Contrato del Bebé del mi CEO en Español
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00:04Mantente in Tulini a hazlo que te piden de pagan no voy a participar en el estudio clínico si no tenemos esa cantidad de dinero
00:00:11relación falsa
00:00:13Estás despidiendo de que te case si me des un heredero
00:00:16Hasta entonces estás exento de tus funciones como director ejecutivo
00:00:21pase uno
00:00:22me presentas a tu abuelo
00:00:25Tiene que creerlo Santiago si su abuelo se da cuenta de nuestro plan puedo despedirme del dinero
00:00:38Crees que
00:00:39tu abuelo nos creyó
00:00:41tu reacción fue bastante convincente
00:00:44esto lo estoy haciendo por mi hermana pero
00:00:48demonios que guapo es
00:00:53Hay muchas cosas que debemos hacer antes del bebé empiezo a querer que esto sea verdad porque no puede serlo
00:01:07Necesito una chica que sea
00:01:09elegante educada
00:01:12alguien que pueda mantener una conversación y no se apene frente a la multitud
00:01:16Tienes alguna chica para mí puedo conseguirle a cualquier chica que necesite señor Villarreal por un precio justo
00:01:29Por supuesto
00:01:33déjeme entender lo que necesita quiere que esta chica finja casarse con usted
00:01:38se mude a su mansión
00:01:40Pretend a ser su esposa durante un año y encima de todo le de un bebé correcto sin amor sin sexo
00:01:47sin ataduras
00:01:49y el bebé nada de sexo no quiero que las cosas se compliquen
00:01:54el bebé será inseminado artificialmente
00:01:5810 millones de pesos
00:02:01Quieres 10 millones de pesos por ese precio bien podría convertirle en mi verdadero esposo
00:02:09Está pagando por un producto de primera calidad señor Villarreal
00:02:12la mujer estará embarazada de su bebé durante nueve meses
00:02:16si hace la cuenta estoy segura de que le paga más a sus abogados que lo que yo le estoy pidiendo
00:02:23Está bien
00:02:27cuando puede comentar
00:02:29encontraré la chica perfecta para usted en menos de 48 horas y la entregaré directamente a la puerta de su casa señor Villarreal
00:02:40Rato hecho. Un gusto hacer negocio con usted señor Villarreal
00:02:47Vete a mi, ya te lo dije. No voy a participar en el estudio clínico. ¿Por qué no?
00:02:51La doctora Belin dijo que podrías mejorar. Son seis millones de pesos y no tenemos esa cantidad de dinero
00:02:58además estoy harta de vivir en este maldito hospital
00:03:01no necesitas preocuparte por el dinero
00:03:04solo pon de tu parte para mejorar
00:03:06Bueno no depende de ti. Es mi cuerpo y ya todo me da igual
00:03:10claro que depende de mí. Soy tu hermana mayor y vas a recibir el tratamiento
00:03:16si quieres mi verdadera hermana eres adoptada
00:03:27¿Cómo puedes decir eso Adriana?
00:03:32Hermanas de sangre o no seguimos siendo familia para siempre
00:03:37No puedo seguir afectando tu vida de esta manera
00:03:40Tu mamá y papá murieron, dejaste la universidad para cuidarme. Vendiste nuestra casa para pagar mis tratamientos
00:03:46Dejaste todo por mí
00:03:48Yo no sé si voy a sobrevivir
00:03:50Necesito que vivas tu vida
00:03:52Tú eres todo lo que tengo
00:03:54Eres mi familia
00:03:57Haz esto por mí
00:04:01No puedo perderte a ti también
00:04:04No puedo perderte a ti también
00:04:17Madame X
00:04:19Hola soy Amelia Cantu
00:04:22Sobre su oferta
00:04:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:04:29Nunca dijiste nada de un matrimonio falso
00:04:31Y un bebé
00:04:33¿Crees que tu virginidad vale 6 millones de pesos?
00:04:35¿Estás hecha de oro o qué?
00:04:37Mira Amelia
00:04:39Eres una mujer muy guapa
00:04:41Y estoy segura de que también eres inteligente
00:04:45Pero si quieres ganar 6 millones de pesos
00:04:47Santiago Villarreal es tu única opción
00:04:53Puedo lidiar con el matrimonio falso
00:04:55Pero un bebé
00:04:57Es un ser humano
00:04:59¿Quieres salvar a tu hermana o no?
00:05:01Porque desde mi punto de vista
00:05:03Tu hermana también es un ser humano
00:05:05Para salvar una vida
00:05:07Hay que dar vida a otra
00:05:09No lo veo tan grave
00:05:11Tú querías saber si había un trabajo que te diera 6 millones de pesos
00:05:13Yo te lo estoy ofreciendo
00:05:19¿O no?
00:05:43A ver
00:05:45Espera, repítemelo otra vez
00:05:47No puedo creer lo que estoy escuchando
00:05:49¿Vas a fingir que te vas a casar
00:05:51Y aparte te vas a embarazar?
00:05:55Sí, lo sé
00:05:57Es una locura
00:05:59No sé qué está pasando conmigo
00:06:01Pero, a ver
00:06:03¿No tiene que haber sexo de por medio?
00:06:05La señora ex dijo que el sexo
00:06:07No es parte del contrato
00:06:09Ok, entonces, a ver
00:06:11O él es gay
00:06:13O hay algo que a mí no me está quedando claro
00:06:15Gracias, Andrea, por hacerme sentir mejor
00:06:17No, pues de nada, amiga
00:06:19Y a ver, ¿te dijeron ya con quién te vas a casar?
00:06:21Creo que se llama
00:06:23¿Santiago Villarreal?
00:06:25No, a ver
00:06:27No inventes
00:06:29Con Santiago Villarreal
00:06:31O sea, ¿él es Santiago Villarreal?
00:06:33¿Lo conoces o algo?
00:06:35¿Cómo? ¿Tú no lo conoces?
00:06:37Esa es la pregunta, lo voy a buscar
00:06:39A ver
00:06:43Forbes, 30 menores de 30
00:06:45Santiago Villarreal
00:06:47El hombre más rico de Latinoamérica
00:06:49¿Dónde vives?
00:06:51¿En un hoyo?
00:07:05Santiago Villarreal
00:07:07Sí, lo entiendo, entiendo tu punto
00:07:09No, a ver, Amelia
00:07:11Date la vuelta
00:07:21¿Ya viste esas bellezas?
00:07:23Están 10 de 10, eh
00:07:25Todavía actúas como si estuvieras en la universidad
00:07:29Santi, no seas un hater
00:07:31¿Sabes qué?
00:07:33Les voy a invitar algo
00:07:39Vamos, vámonos antes de que nos vean
00:07:43Demasiado tarde
00:07:45Hola, guapas
00:07:47¿Les puedo ofrecer algo?
00:07:49Perdón, soy Diego Soto
00:07:51Soy el dueño del bar
00:07:53Estoy organizando una fiesta
00:07:55Para un amigo que se va a casar
00:07:57En el salón VIP
00:07:59Y quisiera saber si
00:08:01¿Podrían acompañarnos?
00:08:03De hecho, ya nos íbamos
00:08:05¿Y por qué no?
00:08:07Suena divertido
00:08:09Me parece la idea perfecta
00:08:11Para que lo conozcas
00:08:13Él aún no te conoce a ti
00:08:15Es evidente
00:08:17¿Le seguimos?
00:08:19Perfecto, por aquí
00:08:25Traje a la fiesta unas nuevas amigas
00:08:27Hola, mi nombre es Sophie
00:08:29¿Y ella?
00:08:31Es mi amiga Adriana
00:08:33Pueden decirme Adri
00:08:45Bueno, quiero decirles
00:08:47Que esta noche es una noche muy especial
00:08:49Estamos reunidos
00:08:51Para celebrar
00:08:53Que mi mejor amigo
00:08:55Santiago Villarreal
00:08:57Por fin, se casa
00:08:59Así que
00:09:01Tenemos mucho por lo cual festejar
00:09:05Parece que no me reconoce en absoluto
00:09:07Madame X probablemente nunca
00:09:09Le mostró una foto mía
00:09:13Madame X probablemente nunca le mostró una foto mía
00:09:15Bueno chicos
00:09:17La verdad es que
00:09:19No hay mucho que celebrar
00:09:21Todavía no puedo creerlo
00:09:23Te conozco desde hace 10 años Santiago
00:09:25Y de repente te vas a casar
00:09:27A ver, a ver, pero espérame
00:09:29Supongo que esto algo tiene que ver con lo de tu abuelo, ¿no?
00:09:31Sí, el deber llama
00:09:33Parece que su abuela lo está obligando a casarse
00:09:43Señor Domenech, no puede entrar, es un evento privado
00:09:45Será solamente un minuto
00:09:47¿Quién es él?
00:09:49Es Alejandro Domenech
00:09:51Es el principal competidor de Santi
00:09:53Los dos están compitiendo
00:09:55En el mayor proyecto de construcción de todo Latinoamérica
00:09:57Te vi entrar
00:09:59¿Y qué?
00:10:01¿Estás aquí para beber y olvidar tus problemas?
00:10:03¿Qué problemas tendría?
00:10:05Un pajarito me dijo que alguien fue a despedir de su propia empresa
00:10:07¿Y que ese alguien fuiste tú?
00:10:09Debes de trabajar muy mal
00:10:11Para que te despide tu propio abuelo
00:10:13Ahora que no eres el vicepresidente de Villacó
00:10:15¿Aún crees que puedes ganarme
00:10:17La licitación de la construcción de la plaza?
00:10:21Si lo que quieres es hablar de negocios
00:10:23Haz una cita con mi secretario
00:10:25Aquí lo único que estás haciendo es ponerte en ridículo
00:10:27O si lo que prefieres es hablar de tamaños
00:10:29Primero trae con que
00:10:31¿Tú quién eres?
00:10:33¿Cuál es tu nombre?
00:10:35¿Tú quién eres?
00:10:37Mi nombre no es acento tuyo
00:10:39¿Te pareces mucho a alguien que conocí?
00:10:41Nunca nos hemos conocido
00:10:43Recordaría un patán como tú
00:10:45¿Has oído eso Domenech?
00:10:49No eres bienvenido aquí
00:11:01¿Conoces a Alejandro Domenech?
00:11:05Nunca antes lo había visto
00:11:07Qué raro
00:11:09Nunca lo había visto tan nervioso
00:11:11De todos modos
00:11:13Debes prohibirle la entrada a Domenech y su gente
00:11:17Santi, hermano
00:11:19La gente de Domenech viene aquí y deja muchísimo dinero al negocio
00:11:21Sé que no te quede muy bien
00:11:23Pero business is business
00:11:27¿Cómo pude terminar contigo de mejor amigo?
00:11:35Tengo que atender esta llamada
00:11:39Sí, Madame
00:11:41Perdón por la llamada tardía, señor Villarreal
00:11:43Su pedido se realizó tan apurado
00:11:45Que no tuve la oportunidad de enviarle la foto de confirmación
00:11:47Su nombre es Amelia Cantú
00:11:49Acabo de enviarle un mensaje de texto con sus datos
00:11:57Debería decirle algo cuando regrese
00:11:59Hola, soy tu futura esposa por contrato
00:12:01Dios mío
00:12:03Eso suena muy tonto
00:12:05Debería irme y luego fingir que tampoco sabía que iba a estar él aquí
00:12:09¿Qué pasó, Amelia?
00:12:13Pensé que...
00:12:17¿Qué pasa, Amelia?
00:12:19¿Qué pasa, Amelia?
00:12:21¿Qué pasa, Amelia?
00:12:23¿Qué pasa, Amelia?
00:12:25Valeria? I thought you said your name was Valeria.
00:12:29Yes, but sometimes I like to call her by her second name.
00:12:35I think we should go.
00:12:36You think?
00:12:39Let's finish this party at once.
00:12:41What? But it's barely two thirty.
00:12:44Carlos, Diego, take the ladies to their homes and make sure they arrive safe.
00:12:49No, no, no, it's okay, we can ask Uber.
00:12:53You stay with me.
00:12:54Amelia Cantu.
00:12:57Damn, he looks very angry.
00:13:00Wait, where are we going?
00:13:03Hey, if you're going to tell me something, tell me right here.
00:13:06Yes, why didn't you say anything?
00:13:08Did you know it was me all this time? Otherwise, you wouldn't have lied about your name.
00:13:12I'm sorry.
00:13:13It was a coincidence that you were here.
00:13:15I didn't know what to do.
00:13:16I just wanted to see how you were before I met you formally.
00:13:20Why? To get more money out of me?
00:13:23Look, I know everything about women like you.
00:13:26I've seen a lot in my life.
00:13:28I'll give you some advice.
00:13:29Stay on your line.
00:13:31Do what they ask and they'll pay you.
00:13:33But believe me, if you try to take more advantage of the agreement,
00:13:39you won't like the results.
00:13:43You won't like the results.
00:13:46Women like me?
00:13:48What do you know about women like me?
00:13:50Do you think I sell my body for money?
00:13:53Yes, you're right.
00:13:55I'm poor.
00:13:56I don't have 60,000 pesos to buy a bottle of champagne
00:14:01or to drive a car more luxurious and expensive than a house.
00:14:06My sister, the only family I have left, has cancer.
00:14:10I need the money to save her life.
00:14:14Do you think I'd marry a stranger and give him a baby
00:14:17if I wasn't in a desperate situation?
00:14:21Not everyone is like you, sir.
00:14:23And they're born with privileges.
00:14:28Some of us are born in hell
00:14:30and we have to sell our souls to survive.
00:14:36Wait, wait.
00:14:39I'm sorry.
00:14:41I lost my mind.
00:14:43It's late.
00:14:44At least let me take you home.
00:14:47No, thank you.
00:14:48I'll take care of it myself.
00:14:53I mean it.
00:14:57Let's go.
00:15:09Thank you for bringing me.
00:15:19There's nothing to thank for.
00:15:21Pack your things and get ready.
00:15:23I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow
00:15:25and then we'll move on to the next phase of the plan.
00:15:28There are phases?
00:15:30There are many things we should do before...
00:15:34...the baby.
00:15:43Where are you, Isabela?
00:15:46Where are you, Isabela?
00:16:02That girl looked a lot like Mom.
00:16:17I need a favor.
00:16:20There was a woman with Santiago Villarreal last night.
00:16:24I need you to find out who she is.
00:16:29I suspect she could be... sister.
00:16:47Welcome to your new home.
00:16:52What a palace!
00:16:54Let's go.
00:16:55I'll show you your room.
00:16:59Let me help you with your luggage.
00:17:01No, I can do it myself.
00:17:07Are you going to pretend to be my wife?
00:17:10If you act like a blind deer, who's going to believe you?
00:17:13I'm doing this for my sister.
00:17:16Damn, he's so handsome!
00:17:29This way, to the right.
00:17:39Do you like it?
00:17:46I'll leave you to settle in.
00:17:48I'll be downstairs in 20 minutes.
00:17:51We have to rehearse exactly what we have to do.
00:18:02Well, those are the three phases.
00:18:04Any questions?
00:18:07Phase one.
00:18:08You introduce me to your grandfather.
00:18:10Yes, this Saturday.
00:18:12Phase one is the hardest.
00:18:15You have to believe me.
00:18:18Phase two.
00:18:20We get married in a month.
00:18:21And we tell my grandfather that it's because you got pregnant.
00:18:25Now...'re pregnant.
00:18:27That's phase three.
00:18:29I need a drink.
00:18:33You still don't explain to me why your grandfather is forcing you to do all this.
00:18:36I think it's too much.
00:18:43You're firing me.
00:18:45You're firing me.
00:18:47Good morning to you too.
00:18:49Do you want a coffee?
00:18:50Grandpa, I'm not kidding.
00:18:52I'm in the middle of a big bid for the Real Surplaza project.
00:18:56Why joke, Santi?
00:18:58You're fired.
00:18:59You can't fire me.
00:19:01Do you know how important this project is to me?
00:19:04The last time I checked...
00:19:06...I was still the president of B&O.
00:19:10I can fire you for sure.
00:19:15...until you get married and give me a heir...
00:19:17...until then, you're out...
00:19:20...of your functions as executive director.
00:19:22That's final.
00:19:28My grandfather has always wanted me to have a son...
00:19:30...get married...
00:19:32...and start a family.
00:19:33Your grandfather...
00:19:35...sounds intense.
00:19:38Shit, shit!
00:19:39What's wrong?
00:19:40There's only one person who has the keys to my garage.
00:19:42I'm going.
00:19:52Act normal.
00:19:54We have to look more real.
00:20:05Oh, honey!
00:20:07Is this the grandfather you've been telling me about?
00:20:10Grandpa, didn't you say you were coming?
00:20:14Who's this young lady?
00:20:17She's Amelia... girlfriend.
00:20:34You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.
00:20:36I was going to tell you, grandpa.
00:20:38It's just that everything is very recent...
00:20:40...and I didn't have a chance to do it.
00:20:42That's all.
00:20:43So, young lady...
00:20:45Cantu. Amelia Cantu.
00:20:47But, please, call me Amelia.
00:20:50Very well, Amelia.
00:20:52Well, where did you meet?
00:20:54How long have you been dating?
00:20:56How long have you known my grandson?
00:20:58I want to know everything.
00:21:00...try not to scare my girlfriend, will you?
00:21:03It was hard to find her.
00:21:05Well, I think Amelia...
00:21:08...isn't going to be scared... have a nice chat with an old man like me.
00:21:12Right, honey?
00:21:15Shit, shit, shit!
00:21:17If your grandfather finds out about our plan...
00:21:19...I can fire him.
00:21:21Well, let's see...
00:21:22...we've only been dating for a few months.
00:21:25We met at the beach...
00:21:27We were dating for a few months.
00:21:29We met at the university... the economics class.
00:21:33We barely met again, right?
00:21:36We're not prepared at all.
00:21:38The longer Santi's grandfather stays here...
00:21:41...the more dangerous it will be.
00:21:43Ah, so you met Santi at Yale.
00:21:47I know several deans.
00:21:51Who was your dean, Amelia?
00:21:59What do you want?
00:22:01Are you going to stop interrupting Amelia?
00:22:04I think she can speak for herself.
00:22:06I've taught you...
00:22:07...never interrupt a lady.
00:22:11The truth is...
00:22:14...I don't know who my dean was...
00:22:17...I never went to Yale.
00:22:20...what's this?
00:22:22I don't know.
00:22:26...what's this?
00:22:28I'm sorry, I think Santiago wanted to impress you.
00:22:31The thing is...
00:22:32...he wanted you to like him.
00:22:34It happens that I'm a normal woman...
00:22:37...without privileges like Santi...
00:22:39...without a family fortune.
00:22:41Santiago, why do you think that of me?
00:22:44Since when have I cared more about money...
00:22:46...than love, than values?
00:22:48We met at a club.
00:22:50Do you know the club...
00:22:52Yes, yes, Diego's club.
00:22:54Carlos and Federica invited me...
00:22:57...we met there.
00:22:58Those two are still together?
00:23:00I thought they broke up.
00:23:02No, I'm sure they're getting married.
00:23:05Well, I'm very happy that finally... grandson has a formal relationship.
00:23:10I've never brought a girl home.
00:23:13You must be someone...
00:23:14...very special.
00:23:18...I'm going to get a glass of wine.
00:23:19We have to celebrate this.
00:23:22You saved me.
00:23:24The best lies...
00:23:25...are often half-truths.
00:23:30Amelia, would you be so kind... go get the wine?
00:23:35I'm sure you know where it is.
00:23:37No, no, no, no, no.
00:23:38This is not going to work.
00:23:42Of course!
00:23:43I'm going to find out where the wine is.
00:23:45I just moved here.
00:23:47How was I going to know?
00:24:14To hell.
00:24:22Amelia, what happened?
00:24:23What's wrong?
00:24:24Blood. I can't see.
00:24:26I can't stand seeing blood.
00:24:30Are you okay?
00:24:33My love!
00:24:34My love, Amelia!
00:24:43I love you.
00:24:56You can wake up now.
00:24:58Grandpa's gone.
00:25:01Now we're going to disinfect that finger.
00:25:04Don't worry.
00:25:05It's just a small cut.
00:25:09Let me see.
00:25:14Maybe you should have thought of that...
00:25:16...before going ahead and cutting yourself.
00:25:18What was I supposed to do?
00:25:20Your grandpa was dying to find out.
00:25:22I had to come up with something to get out of there.
00:25:31You know...
00:25:33...your grandpa seems...
00:25:35...really cute.
00:25:38I wouldn't say the same if I saw him at a business meeting.
00:25:41He's the devil himself.
00:25:44I can tell he loves you too much.
00:25:48He's the only family I have left.
00:25:51My grandma died when I was still a kid.
00:25:55My parents died in a plane crash.
00:25:59He raised me all by himself.
00:26:03My parents died in a plane crash.
00:26:06He raised me all by himself.
00:26:10I know what you mean.
00:26:12My parents died too.
00:26:14The only family I have left... my sister.
00:26:24But, well...'s enough talking about sad things.
00:26:28Now that we've met your grandpa before we were supposed to...
00:26:31...what are we going to do next?
00:26:33You really saved me from being caught.
00:26:36But... we're in a big dilemma because of this unexpected event.
00:26:44What do you mean?
00:26:48My grandpa is a very smart man and...
00:26:52...he wants you to meet everyone on their 70th birthday...
00:26:56...this weekend.
00:27:02Buy yourself a nice dress.
00:27:04In fact... whatever you need so you look even better.
00:27:14...we're going to be with the most difficult people in town.
00:27:20It's a snake nest.
00:27:43So... you think your grandpa really believed it?
00:27:47Honestly, I have no idea.
00:27:49Santiago said we have to convince him at the birthday party...
00:27:52...or we're in trouble.
00:27:54Well, then we should look for a nice dress...
00:27:56...that will make you look amazing that day.
00:28:01Look at this dress!
00:28:02It's beautiful!
00:28:03You're right, it's beautiful!
00:28:05Hey...'s the only one left...
00:28:08...and I saw it first.
00:28:10Oh, look who we have here...
00:28:14...the adopted Amelia...
00:28:15...and the stupid Sofía.
00:28:17It's good to see you again, Fabiola.
00:28:20How long has it been?
00:28:21Five years...
00:28:22...and you still look the same as losers.
00:28:25And you're still a whore.
00:28:27It's sad to see that some things don't change.
00:28:30Yes, Fabiola...
00:28:31...go to hell.
00:28:33Well, we all know that you poor people...
00:28:35...can't afford to buy this dress...
00:28:38...remove your disgusting hands from my dress!
00:28:42Remove your disgusting hands from my dress!
00:28:45You're wrong!
00:28:49I want to buy this dress.
00:28:51What a pleasure, miss.
00:28:53Very well.
00:28:54Your bill is $100,000, please.
00:28:57$100,000 for a dress?
00:29:00It's hand-sewn in Italy...
00:29:02...and it's also made of 100% silk.
00:29:06Oh my God...
00:29:07...should I spend Santiago's money this way?
00:29:10I told you it wouldn't be enough... give it to me.
00:29:14To hell with it.
00:29:15I can't disappoint his grandfather.
00:29:26Thank you, miss.
00:29:28How the hell do you have a black?
00:29:31Oh, I know.
00:29:33You're a sugar baby.
00:29:35Of course.
00:29:36You prostituted yourself with a rich man.
00:29:39That's the only explanation.
00:29:42In case you don't know...
00:29:44...Amelia is engaged to a man...
00:29:46...who besides being very influential... very handsome.
00:29:49I don't know if you know him.
00:29:51His name is...
00:29:52...Santiago Villarreal.
00:29:58I don't know if you know him.
00:30:00His name is...
00:30:01...Santiago Villarreal.
00:30:04Do you really want me to believe...
00:30:06...that poor Amelia's fiancé... going to marry Santiago Villarreal?
00:30:12It's none of your business...
00:30:14...who she's engaged to.
00:30:17...your dress.
00:30:24Let's go, Sophie.
00:30:25Let's go.
00:30:26Wait, wait, wait.
00:30:29If you're really engaged to Santiago Villarreal...
00:30:32...prove it.
00:30:33Next weekend is the school reunion.
00:30:37...either you take him...
00:30:38...or I'll tell everyone...'re a disgusting liar.
00:30:42I don't have to prove anything to you, Fabiola.
00:30:44See you there, dear.
00:30:51Where are you, Isabela?
00:31:11So she was adopted.
00:31:19You look great!
00:31:21The doctor told me...
00:31:22...the clinical tests came out great.
00:31:24How do you feel?
00:31:25I'm hungry...
00:31:26...after a long time.
00:31:30You haven't told me... we managed to pay for all this.
00:31:33You know...
00:31:34...I got a job... an executive assistant...
00:31:37...and I asked for a raise...
00:31:39...and the medical benefits are...
00:31:42Really? Executive assistant?
00:31:44Congratulations, Amelia.
00:31:45You're doing great.
00:31:46You're breaking it.
00:31:47What am I breaking?
00:31:49Oh, no.
00:31:50Did I break something?
00:31:51Amelia, you have to go out more.
00:31:53It's a slang.
00:31:54It means you're doing great.
00:31:56I know, I live in a hospital.
00:32:09I'm home, Amelia.
00:32:11Did you cook?
00:32:13The house smells delicious.
00:32:25There's nothing in there!
00:32:27I swear!
00:32:35That was uncomfortable.
00:32:38Please, bring me dirt.
00:32:50It's delicious.
00:32:55Really, Amelia?
00:32:56I didn't see anything.
00:32:57We could not talk about this now.
00:33:05I was thinking...
00:33:07...that after dinner we could... a little homework.
00:33:11What homework?
00:33:12My grandfather's birthday is this weekend.
00:33:16Well, we have to clear up our history...
00:33:19...before we enter the snake pit.
00:33:28What if we play...
00:33:30...a game?
00:33:38First date.
00:33:40In the restaurant El Parrillaje.
00:33:43Okay, very good.
00:33:46Let's see.
00:33:47First kiss?
00:33:48At Disneyland...
00:33:50...under the artificial lights.
00:33:52Very good.
00:33:53Favorite food?
00:33:56Yes, very good.
00:33:58I don't remember.
00:33:59Don't tell me.
00:34:01Pizza with pineapple.
00:34:03I only remember because it's disgusting.
00:34:06It's disgusting!
00:34:10Favorite drink?
00:34:14What? Margarita?
00:34:16It surprises me that you think...
00:34:18...that margarita is my favorite drink.
00:34:21No, it's tequila con vinagre.
00:34:25So now you can drink.
00:34:27Okay, okay.
00:34:28But don't judge me...
00:34:30...that I'm not good with alcohol.
00:34:32No judging.
00:34:47What are you doing?
00:35:16What are you doing?
00:35:17What are you doing?
00:36:48All of this is pure fiction.
00:36:51Pure fiction.
00:37:00Hello, Sophie.
00:37:01Amelia, I see you at the bar.
00:37:03There's an emergency.
00:37:18We have to go to that stupid school reunion... week.
00:37:21That was your emergency?
00:37:23Yeah, duh.
00:37:24What else?
00:37:25I don't want to go.
00:37:26And like you said, it's stupid.
00:37:29I mean, I do have to go.
00:37:31That stupid Fabiola... putting in the group all the time...
00:37:34...that we're social climbers...
00:37:36...and liars.
00:37:37Okay, but...
00:37:38...she did that in high school.
00:37:40Let her talk.
00:37:41You're right.
00:37:42In high school she terrified us.
00:37:43But now...'s time to show that bitch...
00:37:46...who's who.
00:37:49Please, please, please.
00:37:51Okay, but...
00:37:52...I'm not going to ask Santi to come.
00:37:54That would be weird.
00:37:55Okay, but...
00:37:56...that's the point, right?
00:37:59Hi, beautiful.
00:38:06...I still have to take care of some things.
00:38:10...Amelia...'s nice to see you again.
00:38:15What the hell is this?
00:38:17What the hell?
00:38:18When were you going to tell me?
00:38:19Let's see...
00:38:20...I mean, when we met...
00:38:22...we hugged...
00:38:23...and then like ten times more.
00:38:28...are you dating?
00:38:29Let's see, no.
00:38:30It's not that I want to put a title or something like that...
00:38:32...we're going to let everything flow, but...
00:38:33...the important thing is that...
00:38:34...we're going to Diego's birthday party...
00:38:36...and I'm going to be there with him.
00:38:38So I'll see you there, best friend.
00:38:41Of course.
00:38:42But cheers, my dear.
00:38:58It looks like someone is having fun.
00:39:04Did you make a cake?
00:39:08I didn't know what to give your grandfather for his birthday.
00:39:11He's probably the richest man in the world.
00:39:14...I decided to make him a cake...
00:39:16...healthy and delicious.
00:39:22For doing something special for my grandfather.
00:39:24You didn't have to do it and...
00:39:27...that means a lot to me.
00:39:36You have...
00:39:38...a little...
00:40:07Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
00:40:10You should rest a little.
00:40:14I'll finish and go to bed.
00:40:22Good night, Amelia.
00:40:24Good night, Santiago.
00:40:38We have to go.
00:40:40Are you ready?
00:40:41I'm coming!
00:41:08How do I look?
00:41:10You look...
00:41:13You look beautiful.
00:41:34I'm sorry, I'm just a little nervous.
00:41:37What if we make a mistake?
00:41:39Don't worry.
00:41:41Everything will be fine.
00:41:42And well...
00:41:43If everything else fails...
00:41:45...just remember one thing.
00:41:54Pretend to be in love with me.
00:41:56Pretend to be in love with me.
00:42:05Are you looking for another glass of champagne?
00:42:06Can't you see that my glass is empty?
00:42:08Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry.
00:42:09I'll bring it right away.
00:42:10Oh my God!
00:42:11These low-class jerks are so impertinent.
00:42:14Mom, who cares about that?
00:42:17Where is Santiago?
00:42:18Why hasn't he arrived yet?
00:42:22Do I look good?
00:42:23Is my makeup okay?
00:42:25It's perfect, my love.
00:42:26Listen, remember what mom taught you.
00:42:29When he arrives, ask him where the bathroom is.
00:42:31Men love it when you ask them questions.
00:42:34It makes them feel like they have control.
00:42:40But what the hell is this?
00:42:42What? What's wrong?
00:42:51Who is that coming with Santiago?
00:42:55I don't know.
00:43:16There are a lot of people.
00:43:18Just smile.
00:43:19Everything will be fine.
00:43:23Of course.
00:43:29My grandson and his lovely girlfriend.
00:43:32Happy birthday, sir.
00:43:35Amelia made you a cake.
00:43:37We left it in the car, but we'll give it to you later.
00:43:42It's been so long since someone made me a cake.
00:43:48...Santi's grandmother died.
00:43:50Well, then the plane crash came and...
00:43:53...her parents died.
00:43:55And I had to raise him all by myself.
00:44:02Sorry, I'm sorry.
00:44:03I'm getting old.
00:44:05Santi told me.
00:44:07You did an excellent job raising him all by yourself, sir.
00:44:11Did he tell you?
00:44:12Once, when he was a kid, on his birthday, I took him to the grill... eat.
00:44:16And on the way home, he cried all the way.
00:44:19He cried because he found out that the meat was coming from the grill.
00:44:25He did the same.
00:44:26We went to the same restaurant...
00:44:28...and I thought it was funny that he ordered macarons with cheese and lobster...
00:44:31...instead of a ribeye.
00:44:33Very good, Amelia.
00:44:42Of course, of course.
00:44:48Of course, of course.
00:44:51Who is she?
00:44:53They are Sara and Nina Peralta.
00:44:55Friends of the family, business partners.
00:44:58Sara has tried to get me to marry her daughter...
00:45:01...since the last three years.
00:45:04...why haven't you done it?
00:45:07You'll see.
00:45:10Mrs. Peralta.
00:45:12Nice to see you again.
00:45:15Hi, Santi.
00:45:18You will be mine.
00:45:20I'd rather be run over by a truck.
00:45:29She is Amelia Cantu.
00:45:31My girlfriend.
00:45:34You have a girlfriend?
00:45:38Since when?
00:45:39Why didn't you tell me?
00:45:41It's been a few months, right?
00:45:44It's something recent, but we like to keep a low profile.
00:45:47So, Emilia, tell me...
00:45:54Your last name isn't from this city, is it?
00:45:57Where are your parents from?
00:45:59Are their businesses outside the country?
00:46:06Your last name isn't from this city, is it?
00:46:09Where are your parents from?
00:46:14Are their businesses outside the country?
00:46:16Why haven't I seen you before?
00:46:18Mrs. Peralta.
00:46:19I think those are personal questions.
00:46:22Santiago, please.
00:46:25I was practically your mother's best friend.
00:46:27And she's not here anymore.
00:46:29So, someone has to worry about you.
00:46:32I'm not like you.
00:46:34I come from a working middle class.
00:46:36Santi's grandfather knows that and doesn't seem to bother him.
00:46:40Santiago, why do you think that of me?
00:46:43Since when have I cared more about money than love, than values?
00:46:47That's right.
00:46:48And well, if you'll excuse us, we have to greet another guest.
00:47:10Do you know why I don't want to marry Nina?
00:47:14It was horrible.
00:47:20But you did it very well.
00:47:22You acted like a real Villarreal.
00:47:27I'm not like you.
00:47:28I come from a working middle class.
00:47:33It's supposed to be a birthday, Mr. Villarreal.
00:47:40Can I have a minute?
00:47:42I have to go do something quick.
00:47:44Can you go with Sofi and Diego?
00:47:46I'll look for you in a bit.
00:47:57I'm so sorry.
00:48:01It's okay.
00:48:11If you want, I can send your dress to the dyehouse.
00:48:14No, thank you.
00:48:15It's okay.
00:48:16Are you sure?
00:48:17In fact, I know the designer of that dress.
00:48:21I can buy you a new one.
00:48:23Because I guess it's the only designer dress you have, right?
00:48:28What are you trying to tell me?
00:48:30Say it.
00:48:31I'm trying to tell you to stay away from Santiago.
00:48:34Santiago is mine.
00:48:36And does Santiago know?
00:48:39The Peralta family and the Villarreal family have known each other for years.
00:48:43And we have a very solid commercial relationship.
00:48:47So you're nobody.
00:48:50Maybe I'm nobody.
00:48:51But I'm the woman Santiago wants.
00:48:53And that speaks more for you than for me.
00:48:56Maybe for now he likes Santiago.
00:48:59But believe me, he would never marry someone like you.
00:49:03You are not part of our world.
00:49:06We'll see.
00:49:11Amelia, where were you?
00:49:13I thought you were with Diego and Sofi.
00:49:15I just went to the bathroom.
00:49:16Okay, fine.
00:49:17Well, I just need you to promise me one thing.
00:49:21That you won't get mad.
00:49:30Hello everyone.
00:49:31Excuse me.
00:49:32Can you come here for a moment?
00:49:35Amelia, what's going on?
00:49:38I don't know.
00:49:39I have a very special surprise for my grandfather on his birthday.
00:49:44Diego, do you know what's going on?
00:49:46No, no idea.
00:49:48Every year he tells me that he feels that there are more important things in life than work.
00:49:58To be honest, I had no idea what he was talking about.
00:50:06Until I met Amelia.
00:50:09The first day I saw you at Diego's club, I knew you were the one.
00:50:19I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:50:26Amelia Cantu, do you want to make me the happiest man in the world?
00:50:44Do you want to marry me?
00:50:53Do you want to marry me?
00:51:01Say yes.
00:51:03Yes, yes.
00:51:05Of course.
00:51:21This is the best birthday gift in the world.
00:51:32What are you waiting for?
00:51:34Aren't you going to kiss the bride?
00:51:51You should have told me to prepare.
00:51:55The best lies are half-truths.
00:51:58You taught me that.
00:52:04I've never been so tired in my life.
00:52:09Me neither.
00:52:17Do you think your grandfather believed us?
00:52:25I think so.
00:52:27Your reaction was pretty good.
00:52:30I think so.
00:52:32Your reaction was pretty convincing.
00:52:35Yes, yes.
00:52:37Of course.
00:52:55Goodbye everyone.
00:52:57Thank you again for coming.
00:53:01Do you want to go back to the penthouse?
00:53:04No, let's go to the office.
00:53:08Wait, wait.
00:53:13Hi Ricardo.
00:53:16Yes, I saw the pictures.
00:53:20So, you didn't find anything suspicious?
00:53:23Well, they look like a normal couple in love,
00:53:27but I found it strange that there is no trace of them on social media.
00:53:31It may be that Santiago is a very reserved person.
00:53:36Good, good.
00:53:38Thank you, Ricardo.
00:53:42Take me to Santiago's house.
00:53:45Yes, sir.
00:53:54So, grandfather, why did you come?
00:53:58Well, you told me that Amelia had prepared a cake for me.
00:54:02Where is it?
00:54:04I won't be able to sleep well if I don't eat something first.
00:54:07Of course, we forgot it in the car.
00:54:10I'm going to get it right now.
00:54:20Grandfather, why did you really come?
00:54:24I already told you.
00:54:26I came to try the cake Amelia made for me.
00:54:29I don't believe you.
00:54:31It's okay.
00:54:33I came to check if Amelia and you really live together.
00:54:37You have a problem, did you know?
00:54:39You don't.
00:54:41Grandfather, Amelia's relationship with me is real.
00:54:45If you don't believe me, ask your private investigator you sent.
00:54:49You noticed.
00:54:50Well, it looks like I've taught you well.
00:54:57Santi, all I want is for you to be happy.
00:55:01Grandfather, I'm happy.
00:55:03Living to work won't make you happy.
00:55:06I'm telling you from experience.
00:55:08Don't make the same mistakes I did.
00:55:12There are much more important things in life than money.
00:55:20I think I'm just realizing it.
00:55:23Come on.
00:55:25It looks like the best decision I've made this year
00:55:29is to say goodbye to you.
00:55:48I think the best thing of the year is to say goodbye to you.
00:55:51I brought the cake!
00:55:56Grandfather, take your cake and take it home.
00:55:59No, we're not going to eat cake with your grandfather.
00:56:04It looks like someone has better manners than you, Santiago.
00:56:10Let's eat a slice of cake and then you go home.
00:56:17I have no intention of going to sleep at my house on my birthday.
00:56:20You have a lot of rooms here.
00:56:23Can't you leave one for your grandfather?
00:56:33This cake is delicious.
00:56:36I'm glad you liked it.
00:56:38Well, I'm going to sleep now.
00:56:42Wait, grandfather.
00:56:43Hey, Pablo.
00:56:45If you want, take the small guest room.
00:56:47Amelia has her things in the big one.
00:56:54Do you sleep in separate rooms?
00:57:00No, of course not.
00:57:02What happens is that I'm just getting comfortable
00:57:05and I left a couple of things in the room.
00:57:07That's all.
00:57:09I don't care what room it is.
00:57:10As long as it has a bed, I'm happy.
00:57:13Well, see you tomorrow.
00:57:19What do we do?
00:57:21Should I sneak into my room at night?
00:57:23No, no, no.
00:57:25Grandfather suspects.
00:57:27We're going to have to sleep together tonight.
00:57:37So this is your room.
00:57:55If you want, I'll sleep on the floor.
00:57:58No, no, no, Amelia.
00:58:00I have a king size bed.
00:58:02We both fit perfectly.
00:58:03You can just turn around.
00:58:06I'm going to change.
00:58:30You can turn around now.
00:58:45I don't want to bite you.
00:58:49Just this tea.
00:58:54Just this tea.
00:59:03Just this tea.
00:59:24Do you want Grandfather to believe us?
00:59:29What do you mean?
00:59:34Well, Grandfather is here, so we have to give him a show.
00:59:39On the count of three, Jimmy.
00:59:41We have to give him a show.
00:59:43On the count of three, Jimmy.
00:59:45One, three.
00:59:47Oh, Santi!
00:59:49Oh, Santi!
00:59:51Oh, Santi!
01:00:00The youth of today.
01:00:03The youth of today.
01:01:04What's up, Toby?
01:01:06Hi, boss. I have bad news.
01:01:09I was told that Alejandro Domenech will meet with the Vasquez today.
01:01:12Wait, what? Today?
01:01:14But Richard Plasser's offer is until March.
01:01:17I don't know, boss.
01:01:19But I think Domenech is making a move.
01:01:21Hey, can you come to the office today?
01:01:25I'm on it, Toby.
01:01:34Were you talking to someone on the phone?
01:01:36Where's your grandfather?
01:01:38He left.
01:01:46We're going to have to speed up the second phase.
01:01:49We have to get married.
01:02:03Mr. Domenech?
01:02:05Come in, Jess.
01:02:07The Vasquez will be here very soon to discuss the Plaza issue.
01:02:10Is everything ready?
01:02:12Yes, Mr. Domenech. I have prepared the meeting room and I have ordered the food.
01:02:16Thank you very much, really.
01:02:18I'm sorry you're here on a Sunday.
01:02:20As soon as the project is finished, I promise to give you a good bonus.
01:02:25I'm just doing my job.
01:02:27Another thing.
01:02:29Amelia Cantu, the girl who asked me to investigate.
01:02:31I tried to call her, but she didn't answer.
01:02:34And no one answered the doorbell when I went to her house.
01:02:37Damn it.
01:02:39Where could she be?
01:02:41I could ask Santiago.
01:02:43But the idiot won't tell me anything.
01:02:45But I investigated his name in our system just in case something came up.
01:02:50And indeed, he confirmed his attendance at one of our hotels for a reunion of former students.
01:02:56Jessica, you're a genius.
01:03:01Let's go.
01:03:12I still can't believe we're married.
01:03:22It all started as a contract.
01:03:24A fake marriage.
01:03:26But somehow, this now feels more real than ever.
01:03:30So, Mrs. Villarreal.
01:03:32I think this deserves a celebration.
01:03:35What's on your mind?
01:03:39I was forced to do this in the beginning because of my sister.
01:03:44But the weight of this ring...
01:03:47Now I feel it.
01:03:49Will Santiago feel the same?
01:03:59A YEAR LATER
01:04:14So, this is the restaurant where we had our first date?
01:04:22I thought that instead of faking all our memories, we could create some real ones.
01:04:28Oh, I see what you mean.
01:04:31The best lies are half-truths.
01:04:34You're so smart.
01:04:37We met at a club.
01:04:39Do you know the club Zafiro?
01:04:42Yes, yes, Diego's club.
01:04:44You saved me.
01:04:46The best lies are half-truths.
01:04:49I learned everything from the best.
01:04:53Let's go eat.
01:04:55I'm starving.
01:04:57I can't believe they have pineapple pizza here.
01:05:00Obviously, this isn't Italian.
01:05:02I had to try the cheese, which, by the way, is Italian.
01:05:06Imagine, he wanted to kill me when I asked him to put pineapple on his pizza.
01:05:10That's not true, you're making this up.
01:05:13I swear it's not.
01:05:28Thanks for the dinner.
01:05:31I haven't had such a good time since...
01:05:34before my parents passed away.
01:05:38At your service, miss.
01:05:43But yes, I understand you.
01:05:46I've been working non-stop for the last three years on the project for the square.
01:05:53If it weren't for my grandfather firing me,
01:05:56I'd probably be sitting in my office now, on a Sunday afternoon.
01:06:00Are you really that addicted to work?
01:06:03What's the point of being a multimillionaire
01:06:06if you spend your time working and don't have time to enjoy yourself?
01:06:11I ask myself the same thing.
01:06:15this project means a lot to me.
01:06:18This project was my father's dream.
01:06:20And, well,
01:06:22since he died, it was cancelled.
01:06:26Three years ago, the government finally approved it again,
01:06:30and, well, I've been working on it since then.
01:06:33Until your grandfather fired you.
01:06:42Artificial games?
01:06:44Artificial games?
01:06:50Do you remember where we said it was our first kiss?
01:06:57Under the artificial games.
01:07:05Let's create real memories.
01:07:14I love you.
01:07:20I love you, too.
01:07:50Are you sure about this?
01:07:52The contract.
01:07:54Fuck the contract.
01:07:56It's more than obvious.
01:07:58So, you need a baby to get your job back, right?
01:08:04we have to make one.
01:08:06I'm starting to want this to be real.
01:08:09Why can't it be?
01:08:10You're right.
01:08:15you're mine.
01:08:32I think you should talk to your grandfather to get your job back.
01:08:37I don't think so.
01:08:39I don't think so.
01:08:41He must be convinced that he wanted to inherit me first.
01:08:46You'll never know until you try.
01:08:57You're right.
01:08:59I won't forgive him for trying.
01:09:02But first,
01:09:04let's show some respect.
01:09:06You're tickling me.
01:09:15The fact that you got married
01:09:18doesn't mean that I'm going to give you your job back.
01:09:22That wasn't the deal.
01:09:24The deal was for you to have an heir.
01:09:27All due time, grandfather, but...
01:09:30I need to get my job back.
01:09:35you know how important the Plaza project is to me.
01:09:38You know how important it was for my father.
01:09:44Just tell me one thing, Santiago.
01:09:48Do you really love Amelia?
01:09:58With all my heart.
01:10:05Of course, yes.
01:10:07With all my heart.
01:10:11I agree.
01:10:13You agree?
01:10:16Do you agree in the sense that you're going to give me my job back?
01:10:21From now on, you're officially reinstated as
01:10:24Executive Director
01:10:27of Villacol.
01:10:30thank you.
01:10:31Thank you, thank you.
01:10:36Don't disappoint me.
01:10:57Now it's in your hands, son.
01:11:09But what are you doing here?
01:11:14Well, I propose a toast for the Executive Director of Villacol.
01:11:19Congratulations, brother.
01:11:23You're more efficient than Alejandro Domenec.
01:11:26Well, Alejandro Domenec's grandfather isn't the president of his company.
01:11:30That's why I think he's lucky.
01:11:32Well, I admit it, I admit it.
01:11:34I'm a pretty lucky guy.
01:11:37Especially for having you guys as friends
01:11:40and for helping me keep this secret.
01:11:44Well, although what started as a fake relationship
01:11:48ended up being much more than that.
01:11:56Get a room.
01:11:58For friendship.
01:11:59And because you got your job back.
01:12:05Well, and now that we're together,
01:12:07I think you could join us for a meeting we have soon, right?
01:12:11Let's see, let's see.
01:12:12Tell me more.
01:12:14What was mine?
01:12:17Fake relationship?
01:12:34Fake relationship?
01:12:55Do you think Amelia is really engaged to Santiago Villarreal?
01:12:59Of course not.
01:13:00She's lying.
01:13:02Do you think a poor girl like Amelia
01:13:04could get engaged to a guy like Santiago?
01:13:07Well, I think we all know that you poor people
01:13:10can't afford to buy this dress.
01:13:12You're wrong.
01:13:14You don't believe me, honey?
01:13:15Of course.
01:13:16I don't even remember her.
01:13:19She was the nerd, right?
01:13:22No style.
01:13:23Oh, how rude, honey.
01:13:25Well, but I heard the rumor that
01:13:27Santiago asked someone to marry him
01:13:29last weekend on his grandfather's birthday.
01:13:31I don't know if it's true or not.
01:13:33Look, if it's true or not,
01:13:35it's not Amelia.
01:13:37She probably didn't even come here.
01:13:39Because all this, I think it's a lie.
01:13:42What a lie!
01:14:02What do you think?
01:14:03Where is your promised imaginary
01:14:05Santiago Villarreal?
01:14:09In fact.
01:14:11He's taking care of some things in the office.
01:14:14Yes, of course.
01:14:15And now you're going to tell me he's not coming?
01:14:17You're a liar, Amelia.
01:14:19You're a liar.
01:14:20You're a liar.
01:14:21You're a liar.
01:14:22You're a liar.
01:14:23You're a liar.
01:14:24You're a liar.
01:14:25You're a liar.
01:14:26You're a liar.
01:14:27You're a liar.
01:14:28You're a liar.
01:14:29You're a liar.
01:14:30You're a liar, Amelia.
01:14:32I don't care, Fabiola.
01:14:34Honestly, I don't care.
01:14:36The only reason I came here today
01:14:39is to tell you that I've had enough
01:14:41of your bullshit.
01:14:43Don't you get tired?
01:14:45It's been five years since we left school
01:14:48and you're still talking badly about me.
01:14:50It looks like you're obsessed, right?
01:14:52You think?
01:14:53And if we find out everything they say,
01:14:56there will be consequences.
01:15:01Well, at least Fabiola is successful.
01:15:05On the other hand, you two losers.
01:15:08Fabiola and Claudio work for the company
01:15:10of Alejandro Domenech
01:15:12because clearly you couldn't have paid for this place.
01:15:16That's right.
01:15:17You two losers don't even have a job.
01:15:20Sorry to interrupt.
01:15:21The special tequila you ordered.
01:15:23We didn't order this.
01:15:25It was our boss, Alejandro Domenech.
01:15:28He's the guy from last time.
01:15:32What is he doing here?
01:15:37He's our executive director.
01:15:39Is he here to say hello?
01:15:41I think so.
01:15:42It's probably because of my promotion.
01:15:44I can't believe I'm on the radar
01:15:46of our executive director.
01:15:58Mr. Domenech, thank you very much for the drinks.
01:16:01If this is for my recent promotion, then...
01:16:04Excuse me, who are you?
01:16:06Mr. Domenech, I'm Claudio James, your vice president.
01:16:12I have more than 100 vice presidents in the company.
01:16:15I'm sorry if I don't know your name.
01:16:18Miss Cantu, welcome to my hotel.
01:16:22Miss Cantu, welcome to my hotel.
01:16:30Come with me for a drink.
01:16:41Come with me for a drink.
01:16:44Look, Fabio is looking at her.
01:16:46It's your moment, you have to do it.
01:16:48Everyone is looking at you.
01:16:52I chose the path, Mr. Domenech.
01:16:58I've been waiting for this for so long.
01:17:02How can I help you, Mr. Domenech?
01:17:04I just want to get to know you a little.
01:17:06That's all.
01:17:09I told you before.
01:17:10You look a lot like the person I met.
01:17:12Someone important to me.
01:17:15How many women have I told you that, Mr. Domenech?
01:17:18Amelia, you're confused.
01:17:20Well, let's get straight to the point.
01:17:24I need her to take her glass so she can do a DNA test.
01:17:29Do you think we should drink first?
01:17:31You look a little tense.
01:17:34If you don't tell me something important now,
01:17:36the conversation ends right here.
01:17:41If you don't tell me something important now,
01:17:43the conversation ends right here.
01:17:46Let me go!
01:17:47Hey, hey, hey, Alejandro!
01:17:48What the hell is wrong with you?
01:17:50Get away from my wife!
01:17:52Did Santiago arrive?
01:17:53Did you just say, wife?
01:17:55This isn't real!
01:17:56I told you.
01:18:00Do you have a problem?
01:18:01Did you marry this jerk?
01:18:03It's none of your business who I marry.
01:18:08The drink you wanted me to drink.
01:18:10Let's go.
01:18:12I already have his hair.
01:18:14Now I just need to do a DNA test.
01:18:18So you don't know Alejandro Menech?
01:18:21Not at all.
01:18:23It's very strange.
01:18:24He keeps telling me that I remind him of someone
01:18:27that I used to know.
01:18:29I'm sure he likes that jerk.
01:18:32You think?
01:18:34I don't know.
01:18:35You think?
01:18:37I don't know.
01:18:43I don't feel like he's trying to seduce me.
01:18:46It's more like...
01:18:48Like he's confused.
01:18:50Like he's trying to solve an internal confusion.
01:18:57Whatever it is,
01:18:58stay away from him.
01:19:01You're mine.
01:19:05You're mine.
01:19:19The results are here.
01:19:25Twenty years.
01:19:29I've been disappointed so many times.
01:19:35Please, God.
01:19:59She's my sister.
01:20:03Amelia is my sister.
01:20:05I'm sorry.
01:20:14Although, well...
01:20:15This is a false relationship.
01:20:18Mr. Villarreal,
01:20:19it's not just a false relationship.
01:20:21I also discovered...
01:20:25Amelia was hired by Madame X for Santiago.
01:20:29They signed a contract.
01:20:32Who is Madame X?
01:20:34She owns a escort service.
01:20:38Amelia Cantu
01:20:40is a high-level escort.
01:20:43A high-level escort.
01:20:48Mr. Villarreal?
01:21:00I'm sorry.
01:21:10I'm sorry.
01:21:11There's nothing we can do.
01:21:13You should say goodbye.
01:21:14No, no, no.
01:21:15It's not possible.
01:21:16My grandfather was healthy.
01:21:18To be honest,
01:21:19he's been fighting against a terminal cancer
01:21:21for the last year.
01:21:30That's why you did it.
01:22:03I know the truth.
01:22:06I'm sorry.
01:22:08I'm very sorry, grandfather.
01:22:13Don't make the same mistake I made.
01:22:18Money doesn't buy happiness.
01:22:30That's what matters.
01:22:39Love each other.
01:22:41And always respect each other.
01:22:47We will, grandfather.
01:23:25If I can't have you,
01:23:27I'll destroy both of you.
01:23:44How dare you keep showing up here?
01:23:54If you were the reason
01:23:55why Santiago's grandfather is dead...
01:24:00I think everyone here wants to know
01:24:01how he got a heart attack, right?
01:24:04And I'm going to tell you.
01:24:07Amelia is an orphan.
01:24:09She left the orphanage
01:24:10and sold herself to Santiago.
01:24:12That's right.
01:24:13She pretended to be his fake wife.
01:24:17That hurt your grandfather a lot.
01:24:19And that's why he died.
01:24:21And you are liars and swindlers.
01:24:24Shut up, Nina.
01:24:26You're at my grandfather's funeral.
01:24:27Have some respect.
01:24:29And where's your respect for you?
01:24:32For choosing an escort instead of me?
01:24:35Shut up, Nina.
01:24:40How dare you say that about my sister?
01:24:48Santiago, I'm very sorry.
01:24:50Isn't that Alejandro Domenech?
01:24:53Don't the Domenechs and Villareals
01:24:54have problems with each other?
01:24:57Alejandro Domenech has a sister?
01:25:00If you disrespect my sister again,
01:25:03you'll get into a lot of trouble like the Domenechs.
01:25:05I don't just have time and money.
01:25:08And believe me,
01:25:09I love playing dirty.
01:25:11Mr. Domenech,
01:25:12this must be a misunderstanding.
01:25:14I told you it wasn't a good idea.
01:25:16Let's go.
01:25:17I don't want to see you near me again.
01:25:21Consider all our contracts canceled.
01:25:24Without Villareal or Domenech
01:25:25working with you in the city,
01:25:27your company was worthless.
01:25:35We need to talk.
01:25:47I can't believe it.
01:25:50I know how you feel, Amelia.
01:25:53And the evidence is there.
01:25:54Wait, wait.
01:25:56How did you find him
01:25:57after all these years?
01:25:59I mean,
01:26:00especially having the power
01:26:02and influence of your entire family.
01:26:04It's a long story.
01:26:06Our parents...
01:26:08I should say,
01:26:09our father
01:26:11had an affair with the babysitter.
01:26:13When she got pregnant,
01:26:15he abandoned her.
01:26:18As revenge,
01:26:19she kidnapped us both.
01:26:23You killed me today.
01:26:26I should have protected you.
01:26:29And instead,
01:26:30I fled like a coward.
01:26:38I was eight years old.
01:26:40You were three.
01:26:41When he kidnapped us,
01:26:42I jumped out the window.
01:26:45I should have taken you with me,
01:26:47but I couldn't.
01:26:53You were only eight years old.
01:26:57It's not your fault.
01:27:10Do you believe me?
01:27:14It's hard not to believe you.
01:27:17Everything makes sense,
01:27:19and the DNA test is irrefutable.
01:27:24I have so many doubts, brother.
01:27:27My sister.
01:27:28Move to our house.
01:27:30I'll answer all your doubts.
01:27:32Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:27:33I understand that I'm your lost sister,
01:27:35but she's still my wife.
01:27:40I love you.
01:27:50I can't believe you're doing the Plaza project with a Domenech.
01:27:54You're married to a Domenech.
01:28:00You know.
01:28:34It's incredible!
01:28:38What did he say?
01:28:40It's Gen Z slang.
01:28:41It's a whole new language.
01:28:48It smells horrible!
01:28:50Don't you smell it?
01:28:53Does it smell bad?
01:28:54Did you order your favorite pineapple pizza
01:28:56to celebrate the high Adrenaline level at the hospital?
01:28:59No, no, no, no, no.
01:29:01No, it smells like...
01:29:03rotten eggs.
01:29:04Rotten eggs?
01:29:06But it smells like pizza, it smells delicious.
01:29:10Wait, Amelia, are you pregnant?