One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson advises Australians to “beware” of who they are voting for.
Ms Hanson’s comments are in relation to politicians supporting immigration from Gaza.
“We’re headed for serious problems in this country if we elect Labor and Greens government again,” she said.
Ms Hanson’s comments are in relation to politicians supporting immigration from Gaza.
“We’re headed for serious problems in this country if we elect Labor and Greens government again,” she said.
00:00Let's get stuck into the week's biggest stories with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and
00:04Liberal Senator Alex Antic.
00:06Great to see you both.
00:07Listen, I'm going to kick straight off that.
00:09As I said, I don't have the words to describe the full horror of that despicable display
00:14of returning dead babies in coffins with people cheering and carrying on.
00:19We've now learned that one of the bodies, the bodies of the mother, is not her.
00:24The depravity just goes lower and lower.
00:25It sickens me.
00:26I find it revolting to even talk about.
00:29But I want to ask you both, starting with you, Pauline, why on earth are we letting
00:33people from Gaza, from those communities, come into Australia?
00:38I keep asking the same question, Rowan, and this is what I've said on the floor of Parliament.
00:44We should not allow these 3,000 into the country.
00:47And I hope if Dutton becomes Prime Minister that he will revoke those visas and send them
00:51straight back where they're coming from.
00:52The other countries like mine, Islamic countries, don't want them anywhere near them.
00:56They haven't taken one of them.
00:58So people must understand, these people are cheering.
01:01Kids are out there, children out there, cheering these coffins of these, you know, of these
01:06young children.
01:07It is abhorrent.
01:09And this is where the Labor-Greens government, don't leave the Greens out of this.
01:14On the floor of Parliament, they have actually protested for Palestine.
01:18And this is what we are voting into our Parliament.
01:20So what I say to people is, beware of who you're voting for.
01:25This is not the country that we want to hand on to future generations.
01:29It's division.
01:30It's divisive.
01:31It is not compatible with our culture, our way of life.
01:34And we're indebted for serious problems in this country.
01:38If we get elect, Labor-Greens government again, with some of these independents and payment
01:43as well.
01:44She started up her own political party, have no doubt there's over 800,000 Muslims on the
01:50census of the 2021 census, which is probably a lot more now.
01:54So I'm telling you, they have the opportunity now of getting the Senator elected for New
01:58South Wales, if they actually vote.
02:01Well, Alex, Pauline mentioned compatibility.
02:06I want to play you this clip from Giorgio Maloney, the brilliant Prime Minister of Italy.
02:10Just have a listen here.
02:11Io penso che ci sia un problema di compatibilità tra la cultura islamica o certa interpretazione
02:16della cultura islamica e i diritti e i valori della nostra civiltà.
02:20So Alex, is there a compatibility problem between Islam and Western civilisations?
02:26And if there is, what are politicians doing about it that the ordinary citizen has no
02:31control over?
02:32Yeah, well, Ron, I think the first thing to say is that I think that that's the case at
02:38many hurdles in government at the moment, that the voices of people on the street are
02:42not being heard.
02:43If they were, we wouldn't be seeing things like we're seeing here in SA with the government
02:47intervening in the YLA crisis.
02:49People just want cheap power and that's what's caused it ultimately.
02:52But look, I think this comes back to one of the things we've talked about for years on
02:57We want people, as my grandma used to say, a person who came to this country from an
03:01Eastern European country to be on the team.
03:04That is the simple and utter bottom line.
03:07That's why John Howard introduced the citizenship test.
03:11And I think we do have to raise questions about what is the purpose of immigration is
03:16to make Australia a better place.
03:17It certainly doesn't seem to be working in Europe at the moment.
03:20I mean, Sweden is now one of the most dangerous countries on the planet for young women walking
03:27the streets at night where it used to be the safest.
03:29So it's clearly not working.
03:31And I think we do have to be very, very careful in this country.
03:33I think wherever we're looking to take people from countries that foster extreme ideologies,
03:40we've got a problem.
03:41So I'm very concerned about it.
03:43That overlays the issue of just the overall numbers.
03:45This government's taken one point five million people since the election in, which is far
03:51too much, particularly in places like Western Sydney and in Melbourne, where the infrastructure
03:55is already under stress.
03:56So there are a myriad of issues that arise out of this.
04:00Compatibility is certainly one.
04:01Well, Pauline, I also am horrified that we're bringing in Gazans.
04:05We've discussed that.
04:06But at the same time, we don't bring in, for example, the South African Boers who are literally
04:11being a threat of being murdered in their own lands.
04:15Why aren't we opening the floodgates to African farmers who would come here, enrich our land,
04:20be part of, you know, fit in with us, our way of life and contribute vast amounts of
04:27knowledge and skills that this country needs?
04:31It's just not the Boers.
04:33The Boers is the Netherlands word for farmer, whereas the Afrikaner is basically the white
04:41South African who's not the farmer.
04:43So they're the ones that want to come out here.
04:45I've spoken about this on the floor of Parliament.
04:47I thought, why are we bringing in these ones who are Muslim background, Islamics from some
04:53of these African countries when we're not looking after the white South Africans who
04:58are being persecuted?
04:59I've got a South African, white South African, cestron law.
05:05So she escaped that country.
05:08Her house was raided, you know, from these people there in fear of her life.
05:12They've actually got them now in refugee camps.
05:15They can't get jobs.
05:16The white South Africans can't get jobs.
05:19So they're denied the right to work.
05:21Then they're in fear for their lives.
05:23Cars are being hijacked.
05:24Women are being raped.
05:26And we're not bringing them in.
05:27And we're bringing in these other people from Gaza, these other countries.
05:30We need to bring these people in from South Africa to this country.
05:35And it is ridiculous that we haven't.
05:38Why aren't they doing it?
05:40Alex, do you believe Tony Burke when he says that he's only bringing in vast numbers of
05:47rushing through vast numbers of citizens into the western suburbs of Sydney out of patriotism?
05:53Is this not a citizen stacking, Alex?
05:56Well, it would be interesting to know how many citizenship ceremonies of this number
06:01in particular that have been prevailed over or presided over by the minister over the
06:06last non-sitting weeks, parliamentary sitting weeks.
06:09And he says, well, whenever I get the opportunity, I like the opportunity to do this.
06:13It's convenient how it's probably the last non-sitting period before an election, isn't it?
06:17So, I mean, ultimately, that's a matter for Tony Burke to prosecute out there.
06:22But from the outset, it looks to me like a rush in order to get people signed up.
06:29And look, I don't know what the minister's thinking, but I'd love to know what he was
06:34been doing in the last three years and whether or not there's been this great rush to preside
06:38over citizenship ceremonies over that period, too.
06:41I'd be very surprised.
06:42And just very quickly, I want to ask you both on Russia-Ukraine.
06:46What are your thoughts, Pauline, on the Trump-Russia-Ukraine deal so far?
06:50My opinion is it's not finished yet.
06:51We can't judge it till it's done.
06:53But what are your thoughts at the moment, briefly?
06:56Look, I'm sick and tired of seeing people in wars and instant lives being lost.
07:01The whole fact is I hope Trump can sit down with Putin and come to a conclusion with this
07:06and that they actually come to an end with the war.
07:09I think it's ridiculous the way it's going.
07:11And I think there's a lot of things that need to be answered with regard to it.
07:15But I feel for the people.
07:16Alex, 10 seconds.
07:17Yeah, look, I think the most stark thing that's come out of this for me, Rowan, has been the
07:22fact that we are seeing a real estate negotiator, Steve Whitoff, who's gone in and sorted this
07:27out, or at least in preliminary terms, quicker than any egghead diplomat could ever think
07:33That's what we're seeing out of the Trump administration pragmatism.
07:36There we go.
07:38Alex and Pauline, great to chat to you both.
07:39Thank you so much.