• 13 hours ago
The First Frost (2025) Ep 17 Eng Sub

#MIATV #2024 #SHORTDRAMA #TRENDDRAMAMOVIE #FULL #FULLMOVIE #TRENDINGMOVIE #miniseries #drama #divorce #romance #revenge
00:30捨不得混濁人間 你獨自闖蕩人心 捨不得混濁人間 你獨自闖蕩人心
00:37命運降落那聲語 也許是壓抑 命運降落那聲語 也許是壓抑
00:43相信所有你曾經懷疑 有多痴迷 相信所有你曾經懷疑 有多痴迷
00:51我決定成為了你 為了你勇敢任性 我決定成為了你 為了你勇敢任性
00:55世界在對我在錯由由何止 我都要理解這一切變成回憶
01:02所有風雨當萬事人生風景 是為了你 為了你勇敢任性
01:09世界在對我在錯由由何止 就算最後所有人與我為敵
01:16也不后悔全心全意 一生爱过你 I will never regret loving you wholeheartedly for the rest of my life.
01:22抱着你 陪着你 Holding you, being by your side.
01:30我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
01:46我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:00我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:10我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:20我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:30我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:38我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:48我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
02:58我曾爱过你的眼神 I once loved your eyes.
03:06我已经很久不吃辣了 I haven't eaten spicy food for a long time.
03:08没事,你给你宿舍的同学吃,他们肯定喜欢,对吧 It's okay, you can give it to your classmates, they will definitely like it, right?
03:21谢谢 Thank you.
03:23不客气 You're welcome.
03:25那我先走了 I'm leaving now.
03:26你等会儿,等会儿 Wait a minute.
03:30妈 Mom
03:31妈 Mom
03:33你快点,快点 Come on, let's go.
03:35咱们还要去逛步行街呢,你快点呗 We still have to go shopping, hurry up.
03:37好了好了,我这边马上就好 Okay, okay, I'll be right there.
03:40怎么不叫姐啊 Why don't you call me sister?
03:44姐 Sister
03:45这银河有什么好吃好玩的,推荐一下吧 What's good to eat and play in Yihe? Please recommend it.
03:48不是很熟 I'm not familiar with it.
03:49你念银河大学,你怎么不熟了 Why don't you study at Yihe University?
03:51好了,我们没事了 Okay, we're fine.
03:52你快回去休息吧 Go back and rest.
04:02我走了妈 I'm leaving, Mom.
04:21笑一个 Smile
04:22你看他这个小手 Look at his little hand.
04:23你看 Look at him.
04:25好,好,好 Okay, okay.
04:31对啊 Yes
04:34小小的,你看他 Look at him
04:38姐,给我抱抱呗 Sister, give me a hug.
04:40姐哪能给你抱啊 How can I hug you?
04:41只有我才能抱 Only I can hug you.
04:45谁说要抱姐了 Who said I was going to hug you?
04:46我说要抱抱小宝宝 I said I was going to hug my little baby.
04:47那可不行 No way
04:48你抱吧,抱吧 Hug me, hug me.
04:49你洗手了吗 Did you wash your hands?
04:50要洗手才能抱 You have to wash your hands to hug.
04:51我洗了,刚才用酒精还擦了呢 I washed my hands, and I wiped them with alcohol.
04:54你给他抱起来 You hug him.
04:55我给你抱起来 I'll hug you.
04:56慢点 Be careful
04:58慢点,慢点 Be careful
05:01慢慢来吧 Take your time
05:02对 Yes
05:08你看他好棒啊 Look at him. He's so cool.
05:14还有五十六天 There are 56 days left.
05:23又出来了 He's out again.
05:24关心你呗 He cares about you.
05:25怎么样了 How's it going?
05:26快说说 Tell me about it.
05:28就还在努力当中 I'm still working on it.
05:31一点进展都没有啊 There's no progress at all.
05:33对方是不是吊着你呢 Is he flirting with you?
05:34没有 No
05:35他应该不知道我在追他 He probably doesn't know I'm chasing him.
05:38那你俩的感情就一点都没升温吗 Did your relationship not improve at all?
05:42也不太清楚 I'm not sure.
05:43你是不是什么都没做呀 Did you do nothing?
05:46也不算吧 Maybe not.
05:49就我也不知道从哪儿入手 I don't know where to start.
05:52你可以从他的爱好切入啊 You can start with his hobby.
05:55爱好 Hobby?
05:56嗯 Yes.
06:02你会不会玩啊 Do you know how to play?
06:04你放技能平砍十几个亿啊 You use skills to chop down tens of billions of dollars.
06:07能不能点齐活的啊 Can you do it in one go?
06:12怎么 对面给你打钱了呀 What? Did the opponent give you money?
06:14你这么演啊 Are you acting like this?
06:21怎么了 What's wrong?
06:23没怎么 Nothing.
06:25你玩游戏的时候好像变了一个人一样 When you play games, you seem to have become a person.
06:34继续玩吧 Let's keep playing.
06:35我先休息 I'll take a break.
06:37电子兴趣偶尔会掺杂一些言语上的交锋 It's normal for e-sports to have some verbal conflicts.
06:43这很正常 It's normal.
06:48小孩子啊 为了打游戏饭都不吃了 Kids don't even eat to play games.
06:52这是他最近经常玩的游戏 This is a game he's been playing a lot lately.
06:56怎么样 How's it going?
06:57还行 It's okay.
06:58还行 It's okay.
06:59还行 It's okay.
07:00还行 It's okay.
07:01还行 It's okay.
07:02还行 It's okay.
07:03还行 It's okay.
07:04还行 It's okay.
07:05怎么样 How's it going?
07:06还挺好玩的 It's pretty fun.
07:08我大学的时候就玩过 I played it when I was in college.
07:09但是很久没玩了 But I haven't played it for a long time.
07:11最近玩还有点生疏呢 I'm still a little unfamiliar with it lately.
07:14你自己玩啊 You're playing alone?
07:17你跟他一起玩啊 You're playing with him.
07:18你自己玩这算怎么回事啊 What's wrong with you playing alone?
07:21我玩得太烂了 I'm too bad at it.
07:22我怕他到时候说我 I'm afraid he'll say something about me.
07:24怎么可能 How is that possible?
07:25你跟男孩子打游戏 When you play games with boys,
07:27他们就会有一种代妹的优越感 they'll have a sense of superiority.
07:30所以 So,
07:31不管你打得多差 No matter how bad you are,
07:33他们都不会说你的 they won't say anything about you.
07:34不会的 They won't.
07:35他不会因为是我就特别对待 He won't treat me specially just because of me.
07:38哈喽 Hello.
07:40哈喽 Hello.
07:42以凡姐 你也玩这个游戏啊 Yifan, are you playing this game, too?
07:45这个游戏前期没人带的话 If no one plays this game in the early stage,
07:47升级很慢的 要不要我带你啊 you'll get slower. Do you want me to teach you?
07:49不用了 我不急 No, thanks. I'm not in a hurry.
07:51手游这种东西一个人玩很没劲的 Playing mobile games alone is boring.
07:54对 Yes.
07:59好了 Okay.
08:00我晚上的话随时在线 I'll be online at any time in the evening.
08:02如果以凡姐需要人带的话随时叫我 If Yifan needs someone to take her, call me anytime.
08:09你吃完午饭了吗 Have you finished your lunch?
08:11吃完了呀 刚吃完呢 I just finished it.
08:15你今天饭历都做好了吗 Have you finished all the documents?
08:21好像好像还没有 I don't think so.
08:25好了 Okay.
08:26谢谢 Thank you.
08:27辛苦了 辛苦了 Thank you.
08:28好了 Okay.
08:36苏安远 干嘛去 苏安远 Where are you going?
08:39还冷不冷 下班回家啊 It's still cold. I'm going home after work.
08:41回家 回家 Are you going home?
08:42是不是忘记了 你答应我了 Did you forget that you promised me
08:44今天一起去加班 that you would go to work overtime with me today?
08:48非得加班 非得加班 非得加班 I have to work overtime.
08:50你答应我了 今天一起去加班 You promised me that you would go to work overtime with me today.
08:54非得今天 当然得今天 今天股东大会 Of course I have to work overtime today. Today is the shareholders' meeting.
08:56我约了钱飞 陈屈和他们一起 I have an appointment with Qian Fei and Chen Qiyuan.
08:58就等咱们了 走吧 They are waiting for us. Let's go.
09:02走吧 走走走 Let's go. Let's go.
09:04来了 来了 上酒 上菜 Here it is. Here it is. Serve the wine and dishes.
09:08上菜 上酒 上丧员 Serve the wine and dishes. Serve the funeral service.
09:10来了 来了 宝贝 Here it is. Here it is.
09:13稀客呀 方老板 What a rare guest! Boss Fang.
09:16钱老板最近对我意见挺大啊 Boss Qian has given me a lot of opinions recently.
09:18意见呢 肯定是看不上 He is not good at giving opinions.
09:20就是最近啊 各位股东没法掌握你的动向了 Just because the shareholders can't figure out what's going on with you recently.
09:22讲讲吧 Let's talk about it.
09:24真说呀 真说 Really? Really?
09:26真说我怕你们心里不平啊 Really, I'm afraid that you feel unfair.
09:28他嫉妒个面目全非 气出个好歹 He is jealous of being a good-for-nothing.
09:30不是 他这啥意思啊 No, what does he really mean?
09:32他说啊 最近有个姑娘在追他 He said there was a girl chasing him recently.
09:34What does he mean by that?
09:36He said that a girl has been wooing him recently
09:38and he doesn't have time to deal with her.
09:39That's a big deal.
09:41Are you crazy?
09:42It's not the first time you've been wooed.
09:44You've never seen such an opportunity before, right?
09:47Do you like her too?
09:51So what?
09:55I'll repeat it.
09:57You like her too.
09:58But you're still waiting for her to woo you.
10:01You're so passive.
10:02You're a grown man.
10:03You can't hang on to her.
10:08I don't need you to teach me.
10:09As long as you have one-thousandth of my EQ,
10:12you can be a spare tire in college.
10:13Come on.
10:14A spare tire.
10:15I'll give you a break.
10:17Sang Yang, your name is really worth it.
10:18Why do you always mention her?
10:22And it was hundreds of years ago.
10:24You mentioned her right away.
10:27Is she the new intern in our company?
10:29She's in her third or fourth year.
10:30She's pretty.
10:31Good for you.
10:32You're a grown man.
10:33You're a college student.
10:35I got it.
10:36She likes young girls.
10:38Be brave.
10:39Love has nothing to do with age.
10:42Right, Qianfei?
10:44You two are together.
10:45It doesn't matter if she's five, six, seven, eight, or ninety years younger than you.
10:48She doesn't look like an intern.
10:50Is she the girl who joined the company with you?
10:56What do you plan to do with her?
10:57What do I plan to do?
10:59What can I do if she wants me?
11:02I'll just wait for her.
11:04You're too arrogant.
11:06Why do you keep talking about me?
11:08She's the one who wants to go.
11:11You want to go, too?
11:13I just...
11:15Su Hao'an.
11:20Are you having a date?
11:22Is it inconvenient?
11:23Yes, it is.
11:26Why is it inconvenient?
11:39Why are you laughing?
11:44I was just very happy that you came.
11:59How's grandpa been doing?
12:03not bad.
12:07I might be moving back.
12:09Then your grandpa will be very happy when you move back.
12:11At least he doesn't have to bother me.
12:15Did you tell grandpa
12:17about the illness?
12:21I think it will take a few days.
12:23After all, Mu Tou just left,
12:25he hasn't got a new home.
12:27Don't give her a new stimulus.
12:28How is this a stimulus?
12:30This is caring.
12:37I don't have the right to care about what you do.
12:41You can care about me.
12:43Why are you so stingy?
12:44You want others to care about you?
12:45No wonder your ex-girlfriends eat you to death.
12:50I mean,
12:52you helped me a lot in this matter.
12:54And your advice is very useful.
12:57And you've never apologized to me.
13:01Am I that kind of person?
13:02Yes, you are.
13:04So I'm even more touched.
13:10I can feel your sincerity.
13:15What are you talking about?
13:17I almost forgot why I came to see you.
13:20Just forget it.
13:23How about I go to see grandpa tomorrow?
13:25What's wrong?
13:27I found the wood.
14:27A Jiang.
14:28Are you asleep?
14:32Not yet.
14:35I miss you.
14:37I want to hear your voice.
14:39I'm fine. Just sleep.
14:41I've made you unhappy several times recently.
14:44It's all my fault.
14:47I was not considerate enough during the Spring Festival.
14:50I should have known that you didn't like to come to see me.
14:53I should have known that you didn't like to come to see me.
14:56I didn't want you to leave
14:58when I asked you to move in.
15:01I had no choice.
15:05How about this?
15:05Tell me your address.
15:07I'll cook for you when I go to your place.
15:10Do you think I said I wouldn't go to your place
15:12because I can't live with you in this family?
15:17Is that...
15:18Is that because of your aunt?
15:20Forget it. I have to get up early tomorrow.
16:20I have to get up early tomorrow.
16:50Whether you like it or not,
16:53I'll choose to wait.
16:58Until you end the long journey of exploration.
17:04You don't allow me to stop for eternity.
17:08You don't allow me to be lost.
17:12You don't allow me to be alone.
17:19How I wish to turn into a invisible person
17:24to cover up my scars.
17:27I'll give you my temperature
17:29to help you go through the cold.
17:31I can't see, but I can feel my heart aching.
17:35How I wish to turn into an invisible person
17:39to hide my tears rolling down.
17:43I guess the fingerprint you left before you died
17:49is a beautiful heartbeat to you.
17:53Mr. Wen,
17:54can you be a little more obvious to me?
18:00Otherwise, my heart won't stop.
18:07If you don't want to take action against me,
18:10I don't want to die again.
18:16I'll leave it to you.
18:39I'll leave it to you.
19:21Where did Sang Yan sleep last night?
19:24I hope it won't be the same as before.
19:29Didn't he come back last night?
19:39He didn't come back last night.
20:10Did you come back when I was sleeping last night?
20:15So you were squeezed out of bed by me?
20:20Then you should have woken me up and driven me out.
20:22If you lock the door, I can't get in.
20:24You can save me.
20:25I don't have that ability.
20:27You do.
20:29You can do anything to violate me.
20:35If I really violate you,
20:37will you lock the door?
20:46Come on.
21:01Do you understand now?
21:06If you don't lock the door,
21:07I won't be in this situation.
21:17What's going on?
21:34Nothing happened.
21:37Nothing happened.
22:03Let me go now.
22:10Next time.
22:11I'll go to work first.
22:38What are you doing now?
22:44Should I be braver?
22:58Yu Yan.
22:59I set up a reminder on my phone.
23:00This medicine is divided into morning, noon and night every day.
23:03Just take it with you.
23:04You can take one when your phone rings.
23:06That's enough.
23:08Do you think I can't do it when I'm old?
23:11You come back to bother me.
23:14You have so much free time to find a girlfriend.
23:18Uncle Ma.
23:19Is Grandpa here?
23:20I'm here to see him.
23:22Let's eat together.
23:27Is this what you said yesterday?
23:31How is Grandpa's mood today?
23:35That's it.
23:36I'll give him a gift later.
23:37Will it make him even more unhappy?
23:39When did you become so timid?
23:42Who is timid with you?
23:44Mutou, come here.
23:48Good dog.
23:49Come here.
23:50Good dog.
23:52Come here.
23:54This way.
23:55This is what I found in the animal shelter.
23:58It's only one year old.
23:59Can you adopt it?
24:00It's really called Mutou.
24:02I shouted in the middle of a bunch of dogs.
24:03Mutou, Mutou.
24:04It turned around.
24:05And it jumped and kissed me.
24:07Kissed you?
24:12But Grandpa.
24:13It's not all black.
24:14It's only half black.
24:15You won't be angry, will you?
24:16No, no.
24:21Don't hold it.
24:29Don't bite.
24:30The furniture is expensive.
24:31Come here.
24:32Come here.
24:36It's a big girl.
24:40But you are in trouble.
24:43The best one has appeared now.
24:45It depends on whether you can seize this opportunity.
24:52Good dog.
24:53Come here.
24:54Shake hands.
24:55This hand.
24:56This hand.
24:57That hand.
24:58Good dog.
24:59Good dog, Mutou.
25:00Good dog.
25:30Good dog.
25:31Good dog.
26:01Don't touch.
26:02Go away.
26:03Leave me alone.
26:04Don't touch me.
26:05Leave me alone.
26:06Leave me alone.
26:07Leave me alone.
26:08Leave me alone.
26:09My goodness.
26:10Go away.
26:11Leave me alone.
26:12Give me the keys.
26:13Leave me alone.
26:14Go away.
26:15Go away.
26:16Go away.
26:17I'm going to kill you.
26:24I've been playing this game recently.
26:30Is that so?
26:35It's quite fun.
26:37I've just changed my equipment.
26:39Do you want a round?
26:42What rank did you get?
26:44I'm about to be a king.
26:46That's impressive.
26:49Come on.
26:51Next time.
26:53I have some work to do.
27:00Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
27:05By the way,
27:06are you free this Friday?
27:08What's wrong?
27:10My colleague said
27:13a restaurant near your company is great.
27:16If you're free,
27:17we can go together.
27:30I finally have to pay back the money you owe me.
27:35So, are you free?
27:41Then I'll go to your office on Friday.
27:47Because I might get off work early on Friday,
27:51so I can go to you.
27:52If it's not convenient,
27:53I can meet you directly in the store.
27:55No, I'll be back that day.
27:58See you there.
28:19I'll remind you again at noon.
28:22Then I'll remind you again at noon.
28:35What's your plan for the weekend?
28:37I have two tickets for Mao Buyi's concert.
28:40Let's have a party at home on the weekend.
28:44You're young.
28:47That's why I need a party.
28:50Who do you want to see?
28:51I'll go get someone else.
29:20I hope you'll like it.
29:24I hope you'll like it.
29:28I hope you'll like it.
29:32I hope you'll like it.
29:36I hope you'll like it.
29:41I love you.
29:42Are you waiting for me?
29:45I love you.
29:46Let's go.
29:47Even if we're not meant to be, we're meant to be together
29:53I love you
30:17I'll help you navigate
30:22We're going to the Spring Garden
30:26Spring Garden?
30:31What's wrong? You don't like it?
30:34I can get you another one
30:39Is there anything to eat?
30:40There's a lot
30:41Hot pot?
30:45Spring vegetables?
30:47I asked you out for dinner before
30:49You said you didn't love me
30:51It's really hard
30:52I didn't love you then
30:54You didn't love me then
30:57Now, do you love me?
31:07Aren't you going to cook?
31:09I'm going to cook a bowl of vegetables
31:16I'm going to cook a bowl of vegetables
31:23Hello, do you have a table for two?
31:25We have a reservation, Ms. Wei
31:26Okay, this way please
31:28Where do you want to sit?
31:31Where do you want to sit?
31:34Then, by the window
31:38Brother Yan!
31:40Brother Yan, didn't you come by mistake?
31:43You guys were supposed to book here
31:45What do you mean?
31:46We booked it in the morning
31:47Since we met, let's eat together
31:49As the boss of our department
31:50It's not a good idea not to attend the party
31:52Yes, yes, let's go
31:53Let's go
31:54Let's go
31:57It smells so good
32:00Okay, Brother Yan
32:03Brother Yan
32:04Brother Yan, come and sit
32:19You know each other?
32:20She's my sister
32:22What a coincidence!
32:25You have a sister?
32:27Sister Zheng
32:29She's gentle
32:31Isn't she He's sister?
32:33We're from the same family
32:36I see
32:37Brother Yan, let me introduce you
32:39This is my sister-in-law
32:48No, I'm her
32:53Brother Yan, you're really a friend
32:55I can't hear you
32:57I didn't hear anything
33:00Excuse me
33:03Here's your drink
33:04If you want to leave, I'll leave at any time
33:06Come on
33:07Who had one more drink?
33:08This is mine
33:09Who hasn't had a drink yet?
33:10Otherwise, Brother Yan
33:11You should see if you can drink
33:13Give it to my sister
33:14There's nothing you don't like
33:15You can drink whatever you want
33:20Brother Yan
33:21What do you want to drink?
33:22We ordered it early
33:23What do you want to add?
33:27See what you want to drink
33:34I'll just drink water
33:35Nothing else
33:40It's rare for us to get together
33:43Come on
33:45It's not easy to get Boss's meal
33:47We can't make an appointment
33:48We need a chance
33:50No problem
33:51I'll treat you today
33:55Did you decide to have a party early today?
33:59It's the end of the year
34:00Who knows before Boss gets off work
34:02He said he had an appointment
34:03What a coincidence
34:05We're still together today
34:14What's wrong?
34:23Don't think too much about it
34:26It's not bad
34:35Come on, eat something
34:44Come on
34:53I didn't expect to see you here
34:55I just came to intern
34:56So you know our manager
34:58My colleague just told me
35:00He thought I didn't give our manager face
35:02I treated the person he brought back so casually
35:06I didn't mean that
35:08You didn't pick it before
35:10And I was thinking
35:12Don't waste it
35:15Then why don't you drink it yourself?
35:20I don't like it
35:22You used to...
35:34Then help me say a few words to the manager
35:36I'm afraid I'll offend him
35:38I can't even pass the internship
35:42Does it have anything to do with me?
35:44I'm just afraid
35:46You help me say a few words
35:47What's wrong?
35:50I don't have such a big ability
35:55Wait for me
35:57Wait for me
35:58Listen to me before you go
36:00You're in such a hurry
36:01Are you afraid of me?
36:03Is Manager Yan chasing you?
36:06How can you be so sure about this?
36:12That is
36:13Haven't started chasing
36:15You two are still in M7
36:20Anyway, he must be interested in you
36:23I'm really going to chase him
36:26Tall and handsome
36:27Cool and rich
36:28Also the company's fastest
36:29Three months to become a boss
36:32But look at you two
36:33Forget it
36:34I don't want to be there
36:35I can't catch up after the post
36:36After all, I'm not bad
36:39He's interested in me
36:43Do you have to ask?
36:44You're not happy with me, are you?
36:46Just his treatment of you and others
36:49I don't even want to say
36:50But it doesn't matter
36:52What's so great
36:53I was originally
36:54I'm not interested in this kind of face
36:55Then I must be
36:56I have to be spoiled
36:57What do you think
36:58I'll go back first
36:59Wen Yifan
37:00Let's add a WeChat
37:01I've been at home all the time
37:02You don't care about me
37:03How long have you been
37:04No contact with mom
37:07I told you
37:08Just because you ignore him
37:10He's been in a bad mood lately
37:12You two are like this
37:15The main responsibility is on me
37:17You don't have to blame him
37:19Then why should I add your WeChat
37:21Then I don't want to
37:22Talk to you
37:23Nothing to say
37:24How can there be nothing to say
37:26What do you need
37:28Is it so serious
37:30Your daughter
37:31Not as good as me
37:33Your daughter
37:35Not as good as me
37:39You are more like a daughter than me
37:44Who is she
37:45This is my home
37:46I just don't want her
37:47Let you eat on this table
37:56Wen Yifan
38:03Wen Yifan
38:13All right
38:17Think about it
38:24You eat first
38:25We have something to do
38:26You two want to
38:27Go on a secret date
38:30I didn't expect the manager to be so cool
38:32Wait a minute
38:33Let's take some photos
38:34Otherwise, there will be no material
38:35Send a circle of friends
38:36Come on, Pan
38:39Then I have to close it
38:40Come on
38:41Close it
38:42Know what your role is
38:45Take a picture
38:48I'm ready
38:50Turn your whole face
38:52Everyone look at the camera
38:55All right
38:58Send the photos to everyone first
38:59Good good no problem
39:00I'll take care of you later
39:02Bye bye Yan Ge
39:03Bye bye Yan Ge
39:22That one
39:23You can put
39:24Send me today's photo
39:28Me too
39:31it is good
39:39Hello, Mr. Qian
39:40Yifan has an emergency
39:42There is a tunnel in Beiyu that collapsed
39:43We have to go to the interview right away
39:45Ok i got it
39:47My doctor is going on a business trip
39:48Pack your luggage first
39:49Pack your luggage
39:58Tsunami hit Beiyu Tunnel
40:01Multiple cars were struck
40:03Rescue is currently underway
40:20Are you going to Beiyu?
40:24Have you seen the news?
40:28Is it dangerous to work?
40:31I do not know
40:33When will you be back?
40:35It should take a few days
40:46I don't know
40:47I don't know
40:48Can you come back before his birthday?
40:52Can you come back earlier?
40:56I have something to tell you
40:59Can't you say it now?
41:03Say now
41:06I'm afraid you're not in the mood to work
41:13You are busy
41:17You are too busy
41:22It's time to get together
41:24I have something to say
41:32Can you come back earlier?
41:35I have something to tell you
41:37Can't you say it now?
41:41Say now
41:42Now that you mention it,
41:44I don't think you're in the mood to work.
41:50What is he trying to say?
41:55Su Tian.
41:56Do you want to take a break?
41:58I'm fine. I'm not that sleepy.
42:00Ms. Qin, if you're sleepy, tell me.
42:02I'll help you.
42:04I sent you photos of the dinner.
42:12I called you hundreds of times,
42:13but you didn't respond at all.
42:14You didn't even care about the photos.
42:16You're too realistic.
42:35Let's take a cute one.
42:39And a fairy.
43:04Who has today's photo?
43:16Send it to me.
43:25Brother Yang never sends messages in the group chat.
43:27What did you feed him today?
43:29Give me something no matter what it is.
43:31How about I show you the photo and send it to everyone?
43:39No, my girlfriend wants it.
43:42The most realistic one is black.
44:31It's you in the storm that can't beat me
44:38It's you who always stands by my side and cheers for me
44:44This road is rough and bumpy
44:48Full of sweat and tears
44:52But I have you
44:56I can overcome the darkness in front of me
45:05All thoughts and memories are full of you
45:09Standing in every scene of our youth
45:13Every time the rain falls, I want to praise you
45:16It's unparalleled
45:19Every time Brother brings news, I want to tell you
45:23Let's make a promise to finish this journey together
45:27I won't give up, I'll be here with you
45:40It's you in the storm that can't beat me
45:47It's you who always stands by my side and cheers for me
45:53This road is rough and bumpy
45:57Full of sweat and tears
46:00But I have you
46:04How can I give up? I won't give up
46:08It's you who gives me courage and hopes for a bright future
46:15It's you who lights up every night like a fire
46:21Even if it's a one-man show, I won't be afraid of loneliness
46:29When I see you
46:33I can overcome the darkness in front of me