• yesterday


00:01Now, let's choose a new life.
00:06Leave the useless things in the house,
00:09throw away the unnecessary things,
00:12and leave the attachment to things.
00:16Choose a new life and way of life with your own decisions.
00:21That is Danshari.
00:25Hideko Yamashita is a proponent of Danshari.
00:33She is a master of Danshari and life,
00:36who has guided countless people.
00:40It's a form of marriage, a form of marriage.
00:43It's a form of Danshari.
00:46To value things means to use things.
00:51Let's choose a new life and way of life.
00:56Now, the door to life opens.
01:01Leave the useless things in the house,
01:03throw away the unnecessary things.
01:06She moved to Hokkaido 30 years ago.
01:09She has been living a hard life,
01:13but she has been able to live a comfortable life.
01:16She has been able to live a comfortable life.
01:22But, she has been living alone for a long time.
01:29It was a dream.
01:31That's how hard I tried.
01:33I tried so hard that I could fall.
01:36She wants to live alone in Tokyo,
01:38but she wants to live in a place with more warmth.
01:42A shiny magician comes to support her.
01:47Look, it's so shiny.
01:49It's beautiful.
01:50It's beautiful.
01:51It's beautiful.
01:52It's beautiful.
01:53It's beautiful.
01:54It's clean.
01:55It's clean.
01:57Will she be able to get out of her busy life?
02:05I'm Hideko Yamashita.
02:07She bought a house.
02:10She bought a castle in Tokyo,
02:13but she is still in her fifties.
02:20She has been living in Tokyo for 30 years,
02:24but she has been living in Tokyo for 30 years,
02:28and her hobby is going to interior shops on her days off.
02:36Ms. Yasuko is in her fifties.
02:42What kind of interior is she looking for?
02:47I'm looking for a cafe-like atmosphere.
02:50I'm looking for a cafe-like atmosphere.
02:56I want to live in a cafe.
02:59I want to live in a cafe.
03:06She wants to make her house look like a cafe.
03:12She bought a 1LDK apartment 13 years ago.
03:18What does a cafe-like atmosphere look like?
03:29It's stylish.
03:32I spent years looking for this kind of interior.
03:37Is this the kind of interior she was looking for?
03:42The cafe Ms. Yasuko is looking for seems to be a princess-like one.
03:52She likes a cute room.
03:58There is a kitchen in the back of the living room.
04:03It's not very spacious, but it's well organized.
04:11The refrigerator looks like this.
04:14This is what I made.
04:17It's almost self-sufficient, but there's not much food.
04:25Actually, here...
04:28There seems to be a secret.
04:33The inventory list...
04:35If it's food, there are vegetables, meat, and eggs.
04:40I make side dishes here.
04:45This way, I can see what I'm buying.
04:50So I don't waste food.
04:53She takes out all the food in the refrigerator
04:58and makes side dishes in the middle.
05:03This way, she avoids wasting food.
05:08I buy about 1,000 yen worth of food.
05:15I don't waste food.
05:17I don't waste food.
05:20She says she doesn't waste food in the bathroom or the bathroom.
05:28She also minimizes the amount of stock.
05:32I don't waste food.
05:35When I run out of food,
05:37I use the last piece of toilet paper before I go shopping.
05:43That's very practical.
05:48What does she do with the actual food?
05:53This is green onion that was frozen.
05:59This is...
06:03This is deep-fried tofu.
06:06And this is daikon radish.
06:10She uses all the vegetables.
06:16Today's lunch is soba.
06:20I customized this.
06:23It's a chopstick from a good restaurant.
06:26I can use both.
06:29Normally, it's like this.
06:32But I can use this.
06:34It's like a bean.
06:36A bean.
06:37For example, I can use oil or water.
06:42She doesn't spend money.
06:54The bottom is hot.
06:58This is a hot pot, so it's not heat-resistant.
07:02So I can use this.
07:08What is she doing?
07:16No way.
07:18Is she going to eat there?
07:21The seasonings are hidden.
07:25Take it out from here and use it.
07:31She doesn't waste food.
07:36Let's eat.
07:45It's good.
07:48It's very unique.
07:52Ayasuko has a unique history.
08:00She's from Hokkaido.
08:04Her family was a salesperson.
08:09Her parents got divorced when she was in high school.
08:13That's how she came to Tokyo.
08:17I didn't want to stay at home.
08:20I didn't get along well with my parents.
08:24So I wanted to go to Tokyo.
08:30She wanted to be a celebrity.
08:37She went to Yoshimoto Arts Academy in Tokyo.
08:43I really wanted to go to a new theater.
08:47I wanted to be a comedian.
08:51But I didn't want to be a comedian.
08:56So I gave up.
09:00She continued to work as a celebrity.
09:05But she didn't make any money.
09:09So she went to a beauty school.
09:13She started working as a nail artist.
09:17Her nail salon chain went bankrupt.
09:21So she started working at a real estate agency.
09:25She did everything for me.
09:28She was a manager, a sales assistant, a secretary.
09:32She was even a hostess at a Ginza lounge.
09:37She did everything for me.
09:40It was hard, but I didn't give up until I bought a house.
09:47She worked hard for 13 years.
09:51Finally, she got a used apartment.
09:58When I bought this house, I collapsed.
10:02I gave up.
10:05It was like a fireball.
10:08I couldn't get anything.
10:11I had to work, but I didn't know what I wanted to do.
10:14I prepared a house for a year.
10:18But I couldn't get a house.
10:21I couldn't get a job.
10:24I couldn't get a job.
10:27When I said I would do my best,
10:30COVID-19 came.
10:33She had to cut down on her living expenses.
10:37But she managed to live a simple life.
10:41She works as a delivery girl.
10:45She doesn't do anything unnecessary.
10:48She spends about 100,000 yen a month on living expenses.
10:56When she gets home,
10:59she wants to relax and enjoy a cafe-like atmosphere.
11:04That's her daily routine.
11:10She's running out of things,
11:13but there's still a place she's curious about.
11:20This is where the last boss lives.
11:26This is the closet.
11:29This is the hardest part.
11:32It's a thread that she can't get rid of.
11:36I wonder what's inside.
11:39It's a material for gel nails.
11:45She has a lot of tools and materials
11:48that she collected while working as a nail artist.
11:55She also has documents from her past jobs.
12:01It looks like she's still thinking about what to use.
12:09She wants to create a cafe-like atmosphere,
12:12but she doesn't know where to start.
12:15But she doesn't know what to do.
12:18That's her biggest concern.
12:25How does Ms. Yamashita see Yasuko's lifestyle?
12:31Let's find out.
12:38Please come in.
12:44Thank you for coming.
12:47It's so clean.
12:54It's a cute kitchen.
12:57This is where everything is done.
13:00That's right.
13:02I'm usually around here.
13:06This is where you work and study.
13:10I see.
13:12What is this?
13:15She seems to have found something.
13:20There's a counter chair.
13:23Is that it?
13:24This is the dining table.
13:27Is that it?
13:29That's not good.
13:31Let's eat here.
13:34There's a cafe table here.
13:37Let's eat here.
13:39The chair doesn't fit.
13:42It's very efficient.
13:45You can clean up quickly.
13:48It's lonely to do that alone.
13:50You can eat with yourself.
13:53You can eat with yourself.
13:56You can listen to your body and your feelings.
14:00You can eat slowly.
14:03It's efficient, but...
14:07It's not efficient.
14:10I enjoy the process.
14:13Isn't it fun to take a detour?
14:16It's fun to take a detour.
14:18That's right.
14:20You can take a detour in this space.
14:25You can take a detour in your time here.
14:29Let's take a look at the closet.
14:34This is how it looks.
14:37I see.
14:39It's messy.
14:41It's hard to use this space.
14:43That's right.
14:45It's hard to store things.
14:48It's hard to use this space.
14:51It's a waste of space.
14:53That's right.
14:55Ms. Yamashita.
14:58She can see the direction of the bicycle.
15:03You're alone, aren't you?
15:05You're alone, aren't you?
15:07To put it simply,
15:09I want to get rid of the feeling of living alone.
15:12You can do whatever you want because you're alone.
15:16If you have a family, you can get rid of the feeling of living.
15:20But you don't need the feeling of living because you're alone.
15:23You can stay here and experience the unusual.
15:29I want to make it like a cafe.
15:32In your dream.
15:35Ms. Yamashita and the cafe have the same opinion.
15:40However, Ms. Yamashita thinks it's better to get rid of the feeling of living.
15:47Let's start the bicycle.
15:53I think this is good.
16:01Let's do that.
16:03This is a little long.
16:06First, she moves the furniture to get rid of the feeling of living.
16:21She moves the work desk next to the kitchen.
16:32Ms. Yamashita tries to do everything.
16:36She tries various things to see where to put the furniture.
16:46It doesn't seem to fit.
16:50Let's put this back and put it deeper.
16:57There are three patterns.
17:01It's like a library.
17:03It's like a library.
17:11I see.
17:13She's satisfied with this.
17:16I don't need that chair.
17:19It's good.
17:21The stool for eating in the kitchen is a bicycle.
17:26It's good.
17:28I'm going to put this here.
17:33I'm going to put it on my butt.
17:37It's good.
17:41It's amazing.
17:44A corner with a sofa and a table.
17:49It's a study space.
17:53She also made a table for eating.
18:00If you don't want to cook,
18:05you can move the table a little bit.
18:10In order to get rid of the sense of living,
18:15she reduces the number of small things in the kitchen.
18:23Look at this scene.
18:25It's a shame that it's falling down.
18:30How is it?
18:34Isn't it better without it?
18:37I see.
18:39I see.
18:43This pot is too much.
18:45It's getting smaller.
18:48I see.
18:49I'm going to reduce the number of pots.
18:51It's true.
18:53She may have 10 pots in her house.
18:57I don't need this.
19:00This is a slave frying pan.
19:04I don't need it.
19:06She reduces the number of pots that she doesn't use.
19:10I don't need it.
19:11I see.
19:13I'm not good at English.
19:15My senior in high school taught me.
19:20She's determined.
19:24Thanks to her, she can store things more easily.
19:31She reduces the number of things hanging around.
19:36I see.
19:38It's true that she reduces the number of things hanging around.
19:46How is it?
19:48Look at the scenery.
19:50I see.
19:52It's when she was moving.
19:53I see.
19:56I see.
19:58It's when she was moving.
20:00It's falling down.
20:06She was so focused on her work that she finally remembered when she got the house.
20:16I dreamed of buying a house.
20:19You bought this house.
20:21You did your best.
20:22I fell down when I bought this house.
20:26I see.
20:28It must have been hard.
20:30But it was a dream.
20:32It was a dream.
20:33It was a dream.
20:35You did your best.
20:36You did your best to fall down.
20:38I see.
20:40I'll help you.
20:41It's a house she finally got after a lot of hard work.
20:45She wants to enjoy it to the fullest.
20:51There are things lying around.
20:54On the contrary, the space becomes noisy and noisy.
20:58I can't relax.
21:00I can't rest.
21:01I can't do anything.
21:03So I want to do something more efficient.
21:06I see.
21:08I gradually lose the state of relaxing and entertaining myself.
21:18As a result, if you lose unnecessary things, it becomes more efficient and you can make time to entertain yourself.
21:27That's what Ms. Yamashita thinks.
21:32There are a lot of unnecessary things around the kitchen.
21:41Ms. Yasuko also wants to have fun on her own.
21:46But if she does this, she will lose her sense of life.
21:50By moving the table at the entrance, she can relax in her room.
22:10My biggest goal is to have fun here.
22:14I want to spend a happy time in a fun space.
22:18I want to give that to myself.
22:22That's the most important thing.
22:25That's why I want to have fun.
22:29To have fun, Ms. Yamashita decided to have fun in her closet.
22:37Here you are.
22:39Thank you very much.
22:45Ms. Yasuko started her life in her closet.
22:49She wants to have fun in her room.
22:55Good luck!
23:06Ms. Yamashita's Closet
23:19It's a day off.
23:24She finally starts working in her closet.
23:35She takes out the storage cases and selects the contents.
23:43It's dusty.
23:46It's been left unattended for a long time.
23:51I'll leave it here. I might not need it anymore.
23:55I'm a driver.
23:58She takes out the tools she used to assemble furniture.
24:06There are a lot of tools in the storage cases.
24:14I wonder if I can nail it.
24:16She takes out the tools she used to assemble furniture.
24:22I'll use this.
24:26She puts what she doesn't need on the left side.
24:29She's quick to make a decision.
24:31I'll leave the spanner here.
24:37In no time, she says goodbye to a number of tools.
24:48I want to keep this. I'll use it to make a sample.
24:56She has a work of nail art she made a long time ago.
25:03I used to draw this.
25:06It's amazing.
25:09I make each and every one by myself.
25:14With a brush.
25:17If the company didn't go bankrupt, she would have become a famous nail artist.
25:25Was nail art fun?
25:28Yes, it was. It was a dream job.
25:35It was fun.
25:39She doesn't want to work as a nail artist anymore.
25:44But she seems to have regrets about nail art.
25:50When I see people who clean their nails, I envy them.
25:56I envy them.
25:59I envy their reality.
26:02I want them to have this much freedom.
26:05It's a mess.
26:08It's like she doesn't care about herself.
26:12I agree.
26:15She also disposes of the boxes she thought she would use one day.
26:28Next, she goes upstairs to the closet.
26:33She decides to take down the shelves she was using.
26:39She takes down the shelves she was using.
26:44Here it is.
26:46It's just the right size.
26:49I'm going to put a shelf here.
26:52Are you putting it down?
26:56She puts down a board that she has been wanting to make for a long time.
27:06How is it?
27:08It's perfect.
27:12It's perfect.
27:16Let's try it.
27:19Let's try it.
27:21The theme is a closet that makes you feel good.
27:26She puts it on her head and lays it out.
27:34It's a perfect match.
27:36Yasuko Shuruto.
27:39She's excited.
27:43It's like a decoration.
27:45It's nice.
27:47It's nice.
27:48It's great.
27:50It's great.
27:55It's really...
27:57It's going up.
27:58It's going up.
28:00It's really a boutique.
28:02It's amazing.
28:04I was surprised that so much garbage came out.
28:10If you narrow down the theme, you can see what you don't need.
28:18What is the most important thing?
28:24My father was a barber.
28:27When my father passed away, he was at the altar.
28:30It's a pair of scissors.
28:32It's like this.
28:33My father's remains.
28:35He worked as a barber in Hokkaido until his last year.
28:40He passed away two years ago.
28:44His divorced mother is already remarried.
28:48Her family is disbanded.
28:51There is no place for Yasuko to return to.
28:55It's coming out.
28:56It's coming out.
28:58She must be worried about living alone in Tokyo in the future.
29:04I'm sure the thought of saving money is also a sign of anxiety.
29:11However, Yasuko has a house that she got by cutting off her bones.
29:20This is an irreplaceable castle.
29:28However, no matter how much you clean it, the dust in the house accumulates immediately.
29:37So I came to support Yasuko.
29:42He is a master of cleaning who learned to cut off his bones under Mr. Yamashita.
29:49He is a shining magician.
29:51He is Trainer Osawa Yuko.
29:55This time, we will introduce a special method to make it easy and clean.
30:02It's shiny.
30:03It's clean.
30:11Nice to meet you.
30:13My name is Trainer Osawa Yuko.
30:17Let's check where we need to clean.
30:27If you polish it a little more, it will shine beautifully.
30:34Then the light will reflect and shine on the ceiling.
30:41This is the window frame.
30:44I usually cut it off.
30:46When did I clean it?
30:48I see.
30:50Can I open it?
30:53I feel like I'm wearing a net.
31:00That's true.
31:01It's dirty.
31:03I just noticed.
31:05There is dust here.
31:09It's up here.
31:12It's like this.
31:15There is a little bit of dust.
31:18The air conditioner is on.
31:20When the air conditioner is on, the wind hits it.
31:24Then the dust will go to the place where you sleep.
31:28Then you don't want to suck the dust.
31:32There are four places to clean.
31:36There are goods that can clean it all together.
31:43Here you are.
31:44What is that?
31:46Rubber gloves.
31:51Rubber gloves, cotton gloves, and gloves.
31:59Can you really do everything with this?
32:04First of all, the chandelier.
32:06The chandelier.
32:08There is a lot of dust on the crystal glass.
32:19Mr. Hosawa puts on rubber gloves.
32:22Then he puts on cotton gloves.
32:29The gloves protect the body.
32:31You can put detergent on it and wipe it off.
32:37If you take it off and disassemble it, it's better.
32:41But it's hard to do that.
32:43If you think it's going to be like that, it's going to be a hassle.
32:49If you do that, it's easier to do it.
32:55This is a glass detergent.
32:58Just put it on this side.
33:01Put it on your right hand and let it blend in.
33:05Let it blend in.
33:07I'm going to do it from the top.
33:10I'll just do this.
33:12Wrap it like this and make it sparkle.
33:22I just did this side.
33:23I didn't do this side.
33:25If you ask me why it's not on this side, it's because I want to wipe it off with this.
33:30Then it will sparkle.
33:32It's beautiful.
33:35Yasuko will try it too.
33:41Wipe it off and make it beautiful.
33:44If it becomes beautiful...
33:46What do you think?
33:49Compared to what I wiped off and what I still have...
33:53Oh, it's completely different.
33:57And because I wipe it with my fingers, I can easily clean up the small details.
34:08The work is over in about 30 minutes.
34:13It seems that the dust is gone and the sparkle has increased.
34:21What was that?
34:25It's fun at night.
34:29At night, the more the pattern of light appeared on the ceiling, the stronger the sparkle became.
34:38Next is the air conditioner.
34:42I'll clean this up with just my gloves.
34:51I'll try this with my fingers first.
34:53Put it in here, pinch it, put it in the back, and pull it out in front of you.
34:59Put it in here, pinch it, put it in the back, and pull it out in front of you.
35:04If you pinch the places where it's hard to clean with your fingers, you can remove the dust with an exquisite amount of force.
35:15That's where it's dirty.
35:17Wow, the scales are coming out of your eyes.
35:20Cleaning technique.
35:24Oh, a lot of dirt fell off.
35:28But it's getting more interesting.
35:31That's right.
35:33It's actually easier than I thought.
35:35It's not as difficult as I thought it would be.
35:38I can control the amount of movement, so this finger bath is really good.
35:44The filter is also clean.
35:48The amount of air is different.
35:55Does it work?
35:56Yes, it does.
35:59Next is the window frame.
36:03This is where the dirt tends to accumulate.
36:08If the dirt is bad, replace the gloves with new ones.
36:14The method is the same.
36:17Soak the glass detergent in the glove and wipe it off.
36:26If you don't want to wash it, you can just leave it as it is.
36:30That's right.
36:34Look, it's coming off.
36:39I see.
36:44I see.
36:46If you put two fingers in here, it will come off easily.
36:52I see.
36:54Wow, it's easy.
36:59Yasuko, you should try it too.
37:05I'm going to wipe it all off.
37:09I see.
37:18The left hand is dry, so wipe it off with the dry hand.
37:29I see.
37:30The left hand is dry, so wipe it off with the dry hand.
37:37No matter how narrow the space is,
37:40if you just put your fingers in, you can do it cleanly.
37:43That's the amazing thing about this technique.
37:48You don't have to think about it.
37:50You just do it without thinking.
37:52That's why it's called dozen.
37:55I see.
37:58It's called dozen when you move.
38:00I see.
38:03Dozen is a practice of moving your body,
38:07but at the same time, you become mindless like zazen,
38:10and you prepare your mind.
38:15I feel like a lot of things are coming out of me.
38:19I don't think about anything,
38:21and I just concentrate on it.
38:24After that, I feel like I have a catharsis effect.
38:28It's refreshing.
38:30I see.
38:33The last one is Amido.
38:36It's been 13 years since she bought the apartment.
38:39She's never cleaned it before.
38:43I'm going to use gloves to wipe it off with scissors.
38:47This time, she's going to put detergent on both hands and wipe it off.
38:53I'm going to hold it like this.
38:54Hold it and wipe it from the bottom to the top.
38:58Like this.
39:07It's black.
39:11The difference between where it's not wiped off and where it is is clear.
39:16If you push Amido too hard from one side, it will come off.
39:20I think that's why it's so difficult to do it with both hands.
39:25It's clean now.
39:28There's a lot of dust.
39:31It's muddy and dusty.
39:34Which one do you prefer, this one or this one?
39:40I definitely prefer this one.
39:43I see.
39:45Let's open the windows.
39:47Let's get some fresh air.
39:51I don't know what I've been doing all my life.
39:54I'm glad you're here.
39:56I'm glad you're here.
40:00She still has a long way to go to make herself feel better.
40:07She was able to get rid of a lot of dirt.
40:12There are times when I don't like it.
40:14I see.
40:15I really don't like it.
40:18I don't care if I have a cold or a fever.
40:20I see.
40:22I get a little tired.
40:24But while I'm doing it, I feel refreshed.
40:30That's how it is.
40:31I get rid of the dirt in my mind along with the dirt in my body.
40:34It's a responsibility.
40:36It really is.
40:38What kind of finish will Yasuko-san's precious castle have?
40:49Yasuko-san told me that the room was finished.
40:55Please come in.
40:58It's been a while.
41:00Nice to meet you.
41:02What kind of castle has it become?
41:05This is what it looks like.
41:12The living room has been polished to make it look like a princess.
41:19The living room has been polished to make it look like a princess.
41:23I turned the cafe into a condominium.
41:29I bought a bed cover that I've been holding back for a long time.
41:35I can sleep well now.
41:37I can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
41:42What is the finish of the closet?
41:50I used to put things that I don't use anymore,
41:58but I left only things that make me feel better.
42:05I put things on the floor without moving them.
42:10I made shelves and organized them.
42:16What changed the most was Yasuko-san's desire to save money.
42:25I recently started buying ingredients at Depachika.
42:32I don't know why I was living in such a hurry.
42:39I don't know why I was living in such a hurry.
42:43I don't know why I was living in such a hurry.
42:48I realized that I could live in comfort.
42:53I realized that I could live in comfort.
43:00Because I was anxious,
43:03my way of thinking and feeling got worse.
43:07In the end, I had to stay at home,
43:11and I had to eat in the corner.
43:15I had to leave the food that made me happy.
43:19I had to leave the food that made me happy.
43:26The biggest problem was that
43:29I couldn't enjoy the food that made me happy
43:32and I couldn't enjoy the food that made me happy.
43:38When I'm alone,
43:40I have to think about myself all the time.
43:46I think I'm addicted to the circuit
43:50so that I can't find hope.
43:53It's very important to invite others.
43:57It's very important to create a space
44:00where I can invite others.
44:04I don't want to invite people
44:06and I don't want to go to that kind of place.
44:09I don't want to create such a closed environment.
44:12I don't want to create such a closed environment.
44:17I don't want to create such a closed environment.
44:24Humans are able to automatically lean forward
44:28when they stay still and don't move.
44:32Humans are able to automatically lean forward when they stay still and don't move.
44:35It's very important to move.
44:38It's very important to move.
44:40Cleaning is also very important.
44:43When the dust is removed and the dirt is gone,
44:49it feels really good.
44:51I think it's a good way to give myself that feeling.
44:58I think it's a good way to give myself that feeling.
45:02When you clean your body,
45:04you move your body, right?
45:06Of course, you also move things in the car.
45:09It's very important to move.
45:12She decided to start using her favorite nail polish again.
45:17She decided to start using her favorite nail polish again.
45:20She decided to start using her favorite nail polish again.
45:25I was sleeping in the closet all the time.
45:30I couldn't get rid of it.
45:33I guess there was a desire to do it over and over again.
45:40Her life is over.
45:46When she opens the door, she sees the big city of Tokyo.
45:52After applying the nail polish,
45:55she goes outside.
46:09When she opens the door, she sees the big city of Tokyo.
