• 22 hours ago
El juicio por el asesinato de Catalina Gutiérrez, ocurrido en Córdoba, finalmente dará inicio tras varios intentos del acusado, Néstor Soto, de posponerlo alegando incapacidad mental. Soto, quien era amigo de la víctima, confesó el crimen tras intentar ocultarlo. La familia Gutiérrez busca justicia y cierre ante esta tragedia que conmocionó a la comunidad. El proceso será llevado a cabo por un jurado popular que determinará la culpabilidad del acusado.



00:00...a scandal for a new attempt to suspend the trial for the murder of Catalina Gutierrez.
00:08This is outrageous, isn't it? The accused claimed not to be in a position to face the trial.
00:14However, everything indicates that he is.
00:17Nestor Soto is the accused of having murdered Catalina Gutierrez.
00:21He tried to suspend the trial in all possible ways.
00:25He pretended to be crazy, he wanted to say that he was not guilty.
00:29He was hospitalized, but the latest news, Mariana, is that the trial is finally going to be held.
00:37Until we started the program, I didn't know if it was going to be held.
00:40No, it's going to start tomorrow.
00:42An interdisciplinary board said, clearly, this man understands what happened.
00:47Let's remember with a report who Catalina Gutierrez is.
00:50It's been a year since the murder.
00:52He was her friend, Soto, the one who ended up killing Catalina.
00:57He had called her, they had been drinking together.
00:59He tried to find her, he wanted to help in the search,
01:03being the one who had killed her and had abandoned her in a car that later caught fire.
01:08Let's go to the report.
01:11At this time, the trial should have started with Nestor Soto.
01:14It is the 21-year-old young man who killed Catalina Gutierrez, his friend,
01:19choking her to death.
01:22But now, the bad news for the young woman's family
01:25is that it is not known when the trial will begin,
01:28since the murderer was admitted to a psychological assistance center.
01:33A new strategy of his defense?
01:36On July 17, 2024, in Cordoba,
01:39Catalina Gutierrez had gone to look for Nestor Soto at his house
01:43with the purpose of going together to a meeting with friends.
01:47However, they never arrived,
01:49since Catalina was subjected to brutal blows inside the house.
01:54Everything ended with a strangulation followed by death.
01:59Then the murderer moved Catalina's body in the car
02:03to the Ampliación Kennedy neighborhood,
02:06where he abandoned the vehicle with the intention of setting it on fire.
02:10But his attempt to erase the evidence failed,
02:13since neither the car nor Catalina Gutierrez's body
02:17were completely consumed by the flames.
02:20The surveillance cameras captured him taking Catalina's body out of her home.
02:25The Gutierrez family managed to locate her thanks to her sister,
02:29who used the tracking of her cell phone.
02:32For his part, Soto managed to evade his responsibility for a few hours
02:36and even came to collaborate with the victim's search.
02:40But the next day, when he declared as a witness,
02:43he ended up confessing the crime.
02:45It was the love of my life, he said.
02:48Weeks later, he ratified his confession in the Courts of Cordoba.
02:52There was no escape.
02:54The judicial process entered into a mantle of doubts.
02:58Is he really not able to face a trial?
03:01Or is it just a strategy not to go to jail?
03:08We are going to ask Catalina's father, Marcelo Gutierrez.
03:11How are you, Marcelo?
03:14Hello, good afternoon. How are you?
03:16Hello, Marcelo.
03:17Some time later, we are not talking.
03:19The whole process is going on.
03:21We have been accompanying you since that fateful day
03:24when you lost Catalina's life.
03:26And now, finally facing trial,
03:28something that you believed until a while ago,
03:30nothing more, that could not happen, right?
03:32Is it a strategy of this man to reveal everything?
03:37Look, the truth is that I had been thinking,
03:40I came home from work in a hurry to be able to participate with you
03:47and tell you that I am very anxious about this issue.
03:51I am not happy, but I am calm in a way
03:55because we thought that this whole way of dilating,
04:00let's say that it was a strategy,
04:02which surely it can be or not,
04:05Today, they did an interview at 12 o'clock, at noon,
04:11and well, they only focused on whether you are in a position to ask questions
04:17and answers for the trial,
04:19and they all agreed, the experts, that yes.
04:22So, well, of course, we are preparing for tomorrow.
04:26How are you preparing as a family?
04:29I understand that what starts tomorrow is very important.
04:32Why does it seem interesting to me to listen to you
04:35as the father of a victim of a femicide like Catalina's?
04:39Why is the trial important?
04:41Why is justice important for you?
04:43Because Catalina will not return, but why is it important?
04:48Yes, of course.
04:51As you say, there is no way,
04:53we are going to start a new life without Catalina,
04:59with the eternal pain of her absence.
05:02And of course it is important,
05:04because it is, in a way, to close,
05:06in principle, to close a chapter of this horror movie,
05:12of a nightmare that we are going through,
05:15that we would never have thought,
05:17not even in the worst dream,
05:19to lose a child, and in this way,
05:22in the hands of a friend,
05:24a horrible, frightening thing, the way it was.
05:27And on the other hand,
05:29as a minimum, to pay tribute
05:34and for the honor of Catalina,
05:36that justice is given, and it is important,
05:39so that it does not happen again,
05:42or at least be attentive to the parents
05:45who have children of the age of Catalina,
05:48daughters of those people who mistreat him,
05:51who make him feel bad,
05:53who want to have all the power.
05:56It's a kind of trauma,
05:58that you let go,
06:00and then you discover that there were warnings.
06:03Yes, of course, because it is difficult,
06:05for psychopaths, it is difficult to identify them,
06:08because apparently he looked like a normal person,
06:11and yet, look at what ended up happening,
06:14the friend who theoretically wanted her,
06:17to see her best friend,
06:19what ends up happening.
06:21And the terrible thing is to think
06:23that there was no trial,
06:25that maybe he would be locked up
06:27in an institution for mentally ill,
06:29which is fine, and he will be locked up,
06:31but let's say, that's not the idea,
06:33the process serves for something.
06:35No, no, surely.
06:38That's why, surely, for us,
06:40the trial is very important,
06:42because first, because everything has to be elucidated
06:46as it was, and that justice falls
06:48with all the weight that corresponds
06:50for what it did, for the damage it did
06:52to the whole society,
06:54not only to us as a family,
06:56but to society, because in Córdoba
06:58there are many, 60,000 students or more,
07:00who come from the countryside
07:02to do their studies and so on,
07:05and suddenly they see themselves
07:07in this situation that can happen
07:09to anyone, because it's fine,
07:11it's not good to be afraid,
07:13but yes, for example,
07:15a psychologist who attends my wife
07:19tells her that every 3,000 people
07:21there is a psychopath in our society,
07:23it doesn't mean that they kill everyone,
07:25but you have to be careful,
07:27and at least...
07:29Yes, Franco?
07:31Marcelo, Soto and Soto's defense
07:35insist that it was a children's game,
07:39I reproduce this, of course,
07:41condemning it, in no way
07:43could it have been a children's game.
07:45Do you think that Soto's strategy,
07:47to this day at least,
07:49was to avoid a trial by jury,
07:51because I understand that the trial
07:53will be by jury, and therefore
07:55the fact that he has to witness it
07:57will undoubtedly be infinitely,
07:59I would say, more mobilizing for him.
08:01Yes, yes, the truth is that
08:03honestly I can't tell you
08:05what the strategy will be,
08:07but yes, obviously,
08:09it is a trial by jury,
08:11there are 8 popular jurors,
08:13well, we fully trust
08:15the justice, the jury,
08:17because the evidence
08:19shows completely
08:21what happened,
08:23that it was a murder,
08:25that it was a divorce,
08:27both give him a life sentence,
08:29so I trust that,
08:31in the justice above all.
08:33I was thinking, Marcelo,
08:35what you were just talking about,
08:37the issue of the signals,
08:39I remember that you had told us
08:41at that moment that you had not
08:43noticed any signal,
08:45did that change,
08:47that there was a lot of noise,
08:49and now, given what happened,
08:51why do you emphasize so much
08:53the issue of the signals?
08:55No, because,
08:57let's say,
08:59how could one have prevented this?
09:01We have spoken with psychologists,
09:03with psychiatrists,
09:05Of course, as a father,
09:07you say, I could have done something
09:09to prevent it,
09:11but the answer is not no,
09:13the answer is not no,
09:15it is difficult to detect a psychopath,
09:17it is difficult to detect,
09:19because they are,
09:21it is as if they camouflage themselves
09:23behind a personality,
09:25a good, nice person,
09:27and suddenly, of course,
09:29it is impossible, but yes,
09:31for example, later,
09:33with the newspaper on Monday,
09:35with stories that are going to come out
09:37in the trial,
09:39where there are witnesses,
09:41companions and others who say,
09:43yes, I was a friend,
09:45and she was telling me
09:47why I am with this friend
09:49and I am not with another friend,
09:51then, of course, but unfortunately,
09:53after what happened, right?
09:55They are small things.
09:57Of course, things that you see
09:59all together, and then what happened
10:01make sense, but at the time
10:03they did not attract attention,
10:05more than common things that happen
10:07between boys who are friends, right?
10:09Yes, Lu?
10:11I remember a story that you told us,
10:13where Catalina called him crying
10:15because she said that Nestor
10:17had made her cry because
10:19she had told him that she was a bad friend,
10:21because he had not gone to such a place,
10:23I don't know what he was complaining about,
10:25as if it were, I don't know what,
10:27then she felt bad,
10:29because she was such a good person,
10:31and such a good friend,
10:33she felt bad, then surely
10:35the boyfriend would say,
10:37but don't give him a shot,
10:39because they are sensitive,
10:41they tend to empathize with each other,
10:43because I remember that
10:45you had told here at DDM
10:47that he,
10:49let's say, somehow
10:51approached asking
10:53Catalina for help,
10:55as a person who had a hard time
10:57socializing more,
10:59and that he was constantly
11:01asking her for support.
11:03Yes, he was possessive.
11:05Yes, totally,
11:07totally possessive,
11:11with what later
11:13could be proven,
11:15but until that moment
11:17he was a colleague of the faculty,
11:19a good colleague,
11:21a friend considered by Catalina.
11:23No one could see this coming.
11:25The moment he came home,
11:27he was here, hello, bye,
11:29but I had no dialogue
11:31or deepened a subject,
11:33because the boys were in their things,
11:35he brought them to the faculty
11:37and he was calm because he said,
11:39it doesn't matter if he comes back with Néstor
11:41or he is with him,
11:43you will never imagine
11:45that something could come that way,
11:47it is impossible.
11:49How important is tomorrow
11:51for you as a family,
11:53Marcelo, what do you feel
11:55will happen to you when you see him there,
11:57you will have him next to you,
11:59you will look at him.
12:01Yes, the truth is that
12:03I could not tell you
12:05what will happen to me tomorrow
12:07because it is impossible.
12:09If you asked me before,
12:11what happens if one day
12:13your son dies, it is impossible.
12:15Until you live that moment,
12:17it is a terrible thing,
12:19you can't believe it.
12:21Tomorrow, I don't know what will happen,
12:23but what I want is to look at him,
12:25to be there in front of him
12:27and see how handsome he was
12:29what he did with my daughter,
12:31I want him to put his face
12:33and ask for justice.
12:35And face the consequences
12:37of his actions,
12:39because it gives the feeling
12:41that he would have denied
12:43what he did.
12:45And pretending to be crazy.
12:47And pretending to be crazy
12:49and lying, looking for her
12:51as if he did not know where she was.
12:53It is not easy to pretend to be crazy.
12:55That's why he did the last one,
12:57and it went wrong.
12:59He was a narcissist,
13:03all the time talking about him.
13:05He said, I ruined my life.
13:07The victim to him.
13:11Marcelo, I send you
13:13a big hug for you,
13:15for your wife, for the family
13:17and we will be accompanying you in the process,
13:19doing justice by force for Catalina.
13:21I send you a big hug.
13:23Justice will come,
13:25and lies have short legs
13:27and the weight of the law will fall
13:29as it corresponds to the chain of perpetrators of femicide.
