• yesterday
The Rookie | Season 07 Episode 5 | Till Death


00:00Previously on The Rookie.
00:02Hey, counselor. Harrison Novak.
00:04They're all wrapped the same. They must be yours.
00:06These aren't mine.
00:08Thanks for coming right over. Yeah, of course.
00:10It seems clear that we have a second serial killer at large.
00:14And you are? Her husband.
00:16Oscar and Jason just escaped from prison.
00:18Who's out there?
00:20Show me your hands. Oh my god, don't shoot me.
00:22I got a call from Detroit PD.
00:24They pulled prints from a liquor store robbery last night.
00:26Jason Wallace. Who are you?
00:28I'm the man hunting your ex-husband.
00:32If you hear of Jason's whereabouts, let me know.
00:40What's that?
00:42A secret note from my secret lover.
00:44Where do you find the energy?
00:46You barely have the strength for one lover.
00:48I know, I've been meaning to talk to you about putting some more effort in.
00:50That's fair. You work good today?
00:52Yep, and I see you're going in early.
00:54Yeah, I'm going to talk to that detective in Detroit,
00:56see if they have any updates on Jason.
00:58Do you really believe my psychotic ex-husband is on the run?
01:02Well, it seems like it.
01:04You can't be too careful.
01:06I'm just happy to get some normalcy back in our lives.
01:08Where normalcy means, you know, double serial killers.
01:12Well, on the bright side, at least one of them is already in custody.
01:14Always the optimist.
01:16It's my secret lover's favorite thing about me.
01:18Oh, see, that's what separates us.
01:20I could never pick only one favorite thing.
01:22Have a great day.
01:24You too.
01:52Oh, Mrs. Richards?
01:54That's right.
01:56Hi, I'm Lucy Chen.
01:58I was hoping to talk to you about your former student, Seth Ridley.
02:00I'm his training officer at the LAPD.
02:02Is he in trouble?
02:04No, not at all.
02:06I was just looking to get some clarity on some things,
02:08and I thought the school guidance counselor would be the best person to ask.
02:10All right, then.
02:12I don't know.
02:14Better get going.
02:20All right, then. I don't know.
02:22Better come in.
02:26What about you?
02:28Sorry, what?
02:30She asked if you were feeling any more secure in a job.
02:32Oh, totally, totally.
02:34I'm not, totally not.
02:36Would you actually be able to put in a good word for me with your roommate?
02:40I would owe you big time.
02:46Think we'll be in a shift by eight tonight?
02:48I mean, there's a serial killer on the loose.
02:50I wouldn't expect the clock out on time.
02:52There's got to be some kind of work-life balance eventually, though, right?
02:54Matt is a rookie.
02:56I haven't been on a date in three months.
02:58Why? What's at 8 p.m.?
03:00She's got long-distance love with the missus.
03:04We ain't married, all right? Just exclusive since high school.
03:06Camilla's still in Texas looking for the right time to move out.
03:08And live in your car.
03:10I'll find a place before then.
03:12She's my angel.
03:14Got with me when I was gonna make football money
03:16and got with me when I got hurt and lost it all.
03:18She sacrificed a hell of a lot for me.
03:20Oh, you must miss her so much.
03:22Yeah. Yeah, I do.
03:26All right.
03:46Bad news.
03:48Remy Dardens had come to his injuries this morning.
03:50So? You're the only living witness.
03:52Which means we have jack squat.
03:54Because the only description I can give of our serial killer
03:56is white male,
03:58unknown age, somewhere near 6 feet,
04:00and somewhere around 175 pounds.
04:02But it's better than nothing.
04:04Not by much.
04:08Brought you some fresh clothes in case you want to change after
04:10and the appropriate shoes to match.
04:12Always so thoughtful.
04:14Well trained.
04:18Are you okay?
04:20My heart hurts.
04:22So much pain before they died.
04:24I know in my mind such evil exists,
04:26but it always shocks my soul to see it.
04:28Good morning.
04:30Oh, morning.
04:32How you feeling?
04:34Fine. Day off helped.
04:36I wish I could say I found something helpful in your absence,
04:38but I did not.
04:40No DNA?
04:42The opposite. Too much.
04:44I found trace evidence of literally hundreds of people
04:46contaminating both the murder lab
04:48and the bodies of our serial killer's ten victims.
04:50How is that possible?
04:52Oh, he muddied the scene with a DNA buffet.
04:54He literally collected medical waste.
04:56Sharps, latex gloves, discarded bandages,
04:58and he used them to corrupt everything that he touched.
05:00That's kind of brilliant.
05:02Uh, in a pure evil way.
05:04I mean, even if we can pull his DNA from a victim
05:06and match it, any defense attorney with a pulse
05:08will be able to prove reasonable doubt.
05:10I'm afraid I have more troubling news.
05:12The autopsies revealed that all but one of the victims
05:14were infected with a variety of blood-borne illnesses
05:16before he strangled them to death.
05:18From the used syringes?
05:20Yeah. He was literally using them like a science experiment.
05:22But before you panic,
05:24we found the needle he used on you and tested it.
05:26I wouldn't say it was clean,
05:28but there was nothing communicable within.
05:30We'll get you regular testing for the next six months.
05:32But if they didn't find anything in the needle,
05:34you should be okay.
05:38But on the good news front,
05:40most of the medical waste was generic,
05:42found in every hospital and doctor's office around the state,
05:44except for these four syringes,
05:46which are trial design,
05:48only used at St. Stephen Hospital.
05:50You could have led with that.
05:52He's an actor. He likes the drama.
05:54Former actor. And I like setting realistic expectations.
05:56All right, so just to be clear,
05:58we're looking for a white male of indeterminate age, height, weight,
06:00with some form of connection
06:02to Westview Psychiatric Institution
06:04and St. Stephen Hospital,
06:06places that employ
06:08and treat thousands of people a year.
06:10Talk about setting expectations.
06:12And here I was, feeling hopeful.
06:24You know, I've been, uh, really studying my rookbook.
06:26I'm gonna burn the midnight oil.
06:28Miles and I are gonna go to the range later on.
06:30Do some extra shooting.
06:32I visited your high school this morning, Ridley.
06:34Oh, that's cool.
06:38Because I wanted some clarity
06:40about your high school experience.
06:46Why don't you tell me, Ridley?
06:48What-what exactly did I discover?
06:50You found out that I was telling the truth
06:52about my friend who O.D.'d.
06:54And that she was not my girlfriend.
06:56And I did go on a date with her a couple months
06:58before Rory Hatcher's party.
07:00I-I did give her CPR.
07:02But Rory Hatcher's dad
07:04actually saved her.
07:12And you discovered that I lied to you
07:14and Miles about the girl
07:16who died in a car accident.
07:18And she was not my girlfriend.
07:20And you discovered that I lied to you
07:22and Miles about the girl
07:24who died in a car accident.
07:26And she was not my girlfriend either.
07:28I was actually a freshman when she was a senior.
07:30And I've never met the girl.
07:36Do you want to know why I lied?
07:38I can figure that out for myself.
07:40What if I told you that I was ashamed of what I did?
07:42And that I have struggled
07:44in the past using these half-truths
07:46to get me out of trouble?
07:48I just-I've sworn to myself
07:50that I wasn't going to be this guy anymore
07:52in the LAPD.
07:54But then I threw up in a crime scene
07:56on day one.
07:58And I panicked.
08:00And I should have owned up to my failures.
08:02But I just-I...
08:04I should have suffered the consequences.
08:10What are the consequences?
08:12I don't-I don't know yet.
08:14We have an on-site incinerator
08:16in the basement.
08:18It's where all of our medical waste is disposed.
08:20Let's do it.
08:22Custodial staff, plus we have a dedicated incineration team.
08:24Everyone's passed background checks,
08:26but a few months ago,
08:28our security staff found a patient, Ryan Dearborn,
08:30wandering around the basement
08:32with a medical bag.
08:34At the time, he claimed he was lost.
08:36Couldn't explain the bag.
08:38Back in Texas, we call that clue sweeter than stolen honey.
08:40I like him.
08:42No comment.
08:44Are you seeing anyone? Because I have a niece
08:46who has had it up to here with L.A. guys.
08:48If she's anywhere near as lovely as you,
08:50I'm sure she'll have her pick him in.
08:52Unfortunately, I am taking.
08:54It's long-distance. He'll be single soon enough.
08:56What do you have against long-distance relationships?
08:58They aren't relationships.
09:00The day-to-day support, the way you weave your lives together,
09:02that's a relationship.
09:04Chatting on Zoom is a friendship at best.
09:06Thank you for the intel.
09:08He and Rachel broke up when she moved to New York.
09:10Ah, I see.
09:12Don't listen to him.
09:14Relationships come in all forms.
09:16Nice to meet you.
09:20All right, Ryan Dearborn
09:22has been a repeat patient at Westview Psychiatrics
09:24since he was a teenager.
09:26His most recent stint was 16 months ago.
09:30borderline personality disorder,
09:32drug addiction.
09:34Has he ever crossed paths with Harrison Novak?
09:36He did. At least he could have.
09:38There is a two-month overlap
09:40during their teenage years.
09:42Okay, so what do you think?
09:46I think it looks like a cautionary tale
09:48for how society fails those with mental health issues.
09:50I mean,
09:52what do you think about how we should approach it?
09:54Oh, right.
09:56Well, uh,
09:58we don't have probable cause to enter,
10:02first step is to try to get the suspect
10:04into the open.
10:06We could simply knock on the door,
10:08but due to his history of violence,
10:10it might be better to avoid surprises.
10:14We call him.
10:16Perfect. Do it.
10:28Mr. Dearborn?
10:30This is Officer Selena Juarez
10:32with LAPD.
10:34We're outside.
10:36We're hoping we could speak with you,
10:38if you wouldn't mind...
10:40Okay, well, that was disturbing.
10:427-Adam-15, requesting additional units
10:44and an RA to my location.
10:46Go cover the rear.
11:10In position.
11:12No sign of suspect.
11:14Copy that.
11:16I'm at the front door, making entry.
11:22Mr. Dearborn?
11:24I'm coming inside.
11:26Stand where I can see you
11:28with your hands open and visible.
11:30Stand where I can see you
11:32with your hands open and visible.
11:40I'm gonna need you to step out.
11:42Do it now.
12:00Inside's clear.
12:02Copy that.
12:04I mean, maybe he wasn't in there when we called.
12:08The soup is still steaming.
12:10He must have jumped into the woods
12:12the second we pulled up.
12:18I can't...
12:20I can't...
12:22Noah, I'm hearing a voice
12:24from underneath the mobile home.
12:30I can't...
12:38I got a hatch in the floor.
12:40I'm gonna open it now.
12:54Hey, do you have a second?
13:00Okay, so I have confirmed that Seth lied to me
13:02on two separate occasions about past tragedies.
13:04Not great.
13:06That's it? Not great?
13:08I mean, a third of the department
13:10routinely lies about their personal life.
13:12Do you honestly think Smitty qualified for the Olympics?
13:14No, but...
13:16There's a difference between lying on the job
13:18and lying about the job.
13:20Has he ever lied about a call or on paperwork?
13:22Not that I know of.
13:24Okay. Look, the city spent a quarter million
13:26on training Ridley. The department's currently
13:28understaffed due to a major corruption scandal,
13:30and he was recently lauded as a hero for saving a hostage's life.
13:32Gray's not gonna cut him just because he brags.
13:34Wait, I can't believe
13:36Tim, I-bounce-boots-for-breakfast-Bradford
13:38is suggesting letting
13:40unethical behavior slide.
13:42I'm not. I'm suggesting you correct it.
13:44It's what we call a T.O. problem.
13:46Wow. Okay. Thank you.
13:52Hey. Hi.
13:54I really love this job.
13:56I have never lied about that.
13:58I just, I get panicked sometimes,
14:00and I get stressed. Ridley, being a cop
14:02is stressful, 24-7.
14:04Being cross-examined
14:06is just as stressful. What are you gonna do
14:08when you're on the stand? Tell the truth or say
14:10whatever makes you look good? The truth.
14:12I'm gonna tell the truth, okay? It's 100%.
14:14This has been
14:16an important wake-up call for me.
14:18I promise you
14:20I'm gonna fly right from here on out.
14:22He said the needles
14:24were for his medicine and that
14:26just a quick rinse and they were,
14:28quote, good as new.
14:30That might be the most disgusting
14:32thing I've ever heard.
14:34What do you think? Is this the guy
14:36you fought in the basement?
14:38I don't know. He feels wrong.
14:40I mean, this guy's literally buzzing
14:42with energy. The killer we're after
14:44was calm, fastidious,
14:46careful, and dangerously
14:48smart. I can't imagine
14:50this guy making a peanut butter sandwich without
14:52cutting off something important. Maybe that's what he
14:54wants us to think, laying the groundwork for an
14:56insanity plea. If so, he deserves an Oscar.
14:58So, do you want to talk
15:00to him or lay back?
15:02Lay back. Okay.
15:04Mr. Dearborn.
15:08I'm Brendan Akers
15:10with the FBI. This is Detective
15:12Lopez. I take it you've been apprised of
15:14your rights. Is that correct?
15:16I didn't do anything. I never do anything.
15:18Can you tell us where you were two nights ago?
15:22Down below.
15:26Are you talking about a basement?
15:28It's my
15:30happy place.
15:32I don't want to go to my happy place.
15:44Nice to be home.
15:46So nice.
15:48Especially now that the threat of my crazy
15:50ex-husband is gone. At least for the
15:52moment. You'll get through this.
15:54We're all here for you. Whatever you guys need.
16:00Sorry, I have to get this.
16:02Of course. Talk to you later.
16:10Hello? Tell me about Detroit.
16:12I shouldn't be talking to you.
16:14Why did you text when asked for this call?
16:16Tell me about Detroit.
16:20fingerprints were pulled from a liquor store he robbed.
16:22Same thing outside Provo, Utah
16:24two days before. Seems a little sloppy
16:26for our boy. You think it's a fakeout?
16:28I don't know. Maybe not. People do have
16:30a tendency to run for the hills when they hear that I'm looking
16:32for them. But I have my feelers out. I'll know
16:34more soon enough.
16:36I might have something. So I was
16:38going through Antoinette's initial autopsy reports.
16:40All of the victims were cross-contaminated
16:42with dirty needles before they were killed.
16:44Except one. His very first
16:46victim, Grant Megalis.
16:48First kills are often unique.
16:50The thrill of raw violence before a serial
16:52killer hones their style. Right. And they can also
16:54be the most personal. So, I went
16:56back into Grant's missing person file.
16:58One of the people the detectives interviewed was his
17:00former employer, Liam Glasser. Now,
17:02Glasser was never a suspect, but he runs
17:04a vending machine supply company that services
17:06facilities all across Los Angeles, including
17:08Westview Psychiatric.
17:10Any connection
17:12to St. Stephen? Not that I could find.
17:14You should definitely put eyes on Glasser.
17:16See if you recognize him from the other night.
17:18Yeah, but I don't want him to know that he might be a suspect.
17:22I have an idea.
17:24Glad you could come on such short notice.
17:26You kidding me? I'm getting my first born
17:28to service all the LAPD machines.
17:30You really got that kind of pull with
17:32the city? Oh, yeah. I'm the man.
17:34These all look like
17:36pretty standard fare. I was
17:38hoping for more of the, uh,
17:40exotics. Well, this is just a small
17:42sampling of what we carry.
17:44Is there something specific you had
17:46in mind? There's a New Zealand nut bar
17:48that I could only find
17:50at the zoo. The Kiwi Crispy.
17:52I have that. No way.
17:54Oh, yeah. It's not on the truck, but I could land it
17:56in slot 22 first thing in the
17:58morning if that seals the deal. Smitty Gray's
18:00looking for you. Sorry, I didn't
18:02mean to interrupt.
18:04It's never an interruption
18:06when a woman is as pretty as you.
18:08Oh, wow. Smooth talker.
18:10Guilty as charged. But
18:12don't let me stop important police business
18:14from happening. I got work to do, too.
18:16I'm gonna go talk to Gray, and I will
18:18circle back. It was nice meeting you.
18:20You, too.
18:26Actually, you might be able
18:28to help me out with something.
18:30Happy to.
18:32Unless this is just a ploy
18:34to get a hit on me, because I am a happily married
18:36man. Who tells random women
18:38they're pretty? Well, men can look.
18:40Oh. So what can I do
18:42for you, uh... Uh, Nyla
18:44Harper, detective.
18:46It's nice to meet you, Nyla Harper, detective.
18:48I'm Liam Glasser,
18:50uh, lord of the vending machines.
18:52Uh, that is actually what I wanted to talk to you
18:54about. Um...
18:56Okay, so I have this case. It is a
18:58serial murder investigation,
19:00and there are connections to
19:02Westview Psychiatric. Get out of here.
19:04I service Westview.
19:06You're kidding. No.
19:08Wow, that's a small world. For how long?
19:10Uh, I mean, like, forever.
19:12Uh, it's my dad's company.
19:14I started working with him in high school. I took it over
19:16when he passed, so more than
19:1820 years. How often are you there?
19:20I average, uh, three or four
19:22visits a month.
19:24I mean, the food is terrible there, so the patients
19:26and the staff, they basically live off the machines.
19:30I hate to impose, but
19:32there are elements of this case
19:34that date back to over a decade
19:36ago, and talking to someone
19:38with institutional knowledge would be
19:40extremely helpful.
19:42The staff has been stonewalling me,
19:44trying to cover their ass. You know how that is.
19:46Oh, yeah. It's, uh, human nature.
19:48Exactly. Um...
19:50Can you help me?
19:52Well, um, as much as I would love
19:54to spend the day talking to you,
19:56I got a schedule to keep.
19:58It won't take that long.
20:02I'd owe you.
20:06Sure. I can-I can spare a few minutes.
20:08Great. I will go grab
20:10my file and my notebook.
20:20I think Glasser is my guy.
20:22He's the second killer.
20:24Well, that's a surprise,
20:26but Peter Bourne is currently confessing.
20:30I couldn't stop.
20:32I-I needed them to hurt the way I hurt.
20:34The way I hurt.
20:36So I jabbed them.
20:38I jabbed them, and I killed them.
20:42Who was the third victim?
20:48Third kill...
20:54Skid Row.
20:56H-He helped me find that place.
20:58Right between the toes.
21:00The most painful bone.
21:02Lots of nerves.
21:04But anywhere you poke, poke, poke too often,
21:06they get used to it.
21:08And I always had a lot of needles to poke.
21:10I stole them from the hospital.
21:12But this morning,
21:14you told Officer Nolan that you used
21:16those needles in your house for medicine.
21:20For me. And for them.
21:22Tell us about Remy.
21:24Got away.
21:28How did he get away?
21:32What happened the other night
21:34when he got away?
21:44I-I just wanted to stop.
21:46I-I need someone to stop me.
21:50I need to be punished.
21:52I've done such bad things.
21:54Such bad things.
22:02So, did he get anything wrong?
22:04Missing detail?
22:06No, it was a slam-dunk confession
22:08from a guy who was clearly in the throes of mental illness.
22:10I mean, sure, he gave us details,
22:12but he also left a lot of holes.
22:14Those are details only the killer could know.
22:16Or someone helping him.
22:18That is not admissible, but I am telling you,
22:20Glasser is the guy from the basement.
22:22He recognized me in the break room.
22:24He couldn't stop staring at my wounds.
22:26He's still in there with Smitty,
22:28waiting to talk to me.
22:30At least just put eyes on him.
22:32Check my math.
22:36Of course, the last thing I want to do
22:38is charge the wrong guy or leave an accomplice out there.
22:42Let's go.
22:45I swear she'll be right back.
22:47I'm sorry. I got a route to run.
22:49I can't wait any longer.
22:51I am so sorry. Thank you for waiting.
22:53I really gotta go.
22:55Just talk to me for two minutes. That's it. I promise.
22:57Your stuff will be safe here.
23:16So, um, do you have any interactions
23:18with the patients at Westview?
23:20Uh, I don't really stop to chat.
23:22I mean, not that there's anything wrong
23:24with being mentally ill.
23:26I can't help it, but, uh,
23:28I'm not really looking to socialize.
23:30So is that a no?
23:32Yes, that is a no.
23:34So you have never talked
23:36to someone named Ryan Dearborn?
23:38Uh, like I said,
23:40I do my business and I get out.
23:42Is that the serial killer
23:44you mentioned, Dearborn?
23:46I can't really comment on that.
23:52You can almost feel him trying to be casual.
23:54If he is the guy,
23:56he's rocking a world-class ego.
23:58It'll make him overconfident.
24:04Well, if there's nothing else,
24:06I really gotta go.
24:08Where were you on Tuesday night?
24:12Oh, I'm sorry.
24:14I meant to ask, um,
24:16were you at Westview two nights ago?
24:18Something happened.
24:20Well, I don't work nights.
24:22I have a family.
24:24Oh, kids?
24:26Yeah, two.
24:28What about you?
24:34What happened at Westview?
24:36There was an attack.
24:38There was an attack.
24:40Our suspect almost killed a cop.
24:42No kidding.
24:46But like I said,
24:48I wasn't there.
24:50Where were you?
24:52Movies, maybe.
24:54I'd have to check.
24:56No, I really gotta go.
24:58Good luck with your case.
25:00Of course.
25:02Uh, we will be in touch
25:04if any follow-up is necessary.
25:06Looking forward to it.
25:12I hope you catch the guy.
25:14I mean, you must feel such a weight
25:16being the only person
25:18who can bring
25:20his poor victim's closure.
25:24Does it keep you up at night?
25:28It would keep me up at night.
25:30I sleep just fine.
25:32Do you?
25:36Like a baby.
25:50Good job.
25:52So how's my math?
25:56He's definitely giving off some creepy vibes.
25:58He seemed very interested in the case.
26:00I think Ryan's involved somehow,
26:02but Glasser's the dominant personality.
26:04But will a jury see it that way?
26:06No, no.
26:08They'll see Ryan stealing the syringes
26:10and Ryan confessing to serial murder.
26:12Glasser's just a hard-working family man
26:14who's barely tied to the case.
26:16Ryan's guilt pull's genuine.
26:18I think he honestly believes he committed the murders.
26:20What if Glasser convinced him?
26:22You know, spent years feeding him details
26:24until he internalized them?
26:26Well, we know Glasser thinks long-term
26:28as Ryan can easily be manipulated.
26:30If that is true, then Glasser's created the perfect Patsy.
26:32So what do we do?
26:34Good news is he knows we're close.
26:36He won't risk another abduction anytime soon.
26:38Yeah, but we need to be ready when he does.
26:40I need every detail about his work life.
26:42His clients, Root.
26:44There has to be some connection
26:46between him and the other victims.
26:48And let's pull apart his family.
26:50I need a deep dive on his wife,
26:52kids, third cousins, everyone.
26:54I'm so sorry to interrupt.
26:56Nolan, Detroit PD's on the phone looking for you.
26:58Excuse me.
27:12Jason was never in Detroit.
27:14He paid some meth head to leave his fingerprints
27:16at crime scenes.
27:18Detroit PD just arrested the guy.
27:20Jason is still in L.A.
27:26John Nolan.
27:58What are you doing, man?
28:00What are you doing?
28:20Oh, yeah!
28:22That'll get the juices flowing, huh?
28:24Hey, babe.
28:26Oh, you don't look so good back there.
28:28Oh, damn it.
28:30Oh, I forgot to dump your phone.
28:32She's moving south on La Cienega.
28:347 out of 15, Bailey's partner just called 911.
28:36Jason took her.
28:40I know, I'm budging it.
28:42Stupid, stupid.
28:44All right, all right, all right.
28:46So just pull over
28:48or wait for the switch car.
28:50Pull over and let me the hell out.
28:52Shut up!
28:54Nobody's asking you.
28:56I am way past taking orders from you, Jason.
28:58You don't scare me anymore.
29:00I said shut up.
29:02Give me this.
29:08Ah, bitch!
29:20Do you have her?
29:24One minute out. Get ready.
29:26I'm so ready, baby. Get here.
29:28Another life you're ruining.
29:30You're the one that ruined a life.
29:34Oh, boo-hoo.
29:36Jason, you're not the hero of the story.
29:38Stepping on an infinite number of brakes.
29:42Look, I really
29:44not provoke me right now.
29:46Why? You gonna make it hurt more?
29:48Such a big man
29:50torturing a woman a third of your size.
29:52Shut up!
30:24Oh, my God.
30:26They stopped two blocks up
30:28around the corner.
30:30Oh, my God.
30:32Baby, are you okay?
30:34Do I look okay?
30:36Don't yell at me. I'm freaking out here.
30:38Come on. We gotta go.
30:40Is she dead?
30:42I don't know.
30:44You gotta make sure, otherwise you'll never rest easy
30:46and you'll never be all mine.
30:48Oh, God.
30:50She broke my arm!
30:52Come on. We don't have time. We gotta move.
30:54We won't make it to your car.
30:56Come on. We gotta go.
30:58Come on. We gotta go.
31:00Where are you going?
31:14There she is.
31:20I'm here. I'm here.
31:24How bad are you hurt?
31:26But he's hurt worse.
31:28He just ran off
31:30down the alley with a woman.
31:32Um, blonde,
31:34pink sweatshirt.
31:36Control suspect Jason Weiler is on foot heading west
31:38towards the 101. He is armed and dangerous.
31:40Second suspect, blonde, female, pink sweatshirt.
31:42Mobilize backup airship
31:44and a supervisor to set up a search grid.
31:56You're gonna be all right.
31:58Ambulance is on the way.
32:00How'd you notify me?
32:02Detroit PD called.
32:04Jason paid someone to plant his fingerprints.
32:06I know.
32:08I mean, I knew
32:10that we shouldn't have trusted him.
32:12Oh, Jason's phone.
32:14He left that before he ran off.
32:16Oh, my God.
32:18Oh, my God.
32:20Oh, my God.
32:22Oh, my God.
32:24He left that before he ran off.
32:26Over here.
32:28Quick. Easy. Nice and easy.
32:30Multiple contusions.
32:32Possible concussion.
32:34Slight whiplash and some injury to my ribs.
32:36It's either fractured or sprained.
32:38I'm not sure.
32:40How's Bailey? Bailey is pissed.
32:42I'm gonna go to the hospital with her. Of course.
32:44This is Jason's phone.
32:46He called the woman he ran off with right before we crashed.
32:50Hey, I need a name and trace on this phone number right now.
32:52I have all the units in the area.
32:54Locked down the grid.
32:56We're not gonna let Jason get away again.
32:58All right, it's registered to Drew Davis.
33:00Uh, 28, female.
33:02Lives in La Cunada.
33:06I know her.
33:08No, she pretended she was drunk. She broke into the yard.
33:10She said she was looking for her friend's house.
33:12She must have been trying to test out your security system for Jason.
33:14That's his move. Makes some poor young woman
33:16think he's in love with her and then ruin her life.
33:18Trace came in. It's a few blocks from here.
33:20West on 6th.
33:22Control, suspect's heading west on 6th Street
33:24toward Anderson. Code 3.
33:28You sure? Go. Catch him.
33:42Oh, my God.
33:44Oh, my God.
33:48What are we gonna do?
33:50We gotta get a car.
33:52Can't we just hide?
33:54No, they're gonna have this whole place locked down.
33:56Oh, no. Your phone.
34:00They're tracking us.
34:02They know who I am. Why would they know who I am?
34:04It doesn't matter!
34:06Okay, look, hey.
34:08You gotta go stop that car.
34:10I'm gonna come out with a gun, and we're gonna jack it.
34:12All right.
34:30Her phone's at the end
34:32of the block.
34:34Oh, no one.
34:36Let's hear it.
34:387-9-15, we have eyes on one suspect.
34:40Gunshot. Possibly deceased.
34:42No sign of Jason yet.
34:44Did Jason shoot her?
34:46I don't know. Let's move.
35:09I got eyes on Jason.
35:11South side of the street.
35:19Show me your hands!
35:24I give up!
35:26Step out!
35:28I can't. Malvado, he's all over me.
35:30He killed Drew.
35:32You gotta protect me.
35:34Step out and show me your hands!
35:37Damn it, he's got a rifle!
35:467-9-15, shots fired.
35:48Suspect is down. We have a sniper.
35:50600 block of Anderson.
35:52Precise location unknown.
36:06Nyla Harper, detective.
36:10Now, I told you I'm a halfly married man.
36:12Yes, you did.
36:14That was a lie,
36:16just like everything else you have told me was a lie.
36:18See, I know you used to be
36:20the smartest guy in the room,
36:22and honestly, you have mostly been right.
36:24You have played this thing perfectly so far.
36:26Well, I have no idea
36:28what you're talking about,
36:30but I do know
36:32that I'm not the smartest guy in the room.
36:34I have no idea what you're talking about.
36:36Oh, you don't have to pretend.
36:38I'm not wearing a wire.
36:40I'm not here to trick you into confessing
36:42or threaten you that Ryan Dearborn
36:44has flipped on you.
36:46Like I said,
36:48you're smarter than that.
36:50But I also know
36:52that you can't help what you are.
36:54You'll be disciplined for a while,
36:56but then
36:58you won't be able to stop yourself,
37:00and you will take
37:02another victim,
37:04and we will be there.
37:08My friends
37:10on patrol who will make
37:12driving by your home and work
37:14part of every shift.
37:16And my other friends,
37:18my undercover friends,
37:20who will always be out there.
37:22Only you won't know who,
37:24and you won't know when.
37:26So you've gotten away with everything
37:28because you moved in the shadows,
37:30and you will stay there
37:32until I find a way to hang these murders
37:34around your neck
37:36and lock you away forever.
37:38I'm back.
38:00I believe I only asked for a drink.
38:02Yes, I have that
38:04right here.
38:06Don't open it right away. I dropped it.
38:08And the rest of all this?
38:10Oh, this isn't from me.
38:12No, I definitely did not impulse
38:14buy half the gift shop.
38:16Ah, must have been my secret lover.
38:18Yeah, and if you ask me, that guy is really needy.
38:20Maybe he's just worried
38:22because I'm completely in love with you.
38:24To be honest,
38:26I've never been more scared in my life.
38:28Me too.
38:30Me too.
38:34Jason has been a part of my life
38:36for so long.
38:38Even when he was in prison,
38:40there was always this part of me that was worried.
38:44What he was planning,
38:46when would he strike,
38:48and now...
38:50And now you don't have to worry anymore.
38:56Now, is there anything else you want?
38:58I just want to go home.
39:00I will go see if I can
39:02help Luna with that paperwork.
39:04Hang tight.
39:14Hey, I guess you missed
39:16your 8 o'clock Zoom date.
39:18Yeah, it's alright. Camilla gets it.
39:20When is she moving out?
39:22I don't know. It's kind of hard to picture
39:24here, you know? The life we were planning
39:26together was very Texas.
39:285,000 square foot house
39:30where half of what I pay for rent.
39:32Exactly. Marriage, three kids,
39:34the whole thing. And now?
39:36I don't know. I've changed
39:38a lot since I've been here, you know?
39:42Speak of the devil.
39:44Hey, I'm going to take this here so I don't lose her in the elevator.
39:46Oh yeah, no worries. I'll see you tomorrow.
39:48See you tomorrow.
39:50Hey, beautiful, you're up late.
39:52Yeah, I know, but
39:54it's the only flight that I could get.
39:58Wait, where are you?
40:02Hey, what are you doing here?
40:04Oh baby, I couldn't wait. I quit my job.
40:06I'm moving to Los Angeles. Come here.
40:10So I've been thinking about the Seth
40:12situation. It's been a long day.
40:14I know this is my problem.
40:16I'm the T.O., so I made a decision.
40:18He can't stay. The stakes are way too
40:20high, and the only way to fix this
40:22is to cut him from the program.
40:24Okay. Let's talk to Greg.
40:28Wait, you're not going to talk me out of it?
40:30No. It's your call.
40:34Just know this whole station
40:36is going to be behind you, every step of the way.
40:38Thank you, sir. What's going on?
40:40It's your news to share.
40:44I finally got my lab results,
40:46and my cancer is back,
40:48but we caught it early, and the doctor says
40:50I should still be able to work, and
40:52I just wanted to let you know
40:54that I am ready, I am willing,
40:56and able to complete my training
40:58if you will still have me.
41:04Yeah, of course.
41:08I am going to sleep for a week.
41:10Yes, you always say that, and then you always
41:12pick up three new hobbies with your time off.
41:14This is different.
41:16Oh, I left my jacket.
41:18I'll grab it. Hang on.
41:26There we go.
41:34Did you find it?
41:50What did you do?
42:08What did you do?
42:26Damn it.
