00:00We are blind drinking Jimmy Butler's coffee against some other very popular brands today.
00:04Let's get it.
00:06Good morning.
00:08Yeah, it's coffee.
00:09All right, cup number two.
00:12It's got more going on.
00:13More going on for sure.
00:14Cup number three.
00:17I don't think I like that at all.
00:18That tastes different than coffee.
00:20Cup number four.
00:20Cup number four.
00:22It's a good bounce back after cup number three, I won't lie.
00:24Yeah, cup number three was...
00:26Fifth and final cup.
00:27Fifth and final, okay.
00:28Let's see.
00:29It's good.
00:30All right, starting with the cup that we thought was the least tasty.
00:34Jimmy Butler.
00:36Tim Hortons was my worst ranked coffee.
00:38Next was Amazon generic brand for me.
00:41Jimmy Butler was my second worst coffee.
00:44Jimmy, I'm not dissing it.
00:45It just tasted very different from coffee.
00:47It feels like we were being given a different coffee experience than a general coffee experience.
00:52I agree.
00:53Maybe that works for some people.
00:55For me in this moment, I just want coffee.
00:57My third place was Amazon brand.
01:00My third is Dunkin'.
01:03Third place, Dunkin'.
01:05America runs on it.
01:06I run on it.
01:06I had Dunkin' number two.
01:08I want Starbucks next, okay.
01:09Which means in first place, you had...
01:12Tim Hortons.
01:13Tim Hortons.
01:14And I had Starbucks.
01:16Wow, okay.
01:16So Tim Hortons was my worst and it was your best.
01:18Can we talk about why that was last for you?
01:20The truth is I thought the worst tasting one was Jimmy Butler's, but it was different.
01:24So I was like...
01:25Let me give it points.
01:26The difference gave it points.
01:27Earl Grey, Mandarin, and Crisp Apple.
01:30This sounds like notes of tea.
01:31Jimmy Butler's coffee definitely tastes way different than other coffees.
01:35So if you want to try it based on like, I want to try something new, it's definitely different.
01:38I could get used to that, but it's not going to be what you're expecting, I think.