Namaz e Taraweeh Aur Khulasa e Taraweeh
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#ShaneRamzan #ramzan #aryqtv
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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00Allah is the Greatest.
01:02Allah is the Greatest.
01:04Allah is the Greatest.
01:06Allah is the Greatest.
01:08Allah is the Greatest.
01:10Allah is the Greatest.
01:12Allah is the Greatest.
01:14Allah is the Greatest.
01:16Allah is the Greatest.
01:18Allah is the Greatest.
01:20Allah is the Greatest.
01:22Allah is the Greatest.
01:24Allah is the Greatest.
01:26Allah is the Greatest.
01:28Allah is the Greatest.
01:30Allah is the Greatest.
01:32Allah is the Greatest.
01:34Allah is the Greatest.
01:36Allah is the Greatest.
01:38Allah is the Greatest.
01:40Allah is the Greatest.
01:42Allah is the Greatest.
01:44Allah is the Greatest.
01:48All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
01:50Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
01:52Master of the Day of Judgment.
01:54It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
01:58Guide us to the straight path,
02:00the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
02:02not of those who have incurred Your Wrath,
02:04nor of those who have gone astray.
02:12Travel through the earth in purity,
02:14and see how was the end
02:16of the deniers.
02:18Say to whoever is in the heavens
02:20and the earth,
02:22Say to Allah,
02:24He has decreed mercy on Himself,
02:26and He will gather you all together
02:28until the Day of Resurrection.
02:30There is no doubt about it.
02:32Those who have lost their souls
02:34will not believe.
02:36Yes, to Him belongs all that dwells
02:38in the night and in the day,
02:40and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
02:42Say, Is there anyone other than Allah
02:44who fears the Protector,
02:46the Creator of the heavens and the earth,
02:48while He feeds and is not fed?
02:52I have been commanded
02:54to be a Muslim,
02:56and not to be of those who associate others with Allah.
03:00I fear, if I disobey my Lord,
03:02the punishment of a great Day.
03:04Whoever is turned away from it
03:06that Day,
03:08He has indeed shown mercy to him.
03:10And that is the manifest triumph.
03:12And if Allah touches you with misfortune,
03:14none can remove it but He.
03:16And if He touches you with good,
03:18He is Able to do all things.
03:20And He is the All-Powerful over His servants,
03:22and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.
03:26What is the greatest testimony?
03:30Allah is a witness between me and you.
03:32And this Qur'an has been revealed to me
03:34that I may warn you about it
03:36and those who have reached it.
03:38Do you indeed testify
03:40that there are other gods with Allah?
03:44I do not testify.
03:48There is only One God,
03:50and I am free from what you associate with Him.
03:54Those to whom We have given the Book
03:56know it as they know their children.
04:00Those who have lost their souls
04:02do not believe.
04:18Allah is the greatest.
04:24Allah is the greatest.
04:28Allah is the greatest.
04:34Allah is the greatest.
04:48Allah is the greatest.
04:50Allah is the greatest.
04:52Allah is the greatest.
04:54Allah is the greatest.
04:56Allah is the greatest.
04:58Allah is the greatest.
05:00Allah is the greatest.
05:02Allah is the greatest.
05:04Allah is the greatest.
05:06Allah is the greatest.
05:08Allah is the greatest.
05:10As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
05:30Allah is the greatest.
05:32Allah is the greatest.
06:02And who is more unjust than one
06:04who invents a lie against Allah
06:06or denies His Signs?
06:10the wrongdoers will not prosper.
06:12And on the Day when We will gather them all together,
06:14then We will say to those
06:16who associate others with Allah,
06:18Where are your associates
06:20whom you used to claim?
06:22Then there will not be
06:24their trial
06:26except that they will say,
06:28By Allah, our Lord,
06:30we associate others with Him.
06:32See how they are angry
06:34with themselves,
06:36and that which they used to invent
06:38has gone away from them.
06:40And among them are those
06:42who listen to you.
06:44And We have placed on their hearts
06:46a cover that they may not understand it,
06:48and in their ears a deafness.
06:50And if they see every sign,
06:52they will not believe in it
06:54until when they come to you,
06:56they dispute.
06:58And they are like the birds of old.
07:00And they forbid it
07:02and avoid it.
07:04And they do not destroy
07:06except themselves,
07:08and they perceive not.
07:10And if you could see when they are
07:12standing on the Fire,
07:14they say, O we wish we were returned
07:16and did not deny the Signs of our Lord,
07:18and we would be of the believers.
07:20Nay, it is obvious to them
07:22that which they used to conceal before.
07:24And if they were returned,
07:26they would be liars.
07:28And they say,
07:30it is but our worldly life,
07:32and we will not be resurrected.
07:34And if you could see
07:36when they are standing on their Lord,
07:38He says, Is this not the truth?
07:40They say, Yes, and our Lord
07:42says, Then taste the punishment
07:44because you used to disbelieve.
07:48Those who denied the Meeting of Allah
07:50have indeed lost
07:52until when the Hour comes
07:54to them suddenly,
07:56and they say,
07:58O our regret
08:00for what we missed therein.
08:02And they carry their burdens
08:04on their backs.
08:06Is not evil what they bear?
08:08And what is the life of this world
08:10but play and amusement.
08:12And the home of the Hereafter
08:14is better for those who fear Allah.
08:16So do not understand.
08:18We know that it is
08:20saddening as they say.
08:22They say,
08:24They do not deny you,
08:26but the wrongdoers
08:28reject the signs of Allah.
08:30And indeed messengers
08:32were denied before you,
08:34so be patient for what they were denied
08:36and endure until Our help comes to them.
08:38And no one can change the words of Allah.
08:40And indeed there has come to you
08:42from the news
08:44of the messengers.
12:12As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
12:38Subhanad al-mulk wal-malakut.
12:40Subhanad al-izzati wal-azamati wal-haybati wal-qudrati wal-kibriya'i wal-jabarut.
12:46Subhan al-Malik al-Hayyi alladhi la yanaamu wa la yamut.
12:51Subbuhun wa Quddusun Rabbuna wa Rabbul Malaikat barruh.
12:59Allahumma ajirna minal naar.
13:03Ya Mujir, Ya Mujir, Ya Mujir.
13:08Salat bar Muhammad Sallallahu ta'ala alayhi wa sallam.
13:34Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
13:38Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem.
13:40Maliki Yawm Al-Deen.
13:42Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen.
13:44Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema.
13:47Sirata Al-Lazeena.
13:48An'amta Alayhim.
13:49Ghayri Al-Mardubi Alayhim.
13:51Wala Ad-Dallin.
13:55Wa laqad arsalna ila umamin min qablika fa ahadhnahum bilba'sa'i wa al-durra'i la'allahum yatadarra'un.
14:10Falawla idh ja'ahum ba'suna tadarra'u walakin waqasat qulubuhum wa zayyana lahum ash-shaytaanu ma kanu ya'malun.
14:21Falamma nasu ma dhukkiru bihi fa fahna alayhim abuwaba kulli shayt.
14:28Hatta idha farihu bima ootu wa khaznahum baghtatan fa idha hum mublisun.
14:36Fa qut'a dabirul qawmin ladhina walamu walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
14:42Qul ar-ra'aytum in ahadha Allahu sam'akum wa abusrarakum wa khatama ala kulubikum man ilahun ghayru Allahi ya'tiikum bih.
14:53Un'adhuru kayfa nussarrifu al-ayati sunnahum yastifun.
14:59Qul ar-ra'aytakum in ataakum azabu Allahi baghtatan aw jahratan hal yuhlaku illa alqawmu al-zalimun.
15:09Wama nursilul mursalin illa mubashshirin wa mungwazirin.
15:14Faman aamana wa aslah fa la khawfun alayhim wa la hum yuhzanun.
15:20Walladhina kazzabu bi-ayatina yamasuhumul azabu bima kanu yafsuqun.
15:26Qul laa aqoolu lakum a'indi khaza'inullahi wa laa a'alamu al-ghayba wa laa aqoolu lakum inni malak.
15:36In attabi'u illa ma yuhaa ilayh.
15:39Qul hal yastabil a'ma walbasir.
15:43Wama nursilul mursalin illa mubashshirin wa mungwazirin.
15:48Faman aamana wa aslah fa laa khawfun alayhim wa laa hum yuhzanun.
15:54Walladhina kazzabu bi-ayatina yamasuhumul azabu bima kanu yafsuqun.
16:01Qul laa aqoolu lakum a'indi khaza'inullahi wa laa a'alamu al-ghayba wa laa aqoolu lakum inni malak.
16:13In attabi'u illa ma yuhaa ilayh.
16:17Qul hal yastabil a'ma walbasir.
16:19Wafa laa tatafakkarun.
16:22Wa anzir bihin lazeena yakhafun.
16:28An yukhsharu ila rabbihim.
16:31Laysa lahum min ra'dunihi waliyun wa laa shafi'un la'allahum yattaqun.
16:37Wa laa tatrudallazeena yada'oon rabbahum bil'adati wal'ashiyi yureedoon wajhah.
16:44Maa alayka min hisabihim min shay'in.
16:47Wa maa min hisabika alayhim min shay'in.
16:50Fatatrudahum fatakoon min al-zalimin.
16:55Wa kazalika fatanna ba'dahum bi ba'din liyakoolu.
17:00Ahaa ulaa imanna Allahu alayhim min baynina.
17:04Alaysa Allahu min alama bishakirin.
17:07Wa iza jaa'aka allatheena yu'minuna bi ayatina faqul salamun alaykum.
17:13Kataba rabbukum ala nafsihim rahmah.
17:16Annahu manu'amila min rakum suu'an bi jahalah.
17:21Suu'an bi jahalatin wa thumma taba min ba'dihi wa asulaha.
17:26Fa annahu ghafoorun rahim.
17:29Wa kazalika nufassilu al-ayati wa litastabina sadeelu al-mujrimin.
17:59Allahu akbar.
18:04Allahu akbar.
19:51Allahu akbar.
19:54Allahu akbar.
19:59Samia Allahu liman muhammada.
20:04Allahu akbar.
20:12Allahu akbar.
20:16Allahu akbar.
20:19Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru,
20:49Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru,
20:58Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru,
21:04Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru, Allahu akbaru,
21:12Allahu akbaru
21:42Then they will be returned to Allah, their true Lord.
21:59Unquestionably, for Him is the judgment, and He is the fastest in reckoning.
22:03Say, Who will save you from the darkness of the land and the sea?
22:07You call upon Him in humility and in secret.
22:10If we are saved from this, we will surely be of the grateful.
22:14Say, Allah will save you from this and from every distress, and then you will associate others with Him.
22:21Say, He is Able to send upon you a punishment from above you or from beneath your feet,
22:32or He will dress you in a garment and make you taste the punishment of one another.
22:36See how We explain the verses so that they may understand.
22:40And your people have denied it, and it is the truth. Say, I am not a guardian over you.
22:45For every news there is a fixed place, and you will come to know.
22:49And when you see those who go about in Our verses, then turn away from them until they go about in a hadith other than this.
22:58And if Satan should cause you to forget, then do not sit after the remembrance with the wrongdoing people.
23:05And those who fear Allah may not be held accountable for anything, but it is a reminder that they may fear Allah.
23:12And leave those who have taken their religion as a game and amusement, and the life of this world has deceived them.
23:19And remind them that a soul is sent for what it has earned. It does not have besides Allah a guardian or intercessor.
23:28And if you do justice to every justice, it will not be taken from it.
23:32Those are the ones who have been sent for what they have earned.
23:36They will have a drink of boiling water and a painful punishment for what they used to disbelieve.
23:49Allah is the Greatest.
23:52Allah is the Greatest.
23:59Allah is the Greatest.
24:03Allah is the Greatest.
24:10Allah is the Greatest.
24:17All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
24:23Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
24:27Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace,
24:33not of those who have incurred Your Wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
24:40Say, Shall we call upon other than Allah that which will neither benefit us nor harm us,
24:45and turn back on our heels after Allah has guided us,
24:49as the devils on earth have driven him astray?
24:53He has companions who invite him to our guidance.
24:58Say, Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the guidance.
25:01And We have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds.
25:04And to observe prayer and fear Him, and it is to Him that you will be gathered.
25:09And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in truth, and on the Day when He says, Be, then be.
25:15His Word is the truth, and to Him is sovereignty on the Day when the trumpet will be blown.
25:19Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He is the Wise, the Acquainted.
25:23And when Abraham said to his father, O Zerah, take idols as gods.
25:30Indeed, I see you and your people in manifest error.
25:35And thus do We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that he may be of those who are certain.
25:42But when the night fell upon him, he saw a star.
25:46He said, This is my Lord.
25:48But when it set, he said, I do not love those who set.
25:52But when he saw the moon rising, he said, This is my Lord.
25:57But when it set, he said, If my Lord does not guide me, I will surely be of the misguided people.
26:03But when he saw the sun rising, he said, This is my Lord. This is greater.
26:10But when it set, he said, O my people, I am innocent of what you associate with Allah.
26:27Allah has spoken the truth.
26:57Salaamu alaikum.
27:27Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
27:29Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
27:57Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
28:28Guide us to the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
28:38Indeed, I have turned my face to Him who created the heavens and the earth, turning away from Me, and I am not of the polytheists.
28:47And his people argued with him. He said, Do you argue with me about Allah when He has been guided?
28:54And I do not fear what you associate with Him except that my Lord wills something. My Lord has commanded everything in knowledge. Will you not then remember?
29:04And how can I fear what you associate with Him? And do you not fear that you associate with Allah that which He has not sent down to you in authority?
29:12So which of the two parties is more worthy of security and power? You know.
29:17Those who believe and do not wear their faith unjustly, for them is security, and they are rightly guided.
29:25And this is Our argument which We gave to Abraham against his people. We raise in degrees whom We will. Indeed, your Lord is Wise and Knowing.
29:35And We gave to him Isaac and Jacob, each of whom We guided, and Noah, whom We guided before, and of his descendants David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron.
29:50And thus do We reward the doers of good.
29:53And Zachariah and John and Jesus and Elias, each of the righteous.
29:58And Ishmael and Elias and Jonah and Lot, each of whom We have favored over the worlds.
30:04And of their fathers and their descendants and their brothers. And We chose them and guided them to a straight path.
30:12That is the guidance of Allah. He guides with it whom He wills of His servants. And if they associated others with Him, that which they used to do would have come to naught.
30:20Those are the ones to whom We gave the Book and the judgment and the prophethood.
30:25So if these disbelieve in it, then We have entrusted in it a people who do not disbelieve in it.
30:32Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so by His guidance they will be guided. Say, I do not ask you for a reward for it. It is only a reminder for the worlds.
31:03Allahu Akbar
31:09Allahu Akbar
31:33And they did not appraise Allah as He appraised Him, when they said, Allah has not sent down to mankind any thing.
31:42Say, Who is it that has sent down to mankind the Book with which Moses came as a light and a guidance for the people?
31:48You place it as a cover. You will expose it and conceal much.
31:55And you have been taught that which you did not know, and your fathers were transgressors.
32:00Say, Allah has not appraised Allah as He appraised Him, when they said, Allah has not sent down to mankind any thing.
32:13Say, Who is it that has sent down to mankind the Book with which Moses came as a light and a guidance for the people?
32:19You place it as a cover. You will expose it and conceal much.
32:26And you have been taught that which you did not know, and your fathers were transgressors.
32:31Say, Allah has not appraised Allah as He appraised Him, when they said, Allah has not sent down to mankind any thing.
32:35And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming that which is before it.
32:42And that you may warn the people of the cities and those around them.
32:46And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and they guard it in their prayer.
32:53And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah, or says,
32:59It has been revealed to me, and nothing has been revealed to him. And whoever says, I will send down like that which Allah has sent down.
33:09And if you could see when the wrongdoers, in the midst of the darkness of death, and the angels extending their hands,
33:19saying, Bring forth yourselves this Day, and you will be repaid for the humiliating punishment
33:28for what you used to say about Allah other than the truth, and you used to be proud of His Signs.
33:36And you have come to Us alone, as We created you the first time, and you left Us.
33:42We have put you behind your backs, and We do not see with you your intercessors,
33:48those of you who claim that they are partners with you.
33:52Indeed, He has severed between you and led astray from you that which you used to claim.
34:00Allah is the Greatest.
34:06Allah is the Greatest.
34:10Allah is the Greatest.
34:18Allah is the Greatest.
34:22Allah is the Greatest.
34:24Allah is the Greatest.
34:28Allah is the Greatest.
34:54As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
35:24As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.