00:30We found a gunshot wound on the right side of his neck.
00:33A gunshot wound?
00:35He was shot with a gun?
00:39That's right.
00:42The Last Man Standing
00:45The Last Man Standing
00:47The Last Man Standing
00:49The Last Man Standing
00:51The Last Man Standing
00:55There's a warehouse in Wakeji where he's not currently using.
00:58He's been in there for two days.
01:01There's a tablet device here.
01:04There was a video of Tanuma uploaded online.
01:08After I left the company, I moved to Waseda
01:12because Tanuma had committed a crime.
01:15It was a holy place.
01:18You admit it, don't you?
01:21You uploaded this video online.
01:26I'm sure Tanuma felt the same way I did.
01:30I understand how Tanuma feels.
01:34What do you know about Suwa's death?
01:36He lost a lot of blood due to the damage to his abdominal artery.
01:40Was the wound on his abdomen caused by a gunshot wound?
01:44The wound on his right abdomen was caused by a gunshot wound.
01:48However, Suwa's body was found in a sewer in Toyama Park.
01:51His body was found in a sewer in Toyama Park.
01:55As you can see, there's a gunshot wound.
01:57The bullet was found in his body.
02:01In other words,
02:03the gun was not stolen.
02:07I shot him because he resisted.
02:09Why didn't you steal the gun?
02:11Tanuma used a knife.
02:13I stabbed him with a police officer.
02:15If that was the case, I would have...
02:16But you shot Suwa.
02:22I wanted to kill another police officer.
02:26Another police officer?
02:31He's a former detective named Onizuka.
02:34He used to work for Tanuma.
02:36That guy...
02:40Suwa has the qualification of a judo master.
02:44Do you think a police officer like him can steal a gun?
02:52It's a weapon.
02:54Unfortunately, no fingerprints have been found.
02:58He was using it with his body.
03:03I brought a picture of his body.
03:04What is it?
03:06How far did you shoot Suwa?
03:09How far?
03:11It was very close.
03:13There's a tattoo on Suwa's side.
03:19Suwa had a tattoo?
03:22There's a trail of gunpowder.
03:25We call it a tattoo.
03:29This tattoo is less than 50 cm from the body.
03:34The gunpowder was still on him.
03:36So you shot Suwa with the gunpowder still on him.
03:45I can't believe Suwa was easily shot by Suwa.
03:56Onizuka Ichiro
04:04Onizuka Ichiro was injured in a car accident.
04:09He was re-admitted to the Shihokakari-cho, a police station in Shinjuku.
04:14Onizuka was born and raised in Shinjuku.
04:18He can't use his legs anymore.
04:21We will solve the case of Reiwa with the memory of Showa and Heisei.
04:26Onizuka Ichiro
04:29Saeki hates Onizuka.
04:33The other day, Saeki wrote a criticism of Onizuka on the Internet.
04:37At that time, he said something that came to his mind.
04:41An anonymous person is a person who communicates at the same time that he has no responsibility for his own life.
04:47In other words, he is a person who does not need to deal with anyone other than the anonymous person who denies the law.
04:59Where is Detective Onizuka now?
05:03Certainly, I said that to Saeki.
05:07But I didn't mean to say that I met him by chance.
05:11Onizuka was at the investigation headquarters at that time.
05:15It is a proper investigation activity to interrogate suspects.
05:19There is no precedent for a police officer to be at the investigation headquarters.
05:24But thanks to that, the culprit was arrested.
05:27Even if you do a good job, if you do something that is not in the precedent, you will be fired from your job.
05:31That's the organization.
05:33Detective Suwa was also chased by the police.
05:37That is the best proof.
05:39He was chased by the police?
05:42By the way, Detective Suwa said that.
05:45Yojo, don't act on your own.
05:47I lost my job as a detective because of that.
05:50After all, Director Mori has a personal connection with Detective Suwa.
05:58There is a yakitori restaurant called Tecchan in Waseda.
06:03It was just after I was reinstated to this office.
06:07It was around the time of 2027.
06:12All the college students who were eating at the restaurant were attacked by abdominal pain and vomiting.
06:18They were taken to the hospital.
06:20There was a possibility of poisoning.
06:22The investigation headquarters was built in our office.
06:25Salmoneracin came out of the victim.
06:28Food poisoning and diagnosis.
06:30The investigation headquarters was disbanded.
06:32Detective Suwa, who was a detective at the time, was at the headquarters.
06:38He was a regular at the restaurant.
06:41So he continued to investigate that there was no possibility of food poisoning.
06:48As a result, it was found that the students were eating handmade cakes in the dormitory before they came to the yakitori restaurant.
06:56It was determined that this was the cause.
06:59But why did Detective Suwa go to the police station?
07:02Because he continued to investigate.
07:04But thanks to that, the innocence of the yakitori restaurant should have been proven.
07:08That's the job of the insurance company.
07:10The police should have taken action when they found out that it was food poisoning.
07:24Oh, Kaori.
07:26Look at this.
07:28This is the back of the victim.
07:30Oh, that's right.
07:31There was a strong hemorrhage.
07:34The wound on the back of the victim when he fell into the water while he was still breathing.
07:40That was the conclusion of the headquarters.
07:43But if this is the wound from the back...
07:50So Detective Suwa lost his gun?
07:53Even so...
07:55Saeki is still the most important suspect.
07:59Detective Onizuka.
08:02From now on, don't do anything without permission.
08:16Saeki refused to tell us where he shot Suwa.
08:22He said he shot Suwa in Toyama Park and left his body in the water.
08:27Before the truth was reported.
08:30It's a fact that only the culprit knows.
08:36What's Suwa's cell phone reception record?
08:39The last message was a phone call from Yojo.
08:44I called him.
08:45It was past 10 p.m. the day before yesterday.
08:48After that, what about Suwa's phone and radio?
08:54What is Suwa's estimated time of death?
08:57According to the autopsy, it was from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. the day before yesterday.
09:01Since the gunshot was heard at 5 a.m., the headquarters said it was at 5 a.m.
09:09I didn't confirm it with Saeki.
09:13However, Saeki confessed to the scene, the situation, and the weapon.
09:20Please ask Saeki when he shot Suwa.
09:29I understand.
09:34This is how the operation continues.
09:37This is how the operation continues.
09:42The time I shot this police officer?
09:45It was yesterday.
09:46What time and what minute of yesterday?
09:49I don't remember it in detail.
09:52Then, when was it in the morning, noon, and evening?
09:56I'm tired.
09:57You've talked enough.
09:59From now on, it's a secret.
10:01Hurry up.
10:03Chief Kuritaka.
10:05The police will come to receive Saeki's body.
10:08Then, the Special Investigation Headquarters will be disbanded.
10:10Of course, the meeting will be held.
10:14Suwa is a second-class special police officer.
10:19That's right.
10:20The police department is mainly run by the regional department, which Suwa was in charge of.
10:26He used to work here before.
10:29I understand.
10:30I'll help with the investigation.
10:31Then, let me do it.
10:34I remember you.
10:36You used to work with Suwa.
10:41Suwa was my teacher.
10:44And Suwa's teacher was you.
10:49I'm not a teacher.
10:51But I happened to be in the office where Suwa was first assigned as a police officer.
10:58He's so young, but he's a newbie as a police officer.
11:01Everyone, please train him.
11:06He was a newbie who finally became a police officer when he was in his mid-forties.
11:13I guess that's how much he wanted to become a police officer.
11:16Seven years later, when I was re-assigned here a few years ago.
11:23I've been to this office before.
11:25Mr. Onizuka.
11:27Nice to meet you.
11:28Nice to meet you.
11:30Mr. Onizuka.
11:32Hey, Suwa.
11:35I've been waiting for you.
11:36Is this the office?
11:39I have a deep connection with Suwa.
11:42That's what I thought.
11:44But aren't you sad?
11:47Suwa was recently killed.
11:50I'm so sad and frustrated that I can't help it.
11:54But Mr. Onizuka, why are you so calm?
11:57Mr. Yojo.
11:58Everyone has their own sadness.
12:02That's why I'm still rational and calm.
12:10Still rational?
12:12Mr. Onizuka.
12:13Don't you think it was Saeki who killed Suwa?
12:19Mr. Onizuka.
12:22I talked to a detective who worked with Saeki.
12:25Mr. Onizuka, you were right.
12:27At that time...
12:28There was a report of a man's body found at a waterway in Toyama Park, Shinjuku.
12:33It turned out to be Director Kazuhiko Suwa.
12:35There is a gunshot wound on his right abdomen.
12:38It's been repeated.
12:39I knew it.
12:41Saeki can tell you where the murder took place and that a gun was used.
12:48The reason why the time of murder was kept secret was because it wasn't broadcast.
12:53Are you going to leave this question to Saeki?
13:02I want to keep investigating even if I'm alone until this question is solved.
13:13Why are you alone?
13:16I'll investigate, too.
13:19Of course, I'll do it, too.
13:23Mr. Onizuka.
13:25Mr. Toyama.
13:27Ms. Yojo.
13:29And me.
13:31Chief Detective Tokurita.
13:33It's a five-person investigation headquarters.
13:35I don't know when I got involved.
13:38Oh, no.
13:40That's not fair.
13:41What about me?
13:42Am I out?
13:45I'm really curious about this.
13:49If this is a wound hit by the culprit,
13:54I should look for this weapon.
13:58Is this a fatal wound?
14:02But I haven't found the object that caused this wound yet.
14:05As long as this is not a fatal wound, Saeki's device is sufficiently capable at the current stage.
14:10That's the conclusion of the Special Investigation Headquarters.
14:16Are you kidding me?
14:18I'm a detective.
14:20I don't want to leave any questions to the killer.
14:25You're a real detective, aren't you?
14:29So, it's a six-person investigation headquarters with Kijimoto.
14:34I think you should quit.
14:39Mr. Tsubasa was robbed of his bicycle and killed by Saeki.
14:43That was because of the weapon.
14:45Even so, the position of the chief is very dangerous.
14:49Moreover, if you do something selfish...
14:52That's true.
14:54It will affect your career.
14:57I said this before.
15:00Didn't you come back to the chief to make me a detective?
15:04That's not true.
15:06It's just a personal move.
15:08That's a lie.
15:12I came back to this office with hope.
15:17When I think about my real career...
15:21Mr. Onizuka.
15:23I want to see your investigation a little closer.
15:32I understand.
15:34So, it's okay to have a six-person investigation headquarters, right?
15:39Of course.
15:41Actually, I've been wondering about something.
15:48Have you heard anything about them?
15:50Mr. Tsubasa is too strict.
15:53If you hand over Saeki's body to the police, the headquarters will be disbanded.
15:57When did this early morning patrol start?
16:05Are we?
16:08I was surprised when I saw Mr. Mori.
16:11He's missing.
16:22Why were you surprised when you saw Mr. Mori?
16:27I was surprised.
16:29I was surprised.
16:34He was the one who came to the police station late at night.
16:40When was that?
16:42I think it was at the beginning of last year.
16:45I didn't know he was the manager of the investigation department.
16:48I should have greeted him properly.
16:50Why didn't you greet him properly?
16:52Mr. Chihiki, you don't have to do that now.
16:55What did Mr. Mori come to the police station for?
17:00I don't know.
17:01I think he had something to do with Mr. Suwa.
17:04What did Mr. Mori have to do with Mr. Suwa?
17:10What did he have to do with him?
17:11Well, at that time, I...
17:15I was on my way to the office.
17:18I just saw his face.
17:20You went to the office at that time?
17:22You went to the office at that time?
17:25It was around that time.
17:27Did Mr. Yaida hear anything about you two?
17:32I was on my way to the office at that time.
17:36Mr. Suwa is too strict.
17:40Too strict?
17:41About what?
17:42No, that's all I heard.
17:49Shut up!
17:50Why did Suwa tell the manager to shut up?
17:54No, I don't know.
18:00Mr. Suwa was too strict.
18:03He was strict, but...
18:06He made me fix the documents until late at night.
18:08I had to remember the route of the day.
18:10After returning from the patrol, I was given a detailed map.
18:14I think Mr. Mori had something to do with Suwa.
18:23Mr. Mori.
18:25Mr. Mori.
18:26Mr. Mori asked me to give you a yearly report.
18:30A yearly report?
18:32It's from Suwa's office.
18:34Mr. Mori.
18:36I want to know Mr. Suwa's and Mr. Mori's records.
18:40I want to know Mr. Suwa's and Mr. Mori's records.
18:41I want to know Mr. Suwa's and Mr. Mori's records.
18:42I want to know Mr. Suwa's and Mr. Mori's records.
18:47You should have told me earlier.
18:50I'm sorry.
18:51I just remembered.
19:07I finished reading from January to April.
19:10I finished reading from May to July.
19:14The amount of information is different between when Suwa wrote it and when he didn't.
19:22Maybe he wanted to sell the documents to Mr. Suwa.
19:27Okay, I'm done.
19:29This is the last record Suwa left.
19:35At 4 p.m., the chief of police, Jun Ishimura, was ordered to take a nap.
19:41After the police station was closed, he was ordered to take a nap.
19:45He was ordered to write a report on the Mini-Kenmon until he fell asleep.
19:51He wrote down the route he was going to patrol today.
19:54Toden, Waseda Station.
19:58Mejiro-dai Residence.
20:02Takada Residence.
20:04Omokage Bridge.
20:06Then, he went back to Nishiwaseda Park.
20:09He didn't go to Toyama Park where Suwa was shot.
20:14Does that mean someone called him to the park?
20:19Or, he went to the park to chase someone.
20:24By the way, it's unusual to patrol at 4 a.m.
20:31And he often did it.
20:39But, it's about Suwa.
20:42It must mean something.
20:46When did he start this early morning patrol?
20:54Suwa's Blood Test Result
21:00Blood reaction.
21:02As a result of the blood test, it was Suwa's blood.
21:06In other words, this is the weapon that hit Suwa's back of the head.
21:13No, there was a blood glove instead.
21:17After the blood stamped glove.
21:20In other words, the culprit was wearing gloves.
21:24But, there was no glove on the weapon.
21:27It's a glove used for crime.
21:29He must have disposed of it immediately.
21:31Was there such a lesson?
21:34I didn't order this kind of surveillance.
21:39Tomorrow, the police will come to collect the weapon, right?
21:43It's not the time to do this anymore.
21:46Before handing over the weapon to the police,
21:49I want you to ask me whether I hit him with this brick or where I threw this brick.
21:56Saeki has a clear purpose.
22:00It can be used as evidence.
22:04Myocho, if you hand over Saeki's weapon to the police,
22:08the Special Investigation Headquarters will disband.
22:10That's all.
22:17He didn't say anything about his relationship with Suwa at the investigation meeting.
22:22Was he in the way of the investigation?
22:24I found out that Onizuka-san was worried about him.
22:27I also found out the identity of this.
22:30No way...
22:32Yes, the culprit must be...
22:38I see.
22:43Hey, I brought your resume.
22:47What do you want next?
22:49Would you like to order a pizza?
22:53Let's take a look at it.
22:58As far as I can see, there is no particular connection to your resume.
23:03If there is a connection, it's here and here.
23:10From April 2024 to November 2027,
23:17Suwa-kun was in our police department.
23:20On the other hand, you were in the investigation department at the same time.
23:26If there is a murder case in our office,
23:29our police department and the investigation department will form an investigation headquarters.
23:33In other words,
23:35Director Mori has met Suwa-kun quite often in the past few years.
23:44Maybe they formed a team at that time.
23:50If you look up the case you two were involved in, you'll find out right away.
23:57I've teamed up with Suwa-san several times.
24:03I don't really want to remember.
24:07You don't want to remember? Why?
24:10It's normal for a family to work together under the direction of the family.
24:15In Suwa-chan's case, that's not normal.
24:21He was quite old, so most of what he said was true.
24:26I couldn't stand it either.
24:28Most of all, he was very strict with his paperwork.
24:38Please write down all the details.
24:41I don't want to be blamed by the suspect at the scene.
24:47The investigation is more about the case than the paperwork.
24:49I had to rewrite it many times.
24:52I was really in the way of the investigation.
24:55I was a burden.
24:57You didn't say anything about your relationship with Suwa-san at the investigation meeting.
25:01I don't want to get involved in the investigation.
25:09By the way, what do you know?
25:16The investigation on Suwa-san's case is over.
25:21Is it really over?
25:25A simple investigation can destroy a person.
25:31That's what he told me.
25:42Detective Onizuka.
25:54Detective Onizuka
25:59I knew it.
26:01Detective Onizuka
26:04Detective Onizuka?
26:06Detective Onizuka stamped with invisible blood.
26:09You're studying.
26:11Jun-chan, what's that blood?
26:15It was Suwa-san's blood.
26:17So this Detective Onizuka is the culprit who killed Suwa-san?
26:20It's highly likely.
26:22Thanks to you, I found out the identity of this.
26:27Is this Sayuki's IC card?
26:30There was a trace like this.
26:32I also found out the identity of the glove in this.
26:38Jun-chan, could it be?
26:41Yes, the culprit must be...
26:43What? What is the culprit?
26:46I finished reading the diary of Suwa-san.
26:50What? But we already read it.
26:53This is the 3rd year of the Reiwa Era before the diary you read.
26:57How did you know that?
26:59The director of the office helped me.
27:03As a result, I found out that Detective Onizuka was worried.
27:07When did Suwa-san start patrolling early in the morning?
27:10It seems to be from this day.
27:13If you read this diary, you can understand why he started.
27:21In addition, there is a day when he starts patrolling early in the morning.
27:25And there is a day when he starts patrolling after he returns.
27:32Oh, that's what I read in the diary.
27:35That's what I read in the diary, too.
27:37But isn't that the day he started patrolling?
27:40No, there is a clear difference.
27:45This diary is like a lump of Suwa-chan's memory.
27:54There was a real culprit in that memory.
28:14Detective Onizuka's Diary
28:19He was very strict with his work.
28:23He was a regular at the shop.
28:25He kept patrolling because he didn't want to get food poisoning.
28:31I've been waiting for you.
28:33Was it this shop?
28:35It's been a long time.
28:36There was a mountain that I was patrolling alone.
28:39How did Suwa-san move to the factory?
28:41Because he kept patrolling.
28:43I understand Tanuma's feelings.
28:46It seems that he started patrolling early in the morning.
28:49Sometimes, before patrolling early in the morning, Suwa-san writes down the route to the west.
28:56Thanks to you, I found out who he was.
28:58The triangle you designed is also on this map.
29:02There is no Toyama Park where Saeki shot Suwa Junsabuchi.
29:09I see.
29:14Thank you for your hard work.
29:15Thank you for your hard work.
29:16Chief, Saeki's execution time is approaching.
29:21Chief, please stop the execution.
29:26I found out who killed Suwa-chan.
29:32Detective Onizuka's Diary
29:37This diary is a piece of Suwa-chan's memory.
29:43Why did you kill Suwa-chan?
29:45It's hard to keep thinking in the movie.
29:49Are you ready?
29:51Detective Onizuka's Diary
29:56Suwa-san's early patrol started the year after you came.
30:05Suwa-san wrote the route before he left and after he came back.
30:11Before he left, he only wrote the route when he was on duty with you.
30:21Before and after he died, Suwa-san was always on the phone.
30:26So, the culprit was Suwa Junsabuchi who was on patrol.
30:33And he brought him to Toyama Park.
30:36So, the culprit was the person who could see the diary on that day.
30:45You were on duty with Suwa-chan on that day.
30:50When I thought about it, I finally understood what the pattern of this card was.
30:56It was the same pattern as your safety boots at the police station.
31:01That's why you wore it on your duty.
31:05The pattern was the same as the bloodstain pattern near the scene of Suwa-san's murder.
31:13Saeki dropped his wallet when he committed the crime.
31:19Take a picture of the diary.
31:24I'm sure there was that card in that wallet.
31:28At that time, you decided to kill Suwa-chan and leave that card at the scene.
31:37Did you do that to frame Saeki?
31:40When you go to the scene, you wear gloves.
31:44So, there was only Saeki's fingerprints on that card.
31:49No way.
31:51The bloodstain on this weapon was the police officer's gloves.
32:00Why did you kill Suwa-san?
32:05Every day, I had to rewrite the documents.
32:10It was really painful.
32:12If you write that in your diary, rewrite this as well.
32:18Also, the patrol contact card you wrote is still terrible.
32:24I put red in it.
32:26Do it again when you're done.
32:34I couldn't sleep in the office.
32:36I couldn't get the documents out of my head.
32:40I couldn't sleep at all.
32:43I was the only one who saw that.
32:47Everyone did the same thing until you were dismissed.
32:51If you read Suwa-san's diary, you'll understand.
32:55I don't want to read the diary he wrote.
32:58He hasn't talked to me lately.
33:01I collected the drunk fights at the scene.
33:03I wrote the patrol route in my diary.
33:08I put the documents I wrote in my diary.
33:11It was really painful.
33:15I'm going to the dressing room.
33:17Wake me up if you need anything.
33:29That night, I saw the police officer's diary for the first time.
33:33I checked the patrol route.
33:35If it's the usual speed, I'll be back by 5 a.m.
33:39I predicted that.
33:41If Suwa-san is gone, it'll be easier.
33:44I thought so.
33:48What are you doing?
33:50I just got a report that I saw a person like Saiki at Toyama Park.
33:54I was ordered to search.
33:55Why didn't you contact me?
33:56I'm sorry.
33:57I thought the senior who went first did it.
33:59I understand. Let's go.
34:02Extend the rifle.
34:04Saiki was holding a knife in his right hand.
34:07It's probably a right-handed person.
34:10If you resist, hit your right arm with the rifle.
34:34Why did you do this to me?
34:37The day Suwa-chan started patrolling early in the morning,
34:42he wrote in his diary that his guidance was Powahara and that he was attacked by you.
34:48That's why I couldn't say anything after that.
34:52But he should have told you that he wrote the patrol route in his diary.
34:56If he did that, I thought you would read the diary.
35:00I thought you would read the diary.
35:03It's a diary, so I didn't write it openly.
35:05But if I read it properly,
35:08I should have found a sentence that I wrote with you in mind.
35:18There's no way I'd notice that!
35:21That's because you avoided reading the diary.
35:24Even if I didn't read it, there are people who noticed it.
35:29That's right.
35:31Yujo-kun, too.
35:33I'm sure...
35:35Director Mori, too.
35:42What is it?
35:47Don't move.
35:59Episode 2
36:03You killed a police officer.
36:06You were a police officer.
36:11However, Chief Jin,
36:14what about your career?
36:17I'm relieved that I didn't make a wrong decision.
36:21That's a line I don't think is a career.
36:24It's a line as a police officer.
36:28The one who influenced you...
36:32must be Detective Onizuka.
36:38He must be like a teacher to you.
36:43Didn't you make Suwa-san a teacher, too?
36:49Last year,
36:52Suwa-san wrote that you came to visit the police station.
37:02It was the day you were approved by the police.
37:09Suwa-san always puts in a lot of paperwork,
37:12so I've never made a mistake in my approval test.
37:15The police officer's career is just a job interview, right?
37:19Suwa-san told me to take the test.
37:24It's all thanks to Suwa-san.
37:27What are you talking about?
37:29You hated me at that time.
37:32I still don't want to remember that hell.
37:37I know you did that in the shadows.
37:43Suwa-san is too strict.
37:46You can keep being called an outcast.
37:49Be proud of it.
37:51I'll take that outcast back to the police until I retire.
37:58Don't act on your own.
38:00You'll end up like me.
38:04I'm sorry.
38:12Thanks to you,
38:14I became a police officer.
38:18I don't interfere with the investigation.
38:23You're right.
38:29That was a lie.
38:32I couldn't forgive Saeki.
38:36I wanted to take the test as soon as possible.
38:44I was about to make a false accusation.
38:54Suwa-san will scold me again.
39:03Everyone has their own way of being sad.
39:10There is another person who should be sad.
39:19I have a favor to ask you.
39:21Why did you lie to me that you killed Suwa-san?
39:25I didn't want to be a part of society.
39:28I wanted to end this shitty world.
39:31What are you talking about?
39:33If I killed the police officer, I would be executed.
39:39Then I'll take you to the prison.
39:49I wanted to see you.
39:52I was excluded from society like you.
39:58That's why I did the same thing as you.
40:01Nishiwaseda's Torima?
40:04That's right.
40:06I'm the same as you.
40:08That's why you made the incident and I made the incident.
40:12I'm not like you.
40:14I was injured by someone.
40:17But the police didn't do anything.
40:21So I broke my body.
40:24I was fired from the company.
40:26You quit the company because you were tired of work.
40:32I've been watching your crime.
40:34That's why I posted it on the Internet.
40:37It was you.
40:39Don't ignore my case.
40:41Hanuman, talk to me.
40:44I'm sorry.
40:45If I step out of here,
40:47there are people who want to kill me.
40:50There's a lot of information here.
40:52But I have to get out of here someday.
40:55Then you'd better forget it.
40:58You ignored it.
41:01I have to be afraid to step out of here again.
41:04It's all your fault.
41:08If you go to jail,
41:10I'll ignore your case.
41:14I'll really destroy you.
41:16Stop the meeting.
41:17You think you've destroyed me.
41:19The real hell starts here.
41:22You're forced to stay here.
41:24The real hell starts here.
41:27You're not a human.
41:30You're a monster.
41:33You said...
41:37you didn't want to get involved in society.
41:43But what you did
41:45was to get involved in society.
41:49In the past year,
41:51there have been more than 15 cases
41:53of incitement, discrimination, and murder.
41:55Even you, who was influenced by Tanuma
41:57and did such a thing,
42:01you hardly remember it.
42:03Others don't remember it at all.
42:05It's only the beginning of being reported.
42:08Even if the media remembers it for a while,
42:12it will only be treated as a piece of cake
42:15compared to the cases that have happened so far.
42:18They won't look back
42:21at each and every criminal.
42:24You said you wanted to end this world.
42:29But no matter what you do,
42:31this world won't end.
42:33Only your freedom will end.
42:36It's never been like that.
42:39You have to realize that it really happened.
42:44You just didn't have enough imagination.
42:48There must be a certain number of people
42:51who understand you.
42:53Just as you thought you understood Tanuma.
42:59such vague emotions
43:02are overwhelmingly powerless
43:05in the face of the innocent feelings
43:08of the victim who hates you so much that he wants to kill you.
43:12Even though the fact that you caused so many casualties
43:15will remain forever,
43:17you are treated as a piece of cake.
43:20And there are a lot of people out there
43:23who hate you so much that they want to kill you.
43:26Knowing that,
43:28why did you do such a thing?
43:32It's hard to keep thinking in the military.
43:38Are you prepared?
43:58The killer who killed Suwashimi will be announced soon.
44:01You'll probably be called the police's Yamida again.
44:05Is President Jin okay?
44:09His position...
44:11While he's the president,
44:13I'll give you the punishment.
44:19It's not good to investigate while on leave.
44:21But I was able to arrest Saeki with that.
44:25I'll arrest you for murder.
44:28Saki was arrested.
44:29But I don't want to be punished.
44:31Oh, you don't want to quit?
44:33Oh, I forgot to tell the president.
44:36Oh, I forgot.
44:37President, this is Toyama's...
44:39Wait, wait, wait.
44:41Why are you being so mean?
44:44That aside,
44:48I would like to recommend you to the police.
44:58Let me hear the opinion of your superior, Onizuka.
45:02To be continued.