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prayer _ Worship _ Help the poor _ Helping orphans in Quran 🌹

Keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, and bow your heads [in worship] with those who bow theirs. 2:43

Do you command mankind to benignancy and forget yourselves, and you recite the Book? Do you then not consider? 2:44

And seek help in patience and prayer; and surely it is indeed great (i.e., formidable, hard) except for the submissive. 2:45

Who expect that they are meeting their Lord and that to Him they are returning. 2:46

Remember when We took a pledge from the Children of Israel: ‘Worship none but God; be good to your parents and kinsfolk, to orphans and the poor; speak good words to all people; keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms.’ Then all but a few of you turned away and paid no heed.


And keep up the prayer and bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and whatever charity you forward for yourselves, you will find it in the Providence of Allah; surely Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do. 2:110

And who is more unjust than he who prevents (praying in) the mosques of Allah so that His Name be not mentioned in them, and endeavors (diligently) for their ruin? Those can in no way enter them except in fear, for them is disgrace in the present life (Literally: The lowly, i.e., the life of this world) and in the Hereafter they will have a tremendous torment. 2:114

So, remember Me, (and) I will remember you; and give thanks to Me; and do not disbelieve Me. 2:152

O you who have believed, seek help in patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient.

It is not benignancy that you turn your faces around in the direction of East and West; but benignancy is (in him) who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and brings wealth in spite of his love for it (Or: offers out of love for Him) to near kinsmen, and the orphans, and the indigent, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and (to ransom) necks, (i.e. captives "slaves") and keeps up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (i.e. pay the poor-dues) and they who fulfil their covenant when they have covenanted, and the patient (ones) in misery and tribulation, and while in violence; (i.e. during fighting) those are (they) who act sincerely, and those are they who are the pious. 2:177

Spend in God’s cause: do not contribute to your destruction with your own hands, but do good, for God loves those who do good. 2:195

on this world and the next. They ask you about [the property of] orphans: say, ‘It is good to set things right for them. If you combine their affairs with yours, remember they are your brothers and sisters: God knows those who spoil things and those who improve them. Had He so willed, He could have made you vulnerable too: He is almighty and wise.’ 2|220

Take care to do your prayers, praying in the best way, and stand before God in devotion. 2:238

plz study : https://qr.ae/ps0k5M


