👉 En el pequeño paraje de Ballester sud, cercano a Belleville, se investiga la desaparición de un niño en un contexto de pobreza y marginalidad. La hermana Martha Pelloni, reconocida por su trabajo en Infancias Robadas, destaca la importancia de investigar el entorno familiar y social. Un testigo menciona haber visto una camioneta blanca desconocida en la zona, lo que ha generado sospechas sobre un posible secuestro. La situación resalta problemas estructurales como el tráfico infantil y la corrupción institucional. Las autoridades continúan con las pesquisas para esclarecer los hechos y encontrar al menor.
"La corrupción es institucional" - Martha Pelloni
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"La corrupción es institucional" - Martha Pelloni
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00:00For me, he is one of the extraordinary people that this country has.
00:06Out of the ordinary.
00:08He was looking at us. He works in stolen childhoods. I've been talking about Marta Peloni for a long time.
00:12Marta, I'm Luis. How are you?
00:14How are you? Good morning, Luis.
00:16A big hug.
00:17How are you?
00:19Yes, I was looking at you and I'm looking at you.
00:22Tell me the first impression you have with this little data we have so far.
00:28Yes, I'm glad that in this case, they went directly to the neighborhood search.
00:37To count the houses there are and start to investigate in the neighborhood.
00:42This is fundamental. The same as the search to see if the little one fell or what happened.
00:48But there is that truck. We know that child trafficking is where there is poverty.
00:55There they count, they are counting, the journalist with a lot of clarity.
01:01The lack of human promotion that exists in the way of life of the inhabitants of this neighborhood.
01:09Which are few houses, they are Bolivians.
01:11And well, they have settled there.
01:14You have to do a whole investigation of all kinds.
01:19Humanistic, because we do not know the lifestyle they lead.
01:24Precisely in the problems that sometimes the little ones have when they are not cared for with the dignity they deserve.
01:34Now, Marta, I keep asking you this question that impacts me.
01:37It seems so easy in the case of, hopefully not, that this creature has been kidnapped.
01:43It seems that in Argentina it is easy to take a child and take it with the purpose that it is.
01:49Look, there are realities that we cannot deny, which are the ones I have lived.
01:55And I think that more or less they remain in the culture of the people of this type of rural population.
02:04Where nature is the wealth of the family.
02:10And in nature there are the animals and there are the children.
02:14The number of children, how many children there are.
02:17And well, you have to understand the context of the reality of life that the culture of this small town has.
02:28In what you are talking about right now.
02:31But Marta, forgive me for interrupting you.
02:33Gustavo Gravia greets you. How are you?
02:35How are you, Gustavo?
02:36Good day.
02:37The truth is that I could understand, perhaps I misunderstood your words.
02:42But I could understand that, let's say, your reflection can go more towards a case like Loan,
02:49where there are relatives allegedly involved in a disappearance with a destination that one does not finally know what it is.
02:56But in this case, isn't it normal that in a place, in a rural place,
03:02a family goes to sleep and the child stays playing?
03:06Wouldn't there be dangers around?
03:08I mean, it doesn't seem to me like a lack of guard in this case of the family.
03:12It seems to me something that is quite traditional in the area.
03:15Freedom is in sight. Open field, open sky.
03:24Did you cut yourself?
03:25No, here we are, here we are, Marta, here we are.
03:28Open field, open sky.
03:31Children live with full freedom and walk and walk.
03:35And they are not controlled because there is no need to control them.
03:39But when these realities appear, be careful.
03:42There you have to have a lot, a lot.
03:45Today you can no longer live in peace anywhere in Argentina.
03:50Now, correct me, Marta.
03:51Correct me one thing that we have learned with you, with the alert people, Sophie and others.
03:56You have to look, even if it seems unpleasant to say this,
03:59you have to look quickly at the family environment, as in the cases of Abu.
04:02The first thing is there, the first thing is there.
04:05The older brothers, if there is a grandfather, if there is an uncle,
04:09in short, how the family is constituted.
04:14Marta, good morning. Lucia Salinas greets you.
04:17I ask you a question, tying a little ends of all these last cases
04:22and that we have in our country an alert, which is called Sofia Alert, precisely by Sofía Herrera.
04:27What do you think happens to make it so simple in our country
04:34that children get lost in this way?
04:39Yes, we have it, we have it clear that child trafficking, child prostitution, pedophilia,
04:56everything that can be done wrong with creatures and with adolescents,
05:02it's all, it's all organized because corruption is institutional.
05:08We have the fights with the prosecution, with the courts of justice,
05:16who have to investigate and solve these problems.
05:21I remember in the case of Lohan, on the second day,
05:24a journalist from one of the most important media outlets on television,
05:29she told me, received a phone call from the governor of Corrientes province
05:37to tell him, on the second day of the disappearance of Lohan, to shut up.
05:42That's terrible. So with this, what do I mean?
05:46There are many fronts.
05:49The front of institutional corruption,
05:52which you have already seen what happened with the police of the province of Corrientes.
05:56I don't know the one in Córdoba.
05:58I don't know, I mean, the institutions so concrete,
06:02because I haven't been able to judge for a long time.
06:06We can't judge.
06:08Yes, but the realities are several.
06:12Nothing, thank you as always.
06:14I send you a kiss and I hope to see you here.
06:17Thank you, thank you.
06:18Okay, see you later.
06:19See you soon.
06:20Here is a fact, there is a characteristic a little different from that of Lohan,
06:24because Belleville, although it is a small city,
06:26it is a structured city, with a lot of movement.
06:29Alejandro, I go back to you, there to the place,
06:32where you told me about a witness who spoke of, again,
06:35these urban myths, but here it seems that they are true,
06:38of a white truck, Alejandro, right?
06:42That's right Luis, and sorry I have to make a correction in the location.
06:47We are in Ballesterosud, which is close to Belleville,
06:51and which is still further away from society,
06:55smaller and poorer.
06:56We must tell the truth.
06:57Of course, it's very good.
06:58We are talking about a place, practically, where we are now,
07:02where the reality is this, Luis, look at the image.
07:05The reality is poverty, dirt, little food,
07:10and living the only way you can, which is to try to survive.
07:14That these people live with a few pesos of bricks.
07:17And speaking of a few pesos of bricks, with whom I just mentioned,
07:21who we spoke, is with the neighbor next door,
07:23to Liam's family, who also does the same,
07:27and who, thinking, thinking, when he reacted and saw that truck,
07:32without realizing where he was getting into,
07:35also because of the condition in which they are far from society,
07:38he did not doubt it, many times people doubt it and do not say it,
07:42he called the police and said, look, I saw this and this situation,
07:47and minutes ago he just told me live.
07:55What do you think could have happened?
07:57I do not know anything.
07:59At what time do you disappear?
08:01Do you sleep?
08:03No, I was there, and I saw him on the roof,
08:08I was going and I thought it was his client.
08:11Did you see a truck coming in?
08:13Yes, but that truck was, let's say,
08:19it never knows how to get in here.
08:21Did you see a truck that never usually comes in here?
08:23Yes, never.
08:24Could the police tell you that?
08:26Yes, I already told you.
08:27Could you identify that truck or do you not know who it is?
08:29No, no, no.
08:30Ah, well, here the panorama changes.
08:33Do you consider that they may have taken it there?
08:35No, I say that it is the truck that took it,
08:37because the boy did not move from here to there, nor did he cross here.
08:41Do you think that truck could have taken him?
08:44The police already have the data that you could provide, the little you saw.
08:47At what time, do you remember?
08:48No, not that.
08:49No, but more or less at the time that the parents were sleeping,
08:52between three in the afternoon and five in the afternoon.
08:55No, I was out on that field, I had to go out there, you see.
08:58I didn't go out and it was very hot.
09:01And you saw the truck?
09:02And I'm going to eat, I didn't look at the time.
09:04Did you see who was in the truck?
09:06No, no.
09:07You didn't see anything?
09:08I was with that glass, what is it called?
09:09Poralized glass?
09:11New, old truck?
09:12New, new.
09:15Ah, did you see a truck that never goes on schedule?
09:19Well, you can be the one who saves, maybe, or who helps to find the baby.
09:24No, no.
09:25You can be the one who helps, let's say, to find the baby, because you saw that truck.
09:29But I didn't, let's say, I didn't see it, I always saw it because ...
09:32No, no, you saw a truck enter, you didn't see more than that.
09:35Nothing more.
09:36Thank you, very kind.