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(Adnkronos) - La piattaforma ‘In buona salute’ “è fantastica perché, indipendentemente da dove la paziente si trovi, può avere a sua disposizione una piattaforma” che offre “personale specializzato, autorevole e disponibile. È una soluzione innovativa, facile e accessibile a un problema concreto”. Lo ha detto Rosanna D’Antona, presidente di Europa Donna Italia, all’incontro con la stampa organizzato all’università Statale di Milano, per presentare ‘In buona salute’, la prima piattaforma online di psiconcologia in Italia (inbuonasalute.eu) nata per supportare, da remoto, pazienti, caregiver e operatori sanitari nel percorso di cura in chi ha avuto una diagnosi di tumore.


00:00It is a very important help, really very important, and it is a solution that we not only host, but that we welcome with great interest.
00:14So, the starting point is precisely this. Last year we did a research in the Brest regions, that is, in the places of care where, according to international guidelines,
00:25there should be the figure of the permanent psychologist. From our survey on the main regions, it turned out that the permanent psychologist,
00:36who is available to all patients, etc., is only in 34% of cases. So, you understand that having a need, because there is a need,
00:47and an answer so limited, physically, let's say, is a limit. So, instead, this solution of, now COVID has taught us to interact with digital means,
01:01well, this solution is fantastic, because regardless of where the patient is, he can have at his disposal, on a personalized, authoritative platform,
01:13and available at the time of planning, where the path will be agreed with the doctor directly. So, welcome to this platform, we are very happy.
