الدعاء والقرآن_dua and Quran

الدعاء والقرآن_dua and Quran

Muslim supplications
Muslim supplications. Member of the Readers Syndicate in the Arab Republic of Egypt, an Islamic channel specialized in broadcasting the Holy Qur’an, religious supplications, Islamic songs, and legal ruqyah. ? Do not forget to support this video by liking and subscribing to the channel to encourage us to continue publishing more supplications, Quranic recitations and religious songs. And worldly things that will help you move forward towards a better and more beautiful life, God willing
السلام عليكم أصدقاء الكرام ، مرحبًا بكم في قناتي علي اليوتيوب ( الدعاء والقرآن_dua and Quran )
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