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El caso de Lían Gael Flores Soraire, un niño de 3 años desaparecido en Belville, ha generado gran conmoción. La búsqueda se complica por las intensas lluvias y el hermetismo judicial. Los padres han declarado durante horas, mientras que la abogada defensora renunció inesperadamente. La hipótesis principal sugiere una posible venganza o secuestro, aunque no se han recibido amenazas previas. Las similitudes con el caso Loan aumentan el interés mediático, mientras las autoridades continúan investigando con la ayuda de perros rastreadores y drones.

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00:00We are now in the courts of the town of Belville.
00:03We are talking about Elian Gael Flores Soraire.
00:06This minor is only three years old.
00:08He was born on February 8, and has been missing for 72 hours.
00:12The work of the search and rescue has become very complicated
00:15due to the flood that has been recorded since this morning.
00:19However, the technical teams continue their work.
00:22Obviously, the difficulty arises so that they can fly the drones
00:26and also work the dog binomials.
00:29The latest information is as follows, Luis.
00:32Elian's parents declared yesterday, here in this courthouse,
00:36Father Elias for eight hours.
00:38What he said, first of all, at the public level,
00:41because there is a secret summary and an absolute hermeticism
00:44by the District Attorney in charge of Dr. Isabel Reina,
00:48is that, from his point of view, someone could have taken his son Elian.
00:54That is, he would not be found in the building.
00:56The tracking for today, Luis, was planned to advance to 2,500 meters
01:01around Elian's house, where our colleague Ale Pueblas is.
01:05Approximately 40 minutes away from this courthouse.
01:09The other important fact is that the parents' lawyer has just resigned.
01:14This is an important fact.
01:16Dr. Marina Romano decided to resign 24 hours after assuming defense.
01:21And attention to who can assume defense.
01:23But this is a fact, Christian.
01:26Excuse me for interrupting you.
01:28This is a fact, because we have analogies again with the Lohan case.
01:33Do you remember the assumption of some lawyers who later resigned?
01:37The arrival of Burlando, who later resigned.
01:39Did it become known why the professional decides not to sponsor the parents?
01:46It did not transcend.
01:47It is a lawyer who decided not to make statements when yesterday
01:50we crossed paths with her when the parents came to this courthouse
01:53to make a statement.
01:54He decided to join this logic of hermeticism.
01:57The reason did not transcend, but the truth is that in the morning of today
02:00he decided to sign his resignation.
02:02He was sponsoring the parents for only 24 hours.
02:05I repeat, a very extensive statement that they both made.
02:08Here they were removed from their home, there in Ballesteros Sud,
02:13that small precarious house where they live with their six children,
02:16on a police mobile.
02:17They got here, made a statement, and then returned.
02:20And now they are there, in that home.
02:23The interesting thing about the case is the following.
02:25You were just talking about similarities and differences with the Loan case.
02:28In terms of similarities, we must speak specifically about what has to do
02:31with the geographical issue.
02:33That is, we talk about fields, plains, areas far from cities.
02:38That happened on July 9 at the invitations of the house of Grandma Catalina de Loan.
02:42Here also, in the area of the house where Elia's parents disappeared,
02:46where there are no security cameras, where it is very difficult to get a phone signal.
02:51Another issue is the social condition of both families,
02:54an extreme vulnerability.
02:56On the other hand, also the logic that we would be facing a subtraction
03:00and a concealment.
03:01In the case of Loan, for example, on March 6,
03:04the Federal Court of Appeals has to define on the proceedings
03:08of the seven proceedings, within the framework of that investigation,
03:11which has already been 8 months and 13 days.
03:13But here, what is happening with respect to Elia and Luis is important to highlight.
03:19On the one hand, the whole area has been perimetered.
03:21The press can be present in the place until 8 at night
03:25and then withdraw until 8 and a half in the morning.
03:27Everything is close to the place.
03:29Presence of the army.
03:31Absolute hermeticism arranged the prosecutor Reina
03:35to fulfill those 72 hours of Elia's search.
03:39These are the differences between two cases.
03:41Cristian, let me add to this talk to Alejandro Pueblas,
03:44who did a great job yesterday and is also doing it,
03:47who is in the place where Elian disappears.
03:50Alejandro, good day 24. How are you?
03:54Lu, very good morning.
03:56The information, attention, I have half cut the microphone,
03:59but the information is urgent.
04:01Come on, let's walk, come.
04:04A committee of the Public Prosecutor's Office has just entered the house of Elian's parents,
04:09which were dialoguing just minutes ago
04:12with both parents who ...
04:14Look, Diego, come, sorry to be sloppy,
04:16Diego is going this way.
04:18Sorry to be sloppy.
04:19There you will have the view of Elian's house.
04:21In the room in the middle of the chorizo of the whole house, Luis,
04:26are the parents.
04:28Just minutes ago, a delegation of the Public Prosecutor's Office just left,
04:32which took note, they were talking to them.
04:36The lawyer resigned very well, they just said it.
04:39But why?
04:40Because in front of the prosecutor, Elian's father gave different data
04:44to those who his lawyer told him.
04:46Apparently, and this we take it with a grain of salt,
04:49and I'm going to say it in potential, because there is a secret summary.
04:51There was a debt, of which he spoke,
04:54economic, with an ex-lender,
04:57and some problems, he took minor problems,
05:01with some people.
05:02But he did say that he believes that his son was taken away,
05:06that his son, someone has it,
05:08and apparently they are analyzing a call that there was to the father's cell phone,
05:13being kidnapped the cell phone.
05:17Attention with this information.
05:19Let's reiterate it, because I say, again,
05:22and I also want to add it to Gustavo Gravia, who is already working with us.
05:25Again, when a few hours after the disappearance of a child,
05:29we return to focus on the closest family environment.
05:32In this case, in the father's.
05:34In the father's.
05:35Let's reiterate this information you're giving, Alejandro.
05:37What happened with a call to the father's cell phone?
05:46Oh, the microphone was cut off.
05:48The microphone has been cut off.
05:50Let's see if we can repeat it.
05:52Cristian, in the court,
05:54the hypothesis of the capture of the creature,
05:58whatever it is, whatever the purpose,
06:01more than the loss in the middle of the fields,
06:04is what is being shuffled as a preferred hypothesis?
06:09There is a word, Luis, that came out of the mouth of Díaz del Papa,
06:12and he did it in a public way, in front of the media.
06:15We repeat, what has to do with his judicial statement is absolute hermeticism,
06:18because there is a secret summary.
06:20And so as not to interfere with the investigation,
06:22no type of data is being transferred about it,
06:24besides that everything is perimetered to the area where Ale Pueblas is working.
06:27The word that the father gave last night here was revenge.
06:33This could have been a revenge.
06:36It was the word that the father used in a public way.
06:39Until then, he did not explain why he used that word,
06:43why he said it, what was behind it.
06:46He did say that in the four years they have been working there,
06:49in those brick cutouts,
06:52that's what these brick factories are called,
06:54for us, brick cutouts, for the Cordobeses,
06:56there are eight families of Bolivian nationality
06:58who work in that area of ​​Vallestero Sur.
07:01He has not received any type of threat.
07:04He has not received any type of threat in these four years
07:07that he lives with his family in that place.
07:09But he did say this word in a public way.
07:12So we can get there.
07:13Obviously, the prosecutor is working.
07:15He has 11 mobile devices, 11 kidnapped cell phones.
07:19There are three trucks that we must also see the odorous evidence
07:22about these trucks with the dog binomials.
07:24The same dogs that worked in the Lohan case.
07:26Look at the data.
07:27The K9s, the same ones that gave positive
07:29in Pérez Cayllaba's truck and in the Ford Fiesta Rojo,
07:32let's remember, with the presence of Lohan in those vehicles,
07:35taking it from the field on July 9th.
07:37Those same dogs are working here
07:39and they will have to do the odorous evidence
07:41in these three trucks that were kidnapped.
07:43Give me a second, Cristian.
07:45I also ask Alejandro Pueblas for a second.
07:47Gustavo has, Gustavo Gravia,
07:48has data that seems to me to allow us to frame
07:51where we are standing.
07:52Good day 24, Gustavo.
07:53Good day to all.
07:54Yes, let's see.
07:55Of the three trucks,
07:56Cristian was very good at narrating
07:59the issue of the hijacking and the trucks,
08:02but about the three trucks,
08:04two are Toyota Hilux and one Amarok,
08:07the three are white, that have been hijacked.
08:10Justice has, for some said,
08:13much more eyes on one of the Toyota Hilux
08:18than on the other two trucks.
08:21Because remember that this witness,
08:23who speaks exclusively with Ale Pueblas.
