Doomed World - Full Hollywood Action Horror Movie - English Movie - Free Movies - Justin Lebrun
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00The sinful sweep the land drawing innocent blood to feed their selfish needs
00:00:43Know please
00:00:48Please please
00:00:50I'm sorry, please
00:00:53Please please
00:00:56Please stop
00:01:00Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall also reap.
00:01:31Get to the ship!
00:01:47Your people lied to us.
00:01:49And yours us. But who is right? The Aerials? The Nepilates? It's irrelevant now.
00:01:55There's no world left to destroy with our hate.
00:02:01Go to hell, Major.
00:02:22What's wrong, Father?
00:02:25What's wrong, Father?
00:02:46I won't!
00:02:48I won't!
00:02:50You must save me from eternal death.
00:03:08I love you.
00:03:18I love you, Father.
00:03:42Twenty seconds until takeoff.
00:03:49Fifteen seconds.
00:03:53Ten seconds.
00:03:59Five, four, three, two, one. We're taking off.
00:04:18All right, guys. Looks like we're in the clear. Mia, Magnum, get into your stasis suits.
00:04:47That's better.
00:05:03All right, everyone. Commitment oaths.
00:05:06Because of my religion? So it's just a coincidence that all the rest of you worship he who watches while I don't?
00:05:22Your hatred for us destroyed this world.
00:05:27And believe me, you make it so easy to hate me.
00:05:31That's enough!
00:05:34We'll need to put aside our differences and live in peace on the new world Zohar has selected for us.
00:05:41We may as well start now.
00:06:03Mia, stasis injection.
00:06:33Sleep well, my friend.
00:07:03Retracting trajectory course.
00:07:34Do you feel it?
00:07:36Yes, Father. I hear it, too. He is born.
00:07:52It's coming!
00:07:54Please, help.
00:07:57Please, help.
00:08:19Thank you, Father.
00:08:31Mary, where are you?
00:08:45Don't hurt my wife and baby.
00:08:50Mary? Mary?
00:08:58Come see. The Savior is born.
00:09:07No! No!
00:09:10No! No!
00:10:11Okay, guys. Everybody up. We are here.
00:10:21You know what that means. Commitmentos. Directive Alpha.
00:10:25Time to procreate.
00:10:41Holy crap. Is that a Zed?
00:10:44It's my father.
00:10:46Not anymore, kid. Let me guess.
00:10:48He tried to eat me. So he ate me.
00:10:55Live in peace. A new world. Remember?
00:11:03Directive Alpha.
00:11:05I'm not going to mate with you. You're an old man.
00:11:08You don't have a choice. Remember?
00:11:12Mia, those are the rules. Necessary to rebuild our civilization.
00:11:18But if you guys didn't take commitment oaths, well, the rule is nullified.
00:11:28Detecting planets atmosphere. Initiating entry.
00:11:32What the hell?
00:11:34This wasn't our destination.
00:11:37Too late now, guys. Buckle up.
00:11:43We're coming into the atmosphere, guys.
00:11:46It's going to be rough.
00:12:17Thank you for bringing us to this world safely. We pray that you continue to watch over us.
00:12:23We promise to live in peace with the inhabitants.
00:12:25Inhabitants? We couldn't even live in peace back at home.
00:12:28We come from the same god. We're all made in his image.
00:12:33Say it!
00:12:35We're all made in his image.
00:12:37We're all made in his image.
00:12:40We're all made in his image.
00:12:43We're all made in his image.
00:12:45Say it!
00:12:46We promise to live in peace with the inhabitants.
00:12:51Igniting center engine for landing burn.
00:12:54Thank you, Zohar.
00:13:06Landing complete. Great team passengers, you get a second chance.
00:13:11Please don't fuck it up this time.
00:13:15It's odd Zohar changed our course.
00:13:18Taking us out of stasis six months early.
00:13:24Let us make our new world commitment oath.
00:13:41Thank you for bringing us to this world safely.
00:13:44Whether it's he who watches, he who listens, or she who guides.
00:13:48Or he who got fed up with our bullshit and went to find a new world.
00:13:53To a fresh start, free of religious divisions.
00:14:07We're here father. I promise to live by the sword and die by the sword.
00:14:52I promise.
00:15:11I sense this emblem to be a symbol of goodness and protection.
00:15:15But sadly it's also been used to justify evil.
00:15:19An emerging power will soon threaten this world.
00:15:22Could it be the same force that destroyed me?
00:15:25A good or a bad vision?
00:15:28Someone very kind was born in this land.
00:15:32But he uses it.
00:15:34There are no good Zeds.
00:15:36I'm not a wraith anyway.
00:15:41By Zohar's estimation, we have arrived in this planet's year 2074.
00:15:46Many wars have transpired here, leaving the inhabitants in a state of despair and futility.
00:15:52And unaware of the apocalyptic threat that is about to be unleashed upon them.
00:16:17Do we all understand?
00:16:19Such a crude, rudimentary language.
00:16:21What does, like, whatever mean?
00:16:23It's a dismissive response to a question.
00:16:26I hope they don't have tentacles.
00:16:28I'm as big as your tentacle, I'm sure.
00:16:32No, three minutes more.
00:16:35I thought it was like, whatever.
00:16:38I thought it might be a wolf.
00:16:40Why haven't you heard a wolf cluck?
00:16:43Why haven't you heard a wolf cluck?
00:16:51Who the fuck are you?
00:16:53I'm Thora. This is my committed magnum.
00:16:55This is Phoenix and Beset who are committed.
00:16:57Committed for what?
00:16:59To procreate.
00:17:07Hold that for me, would you sweetheart?
00:17:13Hello, Wolfie.
00:17:16Procreate all men.
00:17:18Two minutes, I'm about to.
00:17:20You see Noah, the direct approach works every time.
00:17:26He's mine.
00:17:31Jealous mutt.
00:17:37Are you committed?
00:17:39Not yet.
00:17:40Well, you came to the right place.
00:17:42Bunch of horny guys.
00:17:45Went home.
00:17:46Ready to mount anything that moves.
00:17:50And I'll toss them in their tribe's designated frat beds myself.
00:18:07Bye bye, weirdos.
00:18:13Come on, Noah.
00:18:36That was great.
00:18:38Like, one more clue.
00:18:39That was great.
00:18:43I love you.
00:18:45I love you.
00:18:47I love you.
00:18:54Hella is sexy.
00:18:56After procreating.
00:18:59Come on.
00:19:13Excuse me.
00:19:14Is there somewhere we can go and meet?
00:19:16Uh, just behind the tent there.
00:20:09That's what I'm talking about.
00:20:12Nothing like getting your hands dirty to bring out other primordial urges.
00:20:15Aunt India!
00:20:17Why do you always have to be so blunt, factual, scientific, direct, truthful, to the point?
00:20:23An archaeologist never beats around the bush.
00:20:26Unless he's a hot archaeologist.
00:20:28In which that case, he could beat around the bush.
00:20:31Is sex all anyone wants to do tonight?
00:20:37How is it that Anand is less uptight than her niece?
00:20:40You know, we humans wouldn't exist if it weren't for sex.
00:20:43You know that.
00:20:44Yeah, but you don't have to broadcast it.
00:20:46Of course we do.
00:20:47Look at every male in the animal kingdom, prancing about to entice a female.
00:20:51I meant humans.
00:20:53Guys riding motorcycles, girls in high-heeled shoes, tattoos, stylish clothing, fancy cars,
00:21:01hairstyles, you know, jewelry, muscles, boob jobs.
00:21:06You know, everything we do is an attention-seeking means to attract a partner.
00:21:10Hello, I'm India Jones.
00:21:13I'm Basant.
00:21:14This is Mia, Phoenix.
00:21:16And that is Magna, mating with Histora.
00:21:21You see, Noah, that is a much better word for sex.
00:21:23It aligns us with animals, right where we belong.
00:21:26Are you from a local kibbutz?
00:21:29Is there any room at the inn?
00:21:31Why did they say that?
00:21:37Oh, my God.
00:21:39Excuse me, ma'am.
00:21:41You know where I can rest my wife?
00:21:55This broadcast video format is like the crude information dissemination device we had on Raid
00:22:00before evolving to telepathy.
00:22:07This place is a mess.
00:22:09And all of our religious differences, the same as Raid.
00:22:13Why did we end up here?
00:22:15Maybe Jawan knew.
00:22:25We find more at lower elevations near ancient streams and watering holes
00:22:30where animals are killed while drinking.
00:22:32Animals, yes.
00:22:33But those are more commonly found where they're buried or burned.
00:22:36Maybe it's the waterway.
00:22:38What are zeds?
00:22:40Torture tools of the human dead.
00:22:43What the hell? Lead the way.
00:22:59Don't be scared, Mia.
00:23:01An animal probably found the body and damaged it before it was even buried.
00:23:05It's not an animal.
00:23:08And I don't get scared.
00:23:17Attention, please!
00:23:19We're gonna be moving the dig over this way.
00:23:21Mia just found something that appears to be Neanderthal remains.
00:23:31What are you sensing?
00:23:33The god of this planet.
00:23:35The same as ours.
00:23:37But he takes a more active role in affairs here.
00:23:54I'll be gone about an hour, depending on how many questions our financing sorcerer asks.
00:23:59Thanks to you, we have the skulls to show that we're making progress.
00:24:02You're welcome.
00:24:04But I won't call it progress.
00:24:06It's more of a warning you should heed.
00:24:08Are you always this ominous?
00:24:10Only before a planet's destruction.
00:24:13I gave them a tour.
00:24:15Okay, good.
00:24:17Well, have fun. Or be ominous.
00:24:19Whatever turns you on.
00:24:47No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
00:24:52Don't you guys have money where you come from?
00:24:54Get out, lady! Get out!
00:24:56Take my purse!
00:25:08There is a god!
00:25:11Thank you, human. You can call me Magnet.
00:26:21Within this wall is the force of a god's power.
00:26:24An energy stronger than I've ever felt.
00:26:27And festering like a cosmic storm ready to escape its cage.
00:26:32It is the source of all that is good and evil in this world.
00:26:35And if my visions are true,
00:26:37then this force is about to be harnessed by evil for evil's sake.
00:26:42Unless we can stop it.
00:27:25Aunt Indy, it's great to kiss him.
00:27:27I know.
00:27:29Any thoughts?
00:27:32You wouldn't believe this.
00:27:34Try me. I always keep an open mind.
00:27:37Should we tell her?
00:27:40We found this same type of skeleton where we came from.
00:27:43It was part of our prehistory as well.
00:27:45They were dead.
00:27:47Yes, they're dead.
00:27:49They were already dead when they were killed.
00:27:51Well, yes, there have been instances of warring tribes
00:27:54who dug up and mutilated dead bodies of other tribes
00:27:57purely for disrespect and humiliation.
00:28:00They didn't mutilate dead bodies, they killed the dead.
00:28:03Do you understand the difference?
00:28:05Not in the slightest.
00:28:07Dead people rose from the dead and had to be killed again.
00:28:10You're good.
00:28:12I actually thought you might know something.
00:28:16In fifth grade, kids would make fun of us
00:28:19In fifth grade, kids would make fun of me
00:28:22because of my interest in archaeology and paleontology.
00:28:25Who could blame them?
00:28:27My parents did name me India Jones.
00:28:29One time, even a teacher joined in.
00:28:32In a site where he knew I was digging,
00:28:34he buried some KFC chicken bones,
00:28:36setting them in the shape of a bird.
00:28:39I dug them up and he joked that they might be prehistoric
00:28:42and suggested that I send them to the Natural History Museum for analysis.
00:28:46A week later, while watching the news,
00:28:48I saw the museum curator holding my set of chicken bones
00:28:51and the letter with my name and address on it.
00:28:54He called them extra crispy Jurassic bones.
00:28:57India, we can reminisce about your life when you're lying in your coffin.
00:29:01I guess I won't be fantasizing about you anymore.
00:29:04Mia has something important to say.
00:29:06She was too polite to interrupt your boring and excruciatingly long story.
00:29:10There's something buried at the bottom of the Dead Sea.
00:29:14And it's not those KFD bones.
00:29:17She probably doesn't even know what KFC is.
00:29:19Or McDonald's, I suspect.
00:29:21She has a gift.
00:29:23Mia did find the skull that got us additional funding.
00:29:26I owe you.
00:29:27As long as you don't tell me that the chicken bones were dead when they were killed.
00:29:30Of course not.
00:29:31Bird bones don't return from the dead.
00:29:33At least I understand that much.
00:29:35Unless the chicken's brains and ligaments were still intact, then they might.
00:29:39If this is a joke...
00:29:40There's nothing funny about the living dead.
00:29:42Remember way back when, before the first reawakening,
00:29:44when only five emerged?
00:29:46That was pretty interesting.
00:29:47And darkly humorous.
00:29:49A few dead were scientific curiosities, and we could joke about it.
00:29:53When there are millions of them and they outnumber the living ten to one?
00:29:56Not so funny anymore.
00:29:58Would you say they had the last laugh?
00:30:00You're an odd bunch.
00:30:02What planet did you say you're from?
00:30:04I already confided in India that we are extraterrestrials.
00:30:07She laughed and made a reference to phoning home.
00:30:09I very much like her.
00:30:11But, if India Jones is considered among the most open-minded of the Earth humans,
00:30:15as she attests...
00:30:16It doesn't bode well for the rest of the people on this planet.
00:30:20I swear they're communicating.
00:30:22Maybe these people are not from Earth after all.
00:30:25That's what I told you.
00:30:30Where are you guys from, exactly?
00:30:32We're from Wraith.
00:30:34It's on a planet in what you guys call the Habitable Zone.
00:30:38Wraith is in Kepler-186-F of the Cygnus constellation.
00:30:45I knew there was life there.
00:30:48Not only the dead inhabitant.
00:30:50Well, at this point, I can handle anything.
00:30:53You can?
00:30:57I'd like you to meet my father.
00:31:01Good day, Miss Jones.
00:31:03I've heard so much about you.
00:31:13It's just sunstroke, Noah.
00:31:15Can you please go fetch Dr. Coleman?
00:31:17Tell him we need to conduct a few DNA tests.
00:31:19Most likely several.
00:31:20Sure, I'll enter it.
00:31:31The Stone of Rhodesia.
00:31:32As I promised.
00:31:34I pray you can return it safely back to your people.
00:31:38The eyes of God will be upon me.
00:31:41He will guide me.
00:31:42I pray so.
00:31:44Agents of the Vatican are on the hunt.
00:31:46You must move quickly.
00:31:48How much time do we have left?
00:31:50The Morning Star returns tomorrow night.
00:31:53If the Stone falls back into the hands of the Vatican,
00:31:57evil forces will be unleashed onto the world.
00:32:00Your assertion that the Pope may be the Antichrist,
00:32:04as unthinkable as it is,
00:32:06may be true.
00:32:10I beg you,
00:32:12use the power of the Stone
00:32:14to vanquish the satanic evils of this world once and for all.
00:32:20It will be done,
00:32:22or we will die trying.
00:32:25On behalf of the Order of the Enlightened,
00:32:27you have our eternal thanks, Father.
00:32:39May God be with you, my child.
00:32:41The fate of humanity is now in your hands.
00:32:45You are a Chosen One.
00:32:48You're so kind, Father.
00:32:51But your knowledge of who now possesses the Stone
00:32:54poses a risk to us all.
00:32:57If caught, we could be exposed.
00:33:01I'm sure you understand.
00:33:06Understand what?
00:33:08Why I have to do this.
00:33:25Shira, what have you done?
00:33:29The Serpent has been released from its prison.
00:33:55Now, where did you say this head came from?
00:34:02Way, way, way up.
00:34:04There is no true up or down in the universe.
00:34:06Indi already knows that, my sire.
00:34:08She's a scientist.
00:34:10To keep him around for breeding?
00:34:12No, sir.
00:34:13He's a scientist.
00:34:15He's a scientist.
00:34:16He's a scientist.
00:34:17He's a scientist.
00:34:18He's a scientist.
00:34:19He's a scientist.
00:34:20He's a scientist.
00:34:22To keep him around for breeding?
00:34:24Never mind where it came from.
00:34:26What did you find, David?
00:34:27This must be a joke, right?
00:34:31They don't joke around much.
00:34:33If you say so.
00:34:36Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
00:34:39Two X chromosomes, female.
00:34:41Or one X and one Y, male.
00:34:43Indi already knows that.
00:34:44She's a scientist.
00:34:45Thanks, Thora.
00:34:46At this point, I feel like there's more I don't know than I do know.
00:34:50You're right.
00:34:51I think all scientists think like that.
00:34:52But wouldn't it be boring if we already knew everything?
00:34:55Good point.
00:34:56Continue, doc.
00:35:00Can somebody just get it out of here?
00:35:02Come here, father.
00:35:05Father, so it is a man.
00:35:07Good, because I can see the X and Y chromosomes.
00:35:11Okay, let me examine.
00:35:21Now that's a gross simplification.
00:35:24The X and Y chromosomes do actually resemble the letters, hence the names,
00:35:29except in this sample.
00:35:31The X and Y chromosome pair isn't a pair at all.
00:35:35It appears there's another line linking the two together.
00:35:41Like that.
00:35:43I've been thinking of it as the N-chromosome triplet.
00:35:48N-chromosome triplet, based on the shape it makes.
00:35:53It's not an N-chromosome.
00:35:57It's a Z.
00:35:59Our people have found the Z-chromosome triplet in every zombie sample we've ever looked at.
00:36:05Indi, I'm coming for your brains.
00:36:12This is ridiculous.
00:36:14They don't walk around with their arms out and shuffle.
00:36:16They're fast.
00:36:17They rarely speak.
00:36:18What they do do is chase you down and eat your limbic system.
00:36:23I'm sorry.
00:36:25Don't apologize, Doctor.
00:36:30She wants to procreate with you.
00:36:35Everybody can see that.
00:36:40Phoenix and I are procreating right now.
00:36:50Well, don't you?
00:36:58She's very intuitive.
00:37:03She's got the ability to see when those are ready to procreate.
00:37:10Before they even know.
00:37:14It's what you call a special talent.
00:37:22Don't be embarrassed.
00:37:25It's perfectly normal.
00:37:31You two better hurry.
00:37:33Neither of you are getting any younger.
00:37:38And your mating vestibule will dry up soon.
00:37:48Well, thank you.
00:37:49We said we will take that under consideration.
00:37:52We will.
00:37:54Oh, my God.
00:37:55I meant to say forget it.
00:37:58What do we do about the zombies?
00:38:00You really think they're zombies?
00:38:02Of course not.
00:38:03But there's so much we don't understand.
00:38:07What are you grinning at?
00:38:10The two of you.
00:38:12It makes me remember the first time Phoenix and I mated.
00:38:21Two should commit to each other and procreate right now.
00:38:29Stop saying that.
00:38:31There won't be any procreating going on here.
00:38:34Except for that.
00:38:37We asked you to run some tests on some people in this area that recently died.
00:38:41Did you do that?
00:38:43I did.
00:38:44I mean, it was a bureaucratic nightmare to get the permission, but no.
00:38:48What did you find?
00:38:49Well, I haven't looked at the results yet.
00:38:52You see, it takes time to isolate chromosomes and pair them up.
00:38:57But I knew these people.
00:39:00They were all patient in life.
00:39:03Well, this is... was my father.
00:39:07Please check the results so you know this is not a joke.
00:39:10You have a chance to get ahead of this thing, unlike we did.
00:39:13I'm a physician.
00:39:15What are you?
00:39:17What am I?
00:39:19I'm the best fighter on a base staffed with men and women trained to save this civilization.
00:39:25The Raytheons you see before you are the only survivors of that effort.
00:39:29We're trying to save your civilization.
00:39:33Pull your head out of your ass.
00:39:35Give him time.
00:39:37He hasn't seen what we've seen.
00:39:40We don't even know if it will happen on Earth.
00:39:42It's already started.
00:39:56Faulty test results.
00:40:01I am not impressed with the intelligence of beings on this planet.
00:40:10No wonder.
00:40:12They only use 10% of their brains.
00:40:24They all show the same thing.
00:40:26The 23rd chromosome pairs haven't quite joined up to form the Z-triplet yet.
00:40:29But in each case there are thin strands connecting the chromosomes,
00:40:32indicating the process is already underway.
00:40:35You have to tell people about this.
00:40:37There still may be time to save your people once...
00:40:41Are you insane?
00:40:43Do you even hear what you're saying?
00:40:45Even if I can't convince someone to listen to your ridiculous story,
00:40:48what good is that going to do?
00:40:50All you have to do is get people to stop hurting and killing each other.
00:40:53Then they can focus on stopping this.
00:40:55Oh yeah.
00:40:57Let me just tell everyone that.
00:40:58I'm sure they'll stop being mean to each other.
00:41:00I'll bet that's why we were drawn here.
00:41:04We were...
00:41:06supposed to give you information that could...
00:41:09save you.
00:41:11He who watches works in mysterious ways.
00:41:14You need to dig up all the non-skeletonized human remains
00:41:17and burn them.
00:41:19Cremation is the only way to be safe.
00:41:24Sure, let me just get right on that.
00:41:25No problem.
00:41:35So what should we do?
00:41:37I don't know.
00:42:08Lights out.
00:42:10Good night, everyone.
00:42:22What is that?
00:42:24Like a god.
00:42:28I don't know.
00:42:30I don't know.
00:42:32I don't know.
00:42:34I don't know.
00:42:37He who watches are a part of him, apparently.
00:42:41He was born right here,
00:42:43in this region of the world.
00:42:46Of all the places we could have landed,
00:42:48we landed at almost the very same spot he lived.
00:42:51Do you think that's a coincidence?
00:42:53You know I don't believe in coincidences,
00:42:55and neither do you.
00:42:57I feel like I'm supposed to do something.
00:43:00You are.
00:43:03They killed him.
00:43:05Some of the same people who followed him.
00:43:08One of his friends betrayed him for money.
00:43:11It's such a tragic story.
00:43:14They tortured him,
00:43:17humiliated him,
00:43:19and nailed him to a tree on top of a hill called Calvary.
00:43:24Calvary means skull here.
00:43:26And you know the part that scares me the most?
00:43:30Three days after he died,
00:43:33he came back from the dead.
00:43:34Like a Zed?
00:43:35Did he eat their brains?
00:43:37He should have after they betrayed him and killed him.
00:43:39I don't know.
00:43:40I didn't get that far in the book.
00:43:42Let us read it tomorrow.
00:43:47I'd like that.
00:43:49Good night, friends.
00:43:51So kindly.
00:44:50He died to save this planet's people.
00:44:53And now he's asking for our help to do it again.
00:44:57The dead!
00:44:59The dead have risen!
00:45:02The Dead Sea!
00:45:04It's disappearing!
00:45:23What sort of apocalyptic cult have we got ourselves wrapped up in?
00:45:28One that can train the sea?
00:45:30It's a matter of space, David.
00:45:33Okay, well...
00:45:35If you say they're aliens, then...
00:45:38I guess they're aliens.
00:45:43You know, I've never seen you interested in anything
00:45:46that wasn't buried underground for the last 50,000 years.
00:45:51You've brushed off my advances for so long now.
00:45:54You've made advances?
00:45:57I mean, a man can only get shot down so many times
00:46:01before he gives up.
00:46:03David, I'm so sorry for not noticing.
00:46:06I wanted to discover something important first.
00:46:10Maybe we can discover something together.
00:46:16You know what they want us to do now, right?
00:46:20What the hell?
00:46:22Maybe we will procreate after all.
00:46:27I don't know.
00:46:58So these are a bunch of heavy minerals
00:47:01that have settled to the bottom over the years.
00:47:04It's perfectly normal.
00:47:06There's something inside.
00:47:08I highly doubt it.
00:47:10But if there is, I'm certain they're dead.
00:47:13That's what I'm afraid of.
00:47:27Come on.
00:47:58It's the same sign from up top.
00:48:01Except I've never heard of the department
00:48:04designating an underwater site.
00:48:07Our archaeological dig site is the Dead Sea Site.
00:48:11This is just the Dead Site.
00:48:14Maybe an intern left a word off?
00:48:28On the third day, Christ rose again.
00:48:31Book of Luke, chapter 24, verse 46.
00:48:35That's a quote from the Christian Bible.
00:48:38But why is it here?
00:48:40A cult?
00:48:41A secret attraction for scuba divers?
00:48:43I don't know.
00:48:44This could mean anything.
00:48:49I don't know.
00:48:51I don't know.
00:48:53I don't know.
00:48:55I don't know.
00:49:03There's a passage right here.
00:49:13I don't know how to gain entrance.
00:49:15Only the dead can open it, Mia.
00:49:17Yes, Father.
00:49:19Only the dead can open it.
00:49:25I don't know.
00:49:55I don't know.
00:50:03Oh, shit.
00:50:05Great, we're trapped.
00:50:07Got it.
00:50:16Feels like a coffin in here.
00:50:18I emerged from coffins and crypts.
00:50:21Sarcophagi and mausoleums.
00:50:24Waiting for millennia in cramped spaces.
00:50:27Waiting to rise again.
00:50:29Just like their savior.
00:50:31Their savior?
00:50:33The man you call Jesus.
00:50:41This is the most incredible archaeological discovery in the history of the world.
00:50:46Why are we whispering?
00:50:49I don't know what else is down here, but...
00:50:52If anything, I don't want to become a part of this skull crunch.
00:51:06It's not a word. It's what you call an acronym.
00:51:12The dead shall inherit the earth.
00:51:23He rose from the dead to save us.
00:51:28Soon, we will rise up to eat their bodies and drink their blood.
00:51:37It will give us everlasting life.
00:51:43Everlasting life.
00:52:43Father, I need you. I need you now.
00:52:46Leave me. I belong.
00:52:50I love you.
00:52:52I love you, too.
00:53:13I love you, too.
00:53:29These heads here don't move as fast.
00:53:31We have an advantage.
00:53:33Oh, shit. We fucking did this.
00:53:36He who watches got tired of watching us ruin his world.
00:53:39He drove humans off of race.
00:53:41Now earth, and likely every other world he's ever created...
00:53:44Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
00:54:02Why do your people hate you?
00:54:04They're not my people.
00:54:07I'm up...
00:54:08Is there no limit to your sluttiness?
00:54:12Come on, we gotta go.
00:54:18Just as on Wraith, a new war between earth's inhabitants has begun.
00:54:24A war founded on religious differences, greed, and a struggle for power.
00:54:31A war that is only a prelude to the true devastation that is about to sweep this doomed world.
00:54:40A war that is only a prelude to the true devastation that is about to sweep this doomed world.
00:54:53A war has begun. We have to get to the city.
00:54:56Why? What's in the city?
00:54:57A great evil is about to be unleashed.
00:54:59We have to go now.
00:55:04Ah, now would you look at that.
00:55:07Thy kingdom come...
00:55:33So, Thora, what was your world like?
00:55:36You know, before Wraith.
00:55:38Uh, sort of like this. You know, dry and dusty.
00:55:42My father did say that before the wars I was a parent.
00:55:45So you had wars too?
00:55:46Oh, the Ariels and the Nepalonis. They fought over everything. Land, water, holy grounds.
00:55:51I remember when I was younger, children of each tribe would get together, of course, along with the adults,
00:55:56and they created a children's peace treaty in which we decided to share it.
00:56:01Yes, let the children negotiate peace. I mean, they're the only ones left that are not blinded by hatred.
00:56:07Well, the adults laughed at us and burned the treaty.
00:56:10And the fighting intensified after that.
00:56:31Come on, guys, they got it.
00:57:02Oh, no. Oh, no.
00:57:04What is it, Mia?
00:57:06We must get to the prayer wall. A great evil is about to be unleashed.
00:57:15We must hurry.
00:57:18Crazy, isn't it? The religious people were right.
00:57:22Death isn't the end after all. But this probably wasn't what they meant.
00:57:27I mean, I'm just curious if, when the humans are gone, you think the zombies will make horror movies about us?
00:57:34I guess we'll either live or die together. I'm good with that.
00:57:39I'm sorry I got you involved in this, Dr. Coleman.
00:57:42It's okay. You know, India Jones and the Temple of Death, it's quite a song.
00:57:47But in case there's not a second date...
00:57:50But in case there's not a second date...
00:57:55Guys! Zombies!
00:58:07Let's ride!
00:58:08Let's do this. It's get time.
00:58:10You ready?
00:58:13Noah, stay close.
00:58:59Mia, show us the way.
00:59:05The prayer wall. Through here.
00:59:14Where do you rank compared to the others?
00:59:19I want to know who's in charge.
00:59:21You can't boss me around anymore.
00:59:23So they're your bosses?
00:59:25I could take any one of those guys.
00:59:27I thought you could even take the girls.
00:59:34Why, you motherfucker!
00:59:38We're wasting time.
00:59:44Come on!
00:59:46Come on!
00:59:51Come on!
00:59:52Come on!
00:59:53Come on!
01:00:31Once you've had Death Dick...
01:00:35Now I'm not even a prick.
01:00:38Death Dick! It's always hard.
01:00:41I know, right?
01:01:08Something's not right here.
01:01:10We need to keep moving.
01:01:12The prayer wall.
01:01:31Smart sets.
01:01:33We're not moving if I can stay together.
01:01:35Round three?
01:01:36Woman, I'm gonna make with you so hard after this.
01:01:39I'll take a lot of them for you.
01:01:59Why did you bother to make us?
01:02:02You have to know we've been fucked up!
01:02:14Take your clothes off.
01:02:15I want to track mine.
01:02:32Oh, fuck me!
01:02:33Not now. Later.
01:02:35Not that kind of fuck me.
01:02:38What the fuck are you doing?
01:02:53Do you want to live or not with the Alpha Man?
01:02:58You'll be the king?
01:03:07Fuck you!
01:03:08Fuck you!
01:03:35My father asked me to.
01:03:39My father asked me to.
01:03:53And you thought I was stupid.
01:03:55When you and the others are dead, I'll still be here.
01:03:59Owner of this land and king of the dead.
01:04:03And queen of the dead.
01:04:08I can't...
01:04:10I can't roam alone on this planet for you.
01:04:14You will.
01:04:15We'll get together.
01:04:17Like we promised.
01:04:26What's that? What are you doing?
01:04:29Let's resurrect.
01:05:09Get this waste of flesh off my altar.
01:05:12You don't talk to me like that, little girl.
01:05:14Carl! Do what the fuck I say!
01:05:54My father once asked me to save him.
01:05:57It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
01:06:01Until now.
01:06:04Nostrum stella.
01:06:07Nostrum stella.
01:06:09Benedicat nos.
01:06:11Benedicat nos.
01:06:12We summon thee on this night.
01:06:14We summon thee on this night.
01:06:16To give a sacrifice of blood.
01:06:18To give a sacrifice of blood.
01:06:20For thy life.
01:06:21For thy life.
01:06:22Nostrum stella.
01:06:23Benedicat nos.
01:06:24Nostrum stella.
01:06:25Benedicat nos.
01:06:26We summon thee on this night.
01:06:27We summon thee on this night.
01:06:29To give a sacrifice of blood.
01:06:31To give a sacrifice of blood.
01:06:33For thy life.
01:06:34For thy life.
01:06:52I failed.
01:06:54I can't do anything now.
01:06:56I tell you the truth.
01:06:58Before I remember.
01:07:01I remember father.
01:07:03Before Abraham was born.
01:07:05I am.
01:07:06As you say.
01:07:08It is so.
01:07:32Save my children.
01:07:35If not, I die in vain.
01:07:43You save mankind.
01:07:45And so can I.
01:08:50What did you do?
01:08:58Oh man.
01:09:03No, no, no.
01:09:22Oh, shit!
01:09:24Kill me, stud!
01:09:25Fuck me to death!
01:09:29Kill me.
01:09:37You killed my father,
01:09:39and you killed my precious sister.
01:09:41I'm gonna kill you with my bare fucking hands.
01:09:44And my wife here,
01:09:45is gonna kill your bitch.
01:09:47If you can try.
01:09:51You right hands are all fucking cowards.
01:09:53Why don't you drop your weapons,
01:09:55and fight me like a real woman?
01:09:57Or are you even a real woman?
01:10:21I'm gonna fuck you,
01:10:23then I'm gonna kill you.
01:10:26Then I'm gonna fuck your boyfriend,
01:10:28and then I'm gonna kill him too.
01:10:31None of those options.
01:10:40The only one I would allow,
01:10:42is the first one.
01:11:12The evil was impeded,
01:11:15but a new battle has begun.
01:11:24Help them.
01:11:26Watch them.
01:11:27And if you must,
01:11:29punish them.
01:11:31And if I don't?
01:11:33My father will.
01:11:36In your name,
01:11:38he who watches.
01:11:39And in your name,
01:11:41she who watches.
01:11:46Earth has become a world of decay and wickedness.
01:11:49The sinful sweep the land,
01:11:51drawing innocent blood to feed their selfish needs.
01:11:55Where is it?
01:11:56Where is it, bitch?
01:11:57Where is it?
01:11:59Where is it?
01:12:36I'm sorry.
01:12:38I'm sorry.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:12:44I'm sorry.
01:12:45I'm sorry.
01:12:46I'm sorry.
01:12:48Whatsoever a man soweth,
01:12:52that shall also reap.
01:12:58Humanity struggles to do better.
01:13:01For those who don't?
01:13:03Punish them.
01:13:05My faithful Zed Watchers now patrol the lands.
01:13:12I know, father.
01:13:14It's possible.
01:13:16It's possible.
01:13:18It's possible.
01:13:20It's possible.
01:13:22It's possible.
01:13:24It's possible.
01:13:25I know, father.
01:13:27It's possible that the dead shall inherit the earth.
01:13:31But not if I have anything to do with it.