MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 06/03/2025
00:00It is time for the stock market, the time to focus on the main African stock markets.
00:18Hello everyone.
00:19On the Casablanca stock market, the MAZI continues to decline, the MAZI yielded minus 0.50% to
00:25stabilize at 16,624.1.
00:28The global volume of transactions is set at 197 million dirhams.
00:32Atijari Wafaa Bank retains the market lead with a volume of 24 million dirhams and the
00:38share yields minus 0.47%.
00:40Ciment du Maroc mobilizes 21 million dirhams and abandons minus 2.24%.
00:45Taka Moroko underwent full selling pressure and yields minus 4.03%.
00:51However, certain values continue to benefit from the confidence of investors, including
00:56Stockvice North Africa, which recorded a performance of plus 9.98%, the share accumulated
01:03nearly plus 30% progression in three sessions.
01:06And the Tunisian market records a new increase, the Tunis index closes at 10,725.1, in the
01:14balance of the variations 19 values support this increase against 23 values that close
01:19in decline.
01:20The BIAT value records a volume of 459,000 dinars, the most important volume of the day,
01:26but the title knows a decline of minus 0.48%.
01:29Sotuveur and ATB have been very active, mobilizing 291,000 and 228,000 dinars respectively.
01:36Sotuve earns plus 0.28% and ATB bounces plus 5.84%, followed by BHL which progresses
01:44plus 4.28%.
01:47And ending in Côte d'Ivoire, the regional boost in real estate values goes up again
01:53after its pause yesterday, the BRVM Composite earns plus 0.45% at 291.59.1, the BOA banking values
02:02dominate the palm trees, BOA Burkina Faso progresses plus 7.41% and BOA Senegal earns
02:09plus 7.06%.
02:11Citable, Côte d'Ivoire negotiates at 9,045 francs and takes action, after a new increase
02:16of plus 6.41%.
02:19On the other hand, Total Energy Marketing Côte d'Ivoire has undergone a selling pressure,
02:23the stock yielded minus 3.04% and mobilized close to 82 million francs CFA, the largest volume of the day.
02:32That's it for the most recent stock news on the continent, see you soon to see together
02:37the indices that carry Africa's economy in full growth.