00:00George start with the team that underachieved a little bit last year. I think that's definitely
00:03fair to say the Phillies were a team that I picked to go to the World Series last season
00:07and they certainly fell short of that but that doesn't mean from a fantasy perspective that they
00:12aren't loaded. In fact they have a starting lineup one through nine that are all pretty much going to
00:18get drafted in all leagues maybe with the exception of you see the six hitter and the eight hitter
00:22and Max Kepler who came over from the twins and Brandon Marsh who is somewhat of a platooner
00:27but you look at the top of that lineup and between Schwarber and Turner and Harper Castellanos
00:34Alec Boehm JT Real Muto may not be the number one catcher in fantasy anymore but he's still
00:39up there and then you have Bryson Stott I think he was playing with an injury all last season
00:43was playing fantastic and then he you know just kind of tailed off at the end of the season but
00:48getting shares as we would say of Phillies is probably a good way to go as a high-powered
00:52offense. Not to mention they're playing a band box right pretty small ballpark there as well
00:57this team is loaded. Listen the Dodgers are the best team in baseball I think we all know that
01:03are the Phillies number two I mean I think you can make that argument crank the Phillies are
01:06the second best team in baseball here so it's a good squad here we're hearing noise that they
01:11might have Trey Turner batting first and not Schwarber we'll see how that works out not that
01:16that changes things dramatically there but I can sort of see that maybe a lineup to do a little
01:21lefty righty lefty righty thing works out a little better if Turner's batting first rather than
01:25uh uh rather than Schwarber I don't really see it personally but whatever uh it's a very good lineup
01:30here. Schwarber, Turner, Harper all the time gonna be top pick. Schwarber's gonna hit a million home
01:35runs. Schwarber is very you know he's either hot or he's cold he's either got seven home runs in
01:40like four games or he's gonna go over 30 so he will drive you crazy you have to wait that out.
01:45Castellanos okay he's probably more of an outfielder three outfielder four he's gonna
01:49draft later uh you I was gonna ask you about Raul Muto by the way I think you said it he's no longer
01:54a top catcher you know he I have him ranked more like sixth seventh which is hard to believe here
01:59but he's not the guy he used to be you know with all in all they're gonna score a lot of runs like
02:04the Philly lineup here I don't have an issue with them uh would draft pretty much any one of them
02:08uh maybe not Kepler. I think Kepler's probably the only guy I uh probably don't want let's
02:12admit it really deeply maybe an extra outfielder I don't have much faith in him. Yeah I mean never
02:17really came into his own with the twins let's also not forget they have Johan Rojas who does
02:22play a lot so I would guess that he'll play sometimes when Marsh does not sometimes he'll
02:26play when Max Kepler does not and by the way Castellanos sometimes doesn't play the outfield
02:30sometimes he DHs and Schwarber plays the outfield although it is rare it does end up happening and
02:35as far as you know Raul Muto is concerned I mean again when you get to this age and you're still a
02:39catcher and and George I think that JT is still gonna catch for a number of years but it wouldn't
02:44shock me eventually to see him move to another position maybe first base maybe designated hitter
02:49eventually uh but yeah I mean look they still have who was the number one or number two pick
02:54in fantasy last year and Trey Turner no longer the number one or number two pick like Otani or
02:58Bobby Wood Jr. but maybe that's where you jump in on the value because if you extrapolate Turner
03:03stats without being hurt he's a 30-30 guy pretty much every season 155 games for Trey Turner
03:10is a first round pick in fantasy baseball but he's dropped off just a little bit because of
03:16the injuries that he's had I know he also reported late to camp that really shouldn't matter because
03:20the games start this weekend it's a really strong lineup that the Phillies have and as George
03:25mentioned six seven guys in this lineup you really can't go wrong as far as the starting pitching is
03:30concerned it's another strength of the team and they did add a starting pitcher this offseason
03:35as they traded for Miami's Jesus Lozardo so to go along with Zach Wheeler and Aaron Nola
03:40Rangers Suarez came into his own last season and has become a star they also have Christopher
03:45Sanchez there too and so if we're doing the righty lefty righty thing that's how that rotation would
03:49look but you know it's possible Nola's number two and Wheeler's number one uh going into the season
03:55but you know Phillies stacked from top to bottom and George I think the Lozardo trade just kind of
04:00stamped home where they are we really don't know what the future holds but they're playing to win
04:05immediately and this sort of is a great uh number three starter I think probably on this team or a
04:12number four starter on this team Lozardo always has a great name but the numbers haven't always
04:17been there necessarily for him he's really just had one fantastic season the rest have just been
04:21kind of injury riddled uh but easy trade to make when you're looking at a number four number three
04:26starter in your rotation absolutely all right now I think when I look at Lozardo I think okay
04:31good news he finally goes to a uh I said I'm not trying to make fun of the Athletics of
04:35Marlins not yet anyway but uh he finally goes to a winning team right goes to the Phillies but
04:39you're also now pitching for the most part uh in a hitter's ballpark you know you're not pitching
04:44in the Coliseum or the uh or Miami there so uh it might take a little bit getting used to that
04:49but you're gonna get runs you're gonna get support here so that should make you relax a little bit
04:53it's hard not to lie it's deep right wheel is an ace right up top top five starting pitcher in
04:58fantasy I would have him ranked higher than that but we'll give him top five so we can settle the
05:01arguments there uh I do have some doubts about Nola you know and he scares because I know I'm
05:05gonna eat it a couple of times in my draft he's gonna have some bad games there uh then you have
05:09the death there Suarez, Lozardo, Sanchez, Painter waiting for him right when's he gonna be that guy
05:16let me ask you a philosophical question when guys like this when you drafted him when you
05:22asked him when I painted the uh and how many would you draft in a league you know I do two I just
05:28think that with the the trade of Lozardo I mean it stunted the growth a little bit there it just
05:33shows you that Philly wants to win right now and they're not gonna wait even if they have a top
05:36prospect to pitch um is he gonna start for the Phillies this year a hundred percent these five
05:42names who we just showed you how long are they gonna be one through five I don't know end of
05:47April maybe maybe May I mean this is the way baseball is guys get hurt I don't wish that
05:51it's just true