Christmas and New Year's Eve came, they fought, they stabbed each other, they threw boiling water at each other, for the public phone.
06:23Well, then, it's like the free.
06:24Since you are free, all that is over, says the guard.
06:26So it's like the free, because of course.
06:28I give a proposal, let's buy Play for everyone, so they play, they compress, and there is no problem.
06:35I don't know, I don't know, because more than one is going to grab it.
06:38No, or now those who are so fashionable for Cola Pinto, all Formula 1 simulators, let's do it guys, so there are no problems in prison.
06:47Because you have to think about what the prisoner needs.
06:49What you are not seeing, you are laughing, but the priority is what the prisoner needs.
06:55The prisoner has to be fine, he has to be comfortable, he has to be sheltered, he has to be communicated, he has to be entertained, he has to have a job opportunity.
07:04You have to guarantee the work to the prisoners.
07:09But we were showing a prisoner who uses his social networks to upload erotic content to the OnlyFans network.
07:17Another one showed the nails, because he was a fashion influencer, obviously to monetize.
07:22But wait, because, of course, I thought, there is a lot of talk about common prisoners.
07:26What can we expect from common prisoners, if also the VIP prisoners of politics?
07:32This is a very controversial issue.
07:35Of course, well, there was a VIP prisoner of politics who asked to have a satellite television company because, of course, he wanted to see the games.
07:44He wanted to see the games, the boy.
07:46So what did he do?
07:47Of course, he asked, he said he had to have a computer to be able to do remote studies and a DirecTV antenna to be able to watch sports channels.
07:56Don't mess with football, Nacho.
07:57Of course.
07:58Don't mess with football.
07:59But wait, wait.
08:00The official, do you know who it was?
08:02Who is it?
08:03Juan Pablo Schiavi, gentlemen.
08:04Juan Pablo Schiavi, former Minister of Transport and Equipment.
08:07The one on the trains?
08:08The one on the trains.
08:09He stayed with football for everyone.
08:11But wait, it's not the worst, it's not the worst.
08:14Do you have the other one?
08:16Because, of course, you have to guarantee that this person will develop affectionately.
08:21But of course.
08:22And look, a judge who gave Juan Pablo Schiavi the list of girls to train as friends.
08:30Yes, he says, to guarantee the entry of female visits registered as, in quotes by Judge Amigas, of Juan Pablo Schiavi's intern on Fridays.
08:40But guys, realize, the guy has to have the possibility of having many, not just one.
08:45Many friends on Fridays, Nacho.
08:47Because on Mondays he's not in the mood, you see.
08:50On Saturdays and Sundays he has to watch football with DirecTV.
08:53Of course.
08:54I don't want to lose.
08:55On Fridays.
08:56Besides, I want to remind you every five minutes.
08:59Give me the ball, while we continue to talk about what is going to happen.
09:02We are not against making OnlyFans, if you want to show yourself.
09:05For me it is forbidden.
09:06But what I want to highlight and put on the table again is that they use social networks to laugh at the victims.
09:14But look how they laugh, these bastards, these shameless people.
09:18They laugh.
09:19He has a tattoo of the shield of Colón de Santa Fe.
09:21Of Colón, of Colón, of course.
09:22The glove.
09:23The culture of the glove.
09:24In the Santa Fe prison.
09:25And he's spitting, because he's in the pool.
09:27I say, it's 46.8, it's a thermal sensation, Nacho.
09:30We all would like to be there.
09:31Those who are not watching, who do not have a pool in the house, who are honest, who work,
09:35they would also like to be in the pool.
09:38The DirecTV thing is also a matter that has to do with the fact that in the Marcos Paz prison there is a bad cell phone signal.
09:44Ah, well, poor.
09:46In the Marcos Paz prison there is a bad cell phone signal.
09:48So, Esquieva at the time asked to have the satellite television service because he could not get it by other means.
09:54Well, guys, but you have to guarantee the communications of a criminal who did not cause any tragedy in Argentina.
10:00Another one that I had to cover and I saw it with my own eyes.
10:04José Leon Suárez.
10:06Maximum Danger.
10:07San Martín.
10:08They were doing, I went and almost ... I stayed, I stayed, guys.
10:13They were doing the art of good living.
10:15How is the breathing?
10:17The art of living.
10:18The art of living.
10:19They were meditating.
10:20No, I'm dying.
10:21I swear to God.
10:22Still, in honor of the truth, as I say, the image impacted me, the image impacted me a lot.
10:27Also, it must be said that since they implemented it, the fights between the interiors had been greatly reduced.
10:33Ah, well, well.
10:36Demolish the TV, the play.
10:38Demolish the TV, the play, the gym.
10:43The aqua gym.
10:44The Ravi Shankar.
10:45The psychologist.
10:46Demolish everything.
10:47So, that's it.
10:48Let's deliver it.
10:49Let's get the Argentines inside a prison and let the guys do it.
10:52I stayed for a while and meditated and a fury came out.
10:57You came out different.
10:58First, let me tell you something.
11:00In all this picture, Nacho, we must not stop commenting.
11:04All this for many people, and I'm talking about people from the hospice, is a business.
11:08Let's see.
11:09All this is not free.
11:10It's not that the prisoner has the pool and the guard says, oh, I have to pay for it.
11:15The guard charged him.
11:17Yes, he charged.
11:18He charged him, he did a business.
11:19He did a business.
11:20So that the pool comes in, with the cell phone, if he knows that he is on social networks, which is legally prohibited.
11:25He also charges him.
11:26If they want to enter a TV, he also charges him.
11:29In other words, there is a whole ecosystem that is also criminal.
11:33I am not against anyone who wears a uniform in particular.
11:36I understand, I understand.
11:37But when you do business with the prisoners.
11:39Of course.
11:40Yes, I am against it.
11:41Because those people who are in the pool, Nacho, killed someone, stole someone, put a gun to his head and had fun while the other person was suffering, looking at the wrong side of the gun.
11:52So I say, you can't normalize everything as, well, it's just the prisoners who are out of control.
11:57No, the guys who have to have them under custody and disciplined.
12:01No, we don't even ask for the pool.
12:04Disciplined so that they don't commit more crimes.
12:06They charge for all this.
12:07And with this, they all make fun of each other.
12:10They are accomplices.
12:12Judges, many times penitentiaries, lawyers of the criminals and also official defenders, of course, as always.
12:19Always, Nacho.
12:21Well, I came, I insist, with a different program idea.
12:23I saw you, you generated many things for me.
12:26I said, no, it can't be, I have to share what came to my head.
12:29So at 47 degrees of thermal sensation, we raise it a little bit.
12:33Yes, of course.
12:34And look there, I see the boy sunbathing, with the pool.
12:37I say, how many Argentines would like to be doing this.
12:41And these criminals, instead of thinking about working, about how they go out to make a living, they are there, well, planning their own crime when they go out.
12:48Thank you, guys.
