• 2 days ago
Two agoraphobic women find love via a virtual dating app. | dG1fYzdYMEJLZ2FqdE0
00:00Welcome to bliss, Vivian.
00:10Find your true love without having ever to leave your apartment.
00:14Just swipe up to find yours.
00:17Come on, what are you waiting for?
00:18Curfew is now in effect.
00:19Anyone caught outside will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
00:20You're ready to be matched.
00:21I'm not lonely, I know.
00:36We found three beautiful humans who are just as lonely as you are.
00:41Hi my name is Katrina.
00:43Do you always fall over when you're surprised?
00:47I didn't even say connect!
00:49Are you ready?
00:54Are you ready?
