• 2 days ago
Huqooq ul Ibaad | Rehmat e Sehr

Host: Tasleem Ahmed Sabri

Guest: Allama Syed Ziaullah Shah Bukhari, Mufti Tahir Tabassum Qadri, Prof. Abdul Rauf Roofi

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00:01Aadmi ko banata hai yeh insaan
00:17Auzubillahi minash shaitanir rajeem
00:26Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
00:40Ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu zhkurullaha zhikran kaseeran
01:11Wasabbihu bukkaratan wa awsila
01:27Ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu zhkurullaha zhikran kaseeran
01:57Wasabbihu bukkaratan wa awsila
02:25Huwa allatheen yusalli alaykum wa malaikatuhu
02:45Li yukharijakum minal ghulamati ilal noor
03:13Wa kana bil mu'mineen raheeman
03:26Wa kana bil mu'mineen raheeman
03:44Wa kana bil mu'mineen raheeman
04:05Wa kana bil mu'mineen raheeman
04:16Wa kana bil mu'mineen raheeman
04:42Wa a'adda lahum ajran kareemah
04:52Ya ayyuhal nabiyu
05:06Inna arsalnaka shahidan wa mubashshiran wa nadheeran
05:31Wada'iyan ilallah
05:43Wada'iyan ilallah
05:58Wada'iyan ilallah bi iznihi
06:09wa istirajan munira
06:20Wada'iyan ilallah bi iznihi
06:28wa istirajan munira
06:36Sadaqallahul Azeem
06:43Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
06:50Alhamdulillahir Rabbil Alameen
06:52Was salatu was salamu ala sayyidil anbiya wal mursaleen
06:55Ladies and gentlemen
06:57Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
06:59I am Taslim Ahmed Sabri
07:01And you are watching the special transmission of the month of Ramadan
07:07Ladies and gentlemen
07:09Allah has chosen the religion of Islam for His servants
07:15The religion of Islam is a complete and a protected religion
07:19In fact, from Prophet Adam to the Seal of the Prophets
07:23Prophet Muhammad has brought the message of Islam
07:31All the Prophets have brought the teachings of Islam
07:36And this is another thing
07:38Other religions have been distorted in their books
07:43Their own explanations
07:45And its face has been distorted
07:49But the Quran is such a book
07:52In which it is impossible to change a word
07:57That is, if someone wants Allah to include the word Allah in the Quran
08:04Then this is not possible
08:06He will leave the circle of Islam
08:09The most disliked character is Satan
08:13If someone wants the word Satan to be removed from the Quran
08:18It is not possible
08:20He will leave the circle of Islam
08:23According to one research
08:25In fact, everyone agrees on this
08:28That the fastest growing religion in the world is the religion of Islam
08:34The number of Muslims is increasing all over the world
08:38On the one hand, this is a source of happiness
08:41It is a source of happiness
08:43The Prophet said
08:46All Muslims are brothers to each other
08:49All Muslims are like a dome
08:52All Muslims are like a body
08:55All Muslims are like a wall
08:59On the one hand, this is
09:01On the one hand, do we consider each other to be Muslims?
09:06Are we accepting each other's Islam?
09:10The Quran, which cannot be distorted
09:13We are distorting it in our own way
09:19Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari narrates
09:23The Prophet said
09:27Islam is a gentle and kind rider
09:32And it likes such a rider for itself
09:37Are we gentle?
09:39Do we accept each other's Islam?
09:42Do we consider each other to be Muslims?
09:47Do we consider their success as our success?
09:51Do we consider their success as our success?
09:55Do we feel the pain of each other?
09:58These are the rights of one Muslim over another Muslim
10:03Which we will discuss today
10:06What right does one Muslim have over another Muslim?
10:11We will talk about this
10:13We have with us Mumtaz Scholar, Mumtaz Alamuddin
10:16Qibla Mufti Tahir Tabassum
10:19Mufti Sahab, thank you very much for coming
10:22We have with us Mumtaz Alamuddin, Mumtaz Scholar
10:26Dr. Syed Ziaullah Shah Saheb Bukhari
10:29Thank you very much
10:32He is a world-famous scholar
10:35Prof. Abdul Rauf Rufi
10:38Thank you very much
10:42Qari Khadim Bilal Mujaddidi
10:52Thank you very much
10:55The beginning of the program has been with the recitation of the Holy Quran
10:58Rufi Sahab has the pleasure of presenting Hamd-e-Bari Taala
11:12Allah, Allah
11:17Your Glory, Your Majesty
11:22O my Lord, where are you not?
11:27O my Lord, where are you not?
11:32Your Glory, Your Majesty
11:37Allah, Allah
11:42Your Glory, Your Majesty
11:47You are in my heart, you are in my lips
11:51Your Glory, Your Majesty
11:54My life is your desire
11:57Your Glory, Your Majesty
12:00Your Glory, Your Majesty
12:03Your Glory, Your Majesty
12:08Your Existence is the Creator of two worlds
12:14Your will is the only truth
12:19Allah, Allah
12:24Your Existence is the Creator of two worlds
12:29Your will is the only truth
12:34Your will is the only truth
12:39Your every tongue speaks of You
12:44Your every tongue speaks of You
12:49Your Glory, Your Majesty
12:55Allah, Allah
13:00Your Glory, Your Majesty
13:05You are in the air, You are in the wine
13:08You are fragrant in the rose
13:11You are in every beauty and beauty
13:14Your every tongue speaks of You
13:17Your Glory, Your Majesty
13:20Your Glory, Your Majesty
13:21Whomsoever You desire is dear to You
13:26Whomsoever You do not desire is humiliated
13:31Allah, Allah
13:36Whomsoever You desire is dear to You
13:41Whomsoever You do not desire is humiliated
13:46Whomsoever You do not desire is humiliated
13:52Your hands are full of glory
13:56Your hands are full of glory
14:01Your Glory, Your Majesty
14:06Allah, Allah
14:21Your Glory, Your Majesty
14:26Your Glory, Your Majesty
14:51The government is saying that we are brothers
14:54We are like a wall, like a dome
14:58Are we treating each other like that?
15:03Praise and praise be to Allah
15:06I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
15:08In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
15:10Look, the more the Holy Prophet has focused on this
15:17The more he has stated
15:19Only because the Holy Prophet is demanding this from his Ummah and his slaves
15:28This is the will of Allah and His Messenger
15:32Even in the Hadith of Bukhari
15:35It is stated that
15:38He does not believe in any of you
15:40Until he loves his brother as much as he loves himself
15:44Allah is the Greatest
15:46According to the grammar of this
15:51The Holy Prophet said
15:53No one can be a Momin until he loves his Muslim brother as much as he loves himself
16:02Now what do we like for ourselves?
16:05We like respect
16:07We like progress for ourselves
16:10We like luxuries
16:12We like peace
16:14But unfortunately
16:16We like luxuries for ourselves
16:20And we are happy to see our brother in pain
16:23We do not tolerate the respect of others
16:25We do not tolerate it
16:26We become jealous
16:28Unfortunately, this is happening with Muslims
16:33We like to degrade others
16:36We do not like to see others progress
16:41What does this mean?
16:43It means that faith is not perfect
16:45There is weakness in faith
16:47If your faith is perfect
16:50On the existence of Allah
16:52And when you are sure that
16:55He is the Creator, He is the Owner
16:58He is the One who grants respect
17:01He is the One who provides sustenance
17:03Then you will never be jealous of your Muslim brother
17:08But you will be jealous
17:10Then you will say
17:12O Allah, You have given my brother this
17:15With Your Grace
17:17By giving him more
17:19And by giving me more
17:21And this has been declared permissible
17:40And this has been declared permissible
18:10If you want to harm someone
18:12You cannot harm him at all
18:24Respected viewers, welcome
18:26What Mufti Sahib Qibla was saying
18:28And what he said is true
18:30What my master said is true
18:32Will my master be satisfied with this attitude?
18:36Will he be happy that we are divided?
18:39We are divided into sects
18:41We are divided into sects
18:43We are not considering each other as Muslims
18:46Will my master be satisfied with this?
18:48In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
18:50Without a doubt, ever
18:52The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
18:55Our current attitude
18:57He is never satisfied with this
18:59He is satisfied with the fact
19:01That we follow his teachings
19:03What is that?
19:05What Mufti Sahib was saying
19:07He has said everything in the interview
19:09In summary
19:11He says
19:13The example of my Ummah
19:15The example of the believers
19:17In their unity and unity
19:19As the example of the one body
19:21The example of the believers
19:23In their unity and unity
19:25As the example of the one body
19:27In mutual love
19:29In affection
19:31In sympathy
19:33His example is like the body
19:35If a part of the body is hurt
19:37If a part of the body is hurt
19:39His pain and suffering
19:41His pain and suffering
19:43The example of my Ummah is like this
19:45If we make ourselves Muslims
19:47If we make ourselves Muslims
19:49Our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
19:51Our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
19:53Wherever we adopt that attitude
19:55Which is not according to the requirements of the Muslim Brotherhood
19:57Then remember
19:59Neither Allah is satisfied with us
20:01Nor is the Prophet, peace be upon him, happy with us
20:03And remember
20:05The Muslim Brotherhood
20:07Is a great blessing of Allah
20:09And it is such a great blessing
20:11That Allah has mentioned it as a blessing
20:13In the Holy Qur'an
20:15Allah says
20:17Remember the blessing of Allah upon you
20:19When you were brothers
20:21And Allah united your hearts
20:23And you became brothers in blessing
20:25The fact that we became brothers
20:27Is a blessing of Allah
20:29And it is such a precious blessing
20:31Allah says
20:37O my beloved Prophet, peace be upon him
20:39If all the pain of the world is spent
20:41Then a blessing like the Muslim Brotherhood
20:43Can never be obtained
20:45But Allah has blessed us
20:47That today
20:49We are the brothers of the believers
20:51These Muslims are the brothers of the Muslims
20:53There is no grace for the Arabs
20:55Nor for the non-Arabs
20:57Nor for the blacks, nor for the reds
20:59Nor for the blacks, nor for the reds
21:01Allah said
21:03No one saw the blacks
21:05No one saw the whites
21:07No one saw the Arabs
21:09No one saw the Quraish
21:11No one saw the Hashemites
21:13All of them
21:15Allah's Prophet said
21:25O my Ummah, this is my teaching
21:27Do not be envious of each other
21:29Do not be jealous of each other
21:31Do not plot against each other
21:33And harm each other financially
21:35I am translating
21:37Do not try to harm each other
21:39Do not turn your back on each other
21:41Rather, what should you do?
21:43Be brothers
21:45Be brothers
21:47And today, I believe
21:49The biggest right of Muslims
21:51Is that if they read the Kalima
21:53We should respect it
21:55We should respect it
21:57We should consider it as a Muslim
22:03My master Islam said
22:05The one who made our Qibla his Qibla
22:07The one who made our prayers his prayers
22:09The one who made my Ummah, my Kalima
22:11His Zabiha Halal
22:13He is one of us
22:15He is one of my Ummah
22:21The people of Qibla
22:23The people of Qibla
22:25We do not have the right
22:27Allah said in the Quran
22:29You are a believer
22:31We do not have the right
22:33We will talk more about this
22:35And this case has been established
22:37Rufi Sahib will present his speech
22:39Yes, Qibla
22:53Umit Haq Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
22:59Qurbaan Hai Jis Pe Dono Jahan
23:07Uazmat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
23:19Yeh Din Aur Duniya Ke Naate
23:27Sarkar Nahi Toh Kuch Bhi Nahi
23:35Ya Rasool Allah
23:37Ya Rabbi Allah
23:41Yeh Din Aur Duniya Ke Naate
23:47Sarkar Nahi Toh Kuch Bhi Nahi
23:55Jo Kaam Hamare Aayegi
24:03Wo Nisbat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
24:15Shamil Hai Khuda Jis Mithat Mein
24:23Wo Mithat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
24:29Se Chaahe Lahun Se Aaka Ne
24:37Sarsabh Shajar Islam Ka Hai
24:43Ya Rasool Allah
24:47Ya Habib Allah
24:51Se Chaahe Lahun Se Aaka Ne
24:57Sarsabh Shajar Islam Ka Hai
25:03Bhal Jiska Yeh Duniya Khaati Hai
25:11Wo Mehnat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
25:23Shamil Hai Khuda Jis Mithat Mein
25:31Wo Mithat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
25:39Hum Jaise Gunaha Gaaron Ka Bharam
25:45Allah Rakhega Mahasar Mein
25:51Ya Rasool Allah
25:55Ya Habib Allah
25:59Hum Jaise Gunaha Gaaron Ka Bharam
26:05Allah Rakhega Mahasar Mein
26:13Wo Kyu Na Karam Farmaega
26:19Yeh Ummat Toh Sarkar Ki Hai
26:43Thank You
