00:00And Bruins are such a mess
00:02You bring up Sacco. I was gonna ask you this Keith. How many points have a playoff spot though? Let's find out Bruins
00:07I'm kidding. It's it's over. Oh, no, it's dead. It's dead and buried. Uh when it comes to uh, Joe Sacco more forgettable
00:14Boston sports coach
00:16or manager
00:18Ron Reneke or this guy is Ron Reneke only because there's no fans in the stands. Okay, at least there were fans
00:24Steps away from Joe Sacco as he was coaching his team into the ground
00:28Ron Reneke, it was like out of sight out of mind. People did not pay attention to the 2020 Red Sox
00:33Yeah, no, I stand. He's like a real forgotten guy because it was the same manager before him and after him
00:38Yeah, whereas at least now somebody's gonna replace Sacco who's not Montgomery or Sacco Joe Kerrigan. Oh, Joe. Well, he's worse
00:45Yeah, but you remember Joe. You remember this guy who's gonna forget about him. You're just gonna be like, oh, right
00:49He was the guy who was there after Montgomery the answer to a trivia question. Yeah, he will be it's what i've always said
00:54About jared stidham. Who is the guy everybody thought was gonna take over for brady and then didn't jared stidham
00:59Jared stidham write it down. So trivia. We still get random flack about this from time to time
01:03It's like oh, I thought you guys thought monty was the problem and firing monty was gonna fix everything. No, no, I mean look I
01:11But I wasn't like oh they're all set now
01:13I was big time pro firing him because the team has a problem
01:17And the team was sucking with montgomery and they suck with this guy probably even worse
01:21And so yeah montgomery is probably a better coach than joe sacco whatever the idea wasn't getting a better coach in there
01:25The idea was shaking the team awake
01:27Which obviously didn't work and they have problems that run much deeper than the head coach
01:31If you don't know that by now, I don't know what to tell you