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👉 En la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, se lleva a cabo una intensa búsqueda para encontrar a un niño de tres años desaparecido en un área rural. Las autoridades han desplegado más de 200 personas, drones y canes rastreadores para localizar al pequeño, quien se presume podría estar perdido entre los pastizales. La investigación está a cargo del Ministerio Público Fiscal y cuenta con el apoyo del Ministerio de Seguridad. El caso ha generado preocupación debido a las altas temperaturas y la vulnerabilidad del menor. La comunidad local y las fuerzas de seguridad trabajan incansablemente para resolver este complejo caso.

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00:00Two hypotheses in principle, this truck that appeared here and still the tracking that is being done in an exhaustive way at this time and we see the number of men working.
00:10Good morning, well, in reality the hypotheses and the investigative line are followed by the Public Prosecutor's Office.
00:17The Attorney General has just informed us that another prosecutor has been incorporated into the investigation,
00:22with which, evidently, the case is complex.
00:25We follow the Directorate of the Prosecutor's Office, we are part of the Ministry of Security.
00:30I am in charge of the management of the police in the province of Cordoba and everything you see deployed here.
00:35We already have gendarmerie working, national officials who will also come to collaborate.
00:40One of the first calls I made was also to the Minister of National Security,
00:44whom I thank for activating the SOFIA alert immediately.
00:47When the SOFIA alert is activated, it means that no investigation route is ruled out,
00:52but I am the Minister of Security, I will not exceed the competence that I have
00:56and surely it will be the Public Prosecutor's Office who will inform about the lines of investigation and where it is going.
01:03Luis, listen to Juan Pablo Quintero so you can see.
01:06Minister, thank you for attending us.
01:08I ask you very specific questions that I would understand that you tell me, you can not answer, but to be able to take it into account.
01:13Is it corroborated that a white truck entered the place at the time of the disappearance of Elian?
01:22These are testimonies that the Prosecutor's Office is investigating.
01:26But there is still no testimony of the image, as it had been said, that a camera took this truck.
01:34We do not have cameras in the area, we do not have cameras.
01:36The closest camera is on a bridge that is here a few kilometers,
01:41but usually this place, this place that you see here, where I am standing with your reporter,
01:46is an internal street of a field.
01:49It is not even a road, it is not even a rural road.
01:52From where we are standing, they enter exclusively to make transactions on the subject of burglars.
01:58People who know the place enter.
02:00In terms of investigation, I know that it is not in your charge, as you mentioned,
02:05but is there a preferred hypothesis?
02:07This is the disappearance of the pastizales, which has already been captured.
02:11Is there a preferred hypothesis of what happened to Elian?
02:16No, all hypotheses are handled.
02:18In this, absolutely none can be ruled out.
02:20We are with more than 200 people, 7 drones, 10 canes, the helicopter of the police of the province of Cordoba.
02:27We spent the whole night working the drones with thermal detection.
02:33That is, we continue to work on the hypothesis that the prosecutor sent us to work
02:38and that we look for it in the perimeter of point 0.
02:41In terms of thinking about the physical capacity of a three-year-old
02:46and the pastizales that surround it, the searches, the searches,
02:51what proportion, that is, do you still have space that this little one could have arrived to inspect?
02:58Well, the specialists on these issues indicate that many times one believes that a three-year-old,
03:0590 centimeters, that the pastizales cover him, totally naked, without shoes,
03:11with 40 degrees of temperature, cannot get very far,
03:14and many times he has found it much further than the imagination
03:18or what one corporately thinks that a child can support.
03:23That is why we will continue to expand the scope of search and search radio.
03:28Minister, how are you doing? Good morning, Gustavo Gravia greets you.
03:31I am doing some specific inquiries about information that is not yet arriving to try to corroborate it.
03:38The call to the police, the emergency call, I think the number of Cordoba is 101.
03:43The call was at 19.05?
03:48No, the record we have is 19.40.
03:53At 20.25 I have the record that 19.40 is the call from the father to 101,
03:59who communicates it directly with the police station here in Valladolid.
04:03At 20.15 the rural patrol arrives to this place, rural patrol, because I insist,
04:08this is a purely rural place.
04:11Valladolid has only 700 inhabitants, a very small place, but totally remote.
04:16And at 20, very few minutes from the presence of the rural patrol,
04:21when they corroborate the data given by the PAPAS,
04:24they communicate to the prosecutor, the director of the summary of the police station
04:28communicates to the prosecutor to put the investigation in the head of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
04:33From that moment we send a general director to work in the place
04:37and by 0 o'clock they were already with the scientific police conducting a test in the place.
04:43No, no, I understand the speed with which the entire Ministry of Security of Cordoba worked,
04:49but at 19.40 you tell me that it is the call to 101,
04:54and presumably they were looking for it from 17.00,
04:57that data is corroborated that it is from 17.00 that the family begins the search
05:03and that then the call occurs just two hours and forty minutes later?
05:08I am going to comment on what the family referred to me,
05:12and it has already become public, that is why I am not violating the secret of the summary
05:16or any information that the family itself has not given.
05:19They inform us when I arrive, I was here all day yesterday,
05:23most of the day with the prosecutor who was also here in the territory working,
05:27yesterday it was 45 degrees, today a lot of wind,
05:30another inclement weather, but yesterday it was really unbearable to be here.
05:34What the family refers to is that the last visual connection they have with Lian
05:39is at 15.00, 15.30, they see him with a cell phone in their hand,
05:43and they go to sleep, part of the family.
05:48I want to tell you that Lian is the penultimate of six children,
05:52a woman and five boys, three years old, the youngest is two years old,
05:58and when at 4.30 they wake up, the father goes back to work at the butcher,
06:04and when they start looking for Lian, they can't find him,
06:07they are looking for him until the moment they call the police.
06:10Apparently they looked for him, believing that he could be lost in some pastizal,
06:14somewhere, and when they call the police,
06:17it is when they realize that there was another circumstance,
06:22that they could no longer find him.
06:25No, it's ok.
06:29Minister, and with this nothing, it could have been simply a negligence,
06:33and one assumes that it is a negligence,
06:35but three hours from the beginning of the search until calling the police,
06:39which obviously has other search methods, much more effective,
06:43it is a vital time that was lost.
06:45I also think about the precariousness of the family, not knowing how.
06:48Minister, I ask you a technical question and a more human one.
06:51Correct me, are there not many cases in the area of disappearance of creatures?
06:56Or yes, or am I wrong with the statement I make?
06:59No, no, no. In Cordoba, practically those cases do not exist.
07:05That is why, although we do not rule out any hypothesis,
07:08of course, the first is that he has been lost,
07:11that he is somewhere in the pastizals,
07:14which would be a very dramatic situation too,
07:17because two days with 45, more than 40 degrees,
07:20it is difficult to bear for any human being,
07:23imagine for such a small creature.
07:26But I insist on this, I do not want to delve into a question
07:30that is fully investigative and of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
07:33I assure you that from the moment zero,
07:35we have put all the resources available to find the alien.
07:38But you are very respectful about the investigation,
07:41but a little I was going to what you just said,
07:44I almost ask you humanly,
07:47I insist, it is not to hinder the investigation,
07:50it gives the impression that he may have been lost in the pastizals,
07:55as a first strong hypothesis, right?
07:59That was the first hypothesis on which we work,
08:02and the hypothesis on which the Ficalia continues to work.
08:05That is why I have more than 200 people doing a tracking
08:08from end to end, already for the third or fourth time in some places,
08:11because this is what it is about.
08:13Although the place is flat,
08:15his chronicler may have shown it to you,
08:17what is the part of the cut,
08:19has a lot of recovery, with a lot of places where
08:22probably the alien could have sought shelter in the sun,
08:26or have hidden, but hey, and that something happened to him.
08:29We are looking and we have tracked up to three or four times some places.
08:33We are with drones, we are with seven drones,
08:35ten dogs, ten tracking dogs,
08:38the helicopter of the Corda police, 200 people,
08:41even a person on a paraglider who is doing a whole tracking
08:45almost at the level of the floor.
08:47Well, we are working a lot,
08:49from the moment zero we are working a lot.
08:51I don't want to be indiscreet or anything,
08:53it's just to compose the image.
08:55I assume you were able to talk to the parents and the family.
08:58Does it give me the impression of what you received
09:01in that talk with the relatives?
09:06Look, let's see, I want to be very prudent and respectful
09:09about that issue and about what we talked about,
09:12because they were two people who were clearly shocked
09:15by the disappearance of their son.
09:17I want to tell you the context.
09:19Four families live here,
09:21who are part of the Bolivian community,
09:24who are dedicated to making the Cortadero de Adrillos.
09:27Many times, from personal experience,
09:30in other cases with people from the community,
09:33they are people who do not speak much,
09:35who are not very open to dialogue.
09:38But well, we are going to continue working.
09:41At this moment, the people from Fiscalia are arriving,
09:44and if you excuse me,
09:46I am going to meet with the General Prosecutor of the province.
09:49The last one on my part, Minister, so I release it.
09:52They take it away from me, because ...
09:54There it is.
09:55Thank you very much.
