00:00So yesterday I was running solos and I made my way over to lone wolf layer and you'll never believe who I ran into
00:06Is that bush season?
00:08Wait, and once I got his attention he came over to me is this fucking comma and then did this
00:16And that made me pretty upset so then I loaded into my next game and ran into another streamer
00:22And after missing my first shot, I decided to hop back in my car and reload my guns
00:26But then I realized that he had something that I wanted this guy probably has the mythic
00:30So then I decided to turn back around and go find him and once I found him hiding behind this tree
00:34We exchanged some shots before he shock waved on me and then he decided to hop in my car
00:39But even though he got in the car, we could still pickaxe him
00:42But he seemed to know what he was doing and after he pumped me I was pretty weak
00:46So then I decided to play passenger princess and then start shooting the car, but he didn't like that
00:50So he hopped out of the car a few times and then tried to hit me, but I wasn't gonna let that happen